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Dihydrogen bonds [[electronic resource] ] : principles, experiments, and applications / / Vladimir I. Bakhmutov
Dihydrogen bonds [[electronic resource] ] : principles, experiments, and applications / / Vladimir I. Bakhmutov
Autore Bakhmutov Vladimir I
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (257 p.)
Disciplina 541/.226
Soggetto topico Dihydrogen bonding
ISBN 1-281-23728-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto DIHYDROGEN BONDS; CONTENTS; Preface; 1 Introduction: Weak Noncovalent Interactions; References; 2 Brief Summary of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: Definitions and General View; 2.1 Conventional Hydrogen Bonds: Theoretical and Experimental Criteria of Hydrogen Bond Formation; 2.1.1 Energy and Geometry of Conventional Hydrogen Bonds; 2.1.2 Cooperative and Anticooperative Energy Effects in Systems with Classical Hydrogen Bonds; 2.1.3 Dynamics of Classical Hydrogen Bonds; 2.2 Nonconventional Hydrogen Bonds as a Part of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: Definition and Classification
2.3 Difference Between Hydrogen and Chemical Bonds2.4 Concluding Remarks; References; 3 Concept of Dihydrogen Bonding; 3.1 General View: From an H(2) Molecule to a Dihydrogen Bond via a Dihydrogen Ligand; 3.2 The Nature of Dihydrogen Bonding: The Topology of Electron Density and Contributions to Total Bonding Energy; 3.3. Scalar Spin-Spin Coupling Through Dihydrogen Bonds as Evidence of Their Partly Covalent Character; 3.4 Field Effects on Dihydrogen Bonding; 3.5 Pressure Effects on Dihydrogen Bonding; 3.6 Difference Between Hydrogen and Dihydrogen Bonds; 3.7 Concluding Remarks; References
4 How to Find a Dihydrogen Bond: Experimental Criteria of Dihydrogen Bond Formation4.1 Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes in the Solid State: X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Evidence; 4.1.1 Topology of Electron Density in Dihydrogen-Bonded Systems from Diffraction Data; 4.2 Gas-Phase Experiments with Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes; 4.3 Experiments with Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes in Solutions; 4.3.1 IR Spectral Criteria for the Formation of Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes in Solutions; 4.3.2 How to Determine the Stoichiometry of Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes in Solution by IR Spectroscopy
4.3.3 Energy Parameters of Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes from IR Spectra in Solution4.3.4 (1)H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Evidence for Dihydrogen Bonding in Solution; 4.3.5 Energy Parameters of Dihydrogen Bonds in Solution from (1)H NMR; 4.4 Concluding Remarks; References; 5 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds: Theory and Experiment; 5.1 Weak Intramolecular Bonding: C-H· · ·H-C in Systems with Slightly Polarized Bonds CH; 5.2 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds in Solid Amino Acids: C-H Bonds as Weak Proton Acceptors; 5.3 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds: C-H· · ·H-B
5.4 Intramolecular Bonds: N-H· · ·H-B and O-H· · ·H-B5.5 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds in Metal Hydride Complexes; 5.5.1 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds in Metal Hydride Clusters; 5.6 Connection Between Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonding and Dehydrogenation Reactions; 5.7 Concluding Remarks; References; 6 Intermolecular Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes: From Groups 1A-4A to Xenon Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes; 6.1 Group 1A: Dihydrogen Bonds X-H· · ·H-Li and X-H· · ·H-Na (X = F, Cl, NH(3), CN, NC, HO, HS, ClCC, FCC, HCC)
6.2 Group 2A: Dihydrogen Bonds X-H· · ·H-Mg and X-H· · ·H-Be (X = F, Cl, Br, NH(3), NNN, CN, NC, ClCC, FCC, HCC, CH(3)CC, F(2)Be, FKr, FAr)
Record Nr. UNINA-9910145283203321
Bakhmutov Vladimir I  
Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Dihydrogen bonds : principles, experiments, and applications / / Vladimir I. Bakhmutov
Dihydrogen bonds : principles, experiments, and applications / / Vladimir I. Bakhmutov
Autore Bakhmutov Vladimir I
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (257 p.)
Disciplina 541/.226
Soggetto topico Dihydrogen bonding
ISBN 1-281-23728-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto DIHYDROGEN BONDS; CONTENTS; Preface; 1 Introduction: Weak Noncovalent Interactions; References; 2 Brief Summary of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: Definitions and General View; 2.1 Conventional Hydrogen Bonds: Theoretical and Experimental Criteria of Hydrogen Bond Formation; 2.1.1 Energy and Geometry of Conventional Hydrogen Bonds; 2.1.2 Cooperative and Anticooperative Energy Effects in Systems with Classical Hydrogen Bonds; 2.1.3 Dynamics of Classical Hydrogen Bonds; 2.2 Nonconventional Hydrogen Bonds as a Part of Hydrogen-Bonded Systems: Definition and Classification
2.3 Difference Between Hydrogen and Chemical Bonds2.4 Concluding Remarks; References; 3 Concept of Dihydrogen Bonding; 3.1 General View: From an H(2) Molecule to a Dihydrogen Bond via a Dihydrogen Ligand; 3.2 The Nature of Dihydrogen Bonding: The Topology of Electron Density and Contributions to Total Bonding Energy; 3.3. Scalar Spin-Spin Coupling Through Dihydrogen Bonds as Evidence of Their Partly Covalent Character; 3.4 Field Effects on Dihydrogen Bonding; 3.5 Pressure Effects on Dihydrogen Bonding; 3.6 Difference Between Hydrogen and Dihydrogen Bonds; 3.7 Concluding Remarks; References
4 How to Find a Dihydrogen Bond: Experimental Criteria of Dihydrogen Bond Formation4.1 Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes in the Solid State: X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction Evidence; 4.1.1 Topology of Electron Density in Dihydrogen-Bonded Systems from Diffraction Data; 4.2 Gas-Phase Experiments with Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes; 4.3 Experiments with Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes in Solutions; 4.3.1 IR Spectral Criteria for the Formation of Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes in Solutions; 4.3.2 How to Determine the Stoichiometry of Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes in Solution by IR Spectroscopy
4.3.3 Energy Parameters of Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes from IR Spectra in Solution4.3.4 (1)H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Evidence for Dihydrogen Bonding in Solution; 4.3.5 Energy Parameters of Dihydrogen Bonds in Solution from (1)H NMR; 4.4 Concluding Remarks; References; 5 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds: Theory and Experiment; 5.1 Weak Intramolecular Bonding: C-H· · ·H-C in Systems with Slightly Polarized Bonds CH; 5.2 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds in Solid Amino Acids: C-H Bonds as Weak Proton Acceptors; 5.3 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds: C-H· · ·H-B
5.4 Intramolecular Bonds: N-H· · ·H-B and O-H· · ·H-B5.5 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds in Metal Hydride Complexes; 5.5.1 Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonds in Metal Hydride Clusters; 5.6 Connection Between Intramolecular Dihydrogen Bonding and Dehydrogenation Reactions; 5.7 Concluding Remarks; References; 6 Intermolecular Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes: From Groups 1A-4A to Xenon Dihydrogen-Bonded Complexes; 6.1 Group 1A: Dihydrogen Bonds X-H· · ·H-Li and X-H· · ·H-Na (X = F, Cl, NH(3), CN, NC, HO, HS, ClCC, FCC, HCC)
6.2 Group 2A: Dihydrogen Bonds X-H· · ·H-Mg and X-H· · ·H-Be (X = F, Cl, Br, NH(3), NNN, CN, NC, ClCC, FCC, HCC, CH(3)CC, F(2)Be, FKr, FAr)
Record Nr. UNINA-9910817933003321
Bakhmutov Vladimir I  
Hoboken, N.J., : Wiley-Interscience, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Intermolecular and surface forces / / Jacob N. Israelachvili
Intermolecular and surface forces / / Jacob N. Israelachvili
Autore Israelachvili Jacob N.
Edizione [3rd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Burlington, Massachusetts : , : Academic Press, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (706 p.)
Disciplina 541/.226
Soggetto topico Intermolecular forces
Surface chemistry
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-282-88675-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; IFC; Intermolecular and Surface Forces; Copyright; Contents; Preface to the Third Edition; Preface to Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Units, Symbols, Useful Quantities and Relations; Definitions and Glossary; PART I -The Forces between Atoms and Molecules; Chapter 1 Historical Perspective; 1.1 The Four Forces of Nature; 1.2 Greek and Medieval Notions of Intermolecular Forces; 1.3 The Seventeenth Century: First Scientific Period; 1.4 The Eighteenth Century: Confusion, Contradictions, and Controversy; 1.5 The Nineteenth Century: Continuum versus Molecular Theories
1.6 Intermolecular Force-Laws and Interaction Potentials: Long- and Short-Range Forces1.7 First Successful Phenomenological Theories; 1.8 First Estimates of Molecular Sizes; 1.9 The Twentieth Century: Understanding Simple Systems; 1.10 Recent Trends; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 2 Thermodynamic and Statistical Aspects of Intermolecular Forces; 2.1 The Interaction of Molecules in Free Space and in a Medium; 2.2 Self-Energy and Pair Potential; 2.3 The Boltzmann Distribution and the Chemical Potential; 2.4 The Distribution of Molecules and Particles in Systems at Equilibrium
2.5 The Van der Waals Equation of State (EOS)2.6 The Criterion of the Thermal Energy kT for Gauging the Strength of an Interaction; 2.7 Classification of Forces and Pair Potentials; 2.8 Theoretical Analyses of Multimolecular Systems: Continuum and Molecular Approaches; 2.9 Molecular Approaches via Computer Simulations: Monte Carlo (MC) and Molecular Dynamics (MD); 2.10 Newton's Laws Applied to Two-Body Collisions; 2.11 Kinetic and Statistical Aspects of Multiple Collisions: the Boltzmann Distribution; Problems and Discussion Topics
Chapter 3 Strong Intermolecular Forces: Covalent and Coulomb Interactions3.1 Covalent or Chemical Bonding Forces; 3.2 Physical and Chemical Bonds; 3.3 Coulomb Forces or Charge-Charge Interactions, Gauss's Law; 3.4 Ionic Crystals; 3.5 Reference States; 3.6 Range of Electrostatic Forces; 3.7 The Born Energy of an Ion; 3.8 Solubility of Ions in Different Solvents; 3.9 Specific Ion-Solvent Effects: Continuum Approach; 3.10 Molecular Approach: Computer Simulations and Integral Equations of Many-Body Systems; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 4 Interactions Involving Polar Molecules
4.1 What Are Polar Molecules?4.2 Dipole Self-Energy; 4.3 Ion-Dipole Interactions; 4.4 Ions in Polar Solvents; 4.5 Strong Ion-Dipole Interactions in Water: Hydrated Ions; 4.6 Solvation Forces, Structural Forces, and Hydration Forces; 4.7 Dipole-Dipole Interactions; 4.8 Magnetic Dipoles; 4.9 Hydrogen Bonds; 4.10 Rotating Dipoles and Angle-Averaged Potentials; 4.11 Entropic Effects; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 5 Interactions Involving the Polarization of Molecules; 5.1 The Polarizability of Atoms and Molecules; 5.2 The Polarizability of Polar Molecules
5.3 Other Polarization Mechanisms and the Effects of Polarization on Electrostatic Interactions
Record Nr. UNINA-9910459404603321
Israelachvili Jacob N.  
Burlington, Massachusetts : , : Academic Press, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Intermolecular and surface forces / / Jacob N. Israelachvili, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Intermolecular and surface forces / / Jacob N. Israelachvili, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Autore Israelachvili Jacob N.
Edizione [3rd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Burlington, MA : , : Academic Press, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xxx, 674 pages) : illustrations (some color)
Disciplina 541/.226
Collana Gale eBooks
Soggetto topico Intermolecular forces
Surface chemistry
ISBN 1-282-88675-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; IFC; Intermolecular and Surface Forces; Copyright; Contents; Preface to the Third Edition; Preface to Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Units, Symbols, Useful Quantities and Relations; Definitions and Glossary; PART I -The Forces between Atoms and Molecules; Chapter 1 Historical Perspective; 1.1 The Four Forces of Nature; 1.2 Greek and Medieval Notions of Intermolecular Forces; 1.3 The Seventeenth Century: First Scientific Period; 1.4 The Eighteenth Century: Confusion, Contradictions, and Controversy; 1.5 The Nineteenth Century: Continuum versus Molecular Theories
1.6 Intermolecular Force-Laws and Interaction Potentials: Long- and Short-Range Forces1.7 First Successful Phenomenological Theories; 1.8 First Estimates of Molecular Sizes; 1.9 The Twentieth Century: Understanding Simple Systems; 1.10 Recent Trends; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 2 Thermodynamic and Statistical Aspects of Intermolecular Forces; 2.1 The Interaction of Molecules in Free Space and in a Medium; 2.2 Self-Energy and Pair Potential; 2.3 The Boltzmann Distribution and the Chemical Potential; 2.4 The Distribution of Molecules and Particles in Systems at Equilibrium
2.5 The Van der Waals Equation of State (EOS)2.6 The Criterion of the Thermal Energy kT for Gauging the Strength of an Interaction; 2.7 Classification of Forces and Pair Potentials; 2.8 Theoretical Analyses of Multimolecular Systems: Continuum and Molecular Approaches; 2.9 Molecular Approaches via Computer Simulations: Monte Carlo (MC) and Molecular Dynamics (MD); 2.10 Newton's Laws Applied to Two-Body Collisions; 2.11 Kinetic and Statistical Aspects of Multiple Collisions: the Boltzmann Distribution; Problems and Discussion Topics
Chapter 3 Strong Intermolecular Forces: Covalent and Coulomb Interactions3.1 Covalent or Chemical Bonding Forces; 3.2 Physical and Chemical Bonds; 3.3 Coulomb Forces or Charge-Charge Interactions, Gauss's Law; 3.4 Ionic Crystals; 3.5 Reference States; 3.6 Range of Electrostatic Forces; 3.7 The Born Energy of an Ion; 3.8 Solubility of Ions in Different Solvents; 3.9 Specific Ion-Solvent Effects: Continuum Approach; 3.10 Molecular Approach: Computer Simulations and Integral Equations of Many-Body Systems; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 4 Interactions Involving Polar Molecules
4.1 What Are Polar Molecules?4.2 Dipole Self-Energy; 4.3 Ion-Dipole Interactions; 4.4 Ions in Polar Solvents; 4.5 Strong Ion-Dipole Interactions in Water: Hydrated Ions; 4.6 Solvation Forces, Structural Forces, and Hydration Forces; 4.7 Dipole-Dipole Interactions; 4.8 Magnetic Dipoles; 4.9 Hydrogen Bonds; 4.10 Rotating Dipoles and Angle-Averaged Potentials; 4.11 Entropic Effects; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 5 Interactions Involving the Polarization of Molecules; 5.1 The Polarizability of Atoms and Molecules; 5.2 The Polarizability of Polar Molecules
5.3 Other Polarization Mechanisms and the Effects of Polarization on Electrostatic Interactions
Record Nr. UNINA-9910785219203321
Israelachvili Jacob N.  
Burlington, MA : , : Academic Press, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Intermolecular and surface forces / / Jacob N. Israelachvili, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Intermolecular and surface forces / / Jacob N. Israelachvili, University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
Autore Israelachvili Jacob N.
Edizione [3rd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Burlington, MA : , : Academic Press, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xxx, 674 pages) : illustrations (some color)
Disciplina 541/.226
Collana Gale eBooks
Soggetto topico Intermolecular forces
Surface chemistry
ISBN 1-282-88675-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; IFC; Intermolecular and Surface Forces; Copyright; Contents; Preface to the Third Edition; Preface to Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Units, Symbols, Useful Quantities and Relations; Definitions and Glossary; PART I -The Forces between Atoms and Molecules; Chapter 1 Historical Perspective; 1.1 The Four Forces of Nature; 1.2 Greek and Medieval Notions of Intermolecular Forces; 1.3 The Seventeenth Century: First Scientific Period; 1.4 The Eighteenth Century: Confusion, Contradictions, and Controversy; 1.5 The Nineteenth Century: Continuum versus Molecular Theories
1.6 Intermolecular Force-Laws and Interaction Potentials: Long- and Short-Range Forces1.7 First Successful Phenomenological Theories; 1.8 First Estimates of Molecular Sizes; 1.9 The Twentieth Century: Understanding Simple Systems; 1.10 Recent Trends; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 2 Thermodynamic and Statistical Aspects of Intermolecular Forces; 2.1 The Interaction of Molecules in Free Space and in a Medium; 2.2 Self-Energy and Pair Potential; 2.3 The Boltzmann Distribution and the Chemical Potential; 2.4 The Distribution of Molecules and Particles in Systems at Equilibrium
2.5 The Van der Waals Equation of State (EOS)2.6 The Criterion of the Thermal Energy kT for Gauging the Strength of an Interaction; 2.7 Classification of Forces and Pair Potentials; 2.8 Theoretical Analyses of Multimolecular Systems: Continuum and Molecular Approaches; 2.9 Molecular Approaches via Computer Simulations: Monte Carlo (MC) and Molecular Dynamics (MD); 2.10 Newton's Laws Applied to Two-Body Collisions; 2.11 Kinetic and Statistical Aspects of Multiple Collisions: the Boltzmann Distribution; Problems and Discussion Topics
Chapter 3 Strong Intermolecular Forces: Covalent and Coulomb Interactions3.1 Covalent or Chemical Bonding Forces; 3.2 Physical and Chemical Bonds; 3.3 Coulomb Forces or Charge-Charge Interactions, Gauss's Law; 3.4 Ionic Crystals; 3.5 Reference States; 3.6 Range of Electrostatic Forces; 3.7 The Born Energy of an Ion; 3.8 Solubility of Ions in Different Solvents; 3.9 Specific Ion-Solvent Effects: Continuum Approach; 3.10 Molecular Approach: Computer Simulations and Integral Equations of Many-Body Systems; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 4 Interactions Involving Polar Molecules
4.1 What Are Polar Molecules?4.2 Dipole Self-Energy; 4.3 Ion-Dipole Interactions; 4.4 Ions in Polar Solvents; 4.5 Strong Ion-Dipole Interactions in Water: Hydrated Ions; 4.6 Solvation Forces, Structural Forces, and Hydration Forces; 4.7 Dipole-Dipole Interactions; 4.8 Magnetic Dipoles; 4.9 Hydrogen Bonds; 4.10 Rotating Dipoles and Angle-Averaged Potentials; 4.11 Entropic Effects; Problems and Discussion Topics; Chapter 5 Interactions Involving the Polarization of Molecules; 5.1 The Polarizability of Atoms and Molecules; 5.2 The Polarizability of Polar Molecules
5.3 Other Polarization Mechanisms and the Effects of Polarization on Electrostatic Interactions
Record Nr. UNINA-9910825114303321
Israelachvili Jacob N.  
Burlington, MA : , : Academic Press, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry : how Izatt-Christensen Award winners shaped the field / / edited by Reed M. Izatt
Macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry : how Izatt-Christensen Award winners shaped the field / / edited by Reed M. Izatt
Pubbl/distr/stampa Chichester, West Sussex, England : , : Wiley, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (775 p.)
Disciplina 541/.226
Soggetto topico Izatt-Christensen Award in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry
Supramolecular chemistry - Awards
Chemistry - Awards
Macrocyclic compounds
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-119-05387-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910135030203321
Chichester, West Sussex, England : , : Wiley, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry : how Izatt-Christensen Award winners shaped the field / / edited by Reed M. Izatt
Macrocyclic and supramolecular chemistry : how Izatt-Christensen Award winners shaped the field / / edited by Reed M. Izatt
Pubbl/distr/stampa Chichester, West Sussex, England : , : Wiley, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (775 p.)
Disciplina 541/.226
Soggetto topico Izatt-Christensen Award in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry
Supramolecular chemistry - Awards
Chemistry - Awards
Macrocyclic compounds
ISBN 1-119-05387-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910830135203321
Chichester, West Sussex, England : , : Wiley, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Macromolecular chemistry [[electronic resource] ] : new research / / Valentin Gartner, editor
Macromolecular chemistry [[electronic resource] ] : new research / / Valentin Gartner, editor
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hauppauge, N.Y., : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (132 p.)
Disciplina 541/.226
Altri autori (Persone) GartnerValentin
Collana Chemistry research and applications
Soggetto topico Supramolecular chemistry
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-62417-855-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910463214203321
Hauppauge, N.Y., : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Macromolecular chemistry [[electronic resource] ] : new research / / Valentin Gartner, editor
Macromolecular chemistry [[electronic resource] ] : new research / / Valentin Gartner, editor
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hauppauge, N.Y., : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (132 p.)
Disciplina 541/.226
Altri autori (Persone) GartnerValentin
Collana Chemistry research and applications
Soggetto topico Supramolecular chemistry
ISBN 1-62417-855-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786862303321
Hauppauge, N.Y., : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The nature of the hydrogen bond : outline of a comprehensive hydrogen bond theory / Gastone Gilli and Paola Gilli
The nature of the hydrogen bond : outline of a comprehensive hydrogen bond theory / Gastone Gilli and Paola Gilli
Autore Gilli, Gastone
Pubbl/distr/stampa Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009
Descrizione fisica xi, 317 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
Disciplina 541/.226
Altri autori (Persone) Gilli, Paolaauthor
Collana IUCr monographs on crystallography ; 23
Soggetto topico Hydrogen bonding
ISBN 9780199558964 (hardback)
Classificazione LC QD461
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto A century of the hydrogen bond (H-bond) -- Generalities, definitions, and preliminary classification -- Modelling the H-bond by crystallographic methods -- Modelling the H-bond by thermodynamic methods -- The empirical laws governing the H-bond : a summary -- Outline of a novel transition-state H-bond theory (TSHBT) -- The strength of the H-bond : definitions and thermodynamics -- The role of strong H-bonds in nature : a gallery of functional H-bonds
Record Nr. UNISALENTO-991003802869707536
Gilli, Gastone  
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. del Salento
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui