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The handbook of educational linguistics [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Bernard Spolsky and Francis M. Hult
The handbook of educational linguistics [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Bernard Spolsky and Francis M. Hult
Pubbl/distr/stampa Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (706 p.)
Disciplina 306.44
Altri autori (Persone) SpolskyBernard
HultFrancis M
Collana Blackwell handbooks in linguistics
Soggetto topico Language and education
ISBN 1-281-30847-1
Classificazione 17.41
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction : what is educational linguistics? / Bernard Spolsky -- The history and development of educational linguistics / Francis M. Hult -- Neurobiology of language learning / Laura Sabourin and Laurie A. Stowe -- Psycholinguistics / William C. Ritchie and Tej K. Bhatia -- Linguistic theory / Richard Hudson -- Sociolinguistics and sociology of language / Rajend Mesthrie -- Linguistic anthropology / Stanton Wortham -- The political matrix of linguistic ideologies / Mary McGroarty -- Educational linguistics and education systems / Joseph Lo Bianco -- The language of instruction issue : framing an empirical perspective / Stephen L. Walter -- Bilingual and biliterate practices at home and school / Iliana Reyes and Luis C. Moll -- Vernacular language varieties in educational settings : research and development / Jeffrey Reaser and Carolyn Temple Adger -- Linguistic accessibility and deaf children / Samuel J. Supalla and Jody H. Cripps -- Identity in language and literacy education / Carolyn McKinney and Bonny Norton -- Post-colonialism and globalization in language education / Hyunjung Shin and Ryuko Kubota -- Levels and goals : central frameworks and local strategies / Brian North -- Language acquisition management inside and outside the school / Richard B. Baldauf Jr., Minglin Li, and Shouhui Zhao -- Language cultivation in developed contexts / Jiří Nekvapil -- Language cultivation in contexts of multiple community languages / M. Paul Lewis and Barbara Trudell -- Ecological language education policy / Nancy H. Hornberger and Francis M. Hult -- Education for speakers of endangered languages / Teresa L. McCarty, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, and Ole Henrik Magga -- The impact of English on the school curriculum / Yun-Kyung Cha and Seung-Hwan Ham -- Literacy / Glynda A. Hull and Gregorio Hernandez -- Vernacular and indigenous literacies / Kendall A. King and Carol Benson -- Religious and sacred literacies / Jonathan M. Watt and Sarah L. Fairfield -- Genre and register in multiliteracies / Mary Macken-Horarik and Misty Adoniou --
Order of acquisition and developmental readiness / Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig and Llorenç Comajoan -- Language socialization / Kathleen C. Riley -- Interlanguage and language transfer / Peter Skehan -- Second language acquisition and ultimate attainment / David Birdsong and Jee Paik -- Explicit form-focused instruction and second language acquisition / Rod Ellis -- Language assessments : gate-keepers or door-openers? / Lyle F. Bachman and James E. Purpura -- Diagnostic and formative assessment / Ari Huhta -- Accountability and standards / Alan Davies -- Scales and framework / Neil Jones and Nick Saville -- Nationally mandated testing for accountability : English language learners in the US / Micheline Chalhoub-Deville and Craig Deville -- Task-based teaching and learning / Teresa Pica -- Corpus linguistics and second language instruction / Susan M. Conrad and Kimberley R. LeVelle -- Interaction, output, and communicative language learning / Merrill Swain and Wataru Suzuki -- Classroom discourse and interaction : reading across the traditions / Lesley A. Rex and Judith L. Green -- Computer assisted language learning / Carol A. Chapelle -- Ecological-semiotic perspectives on educational linguistics / Leo Van Lier -- The mediating role of language in teaching and learning : a classroom perspective / Francis Bailey, Beverley Burkett, and Donald Freeman -- A research agenda for educational linguistics / Paola Uccelli and Catherine Snow.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910145275603321
Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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The handbook of educational linguistics [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Bernard Spolsky and Francis M. Hult
The handbook of educational linguistics [[electronic resource] /] / edited by Bernard Spolsky and Francis M. Hult
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (706 p.)
Disciplina 306.44
Altri autori (Persone) SpolskyBernard
HultFrancis M
Collana Blackwell handbooks in linguistics
Soggetto topico Language and education
ISBN 1-281-30847-1
Classificazione 17.41
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction : what is educational linguistics? / Bernard Spolsky -- The history and development of educational linguistics / Francis M. Hult -- Neurobiology of language learning / Laura Sabourin and Laurie A. Stowe -- Psycholinguistics / William C. Ritchie and Tej K. Bhatia -- Linguistic theory / Richard Hudson -- Sociolinguistics and sociology of language / Rajend Mesthrie -- Linguistic anthropology / Stanton Wortham -- The political matrix of linguistic ideologies / Mary McGroarty -- Educational linguistics and education systems / Joseph Lo Bianco -- The language of instruction issue : framing an empirical perspective / Stephen L. Walter -- Bilingual and biliterate practices at home and school / Iliana Reyes and Luis C. Moll -- Vernacular language varieties in educational settings : research and development / Jeffrey Reaser and Carolyn Temple Adger -- Linguistic accessibility and deaf children / Samuel J. Supalla and Jody H. Cripps -- Identity in language and literacy education / Carolyn McKinney and Bonny Norton -- Post-colonialism and globalization in language education / Hyunjung Shin and Ryuko Kubota -- Levels and goals : central frameworks and local strategies / Brian North -- Language acquisition management inside and outside the school / Richard B. Baldauf Jr., Minglin Li, and Shouhui Zhao -- Language cultivation in developed contexts / Jiří Nekvapil -- Language cultivation in contexts of multiple community languages / M. Paul Lewis and Barbara Trudell -- Ecological language education policy / Nancy H. Hornberger and Francis M. Hult -- Education for speakers of endangered languages / Teresa L. McCarty, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, and Ole Henrik Magga -- The impact of English on the school curriculum / Yun-Kyung Cha and Seung-Hwan Ham -- Literacy / Glynda A. Hull and Gregorio Hernandez -- Vernacular and indigenous literacies / Kendall A. King and Carol Benson -- Religious and sacred literacies / Jonathan M. Watt and Sarah L. Fairfield -- Genre and register in multiliteracies / Mary Macken-Horarik and Misty Adoniou --
Order of acquisition and developmental readiness / Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig and Llorenç Comajoan -- Language socialization / Kathleen C. Riley -- Interlanguage and language transfer / Peter Skehan -- Second language acquisition and ultimate attainment / David Birdsong and Jee Paik -- Explicit form-focused instruction and second language acquisition / Rod Ellis -- Language assessments : gate-keepers or door-openers? / Lyle F. Bachman and James E. Purpura -- Diagnostic and formative assessment / Ari Huhta -- Accountability and standards / Alan Davies -- Scales and framework / Neil Jones and Nick Saville -- Nationally mandated testing for accountability : English language learners in the US / Micheline Chalhoub-Deville and Craig Deville -- Task-based teaching and learning / Teresa Pica -- Corpus linguistics and second language instruction / Susan M. Conrad and Kimberley R. LeVelle -- Interaction, output, and communicative language learning / Merrill Swain and Wataru Suzuki -- Classroom discourse and interaction : reading across the traditions / Lesley A. Rex and Judith L. Green -- Computer assisted language learning / Carol A. Chapelle -- Ecological-semiotic perspectives on educational linguistics / Leo Van Lier -- The mediating role of language in teaching and learning : a classroom perspective / Francis Bailey, Beverley Burkett, and Donald Freeman -- A research agenda for educational linguistics / Paola Uccelli and Catherine Snow.
Record Nr. UNISA-996208216503316
Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The handbook of educational linguistics / / edited by Bernard Spolsky and Francis M. Hult
The handbook of educational linguistics / / edited by Bernard Spolsky and Francis M. Hult
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (706 p.)
Disciplina 306.44
Altri autori (Persone) SpolskyBernard
HultFrancis M
Collana Blackwell handbooks in linguistics
Soggetto topico Language and education
ISBN 1-281-30847-1
Classificazione 17.41
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction : what is educational linguistics? / Bernard Spolsky -- The history and development of educational linguistics / Francis M. Hult -- Neurobiology of language learning / Laura Sabourin and Laurie A. Stowe -- Psycholinguistics / William C. Ritchie and Tej K. Bhatia -- Linguistic theory / Richard Hudson -- Sociolinguistics and sociology of language / Rajend Mesthrie -- Linguistic anthropology / Stanton Wortham -- The political matrix of linguistic ideologies / Mary McGroarty -- Educational linguistics and education systems / Joseph Lo Bianco -- The language of instruction issue : framing an empirical perspective / Stephen L. Walter -- Bilingual and biliterate practices at home and school / Iliana Reyes and Luis C. Moll -- Vernacular language varieties in educational settings : research and development / Jeffrey Reaser and Carolyn Temple Adger -- Linguistic accessibility and deaf children / Samuel J. Supalla and Jody H. Cripps -- Identity in language and literacy education / Carolyn McKinney and Bonny Norton -- Post-colonialism and globalization in language education / Hyunjung Shin and Ryuko Kubota -- Levels and goals : central frameworks and local strategies / Brian North -- Language acquisition management inside and outside the school / Richard B. Baldauf Jr., Minglin Li, and Shouhui Zhao -- Language cultivation in developed contexts / Jiri Nekvapil -- Language cultivation in contexts of multiple community languages / M. Paul Lewis and Barbara Trudell -- Ecological language education policy / Nancy H. Hornberger and Francis M. Hult -- Education for speakers of endangered languages / Teresa L. McCarty, Tove Skutnabb-Kangas, and Ole Henrik Magga -- The impact of English on the school curriculum / Yun-Kyung Cha and Seung-Hwan Ham -- Literacy / Glynda A. Hull and Gregorio Hernandez -- Vernacular and indigenous literacies / Kendall A. King and Carol Benson -- Religious and sacred literacies / Jonathan M. Watt and Sarah L. Fairfield -- Genre and register in multiliteracies / Mary Macken-Horarik and Misty Adoniou --
Order of acquisition and developmental readiness / Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig and Llorenc Comajoan -- Language socialization / Kathleen C. Riley -- Interlanguage and language transfer / Peter Skehan -- Second language acquisition and ultimate attainment / David Birdsong and Jee Paik -- Explicit form-focused instruction and second language acquisition / Rod Ellis -- Language assessments : gate-keepers or door-openers? / Lyle F. Bachman and James E. Purpura -- Diagnostic and formative assessment / Ari Huhta -- Accountability and standards / Alan Davies -- Scales and framework / Neil Jones and Nick Saville -- Nationally mandated testing for accountability : English language learners in the US / Micheline Chalhoub-Deville and Craig Deville -- Task-based teaching and learning / Teresa Pica -- Corpus linguistics and second language instruction / Susan M. Conrad and Kimberley R. LeVelle -- Interaction, output, and communicative language learning / Merrill Swain and Wataru Suzuki -- Classroom discourse and interaction : reading across the traditions / Lesley A. Rex and Judith L. Green -- Computer assisted language learning / Carol A. Chapelle -- Ecological-semiotic perspectives on educational linguistics / Leo Van Lier -- The mediating role of language in teaching and learning : a classroom perspective / Francis Bailey, Beverley Burkett, and Donald Freeman -- A research agenda for educational linguistics / Paola Uccelli and Catherine Snow.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910819216003321
Malden, MA, : Blackwell Pub., 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Many pathways to literacy : young children learning with siblings, grandparents, peers, and communities / / edited by Eve Gregory, Susi Long, Dinah Volk
Many pathways to literacy : young children learning with siblings, grandparents, peers, and communities / / edited by Eve Gregory, Susi Long, Dinah Volk
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York : , : RoutledgeFalmer, , 2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (270 p.)
Disciplina 372.6
Altri autori (Persone) GregoryEve
LongSusi <1952->
Soggetto topico Language arts (Early childhood) - Social aspects - United States
Language arts (Early childhood) - Social aspects - Great Britain
Home and school
Community and school
Education, Bilingual
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 0-415-30617-5
Classificazione 05.15
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto A sociocultural approach to learning / Eve Gregory, Susi Long, Dinah Volk -- Mediating networks for literacy learning : the role of Puerto Rican siblings / Dinah Volk with Martha de Acosta -- Samia and Sadaqat play school : early bilingual literacy at home / Rose Drury -- 'Right, get your book bags!' : siblings playing school in multiethnic London / Ann Williams -- Buzz Lightyear in the nursery : intergenerational literacy learning in a multi-media age / Clare Kelly -- Storytelling and Latino elders : what can children learn? / Irma Olmedo -- Making a place for peer interaction : Mexican American kindergartners learning language and literacy / Susi Long with Donna Bell and Jim Brown -- Community school pupils re-interpret their knowledge of Chinese and Arabic for primary school peers / Charmian Kenner -- 'How do I read these words?' : bilingual exchange teaching between Cantonese speaking peers / Yuangguang Chen and Eve Gregory -- Friendship literacy : young children as cultural and linguistic experts / Manjula Datta -- Learning to be just : interactions of white working class peers / Rebecca Rogers and Melissa Mosley -- Change and tradition in literacy instruction in a Samoan American community / Alessandro Duranti, Elinor Ochs, and Elia K. Ta'ase -- Multilingual flexibility and literacy learning in an Urdu community school / Leena Helavaara Robertson -- The African American church : a beacon of light on the pathway to literacy for African American children / Gwendolyn McMillon and Patricia A. Edwards -- His eye on the sparrow : teaching and learning in an African American church / Wendy L. Haight and Janet Carter-Black -- Cultural literacy in the world of Pueblo children / Mary Eunice Romero.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910450889403321
New York : , : RoutledgeFalmer, , 2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Many pathways to literacy : young children learning with siblings, grandparents, peers, and communities / / edited by Eve Gregory, Susi Long, Dinah Volk
Many pathways to literacy : young children learning with siblings, grandparents, peers, and communities / / edited by Eve Gregory, Susi Long, Dinah Volk
Pubbl/distr/stampa New York : , : RoutledgeFalmer, , 2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (270 p.)
