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Corona : the once-in-a-century health crisis and its teachings : towards a more multi-resilient post-Corona world / / Roland Benedikter and Karim Fathi
Corona : the once-in-a-century health crisis and its teachings : towards a more multi-resilient post-Corona world / / Roland Benedikter and Karim Fathi
Autore Benedikter Roland
Pubbl/distr/stampa Leiden, Netherlands ; ; Boston, Massachusetts : , : Brill, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (458 pages)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Collana Studies in Critical Social Sciences
Soggetto topico Crisis management
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Social aspects
Globalization - Social aspects
ISBN 90-04-46968-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ACKNOWLEDGEMENT -- LIST OF IMAGES, TABLES AND FIGURES -- OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY -- FOREWORD -- Jan Nederveen Pieterse -- PREFACE -- PART 1: THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS -- 1 Introduction: "Do nothing" or, An epochal crisis -- 2 Systemic unpreparedness inducing a variety of psychological reactions -- 3 The branches and social strata hardest hit: A list to be carefully remembered for the next systemic rupture -- 4 Were nature, the environment and crime statistics "winners" of the crisis? Disputed "improvements" and their flip sides -- 5 Children and relationships -- 6 Labour and the economy: "Generation Corona" -- 7 Corona and Re-Globalisation 1: Sharpening awareness about the differences between political systems and their growing asymmetries -- 8 A battle for values and transformation not confined to bilateral competition, but spanning the globe -- 9 Unprecedented penetrative depth: Uplifting technology, changing sexuality, questioning science? -- 10 Corona and Re-Globalisation 2: Creating conscience for national and international reforms -- 11 Intellectual rhetoric between cheap "humanistic" appeal and kitsch -- 12 "Humanised" technology instead of a new humanism? -- 13 A boost to "post-human hybrid intelligence" such as Biological Espionage and Sentiment Analysis? -- 14 Striking a balance: Was Corona a watershed for Western humanism and the basic rationality of the enlightenment? -- 15 The vast variety of political instrumentalisations -- 16 Three more far-reaching aspects within global democracies and open societies: Confirmation Bias, "Republican" Turn and Re-Globalisation Drive -- PART 2: THE SIMULTANEOUSNESS OF LOCAL, NATIONAL AND GLOBAL EFFECTS -- 17 Corona: An unprecedented crisis accelerating the (temporary?) rupture of advanced life patterns - including gender role models in democracies -- 18 "Unsocial sociability" and the re-shaping of the global order: Anthropology and politics intertwined -- 19 Medical diplomacy, or: The great divide of principles over and after Corona. More "Do it alone" - or more cooperation? -- 20 Don't forget the bizarre, the surreal and the perfidious: From Mona Lisa to Sharon Stone and global terror -- 21 Coronavirus crisis social psychology: Between disorientation, infodemic and the need to understand -- 22 Conspiracy theories: Misusing the crisis for legitimating the absurd in times of "fake news" -- 23 The perspective: The real question is not about COVID-19, but about "the world after" -- PART 3: THE CORONA CHALLENGE: MULTI-RESILIENCE FOR AN INTERCONNECTED WORLD RIDDEN BY CRISIS BUNDLES -- 24 In search of examples of efficient resilience: From the evolutionary teachings of bats to regional self-administration within political autonomies to a "flexible" handling of constitutions -- 25 Crisis resistance in the face of Corona and in anticipation of potential future pandemics: A short overview of different options of socio-political responses -- 26 The primordial path to follow: Enhancing resilience. Basic philosophical assumptions and their implications for crisis-policy design -- 27 Revisioning the concept of resilience: A necessary step (not only) after Corona -- 28 Progressing from resilience to multi-resilience: Two basic approaches -- 28.1 Prerequisites: Relevant criteria -- 28.2 Complexify : Multi-resilience in a systemic perspective -- 28.3 Simplify : Multi-resilience in an action-oriented perspective -- 29 Five principles of Multi-resilience -- 29.1 Principle 1: Fostering individual resilience -- 29.2 Principle 2: Integrating centralised and decentralised decision-making and implementation -- 29.3 Principle 3: Problem-solving practices with knowns and unknowns -- 29.4. Principle 4: Supporting and enhancing collective intelligence through participatory and cross-sectoral knowledge management and integration -- 29.5 Principle 5: Fostering "Resilience Culture" by stimulating and facilitating collective reasoning and cohesion -- 30 Summary. Multi-resilience: A crucial topic to shape "Globalisation 2.0" -- PART 4: REQUIREMENTS FOR A POST-CORONA WORLD -- 31 The Corona Effect and "Diseasescape": Towards weaker, but more realistic globalisation and transnationalisation? -- 32 The uncertainty about the future of COVID-19: Short-term scenarios versus big-picture trends -- 33 Technological requirements: Six trends -- 33.1 Remote working -- 33.2 eLearning -- 33.3 Telehealth -- 33.4 E-commerce and on-demand economy -- 33.5 Automatisation -- 33.6 Increasing use of immersive technologies -- 34 Towards a post-Corona world: Seven upcoming conflict lines open societies should prepare for -- 34.1 Nationalism versus globalism -- 34.2 Freedom versus safety -- 34.3 Professionalism versus populism -- 34.4 Class: Rich versus poor -- 34.5 Ethnicity (racism) -- 34.6 Gender -- 34.7 Generation: young versus old -- 35 The post-Corona world: Potentials and visions for a "better globalised" international system -- 35.1 Idea potentials: Policy-relevant contributions by intellectuals, ecologists and futurists -- 35.2 Universal basic income as a driver towards better socio-economic resilience? -- 35.3 Post-Growth and Degrowth as responses to the economic and ecological challenges in a post-Corona world? -- PART 5: POST-CORONA POLICY DESIGN -- 36 Chances and limits of resilience: The development paradox and the increasing danger of man-made disasters with multi-sectoral side effects -- 37 Towards a broader and more integrated policy of future preparedness: Contributions from selected guiding concepts -- 37.1 A brief outline of three major contemporary coping concepts: Development, Sustainability, Resilience -- 37.2 Development versus Sustainability versus Resilience: Similarities, fault lines and potential (realistic) complementarities -- 37.3 Collective Wisdom as the missing connecting principle towards Multi-Resilience? -- 38 Fostering local, national and international paths towards Multi-resilience: Leverage points for interrelated social change bottom-up and top-down -- 38.1 Education programs for individual resilience -- 38.2 Bottom-up transformational impulses via building critical masses for positive change -- 38.3 Experimental Prototyping Projects -- 38.4 Building bridges between subsystems -- 38.5 Methods of communicative complexity management -- 38.6 Towards the integration of standards? -- PART 6: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A MULTI-RESILIENT POST-CORONA WORLD -- 39 "Health Terror"? Towards an adequate framework for a post-Corona socio-political philosophy: "Resistance" and power critique will not suffice -- 40 Seven strategic recommendations for pro-positive multi-resilient policy-making in the post-Corona world of open societies -- 40.1 Recommendation 1: Include Competency Development to become a crucial part of the education system -- 40.2 Recommendation 2: Strengthen European-Western Simulation Methodology and Strategic Foresight -- 40.3 Recommendation 3: Strengthen Future Anticipation Capacities and (potentially) their integration. From the Futures Cone and the Futures Diamond to Futures Literacy -- 40.4 Recommendation 4: Improve communication through "Complexity Workers -- 40.5 Recommendation 5: Refine multi-level governance -- 40.6 Recommendation 6: Expand and improve international cooperation -- 40.7 Recommendation 7: Sharpen global "crisis automatisms" and interconnected responsibility patterns on the way to global governance -- 41 Recommendations for global post-Corona policy-making in an increasingly multipolar world -- 41.1 Five policy trajectories proposed by the University of the United Nations - leading to the key concept of "Futures Literacy" -- 41.2 The forgotten perspective: Instilling a more encompassing and trans-systemic concept of health and healing? -- PART 7: OUTLOOK.
THE CORONAVIRUS LEGACY: A "NEW WORLD" AHEAD - OR BACK TO BUSINESS AS USUAL? -- 42 The (productively) ambiguous post-Corona vision: A "new world" ahead? -- 43 "Corona positivism": The global pandemic as an unprecedented "chance" for radical transformation - or even as the epochal example for what (social) art should achieve? -- 44 Corona as a driver of Re-globalisation towards post-Corona globalisation -- 45 A post-Corona core task: Re-positioning the open systems of Europe and the West by the means of Multi-Resilience -- 46 An end to geopolitical rivalry? Not likely - despite some positive signals -- 47 Back to business as usual - or systemic improvements at the "evo-devo" interface? -- 48 Integrating the obvious. post-Corona, Multi-Resilience and "Futures Literacy": "Bring together what belongs together" -- 49 Corona and emerging new responsibility patterns -- 50 Outlook: A post-Corona world in the making. Towards difficult, but feasible innovation - for the sake of a more pro-positive re-globalisation -- AFTERWORD -- Manfred B. Steger -- REFERENCES -- INDEX.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910795552203321
Benedikter Roland  
Leiden, Netherlands ; ; Boston, Massachusetts : , : Brill, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Corona : the once-in-a-century health crisis and its teachings : towards a more multi-resilient post-Corona world / / Roland Benedikter and Karim Fathi
Corona : the once-in-a-century health crisis and its teachings : towards a more multi-resilient post-Corona world / / Roland Benedikter and Karim Fathi
Autore Benedikter Roland
Pubbl/distr/stampa Leiden, Netherlands ; ; Boston, Massachusetts : , : Brill, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (458 pages)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Collana Studies in Critical Social Sciences
Soggetto topico Crisis management
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Social aspects
Globalization - Social aspects
ISBN 90-04-46968-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto ACKNOWLEDGEMENT -- LIST OF IMAGES, TABLES AND FIGURES -- OVERVIEW AND SUMMARY -- FOREWORD -- Jan Nederveen Pieterse -- PREFACE -- PART 1: THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS -- 1 Introduction: "Do nothing" or, An epochal crisis -- 2 Systemic unpreparedness inducing a variety of psychological reactions -- 3 The branches and social strata hardest hit: A list to be carefully remembered for the next systemic rupture -- 4 Were nature, the environment and crime statistics "winners" of the crisis? Disputed "improvements" and their flip sides -- 5 Children and relationships -- 6 Labour and the economy: "Generation Corona" -- 7 Corona and Re-Globalisation 1: Sharpening awareness about the differences between political systems and their growing asymmetries -- 8 A battle for values and transformation not confined to bilateral competition, but spanning the globe -- 9 Unprecedented penetrative depth: Uplifting technology, changing sexuality, questioning science? -- 10 Corona and Re-Globalisation 2: Creating conscience for national and international reforms -- 11 Intellectual rhetoric between cheap "humanistic" appeal and kitsch -- 12 "Humanised" technology instead of a new humanism? -- 13 A boost to "post-human hybrid intelligence" such as Biological Espionage and Sentiment Analysis? -- 14 Striking a balance: Was Corona a watershed for Western humanism and the basic rationality of the enlightenment? -- 15 The vast variety of political instrumentalisations -- 16 Three more far-reaching aspects within global democracies and open societies: Confirmation Bias, "Republican" Turn and Re-Globalisation Drive -- PART 2: THE SIMULTANEOUSNESS OF LOCAL, NATIONAL AND GLOBAL EFFECTS -- 17 Corona: An unprecedented crisis accelerating the (temporary?) rupture of advanced life patterns - including gender role models in democracies -- 18 "Unsocial sociability" and the re-shaping of the global order: Anthropology and politics intertwined -- 19 Medical diplomacy, or: The great divide of principles over and after Corona. More "Do it alone" - or more cooperation? -- 20 Don't forget the bizarre, the surreal and the perfidious: From Mona Lisa to Sharon Stone and global terror -- 21 Coronavirus crisis social psychology: Between disorientation, infodemic and the need to understand -- 22 Conspiracy theories: Misusing the crisis for legitimating the absurd in times of "fake news" -- 23 The perspective: The real question is not about COVID-19, but about "the world after" -- PART 3: THE CORONA CHALLENGE: MULTI-RESILIENCE FOR AN INTERCONNECTED WORLD RIDDEN BY CRISIS BUNDLES -- 24 In search of examples of efficient resilience: From the evolutionary teachings of bats to regional self-administration within political autonomies to a "flexible" handling of constitutions -- 25 Crisis resistance in the face of Corona and in anticipation of potential future pandemics: A short overview of different options of socio-political responses -- 26 The primordial path to follow: Enhancing resilience. Basic philosophical assumptions and their implications for crisis-policy design -- 27 Revisioning the concept of resilience: A necessary step (not only) after Corona -- 28 Progressing from resilience to multi-resilience: Two basic approaches -- 28.1 Prerequisites: Relevant criteria -- 28.2 Complexify : Multi-resilience in a systemic perspective -- 28.3 Simplify : Multi-resilience in an action-oriented perspective -- 29 Five principles of Multi-resilience -- 29.1 Principle 1: Fostering individual resilience -- 29.2 Principle 2: Integrating centralised and decentralised decision-making and implementation -- 29.3 Principle 3: Problem-solving practices with knowns and unknowns -- 29.4. Principle 4: Supporting and enhancing collective intelligence through participatory and cross-sectoral knowledge management and integration -- 29.5 Principle 5: Fostering "Resilience Culture" by stimulating and facilitating collective reasoning and cohesion -- 30 Summary. Multi-resilience: A crucial topic to shape "Globalisation 2.0" -- PART 4: REQUIREMENTS FOR A POST-CORONA WORLD -- 31 The Corona Effect and "Diseasescape": Towards weaker, but more realistic globalisation and transnationalisation? -- 32 The uncertainty about the future of COVID-19: Short-term scenarios versus big-picture trends -- 33 Technological requirements: Six trends -- 33.1 Remote working -- 33.2 eLearning -- 33.3 Telehealth -- 33.4 E-commerce and on-demand economy -- 33.5 Automatisation -- 33.6 Increasing use of immersive technologies -- 34 Towards a post-Corona world: Seven upcoming conflict lines open societies should prepare for -- 34.1 Nationalism versus globalism -- 34.2 Freedom versus safety -- 34.3 Professionalism versus populism -- 34.4 Class: Rich versus poor -- 34.5 Ethnicity (racism) -- 34.6 Gender -- 34.7 Generation: young versus old -- 35 The post-Corona world: Potentials and visions for a "better globalised" international system -- 35.1 Idea potentials: Policy-relevant contributions by intellectuals, ecologists and futurists -- 35.2 Universal basic income as a driver towards better socio-economic resilience? -- 35.3 Post-Growth and Degrowth as responses to the economic and ecological challenges in a post-Corona world? -- PART 5: POST-CORONA POLICY DESIGN -- 36 Chances and limits of resilience: The development paradox and the increasing danger of man-made disasters with multi-sectoral side effects -- 37 Towards a broader and more integrated policy of future preparedness: Contributions from selected guiding concepts -- 37.1 A brief outline of three major contemporary coping concepts: Development, Sustainability, Resilience -- 37.2 Development versus Sustainability versus Resilience: Similarities, fault lines and potential (realistic) complementarities -- 37.3 Collective Wisdom as the missing connecting principle towards Multi-Resilience? -- 38 Fostering local, national and international paths towards Multi-resilience: Leverage points for interrelated social change bottom-up and top-down -- 38.1 Education programs for individual resilience -- 38.2 Bottom-up transformational impulses via building critical masses for positive change -- 38.3 Experimental Prototyping Projects -- 38.4 Building bridges between subsystems -- 38.5 Methods of communicative complexity management -- 38.6 Towards the integration of standards? -- PART 6: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR A MULTI-RESILIENT POST-CORONA WORLD -- 39 "Health Terror"? Towards an adequate framework for a post-Corona socio-political philosophy: "Resistance" and power critique will not suffice -- 40 Seven strategic recommendations for pro-positive multi-resilient policy-making in the post-Corona world of open societies -- 40.1 Recommendation 1: Include Competency Development to become a crucial part of the education system -- 40.2 Recommendation 2: Strengthen European-Western Simulation Methodology and Strategic Foresight -- 40.3 Recommendation 3: Strengthen Future Anticipation Capacities and (potentially) their integration. From the Futures Cone and the Futures Diamond to Futures Literacy -- 40.4 Recommendation 4: Improve communication through "Complexity Workers -- 40.5 Recommendation 5: Refine multi-level governance -- 40.6 Recommendation 6: Expand and improve international cooperation -- 40.7 Recommendation 7: Sharpen global "crisis automatisms" and interconnected responsibility patterns on the way to global governance -- 41 Recommendations for global post-Corona policy-making in an increasingly multipolar world -- 41.1 Five policy trajectories proposed by the University of the United Nations - leading to the key concept of "Futures Literacy" -- 41.2 The forgotten perspective: Instilling a more encompassing and trans-systemic concept of health and healing? -- PART 7: OUTLOOK.
THE CORONAVIRUS LEGACY: A "NEW WORLD" AHEAD - OR BACK TO BUSINESS AS USUAL? -- 42 The (productively) ambiguous post-Corona vision: A "new world" ahead? -- 43 "Corona positivism": The global pandemic as an unprecedented "chance" for radical transformation - or even as the epochal example for what (social) art should achieve? -- 44 Corona as a driver of Re-globalisation towards post-Corona globalisation -- 45 A post-Corona core task: Re-positioning the open systems of Europe and the West by the means of Multi-Resilience -- 46 An end to geopolitical rivalry? Not likely - despite some positive signals -- 47 Back to business as usual - or systemic improvements at the "evo-devo" interface? -- 48 Integrating the obvious. post-Corona, Multi-Resilience and "Futures Literacy": "Bring together what belongs together" -- 49 Corona and emerging new responsibility patterns -- 50 Outlook: A post-Corona world in the making. Towards difficult, but feasible innovation - for the sake of a more pro-positive re-globalisation -- AFTERWORD -- Manfred B. Steger -- REFERENCES -- INDEX.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910821546503321
Benedikter Roland  
Leiden, Netherlands ; ; Boston, Massachusetts : , : Brill, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Coronavirus Politics : The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19 / / Scott L. Greer, Elizabeth J. King, André Peralta-Santos, and Elize Massard da Fonseca, editors
Coronavirus Politics : The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19 / / Scott L. Greer, Elizabeth J. King, André Peralta-Santos, and Elize Massard da Fonseca, editors
Autore Greer Scott L
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa University of Michigan Press
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1 online resource viii, 649 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Soggetto topico COVID-19 (Disease) - Prevention
COVID-19 (Disease) - Government policy
COVID-19 (Disease) - Political aspects
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 9780472038626
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover -- Contents -- Part I -- 1. Introduction: Explaining Pandemic Response / Scott L. Greer, Elizabeth J. King, and Elize Massard da Fonseca -- 2. Playing Politics: The World Health Organization's Response to COVID-19 / Matthew M. Kavanagh, Renu Singh, and Mara Pillinger -- 3. State Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Governance, Surveillance, Coercion, and Social Policy / Holly Jarman -- Part II. Asia -- 4. China's Leninist Response to COVID-19: From Information Repression to Total Mobilization / Victor C. Shih -- 5. Public Policy and Learning from SARS: Explaining COVID-19 in Hong Kong / John P. Burns -- 6. Institutions Matter in Fighting COVID-19: Public Health, Social Policies, and the Control Tower in South Korea / June Park -- 7. Unified, Preventive, Low-cost Government Response to COVID-19 in Việt Nam / Emma Willoughby -- 8. Fighting COVID-19 in Japan: A Success Story? / Takashi Nagata, Akihito Hagihara, Alan Kawarai Lefor, Ryozo Matsuda, and Monika Steffen -- 9. Singapore's Response to COVID-19: An Explosion of Cases despite Being a "Gold Standard" / Rebecca Wai -- 10. India's Response to COVID-19 / Minakshi Raj -- 11. COVID-19 Response in Central Asia: A Cautionary Tale / Pauline Jones and Elizabeth J. King -- Part III. Europe -- 12. COVID-19 in the United Kingdom: How Austerity and a Loss of State Capacity Undermined the Crisis Response / Gemma A. Williams, Selina Rajan, and Jonathan D. Cylus -- 13. The European Union Confronts COVID-19: Another European Rescue of the Nation-state? / Eleanor Brooks, Anniek de Ruijter, and Scott L. Greer -- 14. Denmark's Response to COVID-19: A Participatory Approach to Policy Innovation / Darius Ornston -- 15. France's Multidimensional COVID-19 Response: Ad Hoc Committees and the Sidelining of Public Health Agencies / Sarah D. Rozenblum.
16. Political Resonance in Austria's Coronavirus Crisis Management / Margitta Mätzke -- 17. Three Approaches to Handling the COVID Crisis in Federal Countries: Germany, Austria, and Switzerland / Thomas Czypionka and Miriam Reiss -- 18. Italy's Response to COVID-19 / Michelle Falkenbach and Manuela Caiani -- 19. Spain's Response to COVID-19 / Kenneth A. Dubin -- 20. A Tale of Two Pandemics in Three Countries: Portugal, Spain, and Italy / André Peralta-Santos, Luis Saboga-Nunes, and Pedro C. Magalhães -- 21. Greece at the Time of COVID-19: Caught between Scylla and Charybdis / Elena Petelos, Dimitra Lingri, and Christos Lionis -- 22. COVID-19 in Turkey: Public Health Centralism / Saime Özçürümez -- 23. COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe: Focus on Czechia, Hungary, and Bulgaria / Olga Löblová, Julia Rone, and Endre Borbáth -- 24. COVID-19 in the Russian Federation: Government Control during the Epidemic / Elizabeth J. King and Victoria I. Dudina -- Part IV. Americas -- 25. The Politics and Policy of Canada's COVID-19 Response / Patrick Fafard, Adèle Cassola, Margaret MacAulay, and Michèle Palkovits -- 26. Anatomy of a Failure: COVID-19 in the United States / Phillip M. Singer, Charley E. Willison, N'dea Moore-Petinak, and Scott L. Greer -- 27. COVID-19 in Brazil: Presidential Denialism and the Subnational Government's Response / Elize Massard da Fonseca, Nicoli Nattrass, Luísa Bolaffi Arantes, and Francisco Inácio Bastos -- 28. Colombia's Response to COVID-19: Pragmatic Command, Social Contention, and Political Challenges / Claudia Acosta, Mónica Uribe-Gómez, and Durfari Velandia-Naranjo -- 29. The Politics of the COVID-19 Pandemic Response in Chile / Claudio A. Méndez -- Part V. Africa -- 30. Pandemic amid Political Crisis: Malawi's Experience with and Response to COVID-19 / Kim Yi Dionne, Boniface Dulani, and Sara E. Fischer.
31. Adapting COVID-19 Containment in Africa: Lessons from Tanzania / Thespina (Nina) Yamanis, Ruth Carlitz, and Henry A. Mollel -- 32. Confronting Legacies and Charting a New Course?: The Politics of Coronavirus Response in South Africa / Joseph Harris -- 33. Comparative Analysis of COVID-19 Transmission and Mortality in Select African Countries / Kanayo K. Ogujiuba and Uviwe Binase -- 34. Conclusion / Scott L. Greer, Elize Massard da Fonesca, and Elizabeth J. King -- Contributors -- Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910468224003321
Greer Scott L  
University of Michigan Press
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
COVID-19 : Impact on Public Health and Healthcare / / edited by Kavita Batra, Manoj Sharma
COVID-19 : Impact on Public Health and Healthcare / / edited by Kavita Batra, Manoj Sharma
Pubbl/distr/stampa Basel, Switzerland : , : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, , 2022
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (133 pages)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Soggetto topico COVID-19 (Disease)
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Altri titoli varianti COVID-19
Record Nr. UNINA-9910674045003321
Basel, Switzerland : , : MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, , 2022
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Federalism and the response to COVID-19 : a comparative analysis / / edited by Rupak Chattopadhyay, [and four others]
Federalism and the response to COVID-19 : a comparative analysis / / edited by Rupak Chattopadhyay, [and four others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : , : Taylor & Francis, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (340 pages)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Collana Routledge Series on the Humanities and the Social Sciences in a Post-COVID-19 World
Soggetto topico COVID-19 (Disease)
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1.Canada -- 2. Germany -- 3. Switzerland -- 4. Australia -- 5. Argentina -- 6. Belgium -- 7. Brazil -- 8. Ethiopia -- 9. Spain -- 10. US -- 11. India -- 12. Mexico -- 13. Nepal -- 14. Austria -- 15. Nigeria -- 16. UK -- 17. Italy -- 18. Bosnia and Herzegovina -- 19. South Africa -- 20. Malaysia -- 21. Kenya -- 22. Russia.
Altri titoli varianti Federalism and the Response to COVID-19
Record Nr. UNINA-9910508307303321
Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon : , : Taylor & Francis, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The MENA Region and COVID-19 : impact, implications and future prospects / / edited by Zeina Hobaika, Lena-Maria Möller, Jan Claudius Völkel
The MENA Region and COVID-19 : impact, implications and future prospects / / edited by Zeina Hobaika, Lena-Maria Möller, Jan Claudius Völkel
Autore Hobaika Zeina
Pubbl/distr/stampa Taylor & Francis, 2022
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (202 pages)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Collana Routledge Studies in Middle Eastern Society
Soggetto topico COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Social aspects - Middle East
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Social aspects - Africa, North
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Political aspects - Middle East
Soggetto non controllato arab
ISBN 1-00-324004-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction: The MENA region and COVID-19 - concept and content of this book / Zeina Hobaika, Lena-Maria Möller and Jan Claudius Völkel -- The COVID-19 temptation? Sino-Gulf relations and autocratic linkages in times of a global pandemic / Thomas Demmelhuber, Julia Gurol and Tobias Zumbrägel -- The reverse impact of politics on the COVID-19 response : how Hezbollah determined the choices of the Lebanese government / Nassim AbiGhanem -- 'American Corona' vs. 'The Chinese virus' : blaming and othering in Arab media / Carola Richter et al. -- Securitisation dynamics and COVID-19 politics in Morocco : old wine in new bottles? / Giulia Cimini and Beatriz Tomé Alonso -- Status-seeking in times of a global pandemic : the United Arab Emirates' foreign policy during COVID-19 / Alexander Lohse -- Religion and pandemic : state, Islam and society in Saudi Arabia and Iran during the coronavirus crisis / Noël van den Heuvel and Ulrike Freitag -- 'On the horns of a dilemma' : human traffickers, the COVID-19 pandemic and victims of trafficking in Khartoum / Manara Babiker Hassan -- A paradoxal management of COVID-19 in Lebanon : challenges and lessons learnt / Michèle Kosremelli Asmar and Joumana Stephan Yeretzian -- Digital learning under COVID-19 : challenges and opportunities - the Lebanese case / Fadi El Hage and Fouad Yehya -- Conclusions: The MENA region and COVID-19 - lessons for the future / Zeina Hobaika, Lena-Maria Möller and Jan Claudius Völkel.
Altri titoli varianti MENA Region and COVID-19
Record Nr. UNINA-9910571774803321
Hobaika Zeina  
Taylor & Francis, 2022
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The pandemic divide : how COVID increased inequality in America / / edited by Gwendolyn L. Wright, Lucas Hubbard, William A. Darity Jr
The pandemic divide : how COVID increased inequality in America / / edited by Gwendolyn L. Wright, Lucas Hubbard, William A. Darity Jr
Pubbl/distr/stampa Durham : , : Duke University Press, , 2022
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (329 pages)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Soggetto topico COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Social aspects - United States
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Economic aspects - United States
Racism - Health aspects - United States
Health and race - United States
ISBN 1-4780-9291-2
Classificazione MED078000SOC026000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Foreword / Mary T. Bassett -- Introduction: Six feet and miles apart : structural racism in the U.S. and racially disparate outcomes during the COVID-19 Pandemic / Lucas Hubbard, Gwendolyn L. Wright, and William A. Darity Jr. -- Health equity : impact of preexisting conditions on COVID-19 outcomes / Keisha L. Bentley-Edwards, Melissa J. Scott, and Paul A. Robbins -- Labor history and pandemic response : the overlapping experiences of work, housing, and neighborhood conditions / Joe William Trotter Jr. -- "God is in control" : race, religion, family, and community during the COVID-19 Pandemic / Sandra L. Barnes -- COVID-19, race, and mass incarceration / Arvind Krishnamurthy -- Housing, student debt, and labor market inequality : COVID-19, Black families/households, and financial insecurity / Fenaba R. Addo and Adam Hollowell -- Race, entrepreneurship, and COVID-19 : Black small business survival in pre- and post pandemic America / Henry C. McKoy Jr. -- COVID-19 effects on Black business owner households / Chris Wheat, Fiona Greig, and Damon Jones.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910647295303321
Durham : , : Duke University Press, , 2022
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Touch in the Time of Corona : Reflections on Love, Care, and Vulnerability in the Pandemic / / Kristin Veel, Henriette Steiner
Touch in the Time of Corona : Reflections on Love, Care, and Vulnerability in the Pandemic / / Kristin Veel, Henriette Steiner
Autore Steiner Henriette
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIII, 131 p.)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Soggetto topico SOCIAL SCIENCE / General
Soggetto non controllato Touch
ISBN 3-11-074476-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Acknowledgements -- Table of Contents -- List of Figures -- Introduction -- 1 The Digital Hug: Love and Care from a Distance -- 2 On the Politics of Face Masks: A Danish Example -- 3 Dancing with the Virus: Moving through the Streets -- 4 Pandemic Stuckness: Cruise Ships and Home Isolation -- 5 The Tales of a Virus: Corona Temporalities -- Coda -- Endnotes -- Bibliography -- Index
Record Nr. UNISA-996440646103316
Steiner Henriette  
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The unequal pandemic : COVID-19 and health inequalities / / Clare Bambra, Julia Lynch, Katherine E. Smith ; with a foreword by Professor Kate Pickett [[electronic resource]]
The unequal pandemic : COVID-19 and health inequalities / / Clare Bambra, Julia Lynch, Katherine E. Smith ; with a foreword by Professor Kate Pickett [[electronic resource]]
Autore Bambra C (Clare)
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bristol, : Policy Press, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiv, 183 pages) : digital, PDF file(s)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Collana Policy Press shorts insights.
Soggetto topico COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Economic aspects
COVID-19 (Disease) - Social aspects
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Social aspects
COVID-19 (Disease) - Economic aspects
Soggetto non controllato COVID-19; Health; health inequalities; Inequality; Pandemic
ISBN 1-4473-6124-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover -- Endorsement -- The Unequal Pandemic: COVID- 19 and Health Inequalities -- Copyright information -- Table of contents -- List of figures and tables -- About the authors -- Acknowledgments -- Foreword -- Preface -- ONE Introduction: perfect storm -- COVID-19: the unequal pandemic -- Health inequalities -- Perfect storm: syndemic pandemic37 -- The rest of the book -- Chapter Two, 'Pale rider: pandemic inequalities' -- Chapter Three, 'Collateral damage: inequalities in the lockdown' -- Chapter Four, 'Pandemic precarity: inequalities in the economic crisis'
Inequalities under lockdown -- Variation in political and policy responses to the pandemic -- Conclusion: pandemic politics -- SIX Conclusion: health and inequality beyond COVID-19 -- Introduction -- Trends in health inequalities: before and after COVID-19 -- Reducing health inequalities case study 1: German reunification in the 1990s11 -- Reducing health inequalities case study 2: English health inequalities strategy in the 2000s -- Lessons for a post-COVID-19 future: policy -- Lessons for a post-COVID-19 future: politics -- Conclusion: hope in a time of COVID-19 -- Notes -- References -- Index.
Collateral social and community impacts -- Collateral employment, income and wealth impacts -- Conclusion: reducing collateral damage through politics and policy -- FOUR Pandemic precarity: inequalities in the economic crisis -- Introduction -- An unequal crisis -- Recessions, health and inequality19 -- Lessons from the global financial crisis: social security nets matter -- Conclusion -- FIVE Pandemic politics: inequality through public policy -- Syndemic pandemic: black swan, white swan, or grey rhino? -- Three worlds of inequality -- How political policy choices affected pandemic inequalities.
Chapter Five, 'Pandemic politics: inequality through public policy' -- Chapter Six, 'Conclusion: health and inequality beyond COVID-19' -- TWO Pale rider: pandemic inequalities -- Introduction -- An unequal pandemic -- Deprivation and COVID-19 -- Occupational inequalities in COVID-19 -- Racial/ethnic inequalities in COVID-19 -- Intersectional inequalities in COVID-19 -- The ghost of pandemics past -- The syndemic of COVID-19 and inequality71 -- Conclusion -- THREE Collateral damage: inequalities in the lockdown -- Introduction -- Collateral health and wellbeing impacts.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910508505703321
Bambra C (Clare)  
Bristol, : Policy Press, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The unequal pandemic : COVID-19 and health inequalities / / Clare Bambra, Julia Lynch, Katherine E. Smith ; with a foreword by Professor Kate Pickett [[electronic resource]]
The unequal pandemic : COVID-19 and health inequalities / / Clare Bambra, Julia Lynch, Katherine E. Smith ; with a foreword by Professor Kate Pickett [[electronic resource]]
Autore Bambra C (Clare)
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bristol, : Policy Press, 2021
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xiv, 183 pages) : digital, PDF file(s)
Disciplina 362.1962/414
Collana Policy Press shorts insights.
Soggetto topico COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Economic aspects
COVID-19 (Disease) - Social aspects
COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- - Social aspects
COVID-19 (Disease) - Economic aspects
Soggetto non controllato COVID-19; Health; health inequalities; Inequality; Pandemic
ISBN 1-4473-6124-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover -- Endorsement -- The Unequal Pandemic: COVID- 19 and Health Inequalities -- Copyright information -- Table of contents -- List of figures and tables -- About the authors -- Acknowledgments -- Foreword -- Preface -- ONE Introduction: perfect storm -- COVID-19: the unequal pandemic -- Health inequalities -- Perfect storm: syndemic pandemic37 -- The rest of the book -- Chapter Two, 'Pale rider: pandemic inequalities' -- Chapter Three, 'Collateral damage: inequalities in the lockdown' -- Chapter Four, 'Pandemic precarity: inequalities in the economic crisis'
Inequalities under lockdown -- Variation in political and policy responses to the pandemic -- Conclusion: pandemic politics -- SIX Conclusion: health and inequality beyond COVID-19 -- Introduction -- Trends in health inequalities: before and after COVID-19 -- Reducing health inequalities case study 1: German reunification in the 1990s11 -- Reducing health inequalities case study 2: English health inequalities strategy in the 2000s -- Lessons for a post-COVID-19 future: policy -- Lessons for a post-COVID-19 future: politics -- Conclusion: hope in a time of COVID-19 -- Notes -- References -- Index.
Collateral social and community impacts -- Collateral employment, income and wealth impacts -- Conclusion: reducing collateral damage through politics and policy -- FOUR Pandemic precarity: inequalities in the economic crisis -- Introduction -- An unequal crisis -- Recessions, health and inequality19 -- Lessons from the global financial crisis: social security nets matter -- Conclusion -- FIVE Pandemic politics: inequality through public policy -- Syndemic pandemic: black swan, white swan, or grey rhino? -- Three worlds of inequality -- How political policy choices affected pandemic inequalities.
Chapter Five, 'Pandemic politics: inequality through public policy' -- Chapter Six, 'Conclusion: health and inequality beyond COVID-19' -- TWO Pale rider: pandemic inequalities -- Introduction -- An unequal pandemic -- Deprivation and COVID-19 -- Occupational inequalities in COVID-19 -- Racial/ethnic inequalities in COVID-19 -- Intersectional inequalities in COVID-19 -- The ghost of pandemics past -- The syndemic of COVID-19 and inequality71 -- Conclusion -- THREE Collateral damage: inequalities in the lockdown -- Introduction -- Collateral health and wellbeing impacts.
Record Nr. UNISA-996524970103316
Bambra C (Clare)  
Bristol, : Policy Press, 2021
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui