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Binocular vision [[electronic resource] ] : development, depth perception, and disorders / / editors, Jacques McCoun and Lucien Reeves
Binocular vision [[electronic resource] ] : development, depth perception, and disorders / / editors, Jacques McCoun and Lucien Reeves
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hauppauge, N.Y., : Nova Science Publishers, c2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (276 p.)
Disciplina 612.8/4
Altri autori (Persone) McCounJacques
Collana Eye and Vision Research Developments
Soggetto topico Binocular vision
Binocular vision disorders
Computer vision
Depth perception
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-61761-957-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ""BINOCULAR VISION:DEVELOPMENT, DEPTHPERCEPTION AND DISORDERS""; ""BINOCULAR VISION:DEVELOPMENT, DEPTHPERCEPTION AND DISORDERS""; ""CONTENTS""; ""PREFACE""; ""NEW TRENDS IN SURFACE RECONSTRUCTIONUSING SPACE-TIME CAMERAS:FUSING STRUCTURE FROM MOTION,SILHOUETTE, AND STEREO""; ""Abstract""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Reconstruction of Space Curves on the Surface ofObject""; ""2.1. Differential Geometry of Space Curves""; ""2.2. Inverse Problem Formulation""; ""2.3. Reconstruction of Unique Space Curves""; ""3. Rigid Motion Estimation by Tracking the Space Curves""
""4. Motion Estimation Using Double Stereo Rigs""""4.1. Single Stereo Rig""; ""4.2. Double Stereo Rigs""; ""5. Shape Reconstruction from Object Silhouettes AcrossTime""; ""5.1. Space-Time or Virtual Camera Generation""; ""5.2. Visual Hull Reconstruction from Silhouettes of Multiple Views""; ""5.2.1. Volume Based Visual Hull""; "" Intersection Test in Octree Cubes""; "" Synthetic Model Results""; ""5.2.2. Edge Base Visual Hull""; "" Synthetic Model Results""; ""Implementation and Exprimental Results""; ""Conclusions""; ""Acknowledgment""; ""References""
""OCULAR DOMINANCE WITHIN BINOCULARVISION""""Abstract""; ""Introduction: Ocular Dominance""; ""Demography of Ocular Dominance""; ""A Taxonomy of Ocular Dominance""; ""Is Ocular Dominance Test Specific?""; ""I. Tests of Rivalry""; ""II. Tests of Asymmetry""; ""III. Sighting Tests""; ""Some Misconceptions""; ""Resolving the Paradox of Ocular Dominance""; ""Some Clinical Implications of Ocular Dominance""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""THREE-DIMENSIONAL VISION BASED ONBINOCULAR IMAGING AND APPROXIMATIONNETWORKS OF A LASER LINE""; ""Abstract""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Basic Teory""
""3. Bezier Networks for Surface Contouring""""4. Parameter of the Vision System""; ""5. Experimental Results""; ""Conclusions""; ""References""; ""EYE MOVEMENT ANALYSIS IN CONGENITALNYSTAGMUS: CONCISE PARAMETERSESTIMATION""; ""Abstract""; ""Introduction""; ""Terminology (Definitions)""; ""Clinical Assessment""; ""Examination Techniques: Motility""; ""Ocular Motility Recordings""; ""Semiautomatic Analysis of Eye Movement Recordings""; ""Slow Eye Movements in Congenital Nystagmus""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER VISION SYSTEMS""; ""Abstract""; ""Introduction""
""Present-Day Level of CVS Development""""Full-Scale Universal CVS""; ""Integration of CVS and AI Control System""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""BINOCULAR VISION AND DEPTH PERCEPTION:DEVELOPMENT AND DISORDERS""; ""Introduction""; ""1. Advantages of Binocular Vision""; ""2. Foundations of Binocular Vision""; ""3. Stereopsis as the Highest Level of Binocular Vision""; ""4. Binocular Viewing Conditions on Pupil Near Responses""; ""5. Development of Binocular Vision""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""
Record Nr. UNINA-9910461417403321
Hauppauge, N.Y., : Nova Science Publishers, c2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Binocular vision [[electronic resource] ] : development, depth perception, and disorders / / editors, Jacques McCoun and Lucien Reeves
Binocular vision [[electronic resource] ] : development, depth perception, and disorders / / editors, Jacques McCoun and Lucien Reeves
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hauppauge, N.Y., : Nova Science Publishers, c2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (276 p.)
Disciplina 612.8/4
Altri autori (Persone) McCounJacques
Collana Eye and Vision Research Developments
Soggetto topico Binocular vision
Binocular vision disorders
Computer vision
Depth perception
ISBN 1-61761-957-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ""BINOCULAR VISION:DEVELOPMENT, DEPTHPERCEPTION AND DISORDERS""; ""BINOCULAR VISION:DEVELOPMENT, DEPTHPERCEPTION AND DISORDERS""; ""CONTENTS""; ""PREFACE""; ""NEW TRENDS IN SURFACE RECONSTRUCTIONUSING SPACE-TIME CAMERAS:FUSING STRUCTURE FROM MOTION,SILHOUETTE, AND STEREO""; ""Abstract""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Reconstruction of Space Curves on the Surface ofObject""; ""2.1. Differential Geometry of Space Curves""; ""2.2. Inverse Problem Formulation""; ""2.3. Reconstruction of Unique Space Curves""; ""3. Rigid Motion Estimation by Tracking the Space Curves""
""4. Motion Estimation Using Double Stereo Rigs""""4.1. Single Stereo Rig""; ""4.2. Double Stereo Rigs""; ""5. Shape Reconstruction from Object Silhouettes AcrossTime""; ""5.1. Space-Time or Virtual Camera Generation""; ""5.2. Visual Hull Reconstruction from Silhouettes of Multiple Views""; ""5.2.1. Volume Based Visual Hull""; "" Intersection Test in Octree Cubes""; "" Synthetic Model Results""; ""5.2.2. Edge Base Visual Hull""; "" Synthetic Model Results""; ""Implementation and Exprimental Results""; ""Conclusions""; ""Acknowledgment""; ""References""
""OCULAR DOMINANCE WITHIN BINOCULARVISION""""Abstract""; ""Introduction: Ocular Dominance""; ""Demography of Ocular Dominance""; ""A Taxonomy of Ocular Dominance""; ""Is Ocular Dominance Test Specific?""; ""I. Tests of Rivalry""; ""II. Tests of Asymmetry""; ""III. Sighting Tests""; ""Some Misconceptions""; ""Resolving the Paradox of Ocular Dominance""; ""Some Clinical Implications of Ocular Dominance""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""THREE-DIMENSIONAL VISION BASED ONBINOCULAR IMAGING AND APPROXIMATIONNETWORKS OF A LASER LINE""; ""Abstract""; ""1. Introduction""; ""2. Basic Teory""
""3. Bezier Networks for Surface Contouring""""4. Parameter of the Vision System""; ""5. Experimental Results""; ""Conclusions""; ""References""; ""EYE MOVEMENT ANALYSIS IN CONGENITALNYSTAGMUS: CONCISE PARAMETERSESTIMATION""; ""Abstract""; ""Introduction""; ""Terminology (Definitions)""; ""Clinical Assessment""; ""Examination Techniques: Motility""; ""Ocular Motility Recordings""; ""Semiautomatic Analysis of Eye Movement Recordings""; ""Slow Eye Movements in Congenital Nystagmus""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""EVOLUTION OF COMPUTER VISION SYSTEMS""; ""Abstract""; ""Introduction""
""Present-Day Level of CVS Development""""Full-Scale Universal CVS""; ""Integration of CVS and AI Control System""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""; ""BINOCULAR VISION AND DEPTH PERCEPTION:DEVELOPMENT AND DISORDERS""; ""Introduction""; ""1. Advantages of Binocular Vision""; ""2. Foundations of Binocular Vision""; ""3. Stereopsis as the Highest Level of Binocular Vision""; ""4. Binocular Viewing Conditions on Pupil Near Responses""; ""5. Development of Binocular Vision""; ""Conclusion""; ""References""
Record Nr. UNINA-9910789737603321
Hauppauge, N.Y., : Nova Science Publishers, c2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Binocular vision : development, depth perception, and disorders / editors, Jacques McCoun and Lucien Reeves
Binocular vision : development, depth perception, and disorders / editors, Jacques McCoun and Lucien Reeves
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hauppauge, N.Y. : Nova Science, c2009
Descrizione fisica xiv, 260 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Disciplina 612.8/4
Altri autori (Persone) McCoun, Jacques
Reeves, Lucien
Soggetto topico Binocular vision
Binocular vision disorders
Computer vision
Depth perception
Vision, Binocular - physiology
Dominance, Ocular - physiology
Pattern Recognition, Visual - physiology
Vision Disparity - physiology
ISBN 9781608765478 (hardcover)
Classificazione LC QP487
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto New trends in surface reconstruction using space-time cameras : fusing structure from motion, silhouette, and stereo / Hossein Ebrahimnezhad ... [et al.] -- Ocular dominance with binocular vision / Jonathan S. Pointer -- Three-dimensional vision based on binocular imaging and approximation networks of a laser line / J. Apolinar Muänoz-Rodrâiguez -- Eye movements analysis in congenital nystagmus : concise parameters estimation / Pasquariello Giulio ... [et al.] -- Evolution of computer vision systems / Vladimir Grishin -- Binocular vision and depth perception : development and disorders / Ken Asakawa, Hitoshi Ishikawa -- Repeatability of prism dissociation and tangent scale near heterophoria measurements in straightforward gaze and in downgaze / David A. Goss ... [et al.] -- Commentary : ocular dominance / Jonathan S. Pointer -- Stereo-based candidate generation for pedestrian protection systems / David Geronimo, Angel D. Sappa, Antonio M. Lopez -- Temporarily blind in one eye : emotional pictures predominate in binocular rivalry / Georg W. Alpers, Antje B.M. Gerdes -- Development of saccade control / Burkhart Fischer
Record Nr. UNISALENTO-991000916009707536
Hauppauge, N.Y. : Nova Science, c2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. del Salento
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Effects of field of view on judgements of self-location : distance estimations using plainview representations as a function of observer Eye Station Points (ESP) and geometric Field of View (FOVg) / / Joseph Psotka, Sonya A. Lewis
Effects of field of view on judgements of self-location : distance estimations using plainview representations as a function of observer Eye Station Points (ESP) and geometric Field of View (FOVg) / / Joseph Psotka, Sonya A. Lewis
Autore Psotka Joseph
Pubbl/distr/stampa Alexandria, VA : , : U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, , July 1998
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (viii, 21 pages) : illustrations
Collana ARI research note
Soggetto topico Operational readiness (Military science)
Virtual reality - Military applications
Computer simulation
Decision making
Visual perception
Depth perception
Military education
Visual aids
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti Effects of field of view on judgements of self-location
Record Nr. UNINA-9910713590303321
Psotka Joseph  
Alexandria, VA : , : U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, , July 1998
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui