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Albania : : Staff Report for the 2013 Article IV Consultation and Request for Extended Arrangement
Albania : : Staff Report for the 2013 Article IV Consultation and Request for Extended Arrangement
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (114 p.)
Disciplina 332.152
Collana IMF Staff Country Reports
Soggetto topico Fiscal policy - Albania
Monetary policy - Albania
Economic indicators - Albania
Banks and Banking
Exports and Imports
Public Finance
Industries: Financial Services
Depository Institutions
Micro Finance Institutions
Debt Management
Sovereign Debt
International Lending and Debt Problems
General Aggregative Models: General
Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: General
Data Collection and Data Estimation Methodology
Computer Programs: Other
Public finance & taxation
International economics
Econometrics & economic statistics
Public debt
Nonperforming loans
External debt
Financial institutions
Debts, Public
Debts, External
Banks and banking
National income
ISBN 1-4755-1642-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ""Cover""; ""CONTENTS""; ""CONTEXT""; ""OUTLOOK AND RISKS""; ""REPORT ON DISCUSSIONS AND PROGRAM POLICIES""; ""A. Fiscal Policy: Laying the Groundwork for Fiscal and Debt Sustainability""; ""B. Use of Monetary Policy to Ease the Economic Slowdown""; ""C. Maintaining Financial Stability in the Face of Continued Challenges""; ""D. Embarking on a Path of Sustained Medium-term Growth""; ""PROGRAM MODALITIES AND RISKS""; ""STAFF APPRAISAL""; ""BOXES""; ""1. Implementation Recommendations of the 2012 Article IV Consultation""; ""2. Reform Agenda""
""3. Possible Tax and Expenditure Measures, 2014�16""""4 Exchange Rate Assessment""; ""5. Conclusions of the 2013 FSAP""; ""6. Program Modalities and Risks""; ""FIGURES""; ""1. Background and Outlook""; ""2. External Sector Developments""; ""3. Fiscal Developments""; ""4. Inflation and Monetary Developments""; ""5. Financial Sector Developments""; ""6. Business Environment and Labor Market""; ""7. Governance and Public Finances""; ""TABLES""; ""1. Basic Indicators and Macroeconomic Framework, 2009�19""; ""2a. General Government Operations, 2009�19""
""2b. General Government Operations, 2009�19""""3a. Balance of Payments, 2009�19 (Percent of GDP)""; ""3b. Balance of Payments, 2009�19 (Millions of euros)""; ""4a. Monetary Survey, 2009�14""; ""4b. Summary of Accounts of the Central Bank, 2009�14""; ""5. IMF Core Indicators of Financial Soundness, December 2005�June 2013""; ""6. External Financing Requirement and Sources, 2012�19""; ""7. Schedule of Review and Purchases (provisional)""; ""8. Indicators to Capacity to Repay to the Fund, 2012�19""; ""APPENDIX""; ""I. Letter of Intent""
""Attachment I. Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies""""Attachment II. Technical Memorandum of Understanding""; ""ANNEXES""; ""I. Risk Assessment Matrix""; ""II. Debt Sustainability Analysis""; ""III. External Debt Sustainability""; ""CONTENTS""; ""FUND RELATIONS""; ""WORLD BANK GROUP RELATIONS""; ""STATISTICAL ISSUES""
Record Nr. UNINA-9910791043103321
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
American claims against Germany. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury submitted in response to Senate Resolution No. 199 of April 14, requesting certain information relative to American claims against Germany. April 15 (calendar day, April 16), 1926. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed
American claims against Germany. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury submitted in response to Senate Resolution No. 199 of April 14, requesting certain information relative to American claims against Germany. April 15 (calendar day, April 16), 1926. -- Ordered to lie on the table and to be printed
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Washington, D.C.] : , : [U.S. Government Printing Office], , 1926
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (5 pages)
Collana Senate document / 69th Congress, 1st session. Senate
[United States congressional serial set]
Soggetto topico Enemy property
Debts, External
Government securities
Government liability (International law)
Reparations for historical injustices
War reparations
World War, 1914-1918
Soggetto genere / forma Legislative materials.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti American claims against Germany. Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury submitted in response to Senate Resolution No. 199 of April 14, requesting certain information relative to American claims against Germany. April 15
Record Nr. UNINA-9910716336203321
[Washington, D.C.] : , : [U.S. Government Printing Office], , 1926
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Analyzing Balance Sheet Vulnerabilities in a Dollarized Economy : : The Case of Georgia / / Andreas Billmeier, Johan Mathisen
Analyzing Balance Sheet Vulnerabilities in a Dollarized Economy : : The Case of Georgia / / Andreas Billmeier, Johan Mathisen
Autore Billmeier Andreas
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (29 p.)
Altri autori (Persone) MathisenJohan
Collana IMF Working Papers
Soggetto topico Dollar, American
Fiscal policy - Georgia
Monetary policy - Georgia
Banks and Banking
Exports and Imports
Finance: General
Money and Monetary Policy
Methodology for Collecting, Estimating, and Organizing Macroeconomic Data
Data Access
Macroeconomic Policy, Macroeconomic Aspects of Public Finance, and General Outlook: General
Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic Development
Economywide Country Studies: Europe
Depository Institutions
Micro Finance Institutions
Monetary Systems
Government and the Monetary System
Payment Systems
General Financial Markets: Government Policy and Regulation
International Lending and Debt Problems
Monetary Policy
Monetary economics
International economics
Commercial banks
Currency mismatches
External debt
International reserves
Financial institutions
Financial sector policy and analysis
Central banks
Banks and banking
Financial risk management
Debts, External
Foreign exchange reserves
ISBN 1-4623-7704-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910788402603321
Billmeier Andreas  
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Angola : : 2016 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Angola
Angola : : 2016 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Angola
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2017
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (71 pages) : color illustrations, tables, graphs
Disciplina 330.967303
Collana IMF Staff Country Reports
Soggetto topico International Monetary Fund - Angola
Banks and Banking
Exports and Imports
Foreign Exchange
Public Finance
Finance: General
Energy: Demand and Supply
International Lending and Debt Problems
Debt Management
Sovereign Debt
Fiscal Policy
International economics
Public finance & taxation
Foreign exchange
Oil prices
Public debt
External debt
Exchange rates
Fiscal stance
Fiscal policy
Debts, External
Debts, Public
ISBN 1-4755-7564-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910165036403321
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2017
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Arab Republic of Egypt : : Request for Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Arab Republic of Egypt
Arab Republic of Egypt : : Request for Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Arab Republic of Egypt
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2017
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (84 pages) : illustrations (some color), graphs, tables
Disciplina 332.4962
Collana IMF Staff Country Reports
Soggetto topico Monetary policy - Egypt
Fiscal policy - Egypt
Fiscal policy
Exports and Imports
Foreign Exchange
Public Finance
Industries: Energy
Debt Management
Sovereign Debt
Energy: Demand and Supply
International Lending and Debt Problems
Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: General
Public finance & taxation
Foreign exchange
International economics
Energy industries & utilities
Petroleum, oil & gas industries
Public debt
Energy subsidies
External debt
Revenue administration
Debts, Public
Expenditures, Public
Debts, External
ISBN 1-4755-6697-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910162923903321
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2017
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Are Emerging Asia’s Reserves Really Too High? / / Marta Ruiz-Arranz, Milan Zavadjil
Are Emerging Asia’s Reserves Really Too High? / / Marta Ruiz-Arranz, Milan Zavadjil
Autore Ruiz-Arranz Marta
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (36 p.)
Disciplina 332.456095
Altri autori (Persone) ZavadjilMilan
Collana IMF Working Papers
IMF working paper
Soggetto topico Foreign exchange administration - Asia
Foreign exchange - Asia
Capital movements - Asia
Banks and Banking
Exports and Imports
International Investment
Long-term Capital Movements
Monetary Policy
International Lending and Debt Problems
International economics
Capital flows
Sudden stops
External debt
Reserves accumulation
International reserves
Capital movements
Foreign exchange reserves
Debts, External
ISBN 1-4623-3662-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; I. Introduction; II. Developments in Reserve Adequacy Indicators; Tables; 1. Volatilities of Capital Flows in Asia-Pacific Economies; Box 1: Why Scale Reserves by Gross External Liabilities?; III. An Insurance Model of Optimal Reserves; 2. Output Loss in Asian Crisis; 3. Interest Rate Spreads; 4. Estimated Sterilization Financing Costs; 5. Foreign Reserves Levels: Optimal Vs. Actual; IV. A Threshold Model of Spreads-Reserves Elasticity; 6. Thresholds in the Spreads-Reserves Relations; V. Conclusions
7. Threshold Estimates of the Elasticity of EMBI Spreads with Respect to International Reserves Traditional Indicators 8. Threshold Estimates of the Elasticity of EMBI Spreads with Respect to International Reserves New Indicators; Figures; 1. Reserves in U.S. dollar, 1990-2007; 2. Reserves in percent of GDP, 1990-2007; 3. Reserves in months of exports of goods and services, 1990-2007; 4. Reserves in percent of short-term debt, 1990-2007; 5. Reserves in percent of gross external liabilities, 1990-2007; 6. Asia Emerging Markets: External Liabilities, 1990-2006
7. Reserves in percent of broad money, 1990-2007 8. Reserves to Financial System Deposits, Equities, and Bonds, 1990-2005; 9. The Optimal Level of International Reserves, 2007; 10. Optimal vs. Actual Levels of International Reserves in Asia; 11. The Optimal Level of International Reserves and Traditional Reserve Adequacy Indicators; 12. International Reserves and Threshold Estimates; Appendix; A.1. Variable Definitions and Sources; A.2. Summary Statistics; References
Record Nr. UNINA-9910788232503321
Ruiz-Arranz Marta  
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Arrears to the IMF – A Ghost of the Past? / / Anne Oeking, Mariusz Sumlinski
Arrears to the IMF – A Ghost of the Past? / / Anne Oeking, Mariusz Sumlinski
Autore Oeking Anne
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (38 pages) : color illustrations
Disciplina 338.542
Altri autori (Persone) SumlinskiMariusz
Collana IMF Working Papers
Soggetto topico Financial crises - Forecasting - Econometric models
Loans, Foreign
Exports and Imports
Money and Monetary Policy
International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions
International Lending and Debt Problems
Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: General
Price Level
Discrete Regression and Qualitative Choice Models
Discrete Regressors
International economics
Monetary economics
Econometrics & economic statistics
External debt
Commodity price indexes
Logit models
Econometric analysis
Debts, External
Price indexes
Econometric models
ISBN 1-4755-5514-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910155014503321
Oeking Anne  
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Balance due foreign countries. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting a deficiency estimate of appropriation for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1920, pertaining to the payment of balances due foreign countries, $ 3,648.41. January 28, 1927. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed
Balance due foreign countries. Communication from the President of the United States transmitting a deficiency estimate of appropriation for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1920, pertaining to the payment of balances due foreign countries, $ 3,648.41. January 28, 1927. -- Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Washington, D.C.] : , : [U.S. Government Printing Office], , 1927
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (2 pages)
Altri autori (Persone) CoolidgeCalvin <1872-1933.>
Collana House document / 69th Congress, 2nd session. House
[United States congressional serial set]
Soggetto topico Debts, External
Budget - Law and legislation
Soggetto genere / forma Legislative materials.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910716468503321
[Washington, D.C.] : , : [U.S. Government Printing Office], , 1927
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Balances due foreign countries communication from the President of the United States transmitting deficiency estimates of appropriations for the Post Office Department for the fiscal years 1919 and 1920, $ 7,187.96 ; also proposed legislation affecting th use of existing appropriations
Balances due foreign countries communication from the President of the United States transmitting deficiency estimates of appropriations for the Post Office Department for the fiscal years 1919 and 1920, $ 7,187.96 ; also proposed legislation affecting th use of existing appropriations
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Washington, D.C.] : , : [U.S. Government Printing Office], , 1926
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (4 pages)
Collana H.doc. 420
Soggetto topico Budget - United States
Debts, External
Soggetto genere / forma Legislative materials.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti Balances due foreign countries
Record Nr. UNINA-9910716523603321
[Washington, D.C.] : , : [U.S. Government Printing Office], , 1926
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Bangladesh : : Staff Report for the 2013 Article IV Consultation and Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria
Bangladesh : : Staff Report for the 2013 Article IV Consultation and Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (124 p.)
Disciplina 332.6
Collana IMF Staff Country Reports
Soggetto topico Financial management -- Economic aspects
Fiscal policy
Portfolio management
Banks and Banking
Exports and Imports
Money and Monetary Policy
Public Finance
International Lending and Debt Problems
Trade: General
Depository Institutions
Micro Finance Institutions
Debt Management
Sovereign Debt
Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: General
National Government Expenditures and Related Policies: General
International economics
Public finance & taxation
Monetary economics
income economics
Commercial banks
External debt
Public and publicly-guaranteed external debt
Public debt
Financial institutions
International trade
Debts, External
Banks and banking
Debts, Public
ISBN 1-4755-2961-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; CONTENTS; GLOSSARY; CONTEXT; MACROECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS; BOXES; 1. Achievements Under the ECF-Supported Program at Midpoint; 2. External Sector Assessment; OUTLOOK AND RISKS; 3. Risk Assessment Matrix; 4. Exploring a Tail Risk Event: Trade Shock from the European Union; 5. Spillovers from Recent Developments in India; MACROECONOMIC POLICIES; STRUCTURAL REFORMS; A. Safeguarding Fiscal Sustainability; B. Strengthening the Financial Sector; 6. Main Findings from the Diagnostic Examinations of the State-Owned Commercial Banks; C. Boosting Inclusive Growth; MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES
STAFF APPRAISALTABLES; 1. Millennium Development Goals, 1990-2015; 2. Selected Economic Indicators, FY2011-15; 3. Balance of Payments, FY2011-19; 4. Monetary Accounts, June 2011-December 2014; 5a. Central Government Operations, FY2011-15; 5b. Central Government Operations, GFSM 2001 Classification, FY2011-14; 6. Financial Soundness Indicators of Banks, 2006-13; 7. Near and Medium-Term Outlook, FY2011-19; 8. External Financing Requirements and Sources, FY2011-19; 9. Indicators of the Capacity to Repay the IMF, FY2011-25
10. Proposed Schedule of Disbursement and Timing of ECF Arrangement ReviewsFIGURES; 1. Selected Performance Criteria and Indicative Targets; 2. Exports and Remittances; 3. Real and External Sector Developments; 4. Fiscal Developments; 5. Monetary and Financial Market Developments; APPENDICES; I. Letter of Intent; Attachment 1. Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies; Attachment 2. Technical Memorandum of Understanding; II. On the Road of Inclusive Growth; III. Opportunities and Challenges for the Ready-Made Garment Sector; IV. Assessing Fiscal Risks in Bangladesh; CONTENTS
Record Nr. UNINA-9910790716003321
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui