Nota di contenuto |
Evolution of Thought about Custody Decisions: The Last 100 Years -- (Case 1) Dr. Blue Eyes: Dreams That Turned into Nightmares -- (Case 2) Mr. Bob Straight: I Promised Myself I Would Be a Good Dad -- (Case 3) Dr. Jorge Perez: Promises Made, Promises Kept, Until Forever Was Too Long -- (Case 4) Mr. Reuben Guy: The Nastiness Never Stopped -- Case 5) Dr. Ron Dedicated: Why Can’t Judges be trained to “Do No Harm” and really be “Just” -- (Case 6) Mr. Bill Brogan: Feeling Trapped, Escaping and the Big Lie -- (Case 7) Mr. Terry Kelly: Saga of Betrayal and a Father’s Unwavering Devotion -- (Case 8) Mr. Gene Goodman: My Life Revolves Around My Kids Now -- (Case 9) Dr. Ari Regis: The Relentless Demands and Criticism Never Cease! -- (Case 10) Mr. Arturo Miguel: How the Courts’ Rigidity Deprives Dads and Their Kids of Each Other’s Companionship and Love -- (Case 11) Mr. Hy Hopes: The Fallout of “Crazy in Love” -- (Case 12) Dr. Zack Determined: It’s a Strange World After All -- (Case Unlucky 13): My Greatest Loss -- on Cases: How Outcomes Might Have Been Different if Other Services or Professionals Had Been Utilized -- Divorce Therapy, Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Divorce -- A Different Lawyer: A Different Result -- Family Evaluation in Custody Litigation: Reducing Risks of Devastating Relationships -- Parenting Coordination -- The Role of the Child Advocate -- Why Can Some Individuals Share Their Children While Others Can’t, or Won’t? Is Personality a Major Key? -- Harken All Professionals Involved in the Tragedy of Divorce! The Urgency of Humanizing the Legal, Judicial, and Psychological Aspects of Divorce -- Appendix I – Questionnaire Administered to Divorced Dads -- Appendix II –Model of Stages in the Divorce Process -- Appendix III – Divorce Ceremony. .