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Advances in Global Optimization / David Gao, Ning Ruan, Wenxun Xing editors
Advances in Global Optimization / David Gao, Ning Ruan, Wenxun Xing editors
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer, 2015
Descrizione fisica xiii, 537 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 90Cxx - Mathematical programming [MSC 2020]
46A20 - Duality theory for topological vector spaces [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Convex nonconvex functions
Mathematical programming
Structural optimization
Supply chain
Systems engineering
World Congress
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN0125298
Cham, : Springer, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Advances in Global Optimization / David Gao, Ning Ruan, Wenxun Xing editors
Advances in Global Optimization / David Gao, Ning Ruan, Wenxun Xing editors
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer, 2015
Descrizione fisica xiii, 537 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 46A20 - Duality theory for topological vector spaces [MSC 2020]
90Cxx - Mathematical programming [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Convex nonconvex functions
Mathematical programming
Structural optimization
Supply chain
Systems engineering
World Congress
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00125298
Cham, : Springer, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Advances in Global Optimization / David Gao, Ning Ruan, Wenxun Xing editors
Advances in Global Optimization / David Gao, Ning Ruan, Wenxun Xing editors
Edizione [Cham : Springer, 2015]
Pubbl/distr/stampa xiii, 537 p., : ill. ; 24 cm
Descrizione fisica Pubblicazione in formato elettronico
Soggetto topico 90Cxx - Mathematical programming [MSC 2020]
46A20 - Duality theory for topological vector spaces [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-SUN0125298
xiii, 537 p., : ill. ; 24 cm
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
AI Assisted Business Analytics : Techniques for Reshaping Competitiveness / Joseph Boffa
AI Assisted Business Analytics : Techniques for Reshaping Competitiveness / Joseph Boffa
Autore Boffa, Joseph
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer, 2023
Descrizione fisica ix, 135 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 62-XX - Statistics [MSC 2020]
62Hxx - Multivariate analysis [MSC 2020]
68Txx - Artificial intelligence [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Auditing
Business applications
Business forecasting
Cash flow
Controlling cost
Financial audit
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00279391
Boffa, Joseph  
Cham, : Springer, 2023
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Ambit Stochastics / Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Fred Espen Benth, Almut E. D. Veraart
Ambit Stochastics / Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Fred Espen Benth, Almut E. D. Veraart
Autore Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer, 2018
Descrizione fisica xxv, 402 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Altri autori (Persone) Benth, Fred Espen
Veraart, Almut E. D.
Soggetto topico 60Hxx - Stochastic analysis [MSC 2020]
60J74 - Jump processes on discrete state spaces [MSC 2020]
65C30 - Numerical solutions to stochastic differential and integral equations [MSC 2020]
60G60 - Random fields [MSC 2020]
62H11 - Directional data; spatial statistics [MSC 2020]
60Fxx - Limit theorems in probability theory [MSC 2020]
62M10 - Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH) [MSC 2020]
62P20 - Applications of statistics to economics [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
62M30 - Inference from spatial processes [MSC 2020]
76M35 - Stochastic analysis applied to problems in fluid mechanics [MSC 2020]
62F12 - Asymptotic properties of parametric estimators [MSC 2020]
91G30 - Interest rates, asset pricing, etc. (stochastic models) [MSC 2020]
62P35 - Applications of statistics to physics [MSC 2020]
76F55 - Statistical turbulence modeling [MSC 2020]
60J76 - Jump processes on general state spaces [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Ambit fields
Energy markets
Lévy basis
Lévy processes
Power variation
Quantitative Finance
Random fields
Statistical turbulence
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Stochastic integration
Trawl processes
Volterra processes
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN0124560
Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E.  
Cham, : Springer, 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Ambit Stochastics / Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Fred Espen Benth, Almut E. D. Veraart
Ambit Stochastics / Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Fred Espen Benth, Almut E. D. Veraart
Autore Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E.
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, : Springer, 2018
Descrizione fisica xxv, 402 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Altri autori (Persone) Benth, Fred Espen
Veraart, Almut E. D.
Soggetto topico 60Fxx - Limit theorems in probability theory [MSC 2020]
60G60 - Random fields [MSC 2020]
60Hxx - Stochastic analysis [MSC 2020]
60J74 - Jump processes on discrete state spaces [MSC 2020]
60J76 - Jump processes on general state spaces [MSC 2020]
62F12 - Asymptotic properties of parametric estimators [MSC 2020]
62H11 - Directional data; spatial statistics [MSC 2020]
62M10 - Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH) [MSC 2020]
62M30 - Inference from spatial processes [MSC 2020]
62P20 - Applications of statistics to economics [MSC 2020]
62P35 - Applications of statistics to physics [MSC 2020]
65C30 - Numerical solutions to stochastic differential and integral equations [MSC 2020]
76F55 - Statistical turbulence modeling [MSC 2020]
76M35 - Stochastic analysis applied to problems in fluid mechanics [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
91G30 - Interest rates, asset pricing, etc. (stochastic models) [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Ambit fields
Energy markets
Lévy basis
Lévy processes
Power variation
Quantitative Finance
Random fields
Statistical turbulence
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Stochastic integration
Trawl processes
Volterra processes
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00124560
Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E.  
Cham, : Springer, 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Ambit Stochastics / Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Fred Espen Benth, Almut E. D. Veraart
Ambit Stochastics / Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Fred Espen Benth, Almut E. D. Veraart
Autore Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E.
Edizione [Cham : Springer, 2018]
Pubbl/distr/stampa xxv, 402 p., : ill. ; 24 cm
Descrizione fisica Pubblicazione in formato elettronico
Altri autori (Persone) Benth, Fred Espen
Veraart, Almut E. D.
Soggetto topico 60Hxx - Stochastic analysis [MSC 2020]
60J74 - Jump processes on discrete state spaces [MSC 2020]
65C30 - Numerical solutions to stochastic differential and integral equations [MSC 2020]
60G60 - Random fields [MSC 2020]
62H11 - Directional data; spatial statistics [MSC 2020]
60Fxx - Limit theorems in probability theory [MSC 2020]
62M10 - Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH) [MSC 2020]
62P20 - Applications of statistics to economics [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
62M30 - Inference from spatial processes [MSC 2020]
76M35 - Stochastic analysis applied to problems in fluid mechanics [MSC 2020]
62F12 - Asymptotic properties of parametric estimators [MSC 2020]
91G30 - Interest rates, asset pricing, etc. (stochastic models) [MSC 2020]
62P35 - Applications of statistics to physics [MSC 2020]
76F55 - Statistical turbulence modeling [MSC 2020]
60J76 - Jump processes on general state spaces [MSC 2020]
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-SUN0124560
Barndorff-Nielsen, Ole E.  
xxv, 402 p., : ill. ; 24 cm
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
An introduction to queueing theory : modeling and analysis in applications / U. Narayan Bhat
An introduction to queueing theory : modeling and analysis in applications / U. Narayan Bhat
Autore Bhat, U. Narayan
Edizione [2. ed]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boston, : Birkhäuser, 2015
Descrizione fisica XIV, 339 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 60K25 - Queueing theory (aspects of probability theory) [MSC 2020]
60J27 - Continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces [MSC 2020]
60K30 - Applications of queueing theory (congestion, allocation, storage, traffic, etc.) [MSC 2020]
90B22 - Queues and service in operations research [MSC 2020]
68M20 - Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
90B36 - Scheduling theory, stochastic in operations research [MSC 2020]
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-SUN0113087
Bhat, U. Narayan  
Boston, : Birkhäuser, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
An introduction to queueing theory : modeling and analysis in applications / U. Narayan Bhat
An introduction to queueing theory : modeling and analysis in applications / U. Narayan Bhat
Autore Bhat, U. Narayan
Edizione [2. ed]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boston, : Birkhäuser, 2015
Descrizione fisica XIV, 339 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 60K25 - Queueing theory (aspects of probability theory) [MSC 2020]
60J27 - Continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces [MSC 2020]
60K30 - Applications of queueing theory (congestion, allocation, storage, traffic, etc.) [MSC 2020]
90B22 - Queues and service in operations research [MSC 2020]
68M20 - Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
90B36 - Scheduling theory, stochastic in operations research [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Data Collection
Decision Problems
Markov Models
Markovian Queueing Systems
Operations Research
Poisson process
Queueing Models
Queueing Theory
Queueing networks
Stationarity Tests
Statistical Distributions
Statistical inference
Stochastic processes
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN0113087
Bhat, U. Narayan  
Boston, : Birkhäuser, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
An introduction to queueing theory : modeling and analysis in applications / U. Narayan Bhat
An introduction to queueing theory : modeling and analysis in applications / U. Narayan Bhat
Autore Bhat, U. Narayan
Edizione [2. ed]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boston, : Birkhäuser, 2015
Descrizione fisica XIV, 339 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Soggetto topico 60J27 - Continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces [MSC 2020]
60K25 - Queueing theory (aspects of probability theory) [MSC 2020]
60K30 - Applications of queueing theory (congestion, allocation, storage, traffic, etc.) [MSC 2020]
68M20 - Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems [MSC 2020]
90B22 - Queues and service in operations research [MSC 2020]
90B36 - Scheduling theory, stochastic in operations research [MSC 2020]
91B70 - Stochastic models in economics [MSC 2020]
Soggetto non controllato Data Collection
Decision Problems
Markov Models
Markovian Queueing Systems
Operations Research
Poisson process
Queueing Models
Queueing Theory
Queueing networks
Stationarity Tests
Statistical Distributions
Statistical inference
Stochastic processes
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Titolo uniforme
Record Nr. UNICAMPANIA-VAN00113087
Bhat, U. Narayan  
Boston, : Birkhäuser, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Vanvitelli
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui