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Advances in innovation, trade and business : evidence from emerging economies / / editors, Aswini Kumar Mishra [et al.]
Advances in innovation, trade and business : evidence from emerging economies / / editors, Aswini Kumar Mishra [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xix, 134 pages) : illustrations (chiefly color)
Disciplina 382.091724
Collana Contributions to management science
Soggetto topico Investments, Foreign - Developing countries
International business enterprises - Developing countries
ISBN 3-030-60354-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- About the Editors -- Contributors -- Chapter 1: Towards a New Framework for Analysing Trade Growth Dynamics -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Objectives -- 1.3 Data and Methodology -- 1.3.1 Data Description -- 1.3.2 Methodology -- Trade Growth Decomposition and Reforms Evaluation: Concepts and Hypotheses -- Trade Growth Decomposition: Concept and Hypotheses -- Model Structure -- Interpretation of Model Terms (Eqs. (1.3) and (1.4)) -- Expected Pattern of Trade Dynamics -- Hypotheses on Trade Growth Patterns of Developing and Developed Countries -- Reforms Evaluation Framework: Concept and Hypotheses -- Concept -- Hypotheses -- Econometric (Frontier) Model and Descriptive Statistics of Key Variables -- Frontier Model -- Variables and Descriptive Statistics -- 1.4 Trade Decomposition and Reforms Analysis: Results -- 1.4.1 Trade Growth Components -- Overall Trade Growth (Log Points) -- Trade Growth Components as a Percentage of Average Trade Growth -- 1.4.2 Reforms Implementation -- Country and Regional Patterns -- ICTij -- IMPCOUij -- NTBij -- STABUSij -- Summary -- 1.5 Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 2: An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Banking Sector Development (BSD) in West Africa -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Review of the Literature on FDI and BSD -- 2.3 Data and Methodology -- 2.3.1 Cross-Sectional Dependence Test -- 2.3.2 Panel Unit Roots Tests -- 2.3.3 Granger Causality Test -- 2.4 Empirical Results -- 2.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 3: Impact of FDI and TRIPS on the Absorptive Capacity of Manufacturing Firms in India -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Theoretical Background on the Interconnection Between FDI, IPR, and Technological -- 3.3 Objectives -- 3.4 Methodology and Data.
3.4.1 Econometric Model -- 3.5 Result and Discussion -- 3.6 Findings and Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: The Trade Impact of Indian Anti-Dumping Measures on ASEAN-6 Countries -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Literature Review -- 4.3 Objective -- 4.4 India-ASEAN trade -- 4.5 Indian AD Cases Against ASEAN-6 -- 4.6 Data -- 4.6.1 Methodology -- 4.7 Empirical Results -- 4.8 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 5: Examining the Performance of MSME Firm in India: An Empirical Analysis at Industry Level -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Theory and Review of Literature -- 5.3 Research Gap and Research Problem -- 5.4 Data -- 5.5 Methodology -- 5.6 Empirical Results -- 5.7 Conclusions and Discussions -- References -- Chapter 6: Does Population Ageing Reduce FDI Inflows in OECD Countries? Evidence from Bayesian Panel VAR Estimates -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Literature Review -- 6.3 Data and the Model -- 6.3.1 Data -- 6.3.2 The Model -- 6.3.3 Estimation Method -- 6.4 Main Results -- 6.4.1 Panel Unit Root Tests -- 6.5 Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 7: Productivity and Efficiency of Home-Based Enterprises in India: Evidence from NSS Data -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Methodology -- 7.3 Data -- 7.3.1 Variables -- Output -- Capital -- Labour -- 7.3.2 Appropriate Deflator -- 7.4 Partial and Total Factor Productivity Growth Productivity of Home-Based Enterprises -- 7.5 Subcontracting -- 7.6 Conclusion -- Appendix 1 -- Appendix 2 -- Basic Analysis of Home-Based, Non-Home-Based and Other Enterprises -- References -- Chapter 8: An Analysis of the Trade Relationship of Sri Lanka with Singapore Based on Trade Liberalization -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Literature Review -- 8.3 Objective of the Study -- 8.4 Methodology -- 8.5 Analysis and Findings -- 8.5.1 The Effects of Free Trade on Sri Lanka´s Bilateral Trade with Singapore. Sri Lanka-Singapore Bilateral Trade -- Sri Lanka-Singapore Bilateral Trade -- 8.6 Summary and Conclusions -- References -- Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910483747203321
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Aid for trade at a glance 2011 [[electronic resource] ] : showing results
Aid for trade at a glance 2011 [[electronic resource] ] : showing results
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Paris], : World Trade Organization, : OECD, 2011
Descrizione fisica 399 p. : col. ill.,
Soggetto topico Economic assistance - Developing countries
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 92-64-11747-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Avant-propos -- Table des matières -- Sigles, acronymes et abréviations -- Résumé -- Introduction -- Chapitre 1. Initiatives internationales et africaines de lutte contre la corruption des agents publics dans les transactions commerciales -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Initiatives internationales -- a) L'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) -- b) Les Nations Unies. -- c) La Banque mondiale -- 3. Initiatives régionales africaines -- a) La Banque africaine de développement (BAD) -- b) L'Union africaine -- c) Le Protocole anticorruption de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC) -- d) Le Protocole anticorruption de la Communauté économique des États d'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) -- e) Le Projet de protocole sur la prévention et la lutte contre la corruption de la Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est (CAE) -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 2. Corruption et délits associés -- 1. Introduction : Interdiction de la corruption d'agents publics dans les transactions commerciales -- 2. Incrimination de la corruption -- a) Corruption nationale active d'agents publics -- Tableau 2.1. Aperçu de l'incrimination de la corruption dans les vingt pays africains -- b) Corruption nationale passive d'agents publics -- c) Corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales -- d) Définition de « pot-de-vin » -- e) Définition d'« agent public » et d'« agent public étranger » -- f) Responsabilité des personnes morales -- g) Sanctions -- Tableau 2.2. Aperçu des sanctions dans les affaires de corruption -- Tableau 2.3. Pays prévoyant des sanctions d'exclusion ou de mise sur liste noire des marchés publics -- 3. Délits associés -- a) Trafic d'influence -- b) Enrichissement illicite.
Tableau 2.4. Pays prévoyant des délits d'enrichissement illicite -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 3. Prévention, détection, enquêtes et poursuites dans les affaires de corruption -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Le rôle des agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption -- a) Aperçu des modèles -- b) Création d'agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption et autres organismes compétents dans les vingt pays africains -- Tableau 3.1. Aperçu des agences anticorruption créées dans les vingt pays africains -- c) Rôle d'éducateurs et de formateurs -- 3. Protection des donneurs d'alerte -- a) Afrique du Sud -- b) Ghana -- c) Malawi -- d) Mozambique -- e) Sierra Leone -- f) Ouganda -- 4. Déclaration des revenus et des biens des agents publics -- Tableau 3.2. Pays disposant de lois sur la déclaration des revenus -- 5. Lutte contre la corruption dans les transactions commerciales via l'amélioration de la passation des marchés publics -- 6. Lutte contre la corruption via la récupération et la restitution du produit de la corruption -- a) Dispositions de recouvrement des avoirs en vertu de la CNUCC, de la CUA et de la Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption -- b) Aperçu des mécanismes de recouvrement des avoirs de certains pays -- Tableau 3.3. Mécanismes de recouvrement des avoirs de certains pays -- c) Principaux obstacles -- 7. Lutte contre la corruption en faisant de cette dernière un délit sous-jacent au blanchiment d'argent -- Tableau 3.4. Législation contre le blanchiment d'argent dans les vingt pays africains -- 8. Autres mécanismes de prévention et de détection -- a) Services d'appels directs contre la corruption -- b) Signalement dans le cadre d'un régime de lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent -- c) Rapports des entreprises -- d) Rapports de la société civile et des médias.
9. Enquêtes et poursuites : Agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption habilitées à lancer des enquêtes et/ou à engager des poursuites -- 10. Coopération entre les agences pour les enquêtes et les poursuites dans les affaires de corruption -- 11. Statistiques -- 12. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 4. Intégrité dans les affaires -- 1. Introduction : le rôle des entreprises dans la promotion de l'intégrité dans les affaires et la prévention de la corruption -- 2. Normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- a) Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption et exigences des normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- b) Exigences de la CNUCC en matière de normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- c) Normes de comptabilité et d'audit acceptées au niveau international -- d) Aperçu des normes de comptabilité et d'audit dans les vingt pays africains étudiés -- e) Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- 3. Promotion de normes d'intégrité des entreprises -- a) Initiatives mondiales et régionales -- b) Codes de conduite locaux -- c) Chambres de commerce nationales -- d) Initiatives spécifiques par secteur -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 5. Participation de la société civile et rôle des médias -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Le rôle des organisations de la société civile -- a) Divers moyens de sensibilisation du public à la lutte contre la corruption -- b) Engagement avec les entreprises, le gouvernement et d'autres parties prenantes -- 3. Le rôle des médias -- a) Liberté d'expression -- b) Accès à l'information -- c) Utilisation d'Internet comme outil de communication -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 6. Recommandations.
Recommendation I : Renforcer les mesures législatives de lutte contre la corruption -- Recommandation II : Renforcer l'efficacité de l'application des lois de lutte contre la corruption et des lois connexes, promouvoir la coopération entre les organismes et accroître les ressources affectées aux enquêtes et poursuites dans les... -- Recommendation III : Renforcer la sensibilisation aux lois sur la lutte contre la corruption au sein des ministères, organismes publics et autres institutions -- Recommandation IV.: Renforcer les moyens de détection et de signalement de la corruption d'agents publics -- Recommandation V : Renforcer l'intégrité et de la responsabilité dans les affaires -- Recommandation VI. Promouvoir la participation du public, de la société civile et des médias -- Annexe A. État des ratifications de la convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption, de la convention de l'union africaine contre la corruption et de la CNUCC par les vingt pays africains -- Annexe B. Détails sur les initiatives internationales et régionales africaines de lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics -- Annexe C. Lois relatives à l'incrimination de la corruption et à la passation des marchés publics : lois pertinentes et dispositions applicables dans les vingt pays africains -- Annexe D. Création d'agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption et autres organismes compétents dans les vingt pays africains -- Annexe E. Normes de comptabilité et d'audit dans les vingt pays africains.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910457736303321
[Paris], : World Trade Organization, : OECD, 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Aid for trade at a glance 2011 [[electronic resource] ] : showing results
Aid for trade at a glance 2011 [[electronic resource] ] : showing results
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Paris], : World Trade Organization, : OECD, 2011
Descrizione fisica 399 p. : col. ill.,
Soggetto topico Economic assistance - Developing countries
ISBN 92-64-11747-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Avant-propos -- Table des matières -- Sigles, acronymes et abréviations -- Résumé -- Introduction -- Chapitre 1. Initiatives internationales et africaines de lutte contre la corruption des agents publics dans les transactions commerciales -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Initiatives internationales -- a) L'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) -- b) Les Nations Unies. -- c) La Banque mondiale -- 3. Initiatives régionales africaines -- a) La Banque africaine de développement (BAD) -- b) L'Union africaine -- c) Le Protocole anticorruption de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC) -- d) Le Protocole anticorruption de la Communauté économique des États d'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) -- e) Le Projet de protocole sur la prévention et la lutte contre la corruption de la Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est (CAE) -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 2. Corruption et délits associés -- 1. Introduction : Interdiction de la corruption d'agents publics dans les transactions commerciales -- 2. Incrimination de la corruption -- a) Corruption nationale active d'agents publics -- Tableau 2.1. Aperçu de l'incrimination de la corruption dans les vingt pays africains -- b) Corruption nationale passive d'agents publics -- c) Corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales -- d) Définition de « pot-de-vin » -- e) Définition d'« agent public » et d'« agent public étranger » -- f) Responsabilité des personnes morales -- g) Sanctions -- Tableau 2.2. Aperçu des sanctions dans les affaires de corruption -- Tableau 2.3. Pays prévoyant des sanctions d'exclusion ou de mise sur liste noire des marchés publics -- 3. Délits associés -- a) Trafic d'influence -- b) Enrichissement illicite.
Tableau 2.4. Pays prévoyant des délits d'enrichissement illicite -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 3. Prévention, détection, enquêtes et poursuites dans les affaires de corruption -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Le rôle des agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption -- a) Aperçu des modèles -- b) Création d'agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption et autres organismes compétents dans les vingt pays africains -- Tableau 3.1. Aperçu des agences anticorruption créées dans les vingt pays africains -- c) Rôle d'éducateurs et de formateurs -- 3. Protection des donneurs d'alerte -- a) Afrique du Sud -- b) Ghana -- c) Malawi -- d) Mozambique -- e) Sierra Leone -- f) Ouganda -- 4. Déclaration des revenus et des biens des agents publics -- Tableau 3.2. Pays disposant de lois sur la déclaration des revenus -- 5. Lutte contre la corruption dans les transactions commerciales via l'amélioration de la passation des marchés publics -- 6. Lutte contre la corruption via la récupération et la restitution du produit de la corruption -- a) Dispositions de recouvrement des avoirs en vertu de la CNUCC, de la CUA et de la Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption -- b) Aperçu des mécanismes de recouvrement des avoirs de certains pays -- Tableau 3.3. Mécanismes de recouvrement des avoirs de certains pays -- c) Principaux obstacles -- 7. Lutte contre la corruption en faisant de cette dernière un délit sous-jacent au blanchiment d'argent -- Tableau 3.4. Législation contre le blanchiment d'argent dans les vingt pays africains -- 8. Autres mécanismes de prévention et de détection -- a) Services d'appels directs contre la corruption -- b) Signalement dans le cadre d'un régime de lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent -- c) Rapports des entreprises -- d) Rapports de la société civile et des médias.
9. Enquêtes et poursuites : Agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption habilitées à lancer des enquêtes et/ou à engager des poursuites -- 10. Coopération entre les agences pour les enquêtes et les poursuites dans les affaires de corruption -- 11. Statistiques -- 12. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 4. Intégrité dans les affaires -- 1. Introduction : le rôle des entreprises dans la promotion de l'intégrité dans les affaires et la prévention de la corruption -- 2. Normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- a) Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption et exigences des normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- b) Exigences de la CNUCC en matière de normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- c) Normes de comptabilité et d'audit acceptées au niveau international -- d) Aperçu des normes de comptabilité et d'audit dans les vingt pays africains étudiés -- e) Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- 3. Promotion de normes d'intégrité des entreprises -- a) Initiatives mondiales et régionales -- b) Codes de conduite locaux -- c) Chambres de commerce nationales -- d) Initiatives spécifiques par secteur -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 5. Participation de la société civile et rôle des médias -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Le rôle des organisations de la société civile -- a) Divers moyens de sensibilisation du public à la lutte contre la corruption -- b) Engagement avec les entreprises, le gouvernement et d'autres parties prenantes -- 3. Le rôle des médias -- a) Liberté d'expression -- b) Accès à l'information -- c) Utilisation d'Internet comme outil de communication -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 6. Recommandations.
Recommendation I : Renforcer les mesures législatives de lutte contre la corruption -- Recommandation II : Renforcer l'efficacité de l'application des lois de lutte contre la corruption et des lois connexes, promouvoir la coopération entre les organismes et accroître les ressources affectées aux enquêtes et poursuites dans les... -- Recommendation III : Renforcer la sensibilisation aux lois sur la lutte contre la corruption au sein des ministères, organismes publics et autres institutions -- Recommandation IV.: Renforcer les moyens de détection et de signalement de la corruption d'agents publics -- Recommandation V : Renforcer l'intégrité et de la responsabilité dans les affaires -- Recommandation VI. Promouvoir la participation du public, de la société civile et des médias -- Annexe A. État des ratifications de la convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption, de la convention de l'union africaine contre la corruption et de la CNUCC par les vingt pays africains -- Annexe B. Détails sur les initiatives internationales et régionales africaines de lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics -- Annexe C. Lois relatives à l'incrimination de la corruption et à la passation des marchés publics : lois pertinentes et dispositions applicables dans les vingt pays africains -- Annexe D. Création d'agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption et autres organismes compétents dans les vingt pays africains -- Annexe E. Normes de comptabilité et d'audit dans les vingt pays africains.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910781630403321
[Paris], : World Trade Organization, : OECD, 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Aid for trade at a glance 2011 [[electronic resource] ] : showing results
Aid for trade at a glance 2011 [[electronic resource] ] : showing results
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Paris], : World Trade Organization, : OECD, 2011
Descrizione fisica 399 p. : col. ill.,
Soggetto topico Economic assistance - Developing countries
ISBN 92-64-11747-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Avant-propos -- Table des matières -- Sigles, acronymes et abréviations -- Résumé -- Introduction -- Chapitre 1. Initiatives internationales et africaines de lutte contre la corruption des agents publics dans les transactions commerciales -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Initiatives internationales -- a) L'Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) -- b) Les Nations Unies. -- c) La Banque mondiale -- 3. Initiatives régionales africaines -- a) La Banque africaine de développement (BAD) -- b) L'Union africaine -- c) Le Protocole anticorruption de la Communauté de développement de l'Afrique australe (SADC) -- d) Le Protocole anticorruption de la Communauté économique des États d'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO) -- e) Le Projet de protocole sur la prévention et la lutte contre la corruption de la Communauté d'Afrique de l'Est (CAE) -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 2. Corruption et délits associés -- 1. Introduction : Interdiction de la corruption d'agents publics dans les transactions commerciales -- 2. Incrimination de la corruption -- a) Corruption nationale active d'agents publics -- Tableau 2.1. Aperçu de l'incrimination de la corruption dans les vingt pays africains -- b) Corruption nationale passive d'agents publics -- c) Corruption d'agents publics étrangers dans les transactions commerciales internationales -- d) Définition de « pot-de-vin » -- e) Définition d'« agent public » et d'« agent public étranger » -- f) Responsabilité des personnes morales -- g) Sanctions -- Tableau 2.2. Aperçu des sanctions dans les affaires de corruption -- Tableau 2.3. Pays prévoyant des sanctions d'exclusion ou de mise sur liste noire des marchés publics -- 3. Délits associés -- a) Trafic d'influence -- b) Enrichissement illicite.
Tableau 2.4. Pays prévoyant des délits d'enrichissement illicite -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 3. Prévention, détection, enquêtes et poursuites dans les affaires de corruption -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Le rôle des agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption -- a) Aperçu des modèles -- b) Création d'agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption et autres organismes compétents dans les vingt pays africains -- Tableau 3.1. Aperçu des agences anticorruption créées dans les vingt pays africains -- c) Rôle d'éducateurs et de formateurs -- 3. Protection des donneurs d'alerte -- a) Afrique du Sud -- b) Ghana -- c) Malawi -- d) Mozambique -- e) Sierra Leone -- f) Ouganda -- 4. Déclaration des revenus et des biens des agents publics -- Tableau 3.2. Pays disposant de lois sur la déclaration des revenus -- 5. Lutte contre la corruption dans les transactions commerciales via l'amélioration de la passation des marchés publics -- 6. Lutte contre la corruption via la récupération et la restitution du produit de la corruption -- a) Dispositions de recouvrement des avoirs en vertu de la CNUCC, de la CUA et de la Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption -- b) Aperçu des mécanismes de recouvrement des avoirs de certains pays -- Tableau 3.3. Mécanismes de recouvrement des avoirs de certains pays -- c) Principaux obstacles -- 7. Lutte contre la corruption en faisant de cette dernière un délit sous-jacent au blanchiment d'argent -- Tableau 3.4. Législation contre le blanchiment d'argent dans les vingt pays africains -- 8. Autres mécanismes de prévention et de détection -- a) Services d'appels directs contre la corruption -- b) Signalement dans le cadre d'un régime de lutte contre le blanchiment d'argent -- c) Rapports des entreprises -- d) Rapports de la société civile et des médias.
9. Enquêtes et poursuites : Agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption habilitées à lancer des enquêtes et/ou à engager des poursuites -- 10. Coopération entre les agences pour les enquêtes et les poursuites dans les affaires de corruption -- 11. Statistiques -- 12. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 4. Intégrité dans les affaires -- 1. Introduction : le rôle des entreprises dans la promotion de l'intégrité dans les affaires et la prévention de la corruption -- 2. Normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- a) Convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption et exigences des normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- b) Exigences de la CNUCC en matière de normes de comptabilité et d'audit -- c) Normes de comptabilité et d'audit acceptées au niveau international -- d) Aperçu des normes de comptabilité et d'audit dans les vingt pays africains étudiés -- e) Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- 3. Promotion de normes d'intégrité des entreprises -- a) Initiatives mondiales et régionales -- b) Codes de conduite locaux -- c) Chambres de commerce nationales -- d) Initiatives spécifiques par secteur -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 5. Participation de la société civile et rôle des médias -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Le rôle des organisations de la société civile -- a) Divers moyens de sensibilisation du public à la lutte contre la corruption -- b) Engagement avec les entreprises, le gouvernement et d'autres parties prenantes -- 3. Le rôle des médias -- a) Liberté d'expression -- b) Accès à l'information -- c) Utilisation d'Internet comme outil de communication -- 4. Principales tendances et principaux domaines à améliorer -- Notes -- Chapitre 6. Recommandations.
Recommendation I : Renforcer les mesures législatives de lutte contre la corruption -- Recommandation II : Renforcer l'efficacité de l'application des lois de lutte contre la corruption et des lois connexes, promouvoir la coopération entre les organismes et accroître les ressources affectées aux enquêtes et poursuites dans les... -- Recommendation III : Renforcer la sensibilisation aux lois sur la lutte contre la corruption au sein des ministères, organismes publics et autres institutions -- Recommandation IV.: Renforcer les moyens de détection et de signalement de la corruption d'agents publics -- Recommandation V : Renforcer l'intégrité et de la responsabilité dans les affaires -- Recommandation VI. Promouvoir la participation du public, de la société civile et des médias -- Annexe A. État des ratifications de la convention de l'OCDE sur la lutte contre la corruption, de la convention de l'union africaine contre la corruption et de la CNUCC par les vingt pays africains -- Annexe B. Détails sur les initiatives internationales et régionales africaines de lutte contre la corruption d'agents publics -- Annexe C. Lois relatives à l'incrimination de la corruption et à la passation des marchés publics : lois pertinentes et dispositions applicables dans les vingt pays africains -- Annexe D. Création d'agences spécialisées dans la lutte contre la corruption et autres organismes compétents dans les vingt pays africains -- Annexe E. Normes de comptabilité et d'audit dans les vingt pays africains.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910812348003321
[Paris], : World Trade Organization, : OECD, 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Assessing World Bank support for trade, 1987-2004 [[electronic resource] ] : an IEG evaluation / / Yvonne Manu Tsikata
Assessing World Bank support for trade, 1987-2004 [[electronic resource] ] : an IEG evaluation / / Yvonne Manu Tsikata
Autore Tsikata Yvonne M
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C., : World Bank, 2006
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (274 p.)
Disciplina 382.09172/4
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-280-41371-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; Acknowledgments; Foreword; Executive Summary; Figures; Acronyms and Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; 2 Lessons from the Literature; Tables; 3 Inputs, Trends, and Evolution of World Bank Trade Assistance; Boxes; 4 Outcomes and Results; 5 Trade Returns to the Agenda, 2001-04; 6 Findings and Recommendations; Appendixes; Endnotes; References
Record Nr. UNINA-9910450207603321
Tsikata Yvonne M  
Washington, D.C., : World Bank, 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Assessing World Bank support for trade, 1987-2004 : : an IEG evaluation / / Yvonne Manu Tsikata
Assessing World Bank support for trade, 1987-2004 : : an IEG evaluation / / Yvonne Manu Tsikata
Autore Tsikata Yvonne M
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : World Bank, , 2006
Descrizione fisica x, 246 pages : illustrations ; ; 28 cm
Disciplina 382.09172/4
ISBN 1-280-41371-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; Acknowledgments; Foreword; Executive Summary; Figures; Acronyms and Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; 2 Lessons from the Literature; Tables; 3 Inputs, Trends, and Evolution of World Bank Trade Assistance; Boxes; 4 Outcomes and Results; 5 Trade Returns to the Agenda, 2001-04; 6 Findings and Recommendations; Appendixes; Endnotes; References
Record Nr. UNINA-9910783588103321
Tsikata Yvonne M  
Washington, D.C. : , : World Bank, , 2006
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Challenges to the World Bank and IMF : developing country perspectives / / edited by Ariel Buira for the G24 research program [[electronic resource]]
Challenges to the World Bank and IMF : developing country perspectives / / edited by Ariel Buira for the G24 research program [[electronic resource]]
Pubbl/distr/stampa London : , : Anthem Press, , 2003
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (x, 277 pages) : digital, PDF file(s)
Disciplina 332.1/52
Collana Anthem Studies in Development and Globalization
Soggetto topico Debts, Public - Developing countries
Capital movements - Developing countries
ISBN 1-283-37710-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The governance of the IMF in a global economy / Ariel Buira -- Who pays for the IMF? / Aziz Ali Mohammed -- An analysis of IMF conditionality / Ariel Buira -- Achieving long-term debt sustainability in heavily indebted poor countries (HIPCs) / Bernhard Gunter -- The poverty reduction strategy paper approach : good marketing or good policy? / im Levinsohn -- Capital management techniques in developing countries / Gerald Epstein, Ilene Grabel, and KS Jomo -- International reserves to short-term external debt as an indicator of external vulnerabiliby : the experience of Mexico and other emerging economies / Javier Guzman and Rodolfo Padilla -- Mechanisms for dialogue and debt-crisis workout that can strengthen sovereign lending to developing countries / Barry Herman -- Developing a global partnership for development / Martin Khor -- International financial institutions and international public goods : operational implications for the World Bank / Ravi Kanbur.
Altri titoli varianti Challenges to the World Bank & IMF
Record Nr. UNINA-9910461443803321
London : , : Anthem Press, , 2003
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The China factor : leveraging emerging business strategies to compete, grow, and win in the new global economy / / Amy Karam
The China factor : leveraging emerging business strategies to compete, grow, and win in the new global economy / / Amy Karam
Autore Karam Amy
Edizione [1st edition]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, New Jersey : , : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (307 pages) : color illustrations
Disciplina 658.8/40951
Soggetto topico Export marketing - China
Export marketing - Western countries
International business enterprises - China
International business enterprises - Western countries
Strategic planning
Competition, International
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-119-27424-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The China Factor -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Where Is This Book Coming From? -- Macroeconomics and the Interdependency of Nations -- Go Global, Be Global, Know Global -- The Power of Politics in Business -- The Innovation Advantage -- This Book Is About . . . -- About You and Your Challenges -- New Territory Requires a Guide -- A New Era -- Section I: State of Affairs -- Chapter 1: The Art of War . . . and Money -- China Has Risen and Is Here to Stay -- China Has Grown into a Formidable and Undeniable Force -- Societal Shift -- A Wake-Up Call for the West -- A New Global Paradigm of Business -- Chapter 2: East and West: The Current State of Affairs -- The Western World Has Dominated with a Position of Strength -- Bedrock of Innovation -- Entrepreneurial Spirit -- Education System -- Consumerism, Brands, and Differentiation -- Access to Low-Cost Suppliers Overseas -- Attitude of Growth -- The (Perceived) Role of the East: Areas of Strength and Specialization -- Execution Expertise -- Manufacturing Expertise -- Masterful Replication -- Inherently Driven -- Chapter 3: How China Came Up the Ladder (and So Quickly) -- Factors Contributing to China's Rapid Success and Growth -- Capitalism Became Okay -- Urbanization Impacted the Way the Chinese Do Business -- China's Rise to a Manufacturing Center for the West -- Right Place, Right Time -- Wealth Accumulation through Exchange Rate Management -- Government Assistance -- Acquisition of Know-How -- Emulation of Market and Industry Leaders, Replication of Product Designs -- Liberalization of Financing -- And Then the Shift Began . . . -- Chapter 4: The West No Longer Rules -- Melding of Positions -- China Today -- The West Today: What's Wrong? -- But It's Not Game Over Yet for the West . . . -- China Still Has Some of Its Own Challenges to Overcome.
The United States and the West: Strengths and Key Differentiators -- Will China Stay, Stall, or Fall? -- The Bottom Line Is That It Doesn't Matter . . . -- Chapter 5: Introduction to the Marketing Framework for Our Analysis -- Understanding How to Position Your Market Offering -- Framework for Analysis -- Stage 1: Market Segmentation -- Stage 2: Target Market Selection -- Stage 3: Defining and Applying the New 5Ps of Marketing -- Stage 4: Positioning and the Marketing Mix -- Section II: China -- Chapter 6: How the Chinese Do Business à la the 5Ps: A Brief Summary -- Product (Solution and Innovation) -- Price (Value-Add) -- Place (Partnerships) -- Promotion (Customer Relationships and Culture) -- Politics -- Chapter 7: Market Segmentation and Target Market Selection + China's Market Penetration Approach -- Step 1: Market Segmentation -- Customer/Market Segmentation: Slice It Up! -- Developed Markets versus Emerging Markets -- Step 2: Target Market Selection -- Setting Goals: Looking at the Chinese Target Market Strategy -- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) -- The Unsatisfied Customer = My Customer -- Customer Profiling: Knowing Your Customer -- Practice Makes Perfect -- Getting to Know Your Future Target Customer: Back to Goals -- General Barriers to Market Entry -- Chapter 8: China: Product => Solution and Innovation: It's Not Just about Product Superiority Anymore -- Product Superiority Does Not Always Win the Deal . . . -- Sometimes It's the Free Fries and Extra Ketchup, Not the Burger: The Solution Approach -- Financing -- Training/Knowledge Transfer -- Support Services and Resources -- Plagiarism Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery -- Pleasing the Customer: Always Say Yes to Customization -- Innovation -- Can China Innovate without a Free and Open Society? -- Chapter 9: China: Price => Value-Add -- Free! (Try to Beat That!).
Loss-Leader Approach as Part of Market Penetration Strategy: Discounting Till Death -- Emerging Entrants Will Often Try to Win on Price First -- Price Discrimination at Factories -- A Deal Is Not a Deal -- Hidden Price Lists, Holistic Pricing -- Strategic Accounts: Must-Win Battles . . . or Buy Them -- Try-and-Buy and Pay-as-You-Grow Arrangements -- Flexible Commercial Terms -- New Business Models -- Chickens for Routers: The Barter System Is Alive and Well -- Financing: Can't Afford It? No Problem! -- Loans/Subsidies from the Chinese Government-China Development Bank -- Chapter 10: China: Place => Partnerships -- How They Sell: Selling Direct versus via Partners -- Selling Direct -- Selling with Partners -- Partnerships and Alliances: Coopetition -- Partnerships -- Local Presence -- Partnering with Customers -- Market Access Exchange -- Alliances -- Challenges -- Chapter 11: China: Promotion => Customer Relationships and Culture -- Customer Relationships -- Customer Reference Accounts Are Key -- High-Touch Customer Relationship Model -- Attaining High Customer Satisfaction -- Invest in Customers -- Influence at All Levels -- Relationships with Greater Intentions (Ulterior Motives) -- Partnerships to Aid in Market Penetration -- Communications -- Marketing and Conferences -- Associations and Standards Bodies -- Brands -- Chapter 12: China: Politics => The 5th P-The Geopolitical Dimension -- Politics: The Geopolitical Dimension -- Nationalistic Philosophy-Venturing Out with Team China -- A Partnership Approach -- Countries with Resources -- Ethics and Boundaries: Unfair Trade Practices -- Security Concerns -- Why Do You All Hate Me?! -- Actions to Appease Concerns -- Section III: The West -- Chapter 13: Recommendations for the West and Application of the 5Ps -- Recommendations for the West -- The 5Ps of Global Marketing.
Chapter 14: The West: Product => Solution and Innovation: Modifying the Western Way Based on Your New Market Goals -- Product Superiority Doesn't Always Win -- One Size Does Not Fit All -- Evolve Your Offers into Solutions: Free Fries and Extra Ketchup (Remember?) -- Develop Targeted, Market-Appropriate Products -- Rapid Time-to-Market -- Product-Specific Example -- Product Development Efficiencies -- Made in the USA -- Positioning of Your Product and the Message You Send -- Compete Hard -- Chapter 15: The West: Price => Value-Add: Be Strategic, Think Scenarios -- The Discounting Game (Don't Go There-Compete on Value) -- Learn How to Position Your Premium Pricing -- Think Big Picture and Longer Term -- Defend Your Value-Add -- Sell Like a Company, Not Like a Business Unit -- Get Creative and Think Holistically Early in the Negotiation -- Price According to Customer's Propensity to Pay -- Offer Financing Options as Differentiators -- Creative Financing Models -- The World Bank Group and Other Development Bodies -- Combat Unfair Pricing -- Chapter 16: The West: Place => Partnerships -- Selling Direct versus through Partners-Know Your Customer's Preference -- Partners Are Key and So Is Your Involvement -- Engage with Channel Partners -- Educate Your Channel Partner -- Partner with Your Customer -- Form Public-Private Partnerships -- Partner with the Competition: Coopetition -- Place and Presence -- Chapter 17: The West: Promotion => Customer Relationships and Culture: Recommendations for the West -- (Really) Know Your Customer by Knowing Their Culture -- Cultural Dimensions -- Trust -- Know Your Competition -- Know Yourself -- Analyze Using the Customer Profile -- Build Relationships at All Levels -- Influence at All Organizational Levels -- Go Outside the Organization -- Help Your Customer Get to Yes More Quickly -- Be Flexible and Adapt -- Be Nice.
More Than "Free Fries"-Crispy Too? Going Above and Beyond -- Articulate All That You Bring to the Table -- Always Deliver, Do Not Overcommit -- Practice High-Touch Customer Relations -- Adopt a Longer-Term View and Approach -- Invest and Commit beyond the Signing of the Purchase Order -- Example -- Embrace a Long-Term Approach and Philosophy within Your Organization -- Understand How Sales Compensation and Customer Intimacy Are Related -- Chapter 18: The West: Politics => The Geopolitical Dimension: Get Your Government Involved, Get Involved with Your Government -- Using the Corporate Government Affairs (GA) Group in Your Company -- Getting the Corporate Government Affairs (GA) Group on Board -- Creating a GA Initiative to Support Emerging Markets -- Know Your Priorities, Budgets -- Government Regulatory Barriers That Hinder Competitiveness Overseas -- The Export License Process: A Bottleneck for International Business -- Taking Action as a Company -- Escalating Challenges to Government -- The U.S. Department of Commerce (or Your Country's Equivalent) Is There to Help You -- Fair Trade Is in the Emerging Entrants' Best Interest, Too -- Be Proactive before the Situation Is Critical -- Remind Your Customers of Their Own Rules -- Remember That Unfair Practices Go Both Ways -- Chapter 19: Innovation Models: West and East -- Introduction -- Is the United States Losing Its Innovation Edge? -- Being Strategic about Innovation -- Innovation Models -- Traditional/Sustaining Innovation -- Disruptive Innovation -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Competitive Revectoring Strategy: Nokia -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Survival Strategy: BlackBerry and HTC -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Long-Term Strategy and Vision: Facebook, Safaricom, and Tata Motors -- How Do You Discover a Disruptive Innovation? -- How to Maximize Your Disruption Success.
Market-Targeted Innovation for Emerging Markets (Reverse Innovation).
Record Nr. UNINA-9910465130703321
Karam Amy  
Hoboken, New Jersey : , : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The China factor : leveraging emerging business strategies to compete, grow, and win in the new global economy / / Amy Karam
The China factor : leveraging emerging business strategies to compete, grow, and win in the new global economy / / Amy Karam
Autore Karam Amy
Edizione [1st edition]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, New Jersey : , : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (307 pages) : color illustrations
Disciplina 658.8/40951
Soggetto topico Export marketing - China
Export marketing - Western countries
International business enterprises - China
International business enterprises - Western countries
Strategic planning
Competition, International
ISBN 1-119-27424-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The China Factor -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Where Is This Book Coming From? -- Macroeconomics and the Interdependency of Nations -- Go Global, Be Global, Know Global -- The Power of Politics in Business -- The Innovation Advantage -- This Book Is About . . . -- About You and Your Challenges -- New Territory Requires a Guide -- A New Era -- Section I: State of Affairs -- Chapter 1: The Art of War . . . and Money -- China Has Risen and Is Here to Stay -- China Has Grown into a Formidable and Undeniable Force -- Societal Shift -- A Wake-Up Call for the West -- A New Global Paradigm of Business -- Chapter 2: East and West: The Current State of Affairs -- The Western World Has Dominated with a Position of Strength -- Bedrock of Innovation -- Entrepreneurial Spirit -- Education System -- Consumerism, Brands, and Differentiation -- Access to Low-Cost Suppliers Overseas -- Attitude of Growth -- The (Perceived) Role of the East: Areas of Strength and Specialization -- Execution Expertise -- Manufacturing Expertise -- Masterful Replication -- Inherently Driven -- Chapter 3: How China Came Up the Ladder (and So Quickly) -- Factors Contributing to China's Rapid Success and Growth -- Capitalism Became Okay -- Urbanization Impacted the Way the Chinese Do Business -- China's Rise to a Manufacturing Center for the West -- Right Place, Right Time -- Wealth Accumulation through Exchange Rate Management -- Government Assistance -- Acquisition of Know-How -- Emulation of Market and Industry Leaders, Replication of Product Designs -- Liberalization of Financing -- And Then the Shift Began . . . -- Chapter 4: The West No Longer Rules -- Melding of Positions -- China Today -- The West Today: What's Wrong? -- But It's Not Game Over Yet for the West . . . -- China Still Has Some of Its Own Challenges to Overcome.
The United States and the West: Strengths and Key Differentiators -- Will China Stay, Stall, or Fall? -- The Bottom Line Is That It Doesn't Matter . . . -- Chapter 5: Introduction to the Marketing Framework for Our Analysis -- Understanding How to Position Your Market Offering -- Framework for Analysis -- Stage 1: Market Segmentation -- Stage 2: Target Market Selection -- Stage 3: Defining and Applying the New 5Ps of Marketing -- Stage 4: Positioning and the Marketing Mix -- Section II: China -- Chapter 6: How the Chinese Do Business à la the 5Ps: A Brief Summary -- Product (Solution and Innovation) -- Price (Value-Add) -- Place (Partnerships) -- Promotion (Customer Relationships and Culture) -- Politics -- Chapter 7: Market Segmentation and Target Market Selection + China's Market Penetration Approach -- Step 1: Market Segmentation -- Customer/Market Segmentation: Slice It Up! -- Developed Markets versus Emerging Markets -- Step 2: Target Market Selection -- Setting Goals: Looking at the Chinese Target Market Strategy -- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) -- The Unsatisfied Customer = My Customer -- Customer Profiling: Knowing Your Customer -- Practice Makes Perfect -- Getting to Know Your Future Target Customer: Back to Goals -- General Barriers to Market Entry -- Chapter 8: China: Product => Solution and Innovation: It's Not Just about Product Superiority Anymore -- Product Superiority Does Not Always Win the Deal . . . -- Sometimes It's the Free Fries and Extra Ketchup, Not the Burger: The Solution Approach -- Financing -- Training/Knowledge Transfer -- Support Services and Resources -- Plagiarism Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery -- Pleasing the Customer: Always Say Yes to Customization -- Innovation -- Can China Innovate without a Free and Open Society? -- Chapter 9: China: Price => Value-Add -- Free! (Try to Beat That!).
Loss-Leader Approach as Part of Market Penetration Strategy: Discounting Till Death -- Emerging Entrants Will Often Try to Win on Price First -- Price Discrimination at Factories -- A Deal Is Not a Deal -- Hidden Price Lists, Holistic Pricing -- Strategic Accounts: Must-Win Battles . . . or Buy Them -- Try-and-Buy and Pay-as-You-Grow Arrangements -- Flexible Commercial Terms -- New Business Models -- Chickens for Routers: The Barter System Is Alive and Well -- Financing: Can't Afford It? No Problem! -- Loans/Subsidies from the Chinese Government-China Development Bank -- Chapter 10: China: Place => Partnerships -- How They Sell: Selling Direct versus via Partners -- Selling Direct -- Selling with Partners -- Partnerships and Alliances: Coopetition -- Partnerships -- Local Presence -- Partnering with Customers -- Market Access Exchange -- Alliances -- Challenges -- Chapter 11: China: Promotion => Customer Relationships and Culture -- Customer Relationships -- Customer Reference Accounts Are Key -- High-Touch Customer Relationship Model -- Attaining High Customer Satisfaction -- Invest in Customers -- Influence at All Levels -- Relationships with Greater Intentions (Ulterior Motives) -- Partnerships to Aid in Market Penetration -- Communications -- Marketing and Conferences -- Associations and Standards Bodies -- Brands -- Chapter 12: China: Politics => The 5th P-The Geopolitical Dimension -- Politics: The Geopolitical Dimension -- Nationalistic Philosophy-Venturing Out with Team China -- A Partnership Approach -- Countries with Resources -- Ethics and Boundaries: Unfair Trade Practices -- Security Concerns -- Why Do You All Hate Me?! -- Actions to Appease Concerns -- Section III: The West -- Chapter 13: Recommendations for the West and Application of the 5Ps -- Recommendations for the West -- The 5Ps of Global Marketing.
Chapter 14: The West: Product => Solution and Innovation: Modifying the Western Way Based on Your New Market Goals -- Product Superiority Doesn't Always Win -- One Size Does Not Fit All -- Evolve Your Offers into Solutions: Free Fries and Extra Ketchup (Remember?) -- Develop Targeted, Market-Appropriate Products -- Rapid Time-to-Market -- Product-Specific Example -- Product Development Efficiencies -- Made in the USA -- Positioning of Your Product and the Message You Send -- Compete Hard -- Chapter 15: The West: Price => Value-Add: Be Strategic, Think Scenarios -- The Discounting Game (Don't Go There-Compete on Value) -- Learn How to Position Your Premium Pricing -- Think Big Picture and Longer Term -- Defend Your Value-Add -- Sell Like a Company, Not Like a Business Unit -- Get Creative and Think Holistically Early in the Negotiation -- Price According to Customer's Propensity to Pay -- Offer Financing Options as Differentiators -- Creative Financing Models -- The World Bank Group and Other Development Bodies -- Combat Unfair Pricing -- Chapter 16: The West: Place => Partnerships -- Selling Direct versus through Partners-Know Your Customer's Preference -- Partners Are Key and So Is Your Involvement -- Engage with Channel Partners -- Educate Your Channel Partner -- Partner with Your Customer -- Form Public-Private Partnerships -- Partner with the Competition: Coopetition -- Place and Presence -- Chapter 17: The West: Promotion => Customer Relationships and Culture: Recommendations for the West -- (Really) Know Your Customer by Knowing Their Culture -- Cultural Dimensions -- Trust -- Know Your Competition -- Know Yourself -- Analyze Using the Customer Profile -- Build Relationships at All Levels -- Influence at All Organizational Levels -- Go Outside the Organization -- Help Your Customer Get to Yes More Quickly -- Be Flexible and Adapt -- Be Nice.
More Than "Free Fries"-Crispy Too? Going Above and Beyond -- Articulate All That You Bring to the Table -- Always Deliver, Do Not Overcommit -- Practice High-Touch Customer Relations -- Adopt a Longer-Term View and Approach -- Invest and Commit beyond the Signing of the Purchase Order -- Example -- Embrace a Long-Term Approach and Philosophy within Your Organization -- Understand How Sales Compensation and Customer Intimacy Are Related -- Chapter 18: The West: Politics => The Geopolitical Dimension: Get Your Government Involved, Get Involved with Your Government -- Using the Corporate Government Affairs (GA) Group in Your Company -- Getting the Corporate Government Affairs (GA) Group on Board -- Creating a GA Initiative to Support Emerging Markets -- Know Your Priorities, Budgets -- Government Regulatory Barriers That Hinder Competitiveness Overseas -- The Export License Process: A Bottleneck for International Business -- Taking Action as a Company -- Escalating Challenges to Government -- The U.S. Department of Commerce (or Your Country's Equivalent) Is There to Help You -- Fair Trade Is in the Emerging Entrants' Best Interest, Too -- Be Proactive before the Situation Is Critical -- Remind Your Customers of Their Own Rules -- Remember That Unfair Practices Go Both Ways -- Chapter 19: Innovation Models: West and East -- Introduction -- Is the United States Losing Its Innovation Edge? -- Being Strategic about Innovation -- Innovation Models -- Traditional/Sustaining Innovation -- Disruptive Innovation -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Competitive Revectoring Strategy: Nokia -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Survival Strategy: BlackBerry and HTC -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Long-Term Strategy and Vision: Facebook, Safaricom, and Tata Motors -- How Do You Discover a Disruptive Innovation? -- How to Maximize Your Disruption Success.
Market-Targeted Innovation for Emerging Markets (Reverse Innovation).
Record Nr. UNINA-9910798365003321
Karam Amy  
Hoboken, New Jersey : , : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The China factor : leveraging emerging business strategies to compete, grow, and win in the new global economy / / Amy Karam
The China factor : leveraging emerging business strategies to compete, grow, and win in the new global economy / / Amy Karam
Autore Karam Amy
Edizione [1st edition]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, New Jersey : , : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (307 pages) : color illustrations
Disciplina 658.8/40951
Soggetto topico Export marketing - China
Export marketing - Western countries
International business enterprises - China
International business enterprises - Western countries
Strategic planning
Competition, International
ISBN 1-119-27424-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The China Factor -- Contents -- Foreword -- Introduction -- Where Is This Book Coming From? -- Macroeconomics and the Interdependency of Nations -- Go Global, Be Global, Know Global -- The Power of Politics in Business -- The Innovation Advantage -- This Book Is About . . . -- About You and Your Challenges -- New Territory Requires a Guide -- A New Era -- Section I: State of Affairs -- Chapter 1: The Art of War . . . and Money -- China Has Risen and Is Here to Stay -- China Has Grown into a Formidable and Undeniable Force -- Societal Shift -- A Wake-Up Call for the West -- A New Global Paradigm of Business -- Chapter 2: East and West: The Current State of Affairs -- The Western World Has Dominated with a Position of Strength -- Bedrock of Innovation -- Entrepreneurial Spirit -- Education System -- Consumerism, Brands, and Differentiation -- Access to Low-Cost Suppliers Overseas -- Attitude of Growth -- The (Perceived) Role of the East: Areas of Strength and Specialization -- Execution Expertise -- Manufacturing Expertise -- Masterful Replication -- Inherently Driven -- Chapter 3: How China Came Up the Ladder (and So Quickly) -- Factors Contributing to China's Rapid Success and Growth -- Capitalism Became Okay -- Urbanization Impacted the Way the Chinese Do Business -- China's Rise to a Manufacturing Center for the West -- Right Place, Right Time -- Wealth Accumulation through Exchange Rate Management -- Government Assistance -- Acquisition of Know-How -- Emulation of Market and Industry Leaders, Replication of Product Designs -- Liberalization of Financing -- And Then the Shift Began . . . -- Chapter 4: The West No Longer Rules -- Melding of Positions -- China Today -- The West Today: What's Wrong? -- But It's Not Game Over Yet for the West . . . -- China Still Has Some of Its Own Challenges to Overcome.
The United States and the West: Strengths and Key Differentiators -- Will China Stay, Stall, or Fall? -- The Bottom Line Is That It Doesn't Matter . . . -- Chapter 5: Introduction to the Marketing Framework for Our Analysis -- Understanding How to Position Your Market Offering -- Framework for Analysis -- Stage 1: Market Segmentation -- Stage 2: Target Market Selection -- Stage 3: Defining and Applying the New 5Ps of Marketing -- Stage 4: Positioning and the Marketing Mix -- Section II: China -- Chapter 6: How the Chinese Do Business à la the 5Ps: A Brief Summary -- Product (Solution and Innovation) -- Price (Value-Add) -- Place (Partnerships) -- Promotion (Customer Relationships and Culture) -- Politics -- Chapter 7: Market Segmentation and Target Market Selection + China's Market Penetration Approach -- Step 1: Market Segmentation -- Customer/Market Segmentation: Slice It Up! -- Developed Markets versus Emerging Markets -- Step 2: Target Market Selection -- Setting Goals: Looking at the Chinese Target Market Strategy -- OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) -- The Unsatisfied Customer = My Customer -- Customer Profiling: Knowing Your Customer -- Practice Makes Perfect -- Getting to Know Your Future Target Customer: Back to Goals -- General Barriers to Market Entry -- Chapter 8: China: Product => Solution and Innovation: It's Not Just about Product Superiority Anymore -- Product Superiority Does Not Always Win the Deal . . . -- Sometimes It's the Free Fries and Extra Ketchup, Not the Burger: The Solution Approach -- Financing -- Training/Knowledge Transfer -- Support Services and Resources -- Plagiarism Is the Sincerest Form of Flattery -- Pleasing the Customer: Always Say Yes to Customization -- Innovation -- Can China Innovate without a Free and Open Society? -- Chapter 9: China: Price => Value-Add -- Free! (Try to Beat That!).
Loss-Leader Approach as Part of Market Penetration Strategy: Discounting Till Death -- Emerging Entrants Will Often Try to Win on Price First -- Price Discrimination at Factories -- A Deal Is Not a Deal -- Hidden Price Lists, Holistic Pricing -- Strategic Accounts: Must-Win Battles . . . or Buy Them -- Try-and-Buy and Pay-as-You-Grow Arrangements -- Flexible Commercial Terms -- New Business Models -- Chickens for Routers: The Barter System Is Alive and Well -- Financing: Can't Afford It? No Problem! -- Loans/Subsidies from the Chinese Government-China Development Bank -- Chapter 10: China: Place => Partnerships -- How They Sell: Selling Direct versus via Partners -- Selling Direct -- Selling with Partners -- Partnerships and Alliances: Coopetition -- Partnerships -- Local Presence -- Partnering with Customers -- Market Access Exchange -- Alliances -- Challenges -- Chapter 11: China: Promotion => Customer Relationships and Culture -- Customer Relationships -- Customer Reference Accounts Are Key -- High-Touch Customer Relationship Model -- Attaining High Customer Satisfaction -- Invest in Customers -- Influence at All Levels -- Relationships with Greater Intentions (Ulterior Motives) -- Partnerships to Aid in Market Penetration -- Communications -- Marketing and Conferences -- Associations and Standards Bodies -- Brands -- Chapter 12: China: Politics => The 5th P-The Geopolitical Dimension -- Politics: The Geopolitical Dimension -- Nationalistic Philosophy-Venturing Out with Team China -- A Partnership Approach -- Countries with Resources -- Ethics and Boundaries: Unfair Trade Practices -- Security Concerns -- Why Do You All Hate Me?! -- Actions to Appease Concerns -- Section III: The West -- Chapter 13: Recommendations for the West and Application of the 5Ps -- Recommendations for the West -- The 5Ps of Global Marketing.
Chapter 14: The West: Product => Solution and Innovation: Modifying the Western Way Based on Your New Market Goals -- Product Superiority Doesn't Always Win -- One Size Does Not Fit All -- Evolve Your Offers into Solutions: Free Fries and Extra Ketchup (Remember?) -- Develop Targeted, Market-Appropriate Products -- Rapid Time-to-Market -- Product-Specific Example -- Product Development Efficiencies -- Made in the USA -- Positioning of Your Product and the Message You Send -- Compete Hard -- Chapter 15: The West: Price => Value-Add: Be Strategic, Think Scenarios -- The Discounting Game (Don't Go There-Compete on Value) -- Learn How to Position Your Premium Pricing -- Think Big Picture and Longer Term -- Defend Your Value-Add -- Sell Like a Company, Not Like a Business Unit -- Get Creative and Think Holistically Early in the Negotiation -- Price According to Customer's Propensity to Pay -- Offer Financing Options as Differentiators -- Creative Financing Models -- The World Bank Group and Other Development Bodies -- Combat Unfair Pricing -- Chapter 16: The West: Place => Partnerships -- Selling Direct versus through Partners-Know Your Customer's Preference -- Partners Are Key and So Is Your Involvement -- Engage with Channel Partners -- Educate Your Channel Partner -- Partner with Your Customer -- Form Public-Private Partnerships -- Partner with the Competition: Coopetition -- Place and Presence -- Chapter 17: The West: Promotion => Customer Relationships and Culture: Recommendations for the West -- (Really) Know Your Customer by Knowing Their Culture -- Cultural Dimensions -- Trust -- Know Your Competition -- Know Yourself -- Analyze Using the Customer Profile -- Build Relationships at All Levels -- Influence at All Organizational Levels -- Go Outside the Organization -- Help Your Customer Get to Yes More Quickly -- Be Flexible and Adapt -- Be Nice.
More Than "Free Fries"-Crispy Too? Going Above and Beyond -- Articulate All That You Bring to the Table -- Always Deliver, Do Not Overcommit -- Practice High-Touch Customer Relations -- Adopt a Longer-Term View and Approach -- Invest and Commit beyond the Signing of the Purchase Order -- Example -- Embrace a Long-Term Approach and Philosophy within Your Organization -- Understand How Sales Compensation and Customer Intimacy Are Related -- Chapter 18: The West: Politics => The Geopolitical Dimension: Get Your Government Involved, Get Involved with Your Government -- Using the Corporate Government Affairs (GA) Group in Your Company -- Getting the Corporate Government Affairs (GA) Group on Board -- Creating a GA Initiative to Support Emerging Markets -- Know Your Priorities, Budgets -- Government Regulatory Barriers That Hinder Competitiveness Overseas -- The Export License Process: A Bottleneck for International Business -- Taking Action as a Company -- Escalating Challenges to Government -- The U.S. Department of Commerce (or Your Country's Equivalent) Is There to Help You -- Fair Trade Is in the Emerging Entrants' Best Interest, Too -- Be Proactive before the Situation Is Critical -- Remind Your Customers of Their Own Rules -- Remember That Unfair Practices Go Both Ways -- Chapter 19: Innovation Models: West and East -- Introduction -- Is the United States Losing Its Innovation Edge? -- Being Strategic about Innovation -- Innovation Models -- Traditional/Sustaining Innovation -- Disruptive Innovation -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Competitive Revectoring Strategy: Nokia -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Survival Strategy: BlackBerry and HTC -- Disruptive Innovation as Part of a Long-Term Strategy and Vision: Facebook, Safaricom, and Tata Motors -- How Do You Discover a Disruptive Innovation? -- How to Maximize Your Disruption Success.
Market-Targeted Innovation for Emerging Markets (Reverse Innovation).
Record Nr. UNINA-9910818236703321
Karam Amy  
Hoboken, New Jersey : , : John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui