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Religion and the exercise of public authority / / edited by Benjamin L Berger and Richard Moon
Religion and the exercise of public authority / / edited by Benjamin L Berger and Richard Moon
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford ; ; Portland, Oregon : , : Hart Publishing, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (221 p.)
Disciplina 342.7108/52
Soggetto topico Church and state - Canada
Freedom of religion - Canada
ISBN 1-5099-0647-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction : religious neutrality and the exercise of public authority -- Richard Moon and Benjamin L Berger -- The meaning and entailment of the religious neutrality of the state : the case of public employees -- Jocelyn Maclure -- Against circumspection : judges, religious symbols, and signs of moral independence -- Benjamin L Berger -- Religious lawyering and legal ethics -- Faisal Bhabha -- Managing and imagining religion in Canada from the top and the bottom : 15 years after -- Paul Bramadat -- God keep our land : the legal ritual of the McKenna-McBride Royal Commission, 1913-16 -- Pamela E Klassen -- In -- visible religion in public institutions : Canadian Muslim public servants -- Amélie Barras, Jennifer A Selby, and Lori G Beaman -- The prayer case saga in canada : an expert insider? : perspective on praying in the political and public arenas -- Solange Lefebvre -- Physicians' rights to conscientious objection -- Bruce Ryder -- Conscientious objections by civil servants : the case of marriage commissioners and same-sex civil marriages -- Richard Moon -- A freedom of religion-based argument against religious schools -- Daniel M Weinstock -- "Open house -- portes ouvertes" : classrooms as sites of interfaith interface -- Shauna Van Praagh.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910511464903321
Oxford ; ; Portland, Oregon : , : Hart Publishing, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Religion and the exercise of public authority / / edited by Benjamin L Berger and Richard Moon
Religion and the exercise of public authority / / edited by Benjamin L Berger and Richard Moon
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford ; ; Portland, Oregon : , : Hart Publishing, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (221 p.)
Disciplina 342.7108/52
Soggetto topico Church and state - Canada
Freedom of religion - Canada
ISBN 1-5099-0647-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction : religious neutrality and the exercise of public authority -- Richard Moon and Benjamin L Berger -- The meaning and entailment of the religious neutrality of the state : the case of public employees -- Jocelyn Maclure -- Against circumspection : judges, religious symbols, and signs of moral independence -- Benjamin L Berger -- Religious lawyering and legal ethics -- Faisal Bhabha -- Managing and imagining religion in Canada from the top and the bottom : 15 years after -- Paul Bramadat -- God keep our land : the legal ritual of the McKenna-McBride Royal Commission, 1913-16 -- Pamela E Klassen -- In -- visible religion in public institutions : Canadian Muslim public servants -- Amélie Barras, Jennifer A Selby, and Lori G Beaman -- The prayer case saga in canada : an expert insider? : perspective on praying in the political and public arenas -- Solange Lefebvre -- Physicians' rights to conscientious objection -- Bruce Ryder -- Conscientious objections by civil servants : the case of marriage commissioners and same-sex civil marriages -- Richard Moon -- A freedom of religion-based argument against religious schools -- Daniel M Weinstock -- "Open house -- portes ouvertes" : classrooms as sites of interfaith interface -- Shauna Van Praagh.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910798212603321
Oxford ; ; Portland, Oregon : , : Hart Publishing, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Rethinking church, state, and modernity : Canada between Europe and America / / edited by David Lyon and Marguerite Van Die
Rethinking church, state, and modernity : Canada between Europe and America / / edited by David Lyon and Marguerite Van Die
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2000
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiv, 353 pages)
Disciplina 322/.1/0971
Soggetto topico Church and state - Canada
Church and state - United States
Religion and state - Canada
Religion and state - United States
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-282-03690-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contributors -- Introduction / Lyon, David -- Part One: Patterns and Flows -- Canada in Comparative Perspective / Martin, David -- Canadian Religion: Heritage and Project / O'Toole, Roger -- Individualism Religious and Modern: Continuities and Discontinuities / Hervieu-Léger, Danièle -- Part Two: Alignments and Alliances -- Church and State in Institutional Flux: Canada and the United States / Christiano, Kevin J. -- Trudeau, God, and the Canadian Constitution: Religion, Human Rights, and Government Authority in the Making of the 1982 Constitution / Egerton, George -- Bearing Witness: Christian Groups Engage Canadian Politics since the 1960s / Stackhouse, John G. -- Part Three: Civic and Civil Religion -- Resisting the 'No Man's Land' of Private Religion: The Catholic Church and Public Politics in Quebec / Seljak, David -- Catholicism and Secularization in Quebec / Baum, Gregory -- Civil Religion and the Problem of National Unity: The 1995 Quebec Referendum Crisis / Hiller, Harry H. -- Part Four: Believing and Belonging -- Modern Forms of the Religious Life: Denomination, Church, and Invisible Religion in Canada, the United States, and Europe / Beyer, Peter -- 'For by Him All Things Were Created ... Visible and Invisible': Sketching the Contours of Public and Private Religion in North America / Grenville, Andrew S. -- A Generic Evangelicalism? Comparing Evangelical Subcultures in Canada and the United States / Reimer, Sam -- Part Five: Identity, Gender, Body -- The Steeple or the Shelter? Family Violence and Church-and-State Relations in Contemporary Canada / Nason-Clark, Nancy -- The Politics of the Body in Canada and the United States / Simpson, John H. -- Consumers and Citizens: Religion, Identity, and Politics in Canada and the United States / Katerberg, William H.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910456151503321
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2000
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Rethinking church, state, and modernity : Canada between Europe and America / / edited by David Lyon and Marguerite Van Die
Rethinking church, state, and modernity : Canada between Europe and America / / edited by David Lyon and Marguerite Van Die
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2000
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiv, 353 pages)
Disciplina 322/.1/0971
Soggetto topico Church and state - Canada
Church and state - United States
Religion and state - Canada
Religion and state - United States
Soggetto genere / forma Livres numeriques.
Church history
Electronic books.
ISBN 1-282-03690-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ; Part One: Patterns and flows -- Canada in comparative perspective / David Martin -- Canadian religion: heritage and project / Roger O'Toole -- Individualism religious and modern: communities and discontinuities / Daniele Hervieu-Leger -- ; Part Two: Alignments and alliances -- Church and state in institutional flux: Canada and the United States / Kevin J. Christiano -- Trudeau, God, and the Canadian constitution: religion, human rights, and government authority in the making of the 1982 constitution / George Egerton -- Bearing witness: Christian groups engage Canadian politics since the 1960s / John G. Stackhouse -- ; Part Three: Civic and civil religion -- Resisting the 'No Man's Land' of private religion: the Catholic Church and public politics in Quebec / David Seljak -- Catholicism and secularization in Quebec / Gregory Baum -- Civil religion and the problem of national unity: the 1995 Quebec Referendum Crisis / Harry H. Hiller -- ; Part Four: Believing and belonging -- Modern forms of the religious life: denomination, church, and invisible religion in Canada, the United States, and Europe / Peter Beyer -- 'For by him all things were created ... visible and invisible': sketching the contours of public and private religion in North America / Andrew S. Greenville -- Generic evangelicalism? Comparing evangelical subcultures in Canada and the United States / Sam Reimer -- ; Part Five: identity, gender, body -- Steeple or the shelter? Family violence and church-and-state relations in contemporary Canada / Nancy Nason-Clark -- Politics of the body in Canada and the United States / John H. Simpson -- Consumers and citizens: religion, identity, and politics in Canadian and the United States / William H. Katerberg.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910780563003321
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2000
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Rethinking church, state, and modernity : Canada between Europe and America / / edited by David Lyon and Marguerite Van Die
Rethinking church, state, and modernity : Canada between Europe and America / / edited by David Lyon and Marguerite Van Die
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2000
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiv, 353 pages)
Disciplina 322/.1/0971
Soggetto topico Church and state - Canada
Church and state - United States
Religion and state - Canada
Religion and state - United States
Soggetto genere / forma Livres numeriques.
Church history
Electronic books.
ISBN 1-282-03690-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ; Part One: Patterns and flows -- Canada in comparative perspective / David Martin -- Canadian religion: heritage and project / Roger O'Toole -- Individualism religious and modern: communities and discontinuities / Daniele Hervieu-Leger -- ; Part Two: Alignments and alliances -- Church and state in institutional flux: Canada and the United States / Kevin J. Christiano -- Trudeau, God, and the Canadian constitution: religion, human rights, and government authority in the making of the 1982 constitution / George Egerton -- Bearing witness: Christian groups engage Canadian politics since the 1960s / John G. Stackhouse -- ; Part Three: Civic and civil religion -- Resisting the 'No Man's Land' of private religion: the Catholic Church and public politics in Quebec / David Seljak -- Catholicism and secularization in Quebec / Gregory Baum -- Civil religion and the problem of national unity: the 1995 Quebec Referendum Crisis / Harry H. Hiller -- ; Part Four: Believing and belonging -- Modern forms of the religious life: denomination, church, and invisible religion in Canada, the United States, and Europe / Peter Beyer -- 'For by him all things were created ... visible and invisible': sketching the contours of public and private religion in North America / Andrew S. Greenville -- Generic evangelicalism? Comparing evangelical subcultures in Canada and the United States / Sam Reimer -- ; Part Five: identity, gender, body -- Steeple or the shelter? Family violence and church-and-state relations in contemporary Canada / Nancy Nason-Clark -- Politics of the body in Canada and the United States / John H. Simpson -- Consumers and citizens: religion, identity, and politics in Canadian and the United States / William H. Katerberg.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910819378203321
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2000
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui