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Chemical and biological processes in fluid flows [[electronic resource] ] : a dynamical systems approach / / Zoltán Neufeld, Emilio Hernández-García
Chemical and biological processes in fluid flows [[electronic resource] ] : a dynamical systems approach / / Zoltán Neufeld, Emilio Hernández-García
Autore Neufeld Zoltán
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Imperial College Press, c2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (304 p.)
Disciplina 532.5015118
Altri autori (Persone) Hernández-GarcíaEmilio <1963->
Soggetto topico Fluid dynamics - Mathematical models
Fluid mechanics - Mathematical models
ISBN 1-282-75976-0
Classificazione BIO 249f
CIT 280f
PHY 220f
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; Preface; Chemically and biologically reacting flows; Plan of the book; 1 Fluid Flows; 1.1 Conservation laws; 1.2 Laminar and turbulent flows; 1.3 Turbulence; 1.4 Kolmogorov's theory of turbulence; 1.5 Two-dimensional flows; 2 Mixing and Dispersion in Fluid Flows; 2.1 Introduction; 2.1.1 Advection; 2.1.2 Diffusion; 2.1.3 Advection and diffusion; 2.2 Steady two-dimensional flows; 2.2.1 Advection along streamlines; 2.2.2 Dispersion of diffusive tracers in steady flows; 2.3 Advection in weakly time-dependent two-dimensional flows; 2.4 Chaotic advection in three dimensions
2.5 Dispersion by chaotic advection 2.5.1 The Lyapunov exponent; 2.6 Chaotic advection in open flows; 2.7 Chaotic advection and diffusion; 2.7.1 The filament model; 2.7.2 Asymptotic decay in chaotic flows; 2.8 Mixing in turbulent flows; 2.8.1 Relative dispersion in turbulence; 2.8.2 Passive scalar in turbulent flows; 2.9 Distribution of inertial particles in flows; 3 Chemical and Ecological Models; 3.1 Chemical dynamics; 3.1.1 The Law of Mass Action; 3.1.2 Binary, First-Order, and Zeroth-Order Reactions; 3.1.3 Autocatalytic and Enzymatic Reactions: The adiabatic elimination
3.1.4 Oscillations and excitability 3.1.5 Multistability; 3.2 Biological models; 3.2.1 Simple birth, death and saturation; 3.2.2 Predator-Prey models; 3.2.3 Competition; 3.3 Summary; 4 Reaction-diffusion Dynamics; 4.1 Diffusion and linear growth; 4.1.1 Linear spreading of perturbations; 4.1.2 The minimum habitat-size problem; 4.1.3 Plankton filaments; 4.2 Fisher waves; 4.3 Multistability: Fronts advancing on metastable states; 4.4 Excitable waves; 4.5 Turing diffusive instabilities; 4.6 Oscillatory media and beyond; 5 Fast Binary Reactions and the Lamellar Approach
5.1 Lamellar reacting models 5.2 Fast binary reactions in simple flows; 5.3 The fast binary reaction in complex flows; 6 Decay-type and Stable Reaction Dynamics in Flows; 6.1 Stable reaction dynamics and its global steady state; 6.2 The spectrum of decaying scalar in a flow; 6.2.1 The inertial-convective range; 6.2.2 The viscous-convective range; 6.3 Smooth and filamental distributions .; 6.4 Structure functions, multifractality and intermittency; 6.5 Two-dimensional turbulence with linear damping; 7 Mixing in Autocatalytic-type Processes; 7.1 Mixing in autocatalytic reactions
7.1.1 The closed-flow case7.1.2 The open flow case; 7.1.3 Results from the filament model; 7.1.4 Front propagation in cellular flows; 7.2 Mixing and bistable dynamics; 7.3 Mixing in excitable dynamics; 7.3.1 Excitable plankton dynamics; 7.4 Competition dynamics; 8 Mixing in Oscillatory Media; 8.1 Synchronization of oscillatory dynamics by mixing; 8.1.1 Persistent patterns in uniform medium; 8.2 Synchronization in non-uniform medium; 8.3 Noise induced oscillations in excitable media; 8.4 The effect of chaotic dispersion on cyclic competition; 9 Further Reading
9.1 Complex fluids and reactive flows
Record Nr. UNINA-9910780731503321
Neufeld Zoltán  
London, : Imperial College Press, c2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation [[electronic resource] /] / by Laure Saint-Raymond
Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann Equation [[electronic resource] /] / by Laure Saint-Raymond
Autore Saint-Raymond Laure
Edizione [1st ed. 2009.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XII, 194 p. 9 illus.)
Disciplina 532.5
Collana Lecture Notes in Mathematics
Soggetto topico Continuum physics
Partial differential equations
Classical and Continuum Physics
Partial Differential Equations
Statistics for Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Chemistry and Earth Sciences
ISBN 3-540-92847-2
Classificazione MAT 352f
PHY 058f
PHY 220f
SI 850
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The Boltzmann equation and its formal hydrodynamic limits -- Mathematical tools for the derivation of hydrodynamic limits -- The incompressible Navier-Stokes limit -- The incompressible Euler limit -- The compressible Euler limit.
Record Nr. UNISA-996466482303316
Saint-Raymond Laure  
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation / / Laure Saint-Raymond
Hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann equation / / Laure Saint-Raymond
Autore Saint-Raymond Laure
Edizione [1st ed. 2009.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, : Springer, c2009
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XII, 194 p. 9 illus.)
Disciplina 532.5
Collana Lecture notes in mathematics
Soggetto topico Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution law
Fluid dynamics - Mathematics
ISBN 3-540-92847-2
Classificazione MAT 352f
PHY 058f
PHY 220f
SI 850
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The Boltzmann equation and its formal hydrodynamic limits -- Mathematical tools for the derivation of hydrodynamic limits -- The incompressible Navier-Stokes limit -- The incompressible Euler limit -- The compressible Euler limit.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910483276903321
Saint-Raymond Laure  
Berlin, : Springer, c2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Multiscale and adaptivity : modeling, numerics and applications : C.I.M.E. Summer School, Cetraro, Italy 2009 / / Silvia Bertoluzza ... [et al.] ; editors, Giovanni Naldi, Giovanni Russo
Multiscale and adaptivity : modeling, numerics and applications : C.I.M.E. Summer School, Cetraro, Italy 2009 / / Silvia Bertoluzza ... [et al.] ; editors, Giovanni Naldi, Giovanni Russo
Edizione [1st ed. 2012.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Heidelberg ; ; New York, : Springer Verlag, c2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XII, 314 p. 72 illus., 24 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 501.5118
Altri autori (Persone) BertoluzzaSilvia
Collana Lecture notes in mathematics
Soggetto topico Finite element method
Mathematical physics
Multiscale modeling
Wavelets (Mathematics)
ISBN 3-642-24079-8
Classificazione MAT 428f
MAT 671f
PHY 220f
SI 850
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto AdaptiveWavelet Methods -- Heterogeneous Mathematical Models in Fluid Dynamics and Associated Solution Algorithms -- Primer of Adaptive Finite Element Methods -- Mathematically Founded Design of Adaptive Finite Element Software.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910132785303321
Berlin ; ; Heidelberg ; ; New York, : Springer Verlag, c2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Multiscale and Adaptivity: Modeling, Numerics and Applications [[electronic resource] ] : C.I.M.E. Summer School, Cetraro, Italy 2009 / / by Silvia Bertoluzza, Ricardo H. Nochetto, Alfio Quarteroni, Kunibert G. Siebert, Andreas Veeser
Multiscale and Adaptivity: Modeling, Numerics and Applications [[electronic resource] ] : C.I.M.E. Summer School, Cetraro, Italy 2009 / / by Silvia Bertoluzza, Ricardo H. Nochetto, Alfio Quarteroni, Kunibert G. Siebert, Andreas Veeser
Autore Bertoluzza Silvia
Edizione [1st ed. 2012.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XII, 314 p. 72 illus., 24 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 515/.353
Collana C.I.M.E. Foundation Subseries
Soggetto topico Numerical analysis
Computer mathematics
Mathematical models
Applied mathematics
Engineering mathematics
Numerical Analysis
Computational Science and Engineering
Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics
Mathematical and Computational Engineering
Numerical and Computational Physics, Simulation
Soggetto genere / forma Kongress2009.Cetraro
ISBN 3-642-24079-8
Classificazione MAT 428f
MAT 671f
PHY 220f
SI 850
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto AdaptiveWavelet Methods -- Heterogeneous Mathematical Models in Fluid Dynamics and Associated Solution Algorithms -- Primer of Adaptive Finite Element Methods -- Mathematically Founded Design of Adaptive Finite Element Software.
Record Nr. UNISA-996466654903316
Bertoluzza Silvia  
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui