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About the Special Issue Editor vii -- Arndt B ¨ussing Introduction of the Special Issue "Measures of Spirituality/Religiosity (2018)" Reprinted from: Religions 2019, 10, 214, doi:10.3390/rel10030214 . 1 -- Philip Austin, Jessica Macdonald and Roderick MacLeod Measuring Spirituality and Religiosity in Clinical Settings: A Scoping Review of Available Instruments Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 70, doi:10.3390/rel9030070 . 2 -- Arndt Bussing, ¨ Daniela Rodrigues Recchia, Harold Koenig, Klaus Baumann and Eckhard Frick Factor Structure of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) in Persons with Chronic Diseases, Elderly and Healthy Individuals Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 13, doi:10.3390/rel9010013 . 16 -- Aisha Kashif and Zaira Kanwal Translation, Cultural Adaptation of Spiritual Needs Questionnaire in Pakistan Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 163, doi:10.3390/rel9050163 27 -- Tania ˆ Cristina de Oliveira Valente, Ana Paula Rodrigues Cavalcanti, Arndt Bussing, ¨ Clovis ´ Pereira da Costa Junior and Rogerio Neves Motta Transcultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of Portuguese Version of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) Among HIV Positive Patients in Brazil Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 135, doi:10.3390/rel9040135 35 -- Seyma N. Saritoprak, Julie J. Exline and Nick Stauner Spiritual Jihad among U.S. Muslims: Preliminary Measurement and Associations with Well-Being and Growth Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 158, doi:10.3390/rel9050158 45 -- Olga Riklikiene, Snieguole Kaseliene and John Fisher Translation and Validation of Spiritual Well-Being Questionnaire SHALOM in Lithuanian Language, Culture and Health Care Practice Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 156, doi:10.3390/rel9050156 67 -- Hartmut August, Mary Rute G. Esperandio and Fabiana Thiele Escudero Brazilian Validation of the Attachment to God Inventory (IAD-Br) Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 103, doi:10.3390/rel9040103 81 -- Rito Baring, Philip Joseph Sarmiento, Nestor Sibug, Paolo Lumanlan, Benita Bonus, Cristina Samia and Stephen Reysen Filipino College Students' Attitudes towards Religion: An Analysis of the Underlying Factors Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 85, doi:10.3390/rel9030085 . 102 -- Arndt Bussing, ¨ Daniela R. Recchia, Mareike Gerundt, Markus Warode and Thomas Dienberg Validation of the SpREUK-Religious Practices Questionnaire as a Measure of Christian Religious Practices in a General Population and in Religious Persons Reprinted from: Religions 2017, 8, 269, doi:10.3390/rel8120269 116 -- Arndt B ¨ussing, Markus Warode, Mareike Gerundt and Thomas Dienberg Validation of a Novel Instrument to Measure Elements of Franciscan-Inspired Spirituality in a General Population and in Religious Persons Reprinted from: Religions 2017, 8, 197, doi:10.3390/rel8090197 132 -- Arndt B ¨ussing, Daniela R. Recchia and Klaus Baumann Validation of the Gratitude/Awe Questionnaire and Its Association with Disposition of Gratefulness Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 117, doi:10.3390/rel9040117 146 -- Harold G. Koenig Measuring Symptoms of Moral Injury in Veterans and Active Duty Military with PTSD Reprinted from: Religions 2018, 9, 86, doi:10.3390/rel9030086 . 157.