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Advances in geophysics, tectonics and petroleum geosciences : proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CACJ-2), Tunisia, 2019 / / Mustapha Meghraoui [and eight others], editors
Advances in geophysics, tectonics and petroleum geosciences : proceedings of the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CACJ-2), Tunisia, 2019 / / Mustapha Meghraoui [and eight others], editors
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (642 pages)
Disciplina 550.5
Collana Advances in Science, Technology and Innovation
Soggetto topico Geology
Geology - Remote sensing
ISBN 3-030-73026-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910564688903321
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Advances in geosciences [[electronic resource] ] . Volume 6 Hydrological science (HS) / / editor-in-chief, Wing-Huen Ip; volume editor-in-chief, Namsik Park
Advances in geosciences [[electronic resource] ] . Volume 6 Hydrological science (HS) / / editor-in-chief, Wing-Huen Ip; volume editor-in-chief, Namsik Park
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hackensack, NJ, : World Scientific, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (224 p.)
Disciplina 550.5
Altri autori (Persone) IpW.-H
Collana Advances in geosciences
Soggetto topico Planetary meteorology
Space environment
Earth sciences
Space sciences
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-91865-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto CONTENTS; Stochastic Generation of Multi-Site Rainfall Occurrences Ratnasingham Srikanthan and Geoffrey G. S. Pegram; 1. Introduction; 2. Multi-Site Rainfall Occurrence Model; 2.1. Hidden covariance model; 3. Daily Rainfall Data; 4. Discussion of Results; 5. Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; A Spatial-Temporal Downscaling Approach for Construction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves in Consideration of GCM-Based Climate Change Scenarios Tan-Danh Nguyen, Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen and Philippe Gachon; 1. Introduction; 2. The Spatial-Temporal Downscaling Method
2.1. Spatial downscaling technique using SDSM 2.2. A temporal downscaling method using the scaling GEV distribution; 3. Numerical Application; 4. Conclusions; References; Development and Applications of the Advanced Regional Eta-Coordinate Numerical Heavy-Rain Prediction Model System in China Cui Chunguang, Li Jun and Shi Yan; 1. Development of Advanced Regional Eta Model; 2. Application of AREM in China; 2.1. Precipitation forecast experiments of different operational models; 2.2. Temporal and spatial evolvement forecast experiment of AREM
2.3. Simulation experiments of some important rain event 2.4. Data assimilation experiments based on AREM; 3. Considerations for Further Development; References; Method of Correcting Variance of Point Monthly Rainfall Directly Estimated Using Low Frequent Observations From Space Eiichi Nakakita, Syunsuke Okane and Lisako Konoshima; 1. Introduction; 2. Correction of the Variance of Point Monthly Rainfall; 2.1. Feasibility of correction; 2.2. Modeling the relationship between the sample variance of the monthly precipitation and the number of observations
3. Verification of the Model Equation of the Sample Variance 3.1. Verification using information from the ground-based radar; 3.2. Verification using information from the ground-based radar considering observation frequency of the TRMM/PR; 3.3. Validation using TRMM/PR observation; 4. Introducing Spatial Correlation and Estimation of Temporal and Spatial, Correlation Lengths; 5. Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; Monte Carlo Simulation for Calculating Drought Characteristics Chavalit Chaleeraktrakoon and Supamit Noikumsin; 1. Introduction; 2. Simplified Monte Carlo Simulation Approach
3. Drought Characteristics 4. Assessment of the Simulation Approach; 4.1. Medium-scale system; 4.2. Large-scale system; 5. Summary and Conclusions; References; On Regional Estimation of Floods for Ungaged Sites Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen; 1. Introduction; 2. The Scaling Approach to Regional Estimation of Floods; 2.1. The scaling process; 2.2. The scaling GEV distribution; 3. Numerical Application; 3.1. Delineation of homogeneous regions; 3.2. Estimation of quantiles for ungaged sites; 4. Conclusions; References
Determination of Confidence Limits for Model Estimation Using Resampling Techniques N. K. M. Nanseer, M. J. Hall and H. F. P. Van Den Boogaard
Record Nr. UNINA-9910451529903321
Hackensack, NJ, : World Scientific, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Advances in geosciences [[electronic resource] ] . Volume 6 Hydrological science (HS) / / editor-in-chief, Wing-Huen Ip; volume editor-in-chief, Namsik Park
Advances in geosciences [[electronic resource] ] . Volume 6 Hydrological science (HS) / / editor-in-chief, Wing-Huen Ip; volume editor-in-chief, Namsik Park
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hackensack, NJ, : World Scientific, c2007
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (224 p.)
Disciplina 550.5
Altri autori (Persone) IpW.-H
Collana Advances in geosciences
Soggetto topico Planetary meteorology
Space environment
Earth sciences
Space sciences
ISBN 1-281-91865-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto CONTENTS; Stochastic Generation of Multi-Site Rainfall Occurrences Ratnasingham Srikanthan and Geoffrey G. S. Pegram; 1. Introduction; 2. Multi-Site Rainfall Occurrence Model; 2.1. Hidden covariance model; 3. Daily Rainfall Data; 4. Discussion of Results; 5. Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; A Spatial-Temporal Downscaling Approach for Construction of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves in Consideration of GCM-Based Climate Change Scenarios Tan-Danh Nguyen, Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen and Philippe Gachon; 1. Introduction; 2. The Spatial-Temporal Downscaling Method
2.1. Spatial downscaling technique using SDSM 2.2. A temporal downscaling method using the scaling GEV distribution; 3. Numerical Application; 4. Conclusions; References; Development and Applications of the Advanced Regional Eta-Coordinate Numerical Heavy-Rain Prediction Model System in China Cui Chunguang, Li Jun and Shi Yan; 1. Development of Advanced Regional Eta Model; 2. Application of AREM in China; 2.1. Precipitation forecast experiments of different operational models; 2.2. Temporal and spatial evolvement forecast experiment of AREM
2.3. Simulation experiments of some important rain event 2.4. Data assimilation experiments based on AREM; 3. Considerations for Further Development; References; Method of Correcting Variance of Point Monthly Rainfall Directly Estimated Using Low Frequent Observations From Space Eiichi Nakakita, Syunsuke Okane and Lisako Konoshima; 1. Introduction; 2. Correction of the Variance of Point Monthly Rainfall; 2.1. Feasibility of correction; 2.2. Modeling the relationship between the sample variance of the monthly precipitation and the number of observations
3. Verification of the Model Equation of the Sample Variance 3.1. Verification using information from the ground-based radar; 3.2. Verification using information from the ground-based radar considering observation frequency of the TRMM/PR; 3.3. Validation using TRMM/PR observation; 4. Introducing Spatial Correlation and Estimation of Temporal and Spatial, Correlation Lengths; 5. Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; Monte Carlo Simulation for Calculating Drought Characteristics Chavalit Chaleeraktrakoon and Supamit Noikumsin; 1. Introduction; 2. Simplified Monte Carlo Simulation Approach
3. Drought Characteristics 4. Assessment of the Simulation Approach; 4.1. Medium-scale system; 4.2. Large-scale system; 5. Summary and Conclusions; References; On Regional Estimation of Floods for Ungaged Sites Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen; 1. Introduction; 2. The Scaling Approach to Regional Estimation of Floods; 2.1. The scaling process; 2.2. The scaling GEV distribution; 3. Numerical Application; 3.1. Delineation of homogeneous regions; 3.2. Estimation of quantiles for ungaged sites; 4. Conclusions; References
Determination of Confidence Limits for Model Estimation Using Resampling Techniques N. K. M. Nanseer, M. J. Hall and H. F. P. Van Den Boogaard
Record Nr. UNINA-9910785098703321
Hackensack, NJ, : World Scientific, c2007
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Anisotropic elasticity with Matlab / / Chyanbin Hwu
Anisotropic elasticity with Matlab / / Chyanbin Hwu
Autore Hwu Chyanbin
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (913 pages)
Disciplina 550.5
Collana Solid Mechanics and Its Applications
Soggetto topico Anisotropy - Mathematical models
ISBN 3-030-66676-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface -- Reference -- Contents -- 1 Anisotropic Elasticity -- 1.1 Theory of Elasticity -- 1.2 Linear Anisotropic Elastic Materials -- 1.2.1 Three-Dimensional Constitutive Relations -- 1.2.2 Two-Dimensional Constitutive Relations -- 1.2.3 Laminate Constitutive Relations -- 1.3 Thermoelastic Problems -- 1.4 Piezoelectric Materials -- References -- 2 Complex Variable Formalism -- 2.1 Two-Dimensional Analysis -- 2.1.1 Lekhnitskii Formalism -- 2.1.2 Stroh Formalism -- 2.1.3 Extended Stroh Formalism for Thermoelastic Problems -- 2.1.4 Expanded Stroh Formalism for Piezoelectric Materials -- 2.2 Plate Bending Analysis -- 2.2.1 Lekhnitskii Bending Formalism -- 2.2.2 Stroh-Like Bending Formalism -- 2.3 Coupled Stretching-Bending Analysis -- 2.3.1 Stroh-Like Formalism -- 2.3.2 Extended Stroh-Like Formalism for Thermal Stresses in Laminates -- 2.3.3 Expanded Stroh-Like Formalism for Electro-Elastic Laminates -- 2.4 Explicit Expressions -- 2.4.1 Fundamental Elasticity Matrix N -- 2.4.2 Material Eigenvector Matrices A and B -- 2.4.3 Barnett-Lothe Tensors S, H and L -- 2.5 General Remarks -- 2.5.1 Degeneracy of Material Eigenvectors -- 2.5.2 Units, Scaling Factors, and Dimensions -- 2.5.3 Sign Convention -- 2.5.4 Common Symbols -- 2.5.5 Extended Symbols -- References -- 3 Computer Program with Matlab -- 3.1 Program Structures -- 3.1.1 Computational Procedure -- 3.1.2 Control Parameters -- 3.1.3 Global Variables -- 3.1.4 Input -- 3.1.5 Output -- 3.2 Main Program and Functions -- 3.2.1 Main Program -- 3.2.2 Function Description -- 3.3 Input and Calculation of Material Properties -- 3.3.1 Function-elastic -- 3.3.2 Function-thermal -- 3.3.3 Function-piezoM -- 3.4 Calculation of Material Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors -- 3.4.1 Function-material_eigen -- 3.4.2 Function-thermal_eigen -- 3.5 Calculation of Analytical Solutions.
3.5.1 Function-internal, positionTime -- 3.5.2 Function-uphi_bank -- 3.6 Functions for Double Check -- 3.6.1 Function-piezo2, piezoM2 -- 3.6.2 Function-fundamental_N -- 3.6.3 Function-eigen_muAB -- 3.6.4 Function-identities -- 3.7 Functions for Output -- 3.7.1 Function-output_caption -- 3.7.2 Function-printTF -- 3.7.3 Function-TableFig, TableFig3D -- 3.8 Examples -- 3.8.1 Elastic Properties -- 3.8.2 Thermal Properties -- 3.8.3 Piezoelectric Properties -- References -- 4 Infinite Space, Half Space and Bi-materials -- 4.1 Infinite Space -- 4.1.1 Uniform Load-s411infUL -- 4.1.2 Inplane Bending-s412infIB -- 4.1.3 Point Force-s413infPF -- 4.1.4 Point Moment-s414infPM -- 4.1.5 Dislocation-s415infDL -- 4.2 Half Space -- 4.2.1 Point Force-s421halfPF -- 4.2.2 Point Force on Surface-s422halfPFs -- 4.2.3 Distributed Load-s423halfDT -- 4.2.4 Point Moment-s424halfPM -- 4.2.5 Dislocation-s425halfDL -- 4.3 Bi-materials -- 4.3.1 Point Force and Dislocation-s431bimatPFD -- 4.3.2 Point Force and Dislocation on the Interface-s432bimatPFDi -- 4.4 Functions for Common Use -- 4.4.1 Function-Stroh_matrices -- 4.4.2 Function-Gauss -- 4.5 Examples -- 4.5.1 Infinite Space -- 4.5.2 Half Space -- 4.5.3 Bi-materials -- References -- 5 Wedges and Interface Corners -- 5.1 Uniform Tractions on the Wedge Sides -- 5.1.1 Non-critical Wedge Angles -- 5.1.2 Critical Wedge Angles-s512wedgeUT -- 5.2 Forces at the Wedge Apex -- 5.2.1 A Single Wedge Under a Point Force-s521wedgePF -- 5.2.2 A Single Wedge Under a Point Moment-s522wedgePM -- 5.2.3 Multi-material Wedge Spaces-s523MwedgePFD -- 5.2.4 Multi-material Wedges-s524MwedgePF -- 5.3 Stress Singularities -- 5.3.1 Multi-material Wedge Spaces -- 5.3.2 Multi-material Wedges -- 5.3.3 Eigenfunctions-s533MwedgeSOE -- 5.4 Stress Intensity Factors -- 5.4.1 Near Tip Field Solutions -- 5.4.2 Unified Definition-s542MwedgeNTS.
5.4.3 H-Integral for 2D Interface Corners-s543MwedgeSIF2d -- 5.4.4 H-Integral for 3D Interface Corners-s544MwedgeSIF3d -- 5.5 Functions for Common Use -- 5.5.1 Function-multiwedge -- 5.5.2 Function-muller -- 5.5.3 Function-s5_ut -- 5.5.4 Function-MLS -- 5.6 Examples -- 5.6.1 Single Wedge -- 5.6.2 Multi-material Wedges -- 5.6.3 Interface Corners -- References -- 6 Holes -- 6.1 Elliptical Holes -- 6.1.1 Uniform Load at Infinity-s611EholeUL -- 6.1.2 In-plane Bending at Infinity-s612EholeIB -- 6.1.3 Arbitrary Load Along the Hole Boundary-s613EholeAL -- 6.1.4 Point Force at an Arbitrary Location-s614EholePF -- 6.1.5 Dislocation at an Arbitrary Location-s615EholeDL -- 6.2 Polygon-Like Holes -- 6.2.1 Transformation Function -- 6.2.2 Uniform Load at Infinity-s622PholeUL -- 6.2.3 In-plane Bending at Infinity-s623PholeIB -- 6.3 Functions for Common Use -- 6.3.1 Function-mapEP -- 6.3.2 Function-logBranch -- 6.4 Examples -- 6.4.1 Elliptical Holes -- 6.4.2 Polygon-Like Holes -- References -- 7 Cracks -- 7.1 Singular Characteristics of Cracks -- 7.1.1 Cracks in Homogeneous Materials-s711crackNTS -- 7.1.2 Interfacial Cracks-s712IFcrackNTS -- 7.1.3 Cracks Terminating at the Interfaces-s713crackTI -- 7.2 A Finite Straight Crack -- 7.2.1 Uniform Load at Infinity-s721crackUL -- 7.2.2 In-plane Bending at Infinity-s722crackIB -- 7.2.3 Arbitrary Load on the Crack Surfaces-s723crackAL -- 7.2.4 Point Force at Arbitrary Location-s724crackPF -- 7.2.5 Dislocation at Arbitrary Location-s725crackDL -- 7.3 Collinear Cracks -- 7.3.1 General Solutions -- 7.3.2 Two Collinear Cracks-s732CO2crackUL -- 7.3.3 Collinear Periodic Cracks-s733COPcrackUL -- 7.4 Collinear Interface Cracks -- 7.4.1 General Solutions-s741IFcrack -- 7.4.2 Semi-infinite Interface Crack-s742SIFcrackPFs -- 7.4.3 Finite Interface Crack-s743_1IFcrackPFs, S743_2IFcrackUL.
7.4.4 Two Collinear Interface Cracks-s744CO2IFcrackUL -- 7.5 Examples -- 7.5.1 Near Tip Solutions -- 7.5.2 Finite Straight Crack -- 7.5.3 Collinear Cracks -- 7.5.4 Collinear Interface Cracks -- References -- 8 Inclusions -- 8.1 Elliptical Elastic Inclusions -- 8.1.1 Uniform Load at Infinity-s811EEincluUL -- 8.1.2 A Point Force at the Matrix-s812EEincluPFm -- 8.2 Rigid Inclusions -- 8.2.1 Elliptical Rigid Inclusions-s821_1ERincluUL, s821_2ERincluPF -- 8.2.2 Rigid Line Inclusions-s822_1RLincluUL -- 8.2.3 Polygon-Like Rigid Inclusions-s823PRincluUL -- 8.3 Interactions Between Inclusions and Dislocations -- 8.3.1 Dislocations Outside the Inclusions-s831EEincluDLo -- 8.3.2 Dislocations Inside the Inclusions-s832EEincluDLi -- 8.3.3 Dislocations on the Interfaces-s833EEincluDLf -- 8.4 Interactions Between Inclusions and Cracks -- 8.4.1 Cracks Outside the Inclusions-s841EEincluCo -- 8.4.2 Cracks Inside the Inclusions-s842EEincluCi -- 8.4.3 Cracks Penetrating the Inclusions-s843EEincluCp -- 8.4.4 Curvilinear Cracks Lying Along the Interfaces-s844EEincluCc -- 8.5 Functions for Common Use -- 8.5.1 Function-TGCEF -- 8.5.2 Function-Gauss_elimination -- 8.5.3 Function-s84_CoeffUniform -- 8.5.4 Function-s84_abcEFG -- 8.5.5 Function-s84_Kt -- 8.5.6 Function-s84_F12 -- 8.5.7 Function-s84_Kbeta -- 8.5.8 Function-s84_uphi -- 8.6 Examples -- 8.6.1 Elliptical Elastic Inclusions -- 8.6.2 Rigid Inclusions -- 8.6.3 Inclusions and Dislocations -- 8.6.4 Inclusions and Cracks -- References -- 9 Contact Problems -- 9.1 Rigid Punches on a Half-Plane -- 9.1.1 General Solutions -- 9.1.2 A Flat-Ended Punch Indented by a Load-s912FpunchL -- 9.1.3 A Flat-Ended Punch Tilted by a Moment-s913FpunchM -- 9.1.4 A Parabolic Punch Indented by a Load-s914PpunchL -- 9.2 Rigid Stamp Indentation on a Curvilinear Hole Boundary -- 9.2.1 General Solutions.
9.2.2 Elliptical Hole Boundaries-s922Estamp -- 9.2.3 Polygonal Hole Boundaries-s923Pstamp -- 9.3 Rigid Punches on a Perturbed Surface -- 9.3.1 Straight Boundary Perturbation -- 9.3.2 Elliptical Boundary Perturbation -- 9.3.3 Illustrative Examples-s933_1Cpunch, s933_2Tstamp -- 9.4 Sliding Punches with or without Friction -- 9.4.1 General Solutions -- 9.4.2 A Sliding Wedge-Shaped Punch-s942SWpunch -- 9.4.3 A Sliding Parabolic Punch-s943SPpunch -- 9.4.4 Two Sliding Flat-Ended Punches-s944S2punch -- 9.5 Contact Between Two Elastic Bodies -- 9.5.1 Contact in the Presence of Friction-s951P2Fcontact -- 9.5.2 Contact in the Absence of Friction-s952P2contact -- 9.5.3 Contact in Complete Adhesion -- 9.6 Functions for Common Use -- 9.6.1 Function-s9_delLam -- 9.6.2 Function-s9_fzp -- 9.6.3 Function-s9_uphi -- 9.6.4 Function-s9_Plemelj -- 9.7 Examples -- 9.7.1 Rigid Punches on a Half-Plane -- 9.7.2 Rigid Stamp Indentation on a Curvilinear Hole Boundary -- 9.7.3 Rigid Punches on a Perturbed Surface -- 9.7.4 Sliding Punches with or without Friction -- 9.7.5 Contact Between Two Elastic Bodies -- References -- 10 Thermoelastic Problems -- 10.1 Extended Stroh Formalism -- 10.2 Holes and Cracks -- 10.2.1 Elliptical Holes Under Uniform Heat Flow-s1021EholeUH -- 10.2.2 Cracks Under Uniform Heat Flow-s1022crackUH -- 10.3 Rigid Inclusions -- 10.3.1 Elliptical Rigid Inclusions Under Uniform Heat Flow-s1031ERincluUH -- 10.3.2 Rigid Line Inclusions Under Uniform Heat Flow-s1032RLincluUH -- 10.4 Collinear Interface Cracks -- 10.4.1 General Solutions -- 10.4.2 Uniform Heat Flow-s1042IFcrackUH -- 10.5 Multi-material Wedges -- 10.5.1 Stress and Heat Flux Singularity -- 10.5.2 Eigenfunctions-s1052MwedgeTH -- 10.6 Function for Common Use -- 10.6.1 Function-s10_gamma -- 10.7 Examples -- 10.7.1 Holes, Cracks and Inclusions -- 10.7.2 Multi-material Wedges -- References.
11 Piezoelectric and Magneto-Electro-Elastic Materials.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910483079903321
Hwu Chyanbin  
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique
Annales de la Société géologique de Belgique
Pubbl/distr/stampa Liège, : Société géologique de Belgique
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 550.5
Soggetto topico Geology
Geology - Belgium
Géologie - Belgique
Geología - Bélgica
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
ISSN 2295-7227
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Record Nr. UNINA-9910135504703321
Liège, : Société géologique de Belgique
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France
Pubbl/distr/stampa Paris, : Societe geologique de France
Disciplina 551
ISSN 0037-9409
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Record Nr. UNINA-990008929920403321
Paris, : Societe geologique de France
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Chemie der Erde
Chemie der Erde
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Jena], : Urban & Fischer
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 550.5
Soggetto topico Mineralogical chemistry
Soil science
Chimie inorganique
Géochimie analytique
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
Ressource Internet (Descripteur de forme)
Périodique électronique (Descripteur de forme)
ISSN 1611-5864
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti Geochemistry
Record Nr. UNINA-9910333149603321
[Jena], : Urban & Fischer
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Chemie der Erde = Geochemistry
Chemie der Erde = Geochemistry
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Jena], : Urban & Fischer
Disciplina 550.5
Soggetto topico Mineralogical chemistry
Soil science
Chimie inorganique
Géochimie analytique
Soggetto genere / forma Ressource Internet (Descripteur de forme)
Périodique électronique (Descripteur de forme)
ISSN 1611-5864
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996208154603316
[Jena], : Urban & Fischer
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 2: Sciences de la terre et des Planètes
Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série 2: Sciences de la terre et des Planètes
Pubbl/distr/stampa Montrouge, : Gauthier-Villars; Elsevier; Elsevier
Disciplina 551
ISSN 1251-8050
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Altri titoli varianti Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences. Série II. Fascicule a, Sciences de la terre et des planètes
Record Nr. UNINA-990008943580403321
Montrouge, : Gauthier-Villars; Elsevier; Elsevier
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Earth and environmental science transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Earth and environmental science transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Pubbl/distr/stampa Edinburgh, : Royal Society of Edinburgh
Disciplina 550.5
Soggetto topico Earth sciences
Environmental sciences
38.00 earth sciences: general
Sciences de la terre
Sciences de l'environnement
Soggetto genere / forma Periodicals.
ISSN 1755-6929
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Periodico
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Record Nr. UNINA-9910407555103321
Edinburgh, : Royal Society of Edinburgh
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui