Judah and the Judeans in the Achaemenid Period : Negotiating Identity in an International Context / / edited by Oded Lipschits, Gary N. Knoppers, and Manfred Oeming |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Winona Lake (Ind.) : , : Eisenbrauns, , 2011 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (617 p.) |
Disciplina | 220.9/5009014 |
Soggetto topico |
Achemenides (Iran ; 550 av. J.-C.-330 av. J.-C.) Diaspora juive - Congres Juifs - Identite collective - Congres Identite collective - Congres Ethnicite dans la Bible - Congres Jews - Identity Jews Jewish diaspora Group identity Ethnicity in the Bible Ethnic relations Juif - epoque achemenide Jews - History - 586 B.C.-70 A.D |
Soggetto genere / forma |
History Criticism, interpretation, etc. Conference papers and proceedings. Electronic books. |
ISBN | 1-57506-649-1 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Judean identity and ecumenicity : the political theology of the priestly document / Konrad Schmid -- Torah and identity in the Persian period / Joachim Schaper -- The absent presence : cultural responses to Persian presence in the Eastern Mediterranean / Anselm C. Hagedorn -- Ethnicity and identity in Isaiah 56-66 / Christophe Nihan -- Trito-Isaiah's intra- and internationalization : identity markers in the Second Temple period / Jill Middlemas -- From Ezekiel to Ezra-Nehemiah : shifts of group identities within Babylonian exilic ideology / Dalit Rom-Shiloni -- Israel's identity and the threat of the nations in the Persian period / Jakob Wöhrle -- The rite of separation of the foreign wives in Ezra-Nehemiah / Yonina Dor -- The holy seed : the significance of endogamous boundaries and their transgression in Ezra 9-10 / Katherine Southwood -- What do priests and kings have in common? : priestly and royal succession narratives in the Achaemenid Era / Deirdre N. Fulton -- Yahwistic names in light of late Babylonian onomastics / Paul-Alain Beaulieu -- "Judean" : a special status in neo-Babylonian and Achemenid Babylonia? / Laurie E. Pearce -- Some observations on the traditions surrounding "Israel in Egypt" / Donald Redford -- Judean identity in Elephantine : everyday life according to the Ostraca / Andre Lemaire -- The interaction of Egyptian and Aramaic literature / Joachim Friedrich Quack -- Yehudite identity in Elephantine / Bob Becking -- Judean ambassadors and the making of Jewish identity : the case of Hananiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah / Reinhard G. Kratz -- Negotiating identity in an international context under Achaemenid rule : the indigenous coinages of Persian-period Palestine as an allegory / Oren Tal -- Judaeans, Jews, children of Abraham / Joseph Blenkinsopp -- The controversy about Judean versus Israelite identity and the Persian government : a new interpretation of the Bagoses story (Jewish antiquities XI.297-301) / Rainer Albertz -- Surviving in an imperial context : foreign military service and Judean identity / Jacob L. Wright -- 'el-mĕdînâ ûmĕdînâ kiktābāh : scribes and scripts in Yehud and in Achaemenid transeuphratene / David S. Vanderhooft -- Jewish identity in the Eastern diaspora in light of the book of Tobit / Manfred Oeming -- The identity of the Idumeans based on the archaeological evidence from Maresha / Amos Kloner. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910457323803321 |
Winona Lake (Ind.) : , : Eisenbrauns, , 2011 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
Judah and the Judeans in the Achaemenid Period : Negotiating Identity in an International Context / / edited by Oded Lipschits, Gary N. Knoppers, and Manfred Oeming |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Winona Lake (Ind.) : , : Eisenbrauns, , 2011 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (617 p.) |
Disciplina | 220.9/5009014 |
Soggetto topico |
Diaspora juive - Congres
Juifs - Identite collective - Congres Identite collective - Congres Ethnicite dans la Bible - Congres Jews - Identity Jews Jewish diaspora Group identity Ethnicity in the Bible Ethnic relations Jews - History - 586 B.C.-70 A.D |
Soggetto genere / forma |
Criticism, interpretation, etc. Conference papers and proceedings. |
ISBN | 1-57506-649-1 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Judean identity and ecumenicity : the political theology of the priestly document / Konrad Schmid -- Torah and identity in the Persian period / Joachim Schaper -- The absent presence : cultural responses to Persian presence in the Eastern Mediterranean / Anselm C. Hagedorn -- Ethnicity and identity in Isaiah 56-66 / Christophe Nihan -- Trito-Isaiah's intra- and internationalization : identity markers in the Second Temple period / Jill Middlemas -- From Ezekiel to Ezra-Nehemiah : shifts of group identities within Babylonian exilic ideology / Dalit Rom-Shiloni -- Israel's identity and the threat of the nations in the Persian period / Jakob Wöhrle -- The rite of separation of the foreign wives in Ezra-Nehemiah / Yonina Dor -- The holy seed : the significance of endogamous boundaries and their transgression in Ezra 9-10 / Katherine Southwood -- What do priests and kings have in common? : priestly and royal succession narratives in the Achaemenid Era / Deirdre N. Fulton -- Yahwistic names in light of late Babylonian onomastics / Paul-Alain Beaulieu -- "Judean" : a special status in neo-Babylonian and Achemenid Babylonia? / Laurie E. Pearce -- Some observations on the traditions surrounding "Israel in Egypt" / Donald Redford -- Judean identity in Elephantine : everyday life according to the Ostraca / Andre Lemaire -- The interaction of Egyptian and Aramaic literature / Joachim Friedrich Quack -- Yehudite identity in Elephantine / Bob Becking -- Judean ambassadors and the making of Jewish identity : the case of Hananiah, Ezra, and Nehemiah / Reinhard G. Kratz -- Negotiating identity in an international context under Achaemenid rule : the indigenous coinages of Persian-period Palestine as an allegory / Oren Tal -- Judaeans, Jews, children of Abraham / Joseph Blenkinsopp -- The controversy about Judean versus Israelite identity and the Persian government : a new interpretation of the Bagoses story (Jewish antiquities XI.297-301) / Rainer Albertz -- Surviving in an imperial context : foreign military service and Judean identity / Jacob L. Wright -- 'el-mĕdînâ ûmĕdînâ kiktābāh : scribes and scripts in Yehud and in Achaemenid transeuphratene / David S. Vanderhooft -- Jewish identity in the Eastern diaspora in light of the book of Tobit / Manfred Oeming -- The identity of the Idumeans based on the archaeological evidence from Maresha / Amos Kloner. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910781613203321 |
Winona Lake (Ind.) : , : Eisenbrauns, , 2011 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||