Disciplina 372.6
Altri autori (Persone) GregoryEve
LongSusi <1952->
Soggetto topico Language arts (Early childhood) - Social aspects - United States
Language arts (Early childhood) - Social aspects - Great Britain
Home and school
Community and school
Education, Bilingual
ISBN 1-134-40239-2
Classificazione 05.15
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto A sociocultural approach to learning / Eve Gregory, Susi Long, Dinah Volk -- Mediating networks for literacy learning : the role of Puerto Rican siblings / Dinah Volk with Martha de Acosta -- Samia and Sadaqat play school : early bilingual literacy at home / Rose Drury -- 'Right, get your book bags!' : siblings playing school in multiethnic London / Ann Williams -- Buzz Lightyear in the nursery : intergenerational literacy learning in a multi-media age / Clare Kelly -- Storytelling and Latino elders : what can children learn? / Irma Olmedo -- Making a place for peer interaction : Mexican American kindergartners learning language and literacy / Susi Long with Donna Bell and Jim Brown -- Community school pupils re-interpret their knowledge of Chinese and Arabic for primary school peers / Charmian Kenner -- 'How do I read these words?' : bilingual exchange teaching between Cantonese speaking peers / Yuangguang Chen and Eve Gregory -- Friendship literacy : young children as cultural and linguistic experts / Manjula Datta -- Learning to be just : interactions of white working class peers / Rebecca Rogers and Melissa Mosley -- Change and tradition in literacy instruction in a Samoan American community / Alessandro Duranti, Elinor Ochs, and Elia K. Ta'ase -- Multilingual flexibility and literacy learning in an Urdu community school / Leena Helavaara Robertson -- The African American church : a beacon of light on the pathway to literacy for African American children / Gwendolyn McMillon and Patricia A. Edwards -- His eye on the sparrow : teaching and learning in an African American church / Wendy L. Haight and Janet Carter-Black -- Cultural literacy in the world of Pueblo children / Mary Eunice Romero.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910783998703321
New York : , : RoutledgeFalmer, , 2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Reframing writing assessment [[electronic resource] ] : to improve teaching and learning / / Linda Adler-Kassner, Peggy O'Neill
Reframing writing assessment [[electronic resource] ] : to improve teaching and learning / / Linda Adler-Kassner, Peggy O'Neill
Autore Adler-Kassner Linda
Pubbl/distr/stampa Logan, Utah, : Utah State University Press, 2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (217 p.)
Disciplina 808/.0420711
Altri autori (Persone) O'NeillPeggy <1963->
Soggetto topico English language - Rhetoric - Study and teaching
Grading and marking (Students)
Report writing - Evaluation
College prose - Evaluation
ISBN 0-87421-799-7
Classificazione 17.41
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Higher education, framing, and writing assessment -- Framing (and) American education -- The framing of composition and writing assessment -- Reframing strategies and techniques -- Reframing in action -- Reframing assessment : why does my participation matter? -- Reimagining writing assessment.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910791479203321
Adler-Kassner Linda  
Logan, Utah, : Utah State University Press, 2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Writing to learn : poetry and literacy across the primary curriculum / / Fred Sedgwick
Writing to learn : poetry and literacy across the primary curriculum / / Fred Sedgwick
Autore Sedgwick Fred.
Pubbl/distr/stampa London ; ; New York : , : Routledge/Falmer, , 2000
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (233 p.)
Disciplina 372.623
Soggetto topico Poetry - Study and teaching (Elementary)
Poetry - Authorship - Study and teaching (Elementary)
Language experience approach in education
Creative writing (Elementary education) - Great Britain
ISBN 1-134-59244-2
Classificazione 17.41
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Book Cover; Title; Contents; List of illustrations; Acknowledgements; The principles; Introduction; Poetry and science; Observing the human body; Fruit, vegetables and other natural things; Bicycles and other machines; Cats and other animals; Poetry and Personal, Social and Moral Education; Me and the rest of the world; Lists; Putting art in prison to set it free; Pattern; Using visual images; Art and multicultural education; Poetry for its own sake; 'So help me God': Poetry and religious education; Appendices; Bringing living poets into the classroom; A word about learning by heart
A selective glossary of terms useful in teaching writingA list of poems used in this book to help children to write; References; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910783177503321
Sedgwick Fred.  
London ; ; New York : , : Routledge/Falmer, , 2000
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui