Nota di contenuto |
Intro -- Foreword -- Preface -- Notes -- Contents -- List of Figures -- Chapter 1: Our Imagination -- Imagination, the United States and Italy -- A Brief History -- Defining Italy and the United States -- Chapter 2: The American Founders and Rome -- Chapter 3: Italian Music and the American Imagination in the Nineteenth Century -- Chapter 4: Americans Imagining Italy, 1800-1865 -- Imagined Rome -- Chapter 5: Post-Civil War Imaginings of Italy -- Renaissance Architecture in the United States -- Cleveland, John Hay and the American Imagination -- Rosario Candela, New York, and Imagined Italy -- Chapter 6: Americans in Italy, 1865-1914 -- Notes -- Chapter 7: American Art Collectors and Their Imaginings -- Collecting Italian Art Prior to the Civil War -- Post-Civil War Collectors -- Chapter 8: Italians Imagined in the U.S. 1900-1940 -- Italy in U.S. Literature Prior to World War II -- Ezra Pound -- Thomas Stearns Eliot -- Ernest Hemingway and Italian Food and the American Imagination -- Chapter 9: Twentieth-Century Opera and the American Imagination -- Chapter 10: Italy Imagined in World War II and Beyond -- Italian-Americans in Post-War United States -- Chapter 11: Imagined Italy in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century -- Hollywood and the American Imagination -- Italian Fashion and the American Imagination -- Italian Architecture and the American Imagination -- Chapter 12: Conclusion -- Epilogue -- Bibliography -- Index.