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European Employment Observatory review
European Employment Observatory review
Pubbl/distr/stampa Birmingham, UK, : ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd., [2001]-
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Collana Employment & social affairs. Employment & European Social Fund
Soggetto topico Labor policy - European Union countries
Labor market - European Union countries
Industrial relations - European Union countries
Labor laws and legislation - European Union countries
Marché du travail - Pays de l'Union européenne
Emploi - Politique gouvernementale - Pays de l'Union européenne
Normes de travail - Pays de l'Union européenne
Travail - Droit - Pays de l'Union européenne
Travail - Politique gouvernementale - Pays de l'Union européenne
Relations industrielles - Pays de l'Union européenne
Industrial relations
Labor laws and legislation
Labor market
Labor policy
employment policy
labour policy
politique de l'emploi
politique du travail
política de empleo
política laboral
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
EU pub.
pub UE.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti Review
EEO review
Record Nr. UNINA-9910146630303321
Birmingham, UK, : ECOTEC Research and Consulting Ltd., [2001]-
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Eurostat regional yearbook
Eurostat regional yearbook
Pubbl/distr/stampa Luxembourg, : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, [2007]-
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Collana Eurostat statistical books
Theme--General and regional statistics
Soggetto topico periodika
83.64 regional economics
74.19 geography of Europe
Regional economics
Demographic aspects
Soggetto genere / forma Serial publications.
Statistics (form)
Country surveys (form)
Soggetto non controllato Regional statistics -- - European Union
European Union -- - Statistics -- - Regions
ISSN 2363-1716
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910891561703321
Luxembourg, : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, [2007]-
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
External Governance as Security Community Building : The Limits and Potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy / / edited by Pernille Rieker
External Governance as Security Community Building : The Limits and Potential of the European Neighbourhood Policy / / edited by Pernille Rieker
Edizione [1st ed. 2016.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa London : , : Palgrave Macmillan UK : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XVI, 218 p. 9 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 320.94
Collana The European Union in International Affairs
Soggetto topico Europe—Politics and government
Public policy
European Politics
Public Policy
ISBN 1-137-56169-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1.Introduction: The European Neighbourhood Policy: An instrument for security community-building - Pernille Rieker -- 2.Extending the EU’s Security Community amidst Conflict: The Case of Ukraine - Jozef Batora and Matej Navratil -- 3.The EU’s Eastern Partnership with Moldova: A ‘best-case’ scenario for EU security community-building? - Giselle Bosse and Dorina Baltag -- 4.Building a Security Community in the EU’s Neighbourhood? Experiences from Georgia - Ketevan Bolkvadze and Bidzina Lebanidze -- 5.Security Community-Building in Times of Crisis: Morocco, the ENP, and Practices of Mutual Responsiveness - Niklas Bremberg and Pernille Rieker -- 6.The EU Quest for a Security Community with the Southern Neighbours: EU-Tunisia relations - Assem Dandashly -- 7.Jordan, the European Neighbourhood Policy, and Commonalities of Interest: Building a Security Partnership rather than a Security Community - Peter Seeberg -- 8.Comparisons and Conclusions - Pernille Rieker.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910255317003321
London : , : Palgrave Macmillan UK : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Lobbying in Europe : Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries / / edited by Alberto Bitonti, Phil Harris
Lobbying in Europe : Public Affairs and the Lobbying Industry in 28 EU Countries / / edited by Alberto Bitonti, Phil Harris
Edizione [1st ed. 2017.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa London : , : Palgrave Macmillan UK : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2017
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XXIX, 368 p. 9 illus., 2 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 320.94
Soggetto topico European Union
Communication in politics
European Union Politics
Political Communication
ISBN 1-137-55256-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1.1. An Introduction to Lobbying in Europe; Alberto Bitonti and Phil Harris -- Chapter 1.2. The role of lobbying in modern democracy: a theoretical framework; Alberto Bitonti -- Chapter 2.0. Lobbying in EU; Simon Levitt, Simon Bryceson and Frederick van Mierlo -- Chapter 2.1. Lobbying in Austria; Peter Köppl -- Chapter 2.2. Lobbying in Belgium; Tine Destrooper -- Chapter 2.3. Lobbying in Bulgaria; Detelina Dineva -- Chapter 2.4. Lobbying in Croatia; Natko Vlahovic & Dubravka Sinčić Ćorić -- Chapter 2.5. Lobbying in Cyprus; Maria Kepardis & Christina Neophytidou -- Chapter 2.6. Lobbying in Czech Republic; Štěpán Soukeník, Miloš Gregor and Anna Matušková -- Chapter 2.7. Lobbying in Denmark; Peter Andreas Münster and Andreas Hjørnholm -- Chapter 2.8. Lobbying in Estonia; Andreas Kaju & Ott Lumi -- Chapter 2.9. Lobbying in Finland; Kimmo Collander, Eero Rämö and Urho Blom -- Chapter 2.10. Lobbying in France; Didier Sallé & Francesco Marchi -- Chapter 2.11. Lobbying in Germany; Dominik Meier -- Chapter 2.12. Lobbying in Greece; George Limperis -- Chapter 2.13. Lobbying in Hungary; József Péter Martin & Miklós Ligeti -- Chapter 2.14. Lobbying in Ireland; Gary Murphy -- Chapter 2.15. Lobbying in Italy; Pier Luigi Petrillo -- Chapter 2.16. Lobbying in Latvia; Valts Kalnins -- Chapter 2.17. Lobbying in Lithuania; Saulius Spurga -- Chapter 2.18. Lobbying in Luxembourg; Paul-Michael Schonenberg -- Chapter 2.19. Lobbying in Malta; Mark Harwood -- Chapter 2.20. Lobbying in Netherlands; Peter Van Keulen -- Chapter 2.21. Lobbying in Poland; Witold Michalek -- Chapter 2.22. Lobbying in Portugal; Joaquim Martins Lampreia -- Chapter 2.23. Lobbying in Romania; Laura Florea and Bogdan Dima -- Chapter 2.24. Lobbying in Slovakia; Patrik Zoltvany -- Chapter 2.25. Lobbying in Slovenia; Danica Fink Hafner -- Chapter 2.26. Lobbying in Spain; Maria Rosa Rotondo & Rafael Rubio Núñez -- Chapter 2.27. Lobbying in Sweden; Anna-Karin Hedlund -- Chapter 2.28. Lobbying in United Kingdom; Conor McGrath -- Chapter 3.1. Lobbying and Public Affairs in Europe: a comparative overview; Alberto Bitonti, Phil Harris, Claudia Mariotti.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910162853003321
London : , : Palgrave Macmillan UK : , : Imprint : Palgrave Macmillan, , 2017
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The social situation in the European Union
The social situation in the European Union
Pubbl/distr/stampa Luxembourg, : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000-
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Soggetto topico Social conditions
Social policy
social conditions
social development
labour market
social protection
conditions sociales
développement social
marché du travail
protection sociale
condiciones sociales
desarrollo social
mercado de trabajo
protección social
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
EU pub.
pub UE.
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910143489503321
Luxembourg, : Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000-
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Space Law in the European Context : National Architecture, Legislation and Policy in France
Space Law in the European Context : National Architecture, Legislation and Policy in France
Autore Clerc Philippe
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Portland : , : Eleven International Publishing, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (640 pages)
Disciplina 349.497
Collana Essential Air and Space Law
Soggetto topico Space law - France
Aeronautics - Law and legislation - France
Law and legislation - France
86.95 air and space law
Government policy
Aeronautics - Law and legislation
Space law
ISBN 94-6274-876-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface -- Foreword -- Table of Contents -- List of Acronyms -- Acknowledgment -- Introduction -- Part I The CNES Act from 1961 to Today -- The Earliest Steps of the French National Space Policy and CNES -- 1 Statute and Mission -- 1.1 Overall Original Mission under the 1961 Constitutive Act -- 1.2 Expanded Mission Between 1961 and 2008 (FSOA) -- 1.2.1 Responsibility in Launcher Systems' Development -- 1.2.2 Building a Competitive Space Industry: CNES' Industrial Policy -- Creation of a National Space Industry in the 1960s -- Structural Adjustment Under New Framework of European and International Cooperation from the 1970s -- Adaptation to the Operational and Commercial Use of Space by the End of 1970s and Privatization Process from 1990s to Nowadays -- Abstract on CNES' Industrial Policy -- 1.2.3 Development and Management of Ground Facilities for Satellite and Launch Operations (Toulouse Space and Guiana Space Centres) -- 1.2.4 Shareholdings and Subsidiaries to Develop, Produce, and Market New Space Services -- 1.2.5 Public Interest Joint Organizations to Support Space-Related Research (GIP) -- 1.2.6 Participation, Along with the French Government, in the European Space Policy and Programs Governance (ESA and EU) -- 1.2.7 Responsibility in Defence' Space Segment Programs -- 1.2.8 Recurrent Space Operations -- 1.2.9 CNES as a Service Provider -- 1.3 Synthesis of Chapter 1 on CNES' Statute and Mission before the Advent of FSOA -- 2 Governance and Management -- 2.1 CNES' Administrative Authorities of Supervision - Space Policy Overall Organization and Functioning -- 2.1.1 CNES' Supervisory or Line Ministers (ministères de tutelle) -- Overall Organization of the Government Supervision on Scientific and Technical Research and Space Policies -- Supervision on Space Policy and CNES.
2.1.2 Interministerial Committees on Space Policy -- The Space Research Committee and the Space Council (1959-1976) -- Committee on Space Applications (1976-1979) -- The Space Committee (1989-1992) -- The CoSpace (from 2013) -- 2.2 CNES' Board of Directors and Executive Governance -- 2.2.1 Board of Directors' Competences -- 2.2.2 Committees Associated with the Board of Directors -- The Board of Directors' Audit Committee -- The Committee for Scientific Program (CPS) -- Other Former Programs Committees -- 2.2.3 CNES' Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director-General and Deputy Director-General -- Distribution of Powers Between the President and the Director-General since 1962 -- The Current Powers of CNES' President, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) -- 2.2.4 State Economic, Budgetary, and Financial Control: The General Controller -- 2.2.5 Public and Private Accountancy Rules: the Accounting Officer - the Statutory Auditors -- 2.2.6 Procurement Regulations: The Internal Procurement Commission -- 2.2.7 CNES' Staff Status -- 2.2.8 Synthesis on the Evolution of CNES' Governance Supervision -- 3 Resources and Associated Supervision and Audit -- 3.1 CNES' Budget Appropriation -- 3.2 Auditing Bodies (ex-post control) -- 3.2.1 The National Court of Auditors (Cour des Comptes) -- 3.2.2 The High Council for the Evaluation of the Research and the Higher Education (HCERES) -- 3.2.3 Other Specific High Level Assessment Missions or Appraisal Reports -- 4 Mission's Conditions of Implementation: Space Research and Development Programs -- 4.1 French National Program and International Cooperation -- 4.1.1 National Requirements -- General Regime for CNES' Program Authorization -- Specific Regime of Authorization on Space Operations and Space-Based Data (FSOA). Other Prior Authorizations: National Security, Frequency Spectrum, Network and Services and Competition Law Compliance -- 4.1.2 CNES' International Cooperation Mechanisms -- Traditional Building Blocks of CNES' International Space Cooperation -- Other Forms of Arrangement -- Common Features on International Cooperation Instruments -- 4.1.3 Implementation with Industry and Other Space Stakeholders -- CNES as Public Procurement Actor -- CNES' Partnership Policy -- CNES' Subsidiaries and Holdings -- 4.2 CNES' Contribution to European Programs -- 4.3 Interactions Issues between CNES' Missions -- 4.3.1 The Issue of Potential Conflicts of Interests as Raised During FSOA's Law-Making Up Process -- 4.3.2 Focus on Mission Entrusted to the CNES and Its President -- 4.3.3 Impact on CNES' Staff Regime Regarding FSOA Officers -- FSOA Basic Controllers (FSOA Art. 28) -- Commissioned Officers (FSOA Art. 7) -- Sworn Officers (FSOA Art. 10) -- 4.3.4 CNES' Traditional Activities as Technical Center and Space Operator Dealings with FSOA Delegated Activities -- CNES Activities as Space Program Agency -- CNES' Service Providing -- 4.3.5 CNES' Stock Participations and Partnerships with Private Companies -- 4.3.6 Conclusion -- Part II The French Space Operations Act -- 5 Rational for Space Law-Making in France -- 5.1 The 1990s Telecommunication Liberalization Momentum Expanded to Satellites Information Services -- 5.1.1 Privatization of Telecommunication Satellites Services -- 5.1.2 Privatization of Earth Observation Satellites Services -- 5.2 Privatization of Launch Base and Launcher Services -- 5.2.1 Agreements Between USA and Former USSR Countries Opening the Launch Services Market.
5.2.2 Agreements between the United States and China on the Commercialization of Launch Services -- 5.2.3 CommonFeatures of Bilateral Agreements on Launch Services Negotiated by the United States with China, Ukraine, and Russia -- 5.2.4 Rules of the Road Discussions between the United States and Europe -- 5.2.5 Cooperation between Europe and Russia for the Commercialization of Soyuz Launch Services -- 6 The Development Stages of Legislation on Space Operations, from the First Studies in 1999 to its Entry into Force in December 2010 -- 6.1 Study Report 'The Legal Framework for Space Activities' from the Department of the Ministry in Charge of Space between 1999 and 2003 -- 6.2 Referral to the Council of State by the Prime Minister in July 2004 -- 6.3 The Study 'For a Legal Policy for Space Activities' Conducted by the Council of State between 2004 and 2006 -- 6.4 Development of the Bill by the Ministries between February and April 2007 -- 6.4.1 Addition of a Declaratory Regime for Operators of Space-Based Data -- 6.4.2 Explicit Exclusion of CNES from the Scope of the Law -- 6.4.3 Definition of the Regime of Investigation, Criminal Sanctions, and the Ascertainment of Offences -- 6.4.4 New Special Prerogatives for the State and CNES to Manage Emergencies -- 6.5 Legislative Scrutiny of the Law between July 2007 and May 2008 -- 6.5.1 First Reading at the Senate on 16 January 2008 -- Implementation of a Licensing System Constituting Approval of Procedures and Systems -- Consultation with the Operator for Emergency Measures -- Restatement of the Powers of the President of CNES for Emergency Measures -- Referral to a Single Article on CNES Competences under FSOA -- Suppression of the Referral to an Overall Implementing Decree for the Law. Recognition of the "Temporary Presence Exception" with Regard to Patent Infringement Seizure Actions -- 6.5.2 First Reading at the National Assembly on 9 April 2008 -- Introduction of an Orbital Control Phase for Space Objects -- Redrafting of the Definition of End of the Launch Phase -- Simplification of the Authorization Procedure for Operations -- Relaxing of Insurance Obligations -- Consolidation of the Liability Regime for Damage Caused to Third Parties -- Limitation on Recourse Action by the State (in Art. 14) -- Creation of a 'License Constituting Authorization' -- Strengthening CNES' Technical Compliance Mission as a Legal Entity -- 6.5.3 Final Reading at the Senate on 22 May 2008 and Promulgation -- 6.5.4 Finalization of Legislation on the State Guarantee in the Finance Act, following Validation by the European Union -- The State Guarantee under the European Commission's prior Opinion of 23 October 2007 -- Singularity of the State Guarantee System for Space Damage -- Analysis of Compatibility -- The State Guarantee under Article 119 of the Finance Act of 30 December 2008 -- 6.5.5 Other Legislative Supplements Relating to the SOA: Amendment of the Insurance Code in 2011 -- 6.6 Development of the Regulatory Mechanism: Implementing Decrees between 2008 and June 2009 -- 6.6.1 The Authorisation Decree of 2009 (D-A) -- Administrative and Financial Authorization Criteria -- The Concept of Technical Event -- A New Procedure for Pre-Certification of Procedures and Systems -- Various Clarifications Brought on some FSOA's Items -- Adjustments to the Obligation for the Operator to Take Out a Financial Guarantee or Insurance under Article 6 of the SOA. Determination of the Date of Entry into Force of the Act.
Altri titoli varianti Space Law in the European Context
Record Nr. UNINA-9910838260103321
Clerc Philippe  
Portland : , : Eleven International Publishing, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui