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Accelerated Land Reform, Mining, Growth, Unemployment and Inequality in South Africa : A Case for Bold Supply Side Policy Interventions / / by Nombulelo Gumata, Eliphas Ndou
Accelerated Land Reform, Mining, Growth, Unemployment and Inequality in South Africa : A Case for Bold Supply Side Policy Interventions / / by Nombulelo Gumata, Eliphas Ndou
Autore Gumata Nombulelo
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (lxii, 642 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 330.96806
Soggetto topico Africa—Economic conditions
Economic growth
Agricultural economics
Labor economics
African Economics
Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics//Financial Economics
Economic Growth
Agricultural Economics
Labor Economics
ISBN 3-030-30884-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Introduction -- Part I: Global real interest rates, economic and trade growth uncertainty shock effects on the South African economy -- 2. Is BRICS GDP growth a source of shocks or an amplifier of global growth responses? What are the policy implications for South Africa? -- 3. Global economic and policy uncertainty shock effects on the South African economy: Do these reinforce each other? -- 4. Heightened foreign policy uncertainty shocks effects: Transmission via capital flows, credit conditions and business confidence -- 5. In which direction is there a momentum effect in the changes in the spread between the repo rate and federal funds rate? -- 6. How do global real policy rates impact the South African GDP growth and labor market conditions? -- Part II: The Taylor curve, external shocks, labour market conditions and inflation expectations -- 7. The output-gap, nominal wage and consumer price inflation volatility trade-off -- 8. Output and inflation volatility trade-off: Do external shocks and inflation expectations shift the Taylor curve -- 9. Do adverse global trade developments shocks impact the trade-off between the inflation and output volatilities -- 10. Does the labour market conditions shock impact the trade-off between the inflation and output volatilities? -- 11. Output-inflation trade off and the issue of policy ineffectiveness -- 12. Do inflation regimes affect the transmission of nominal demand shocks to the price level? -- 13. What is the nature of the output-employment-unemployment nexus in South Africa? Evidence from various approaches to Okun’s Law -- 14. Does the consideration of nominal wage growth imply a high level of inflation inertia or persistence compared to consumer price inflation? -- 15. Wage and consumer price inflation during exchange rate appreciation and depreciation episodes -- 16. Is there a case for nominal GDP growth targeting in South Africa? -- Part III: Policy uncertainty, mining sector charter, exchange rate volatility, commodity price booms and busts, binding minimum wage increases and the mining sector -- 17. How has the intensity of the ability of commodity specific output growth to create jobs evolved? Implications for the mining sector as a “sunrise industry” -- 18. Is export-led growth a necessary but insufficient condition for job creation in the mining sector? Does this mean that there is a strong case for beneficiation? -- 19 The impact of mining commodity price booms and sharp exchange rate depreciation episodes on mining output and employment growth -- 20. The role of the exchange rate on investment growth in the mining sector: Evidence from the balance sheet hypothesis -- 21. The role of the exchange rate volatilities on the mining sector -- 22. The role of policy uncertainty low confidence and the mining charter in the transmission of positive shocks to commodity prices in the mining sector -- 23. What are the mechanisms and channels through which the mining sector adjusted to an increase in the binding minimum wage in 2014? -- Part IV: Accelerated land reform, the agricultural sector and implications for macro-economic policies -- 24. The impact of structural change on the South African economy: Evidence from the structural change indices and McMillan and Rodrick (2011) labour productivity decomposition approach -- 25. Land reform, redistribution and agricultural investment growth: What are the implications for the NDP output and employment targets? -- 26. What is the role of food commodity price booms and busts in the agricultural sector? Implications for monetary policy -- 27. What is the role of trade liberalisation and food commodity price booms in the agricultural sector? Implications for the export-led growth strategy -- 28. Is the agricultural sector sensitive to the exchange rate depreciation and volatility: Evidence from the balance sheet channel -- 29. How are the interest rates and credit supply shocks transmitted to the agricultural sector? -- 30. What is the impact of a binding minimum wage on the agricultural sector? -- 31. Can land reform help reduce poverty and inequality? -- Part V: The transmission of sovereign debt downgrades into the credit markets and the real economy -- 32. What role does business confidence play in transmitting sovereign credit ratings upgrade and downgrades shocks to the real economy? -- 33. Are sovereign credit ratings shock transmitted via economic growth to impact credit growth dynamics? -- 34. Does the cost of government borrowing transmit the sovereign credit downgrade shocks to credit growth? -- Part VI: Capital flow surges, sudden stops and elevated portfolio volatility shocks: what is the nature of their interaction with GDP growth and credit and economic costs? -- 35. What are the economic costs of capital flow waves in South Africa? -- 36. Capital flow surges, sudden stops and elevated portfolio volatility shocks: What is the nature of their interaction with GDP growth and credit? -- 37. Do bank and non-bank capital flows induce sectorial reallocation of credit away from the household sector? -- 38. Do banking and non-banking capital flows induce sectorial reallocation of credit away from companies? -- 39. Do equity and debt inflows matter in the attainment of the price stability mandate? -- 40. Do local investors play a stabilizing role relative to foreign investors after economic shocks -- 41. Do investors’ net purchases and capital retrenchment activities impact the monetary policy response to positive inflation shocks?.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910370254603321
Gumata Nombulelo  
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Achieving Price, Financial and Macro-Economic Stability in South Africa : The Role of the Central Bank Balance Sheet, Macro-Prudential Tools, Financial Regulations and Analysis / / by Nombulelo Gumata, Eliphas Ndou
Achieving Price, Financial and Macro-Economic Stability in South Africa : The Role of the Central Bank Balance Sheet, Macro-Prudential Tools, Financial Regulations and Analysis / / by Nombulelo Gumata, Eliphas Ndou
Autore Gumata Nombulelo
Edizione [1st ed. 2021.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (580 pages)
Disciplina 339
Soggetto topico Africa - Economic conditions
African Economics
ISBN 3-030-66340-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Introduction -- 2. Do capital inflows relieve banks’ credit constraints and boost credit growth? Evidence from credit conditions and bank credit risk -- 3. Credit conditions and the amplification of macroeconomic responses to unexpected shocks: Implications for monetary policy -- 4. Output and inflation responses to single and double credit threshold effects in South Africa -- 5. Do contractionary fiscal shocks transmitted via GDP growth dampen credit growth? -- 6. Do synchronised credit and house price booms impact the monetary policy reaction to inflationary pressures? -- 7. Do synchronised boom and non-boom episodes in credit, commodity and equity prices impact the response of the repo rate to positive inflation shocks? -- 8. To what extent do capital inflows impact response of South African economic growth to positive SA-US interest rate differential shocks? -- 9. Is there a compelling case to increase the SARB holdings of government securities to supplement interest income and neutralize loses due foreign investments and foreign currency reserves accumulation? -- 10. Are the amplification effects of positive shocks to SARB assets and forex reserves on long-term yields dependent on government debt regimes? -- 11. Foreign Currency Reserves: Do they contribute to GDP and employment growth? -- 12. What is the impact of large-scale asset purchases and banks’ balance sheets? -- 13. Is the interest rate corridor an effective instrument to dampen the accumulation of excess reserves and inter-bank rate volatility? -- 14. Is the impact of the unexpected positive required reserves ratio shock on inflation expectations different to that due to positive excess LAH and forex reserves shock? -- 15. How potent is the required reserves impact tightening shock on funding and consumer interest rates? -- 16. The impact of large-scale asset purchases on non-resident purchases of South African assets -- 17. Large scale asset purchases and activity in the primary and secondary share and bond markets -- 18. The stock and flow effects of large-scale asset purchases: Evidence from persistent vs transitory shocks -- 19. Has the inflation target band impacted the natural rate of unemployment in South Africa? Evidence from the accelerationist Philips curve -- 20. Do regulatory tools impact the transmission of capital inflow shocks into credit extension and induce the reallocation of sectoral credit shares? -- 21. What role do non-performing loans play in propagating the excess LAH shock effects on sectoral credit re-allocation? -- 22. Is excess CAR beneficial in neutralising excessive credit growth and inflationary pressures? What are the implications for monetary and financial policy? -- 23. Do non-performing loans propagate the transmission of monetary policy tightening shocks to sectorial credit? -- 24. How effective is the relaxation of the countercyclical capital buffer at a time when other residential macro-prudential tools are tight? -- 25. Revisiting the role of money demand function: Does the short fall in money demand impact the inflation responses of rand depreciation shocks? -- 26. Do the shortfalls and overhangs derived from money demand in South Africa augmented with portfolio balances impact inflation dynamics? -- 27. Do the exchange rate depreciation and volatility shocks impact money demand in South Africa? -- 28. Does economic policy uncertainty impact real money demand in South Africa? -- 29. Is a single sectorial credit growth threshold too restrictive? Evidence from the output and inflation -- 30. Does the threshold for household debt growth matter for GDP growth and response of monetary policy to inflation shocks? -- 31. How does a positive repo rate shock affect the household sector intermediation? Evidence from households’ flow-of-funds data -- 32. To what extent are the public and private’s sector financial asset flows impacted by monetary policy tightening shock?.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910483017103321
Gumata Nombulelo  
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals / / edited by Maano Ramutsindela, David Mickler
Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals / / edited by Maano Ramutsindela, David Mickler
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xxiv, 295 pages)
Disciplina 338.927
Collana Sustainable Development Goals Series
Soggetto topico Sustainability
Human geography
Medical sciences
Education, Higher
Africa - Economic conditions
Regional Geography
Human Geography
Health Sciences
Higher Education
African Economics
ISBN 3-030-14857-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction -- Varieties of Knowledge Society and the SDGs -- Lifelong Learning and the SDGs -- China’s Economic Embrace of Africa in Comparative Perspective -- The AU’s African Governance Architecture and SDG 16: A critical analysis of intersections -- African Mining and the SDGs: From Vision to Reality? -- Minding the Gap? The Media and the Realization of the SDGs in Kenya -- The SDGs and Human In/Security in Africa: A Ghanaian Example -- SDG 17 and Ghana’s Development Agenda -- Research Data Management as a Strategic Imperative for SDGs Scientific Evidence -- Prioritising Health Systems to Achieve SDGs in Africa: A Review of Scientific Evidence -- Prioritising Women’s Mental Health for the Achievement of the SDGs in Africa -- Talent Management in South Africa: Women’s Experiences in Multinational Organisations -- Securing Inclusive Growth: Mentorship, Youth Employment and Employment Creation in Kenya -- The Challenge of Decent Work in Africa -- Upscaling Agriculture and Food Security in Africa in Pursuit of SDG 1, 2 & 8: What Role Does China Play?
Record Nr. UNINA-9910767584303321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Africa in the Global Economy : Capital Flight, Enablers, and Decolonial Responses / / by Gorden Moyo
Africa in the Global Economy : Capital Flight, Enablers, and Decolonial Responses / / by Gorden Moyo
Autore Moyo Gorden
Edizione [1st ed. 2024.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer Nature Switzerland : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2024
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (192 pages)
Disciplina 330.96
Collana Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development
Soggetto topico Africa - Economic conditions
Development economics
Economic development
Schools of economics
International economic relations
Political planning
African Economics
Development Economics
Economic Growth
Heterodox Economics
International Economics
Public Policy
ISBN 3-031-51000-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1. Entrapment of Africa in an Asymmetrical Global Economy -- Chapter 2. Multinational Corporations and Tax Havens as Beneficiaries of a Shadow Financial System -- Chapter 3. World Bank, IMF and WTO as Agents of Financial Imperialism -- Chapter 4. The Tyranny of the International Credit Rating Agencies -- Chapter 5. International Financial Subordination and the Pathologies of Sovereign Debt -- Chapter 6. Imperial Ecocide and the Bane of Global Climate Finance -- Chapter 7. Africa and the Age of Global Elites-the “Davos Men” -- Chapter 8. African Elites as Clients of the Offshore World -- Chapter 9. Conclusion: A Canvass for a Decolonial African Agency.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910845499403321
Moyo Gorden  
Cham : , : Springer Nature Switzerland : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2024
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Africa on the Move : Migration, Translocal Livelihoods and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa / / by Malte Steinbrink, Hannah Niedenführ
Africa on the Move : Migration, Translocal Livelihoods and Rural Development in Sub-Saharan Africa / / by Malte Steinbrink, Hannah Niedenführ
Autore Steinbrink Malte
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (ix, 236 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 325.67
Collana Springer Geography
Soggetto topico Human geography
Cultural geography
Emigration and immigration
Economic development
Africa - Politics and government
Africa - Economic conditions
Social and Cultural Geography
Human Migration
Regional Geography
Development Studies
African Politics
African Economics
ISBN 3-030-22841-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction -- Time for a Rethink -- Translocal Livelihoods – New Perspectives on Livelihood Research -- Vulnerability and Translocality: Why Livelihoods become Translocal -- Translocal Livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Influence of Translocal Livelihoods on Aspects of Rural Structural Transformation -- Conclusion.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910366653703321
Steinbrink Malte  
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium 2018 (RERIS 2018) : 23–26 January 2018, National University of Lesotho On occasion of NULISTICE 2018 / / edited by Moeketsi Mpholo, Dirk Steuerwald, Tonny Kukeera
Africa-EU Renewable Energy Research and Innovation Symposium 2018 (RERIS 2018) : 23–26 January 2018, National University of Lesotho On occasion of NULISTICE 2018 / / edited by Moeketsi Mpholo, Dirk Steuerwald, Tonny Kukeera
Autore Mpholo Moeketsi
Edizione [1st ed. 2018.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XII, 151 p. 65 illus., 55 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 621.042
Collana Springer Proceedings in Energy
Soggetto topico Renewable energy sources
Energy policy
Energy and state
Electric power production
Renewable Energy
Energy Policy, Economics and Management
Electrical Power Engineering
African Economics
ISBN 3-319-93438-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Grid Connected Renewable Energy -- Decentralised Renewable and Household Energy Solutions -- Energy Socio-Economics (policy, economics, legal, regulatory and social issues) -- Power Generation -- Energy Research, Innovation, Education and Entrepreneurship -- Energy Resource Mapping and Planning.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910299596103321
Mpholo Moeketsi  
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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The African Continental Free Trade Area : Prospects, Problems and Challenges / / by Benjamin Ofori-Amoah
The African Continental Free Trade Area : Prospects, Problems and Challenges / / by Benjamin Ofori-Amoah
Autore Ofori-Amoah Benjamin
Edizione [1st ed. 2024.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2024
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (221 pages)
Disciplina 330.9
Soggetto topico Economic geography
Africa - Economic conditions
Economic policy
Economic Geography
African Economics
Economic Policy
ISBN 9783031591815
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Perspectives on International Trade and Development -- Chapter 2. Regional Trade Agreements: Theory, Aspirations, and Realities -- Chapter 3. The Economic Community of West African States -- Chapter 4. The Economic Community of Central African States -- Chapter 6. The Southern African Development Community -- Chapter 7. The Community of Sahel-Saharan States -- Chapter 8. The East African Community -- Chapter 9. The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa -- Chapter 10. Other Regional Trade Agreements -- Chapter 11. Conclusion.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910865268503321
Ofori-Amoah Benjamin  
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2024
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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African Seaports and Maritime Economics in Historical Perspective / / edited by Ayodeji Olukoju, Daniel Castillo Hidalgo
African Seaports and Maritime Economics in Historical Perspective / / edited by Ayodeji Olukoju, Daniel Castillo Hidalgo
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (253 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 387.5096
Collana Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics
Soggetto topico Shipping
Economic history
Physical geography
Maritime Economics
Economic History
African Economics
World Regional Geography (Continents, Countries, Regions)
African History
ISBN 3-030-41399-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Introduction -- 2: African Seaports in Transition, 1850-1880s -- 3: Port systems and regional hierarchies in Africa in the long term -- 4: Modernization and development of the Moroccan port model during the Protectorate (1912-1956) -- 5: Seaports of the Gulf of Guinea, c.1970-2018: developments and transformations -- 6: Port´s performance: the case of East African ports -- 7: The development of the container port system in Southern Africa -- 8: Maritime Networks of Africa and Asia -- 9. Afterword: The Past and Future of African Seaports.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910411930203321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Africa’s Competitiveness in the Global Economy / / edited by Ifedapo Adeleye, Mark Esposito
Africa’s Competitiveness in the Global Economy / / edited by Ifedapo Adeleye, Mark Esposito
Edizione [1st ed. 2018.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XXXII, 396 p. 18 illus., 8 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 338.8886
Collana AIB Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Series
Soggetto topico International business enterprises
Africa—Economic conditions
Business enterprises—Finance
African Business
Emerging Markets/Globalization
Business Finance
African Economics
Business Strategy/Leadership
ISBN 3-319-67014-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1. Africa's Competitiveness in the Global Economy: Past, Present and Future; Ifedapo Adeleye, Joseph Amankwah-Amoah, Nathaniel Boso and Mark Esposito -- Part I. The Global Competitiveness of African Nations and Cities -- 2. The Competitive Challenge of the Formal Sector in Francophone Africa: Understanding the Role of the Informal Sector and the Business Environment; Ahmadou Aly Mbaye and Fatou Gueye -- 3. Theorizing Cities as Sources of Competitive Advantage: Accra in Comparative Perspective; George Acheampong and Obi Berko Damoah -- 4. The International Competitiveness and Connections of African Cities: Profiling South Africa's Gauteng-City Region; Joseph Parilla and Jesus Leal Trujillo -- Part II. Sectorial Dynamics and International Competitiveness in Africa -- 5. Banking on Africa: Can Emerging Pan-African Banks Outcompete their Global Rivals?; Ifedapo Adeleye, Franklin Ngwu, Nkemdilim Iheanachor, Ebes Esho, Chijioke Oji, Theresa Onaji-Benson and Chris Ogbechie -- 6. Enhancing Tourism Competitiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Strategies; Adun Okupe, Trevor Ward and Ogechi Adeola -- 7. Measurement of Agribusiness Competitiveness: Methods and Applications to African Countries; Suresh Chandra Babu and Mahika Shishodia -- 8. Why are so Many African Companies Uncompetitive on the Globe Stage? Insights from the Global Airline Industry; Joseph Amankwah-Amoah -- Part III. Human Capital and International Competitiveness in Africa -- 9. Human Capital, innovation and International Competitiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa; Yaw Debrah, Oriacghe Oseghale and Kweku Adams -- 10. Improving Africa's Competitiveness through Strategic Knowledge Transfer: Lessons from Partnerships with China and Ways Forward; Abdoulkadre Ado -- Part IV: Cases on the Global Competitiveness of Africa's Economic Powerhouses -- 11. Nigeria: Oil and Competitiveness; Doyin Salami, Malcolm Fabiyi and Ifedapo Adeleye -- 12. The South African Renewable Energy Cluster; Mark Esposito, Months Raut, Laura Lanzoni Broccoli, Nasma Harrachi, Yann Claudel, Yang Yang and Melina Balliard -- 13. Kenya's Blooming Flower Industry: Enhancing Global Competitiveness; Ogechi Adeola, Abel Kinoti and Mary Kinoti -- 14. Poultry Tariffs in South Africa: Levelling the Playing Field or Rewarding Inefficiency?; Jacklynne Hobbs, Peter Draper and Claire Beswick.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910298172103321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Africa’s natural resources and underdevelopment : how Ghana’s petroleum can create sustainable economic prosperity / / by Kwamina Panford
Africa’s natural resources and underdevelopment : how Ghana’s petroleum can create sustainable economic prosperity / / by Kwamina Panford
Autore Panford Kwamina
Edizione [1st ed. 2017.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York : , : Palgrave Macmillan US : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2017
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XVI, 249 p.)
Disciplina 330
Soggetto topico Africa—Economic conditions
Development economics
Industrial organization
Natural resources
Energy policy
African Economics
Development Economics
Industrial Organization
Natural Resource and Energy Economics
Energy Policy, Economics and Management
ISBN 1-137-54072-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1.Introduction -- 2.The Paradox of Africa’s Natural Resource Wealth -- 3.Can Natural Resource-Related Social and Economic Maladies Be Avoided in Africa? -- 4.Ghana’s Petroleum: Will the Myth of Ghanaian Exceptionalism in Africa be Sustained or Broken? -- 5.Petroleum Production Challenges in Ghana -- 6.Actual and Potential Conflicts Off- and Onshore in Ghana’s Oil-Producing Region -- 7.Policies for High-Value Contributions of Africa’s Resources to Sustainable Development -- 8.Summary and Conclusion.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910162846803321
Panford Kwamina  
New York : , : Palgrave Macmillan US : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2017
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui