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Handbook of school mental health : research, training, practice, and policy / / Mark D. Weist ...[et. al.], editors
Handbook of school mental health : research, training, practice, and policy / / Mark D. Weist ...[et. al.], editors
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York, : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (485 p.)
Disciplina 371.4/6
Altri autori (Persone) WeistMark D
Collana Issues in clinical child psychology
Soggetto topico School children - Mental health services - United States
School psychology - United States
Clinical psychology - United States
ISBN 1-4614-7624-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Commentary 1; Hill Walker -- Commentary 2; Lucille Eber -- Commentary 3; Kathy Short -- Commentary 4; Abraham Wandersman and Deborah Hamm -- Chapter 1. Introduction: Further Advancing the Field of School Mental Health; Mark D. Weist, Nancy A. Lever, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Julie Sarno Owens -- Section I. Foundations: Funding, Training, and Interdisciplinary Collaboration -- Chapter 2.  Funding Expanded School Mental Health Programs; Nicole Cammack, Nicole Evangelista Brandt, Eric Slade, Nancy Lever, Sharon Stephan -- Chapter 3. Preparing School Mental Health Professionals: Competencies in Interdisciplinary and Cross-Systems Collaboration; Kurt D. Michael, Seth Bernstein, Julie Sarno Owens, Abby Albright, Dawn Anderson-Butcher -- Chapter 4. Pre-service Training for School Mental Health Clinicians; Nancy Lever, Michael Lindsey, Lindsey Grimm, Mark D. Weist -- Chapter 5. Effective School Teams: Benefits, Barriers, and Best Practices; Robert S. Markle, Joni W. Splett, Melissa A. Maras, Karen J. Weston -- Chapter 6. Advancing School Mental Health in Montana: Partnership, Research, and Policy; Erin Butts, Sara Casey, Carol Ewen -- Chapter 7.  Building Bridges: The Role of Expanded School Mental Health in Supporting Students with Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties in the Least Restrictive Environment; Carrie Mills, Dana Cunningham -- Section II. Prevention and Mental Health Promotion -- Chapter 8. The Integration of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Social and Emotional Learning; Catherine P. Bradshaw, Jessika H. Bottiani, David Osher, George Sugai -- Chapter 9. Promoting Mental Health in Early Childhood Programs: Serving Low-income Ethnic Minority Families; Debra Gross, Susan Breitenstein, Shelly Eisbach, Emily Hoppe, Joyce Harrison -- Chapter 10. Promoting Social Competence and Behavioral Health in At-risk Youth: Implementation and Efficacy of Primary and Secondary Prevention Programs in Schools; Brian Daly, Elizabeth Nicholls, Richa Aggarwal, Mark Sander -- Chapter  11. Effects of Trauma on Students: Early Intervention through Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools; Erum Nadeem, Lisa H. Jaycox, Audra K. Langley, Marleen Wong, Sheryl H. Kataoka, Bradley D. Stein -- Chapter 12. The Connection Between Out-of-School Time Programs and School Mental Health; Aidyn L. Iachini, Dawn Anderson-Butcher -- Chapter 13. Better Understanding and Intervening to Prevent Relational Aggression; Stephen S. Leff, Tracy Evian Waasdorp, Christine Waanders, Brooke S. Paskewich -- Section III. Youth and Family Engagement and Empowerment -- Chapter 14. Partnering with Youth in School Mental Health: Recommendations from Students; Kendra P. DeLoach, Melissa W. George, Emily Mancil, Leslie K. Taylor, Carl Paternite, Mark D. Weist -- Chapter 15. Strengthening the Components and Processes of Family Involvement in School Mental Health; Heather L. McDaniel, Bryn E. Schiele, Leslie K. Taylor, Jill Haak, Mark D. Weist -- Chapter 16. Advancing Effective Family-School-Community Partnerships; Nicole Evangelista Brandt, Cynthia Glimpse, Claudette Fette, Nancy Lever, Nicole Cammack, Jennifer Cox -- Chapter 17. Increasing Parental Engagement in School-based Interventions using Team Engagement and Motivation Methods; Keith C. Herman, Wendy M. Reinke, Catherine P. Bradshaw, John E. Lochman, Lindsay Borden, Dana Darney -- Chapter 18. Lessons Learned from Scaling-up the Ecological Approach to Family Interventions and Treatment Program in Middle Schools; Gregory M. Fosco, John R. Seeley, Tom J. Dishion, Keith Smolkowski, Elizabeth A. Stormshak, Rosemarie Downey-McCarthy, Corrina A Falkenstein, Kevin J. Moore, Lisa A Strycker -- Section IV. Coaching and Consultation.- Chapter 19. Coaching Classroom-based Preventative Interventions; Elise T. Pas, Catherine P. Bradshaw, Anne Cash -- Chapter 20. Supporting Teachers through Consultation and Training in Mental Health; Jennifer E. Gibson, Sharon Stephan, Nicole Evangelista Brandt, Nancy Lever.-Chapter 21. Models of Psychiatric Consultation to Schools; Lois T. Flaherty -- Section V. Screening and Early Identification -- Chapter 22. School-based Screening for Mental Health in Early Childhood; Melissa R. Dvorsky, Erin Girio-Herrera, Julie Sarno Owens -- Chapter 23. Culturally Competent Behavioral and Emotional Screening; Erin Dowdy, Randy W. Kamphaus, Jennifer M. Twyford, Bridget V. Dever -- Chapter 24. Early Identification of Psychosis in Schools; Emily Kline, Danielle Denenny, Jason Schiffman, Gloria Reeves -- Section VI. Intervention for Specific Problems -- Chapter 25. Bullying: A School Mental Health Perspective; Susan M. Swearer, Cixin Wang, Adam Collins, Jenna Strawhun, Scott Fluke -- Chapter 26. School-Based Treatment for Anxiety in Children and Adolescents: New Developments in Transportability and Dissemination; Jeremy K. Fox, Kathleen Herzig-Anderson, Daniela Colognori, Catherine E. Stewart, Carrie Masia Warner, Nathan S. Kline -- Chapter 27. School-based Interventions for Depression; Puja G. Patel, Kevin D. Stark, Kristina L. Metz, Kelly N. Banneyer -- Chapter 28. Organizational Interventions for Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Jennifer L. Storer, Steven W. Evans, Joshua M. Langberg -- Chapter 29. Response to Intervention for youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Incorporating an Evidence-Based Intervention within a Multi-tiered Framework; Rebecca K. Vujnovic, Alex S. Holdaway, Julie Sarno Owens, Gregory A. Fabiano -- Chapter 30. Toward a Comprehensive, Life Course Model of Care for Youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder; Steven W. Evans, Julie Sarno Owens, Jennifer A. Mautone, George J. DuPaul, Thomas J. Power -- Chapter 31. Classroom Interventions for Youth with Pervasive Developmental Disorders/Autism Spectrum Disorders; James E. Connell, Melanie Pellechia, Christina M. Vorndran.-Chapter 32. Supporting the Mental Health Needs of Military-Connected Students; Catherine P. Bradshaw, Kathrine E. Figel, Haley Deutsch.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910298076203321
New York, : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of school mental health : advancing practice and research / / edited by Mark D. Weist, Steven W. Evans, and Nancy A. Lever
Handbook of school mental health : advancing practice and research / / edited by Mark D. Weist, Steven W. Evans, and Nancy A. Lever
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York : , : Springer, , [2003]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XV, 386 p.)
Disciplina 371.46
Collana Issues in Clinical Child Psychology
Soggetto topico School children - Mental health services - United States
School psychology - United States
Clinical psychology - United States
ISBN 0-387-73313-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Background, Policy, and Advocacy -- History of School-Based Mental Health Services in the United States -- Toward a Comprehensive Policy Vision for Mental Health in Schools -- Effective Advocacy for School-Based Mental Health Programs -- Mobilizing Research to Inform a School Mental Health Initiative -- Overcoming the Challenges of Funding School Mental Health Programs -- Enhancing Collaborative Approaches -- Mental Health in Schools -- Enhancing Collaboration within and across Disciplines to Advance Mental Health Programs in Schools -- The Community Schools Approach -- Partnering with Families in Expanded School Mental Health Programs -- System, Agency, and Stakeholder Collaboration to Advance Mental Health Programs in Schools -- School Mental Health in Context -- School-Based Mental Health Services in Urban Communities -- The Mental Health for Immigrants Program -- School-Based Mental Health on a United States Army Installation -- Serving the Most Severe of Serious Emotionally Disturbed Students in School Settings -- Children with Special Health Care Needs in School -- Moving toward Best Practice -- School Mental Health in Systems of Care -- Training for Effective Practice in the Schools -- Continuous Quality Improvement and Evaluation of Expanded School Mental Health Programs -- Strength-Based Approaches to Assessment in Schools -- Facilitating the Implementation of Evidence-Based Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Efforts in Schools -- Cross-Cutting Issues -- Preventing and Addressing Crises and Violence-Related Problems in Schools -- Achieving Generalization in School-Based Mental Health -- Cultural Sensitivity, Relevance, and Competence in School Mental Health -- Addressing Unique Ethical and Legal Challenges in Expanded School Mental Health.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910789346403321
New York : , : Springer, , [2003]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of school mental health : advancing practice and research / / edited by Mark D. Weist, Steven W. Evans, and Nancy A. Lever
Handbook of school mental health : advancing practice and research / / edited by Mark D. Weist, Steven W. Evans, and Nancy A. Lever
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York : , : Springer, , [2003]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XV, 386 p.)
Disciplina 371.46
Collana Issues in Clinical Child Psychology
Soggetto topico School children - Mental health services - United States
School psychology - United States
Clinical psychology - United States
ISBN 0-387-73313-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Background, Policy, and Advocacy -- History of School-Based Mental Health Services in the United States -- Toward a Comprehensive Policy Vision for Mental Health in Schools -- Effective Advocacy for School-Based Mental Health Programs -- Mobilizing Research to Inform a School Mental Health Initiative -- Overcoming the Challenges of Funding School Mental Health Programs -- Enhancing Collaborative Approaches -- Mental Health in Schools -- Enhancing Collaboration within and across Disciplines to Advance Mental Health Programs in Schools -- The Community Schools Approach -- Partnering with Families in Expanded School Mental Health Programs -- System, Agency, and Stakeholder Collaboration to Advance Mental Health Programs in Schools -- School Mental Health in Context -- School-Based Mental Health Services in Urban Communities -- The Mental Health for Immigrants Program -- School-Based Mental Health on a United States Army Installation -- Serving the Most Severe of Serious Emotionally Disturbed Students in School Settings -- Children with Special Health Care Needs in School -- Moving toward Best Practice -- School Mental Health in Systems of Care -- Training for Effective Practice in the Schools -- Continuous Quality Improvement and Evaluation of Expanded School Mental Health Programs -- Strength-Based Approaches to Assessment in Schools -- Facilitating the Implementation of Evidence-Based Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Efforts in Schools -- Cross-Cutting Issues -- Preventing and Addressing Crises and Violence-Related Problems in Schools -- Achieving Generalization in School-Based Mental Health -- Cultural Sensitivity, Relevance, and Competence in School Mental Health -- Addressing Unique Ethical and Legal Challenges in Expanded School Mental Health.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910827665703321
New York : , : Springer, , [2003]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui