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Ukraine : request for stand-by arrangement : staff report, staff supplement, press release on the Executive Board discussion, and statement by the Executive Director for Ukraine
Ukraine : request for stand-by arrangement : staff report, staff supplement, press release on the Executive Board discussion, and statement by the Executive Director for Ukraine
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, District of Columbia : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (127 p.)
Disciplina 338.9477
Collana IMF Country Report
Soggetto topico Fiscal policy - Ukraine
Monetary policy - Ukraine
Foreign exchange - Ukraine
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4843-6658-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; CONTENTS; CONTEXT; BUILD UP OF IMBALANCES AND VULNERABILITIES BEFORE THE CRISIS; RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND CHALLENGES; BOXES; 1. Ukraine's Dire Energy Finances; POLICY DISCUSSIONS; A. Program Objectives and Strategy; B. Macroeconomic Framework; C. Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy; 2. Balance Sheet Impact of Currency Depreciation; 3. Exchange Rate and Reserve Adequacy Assessment; D. Financial Sector Policy; E. Fiscal Policy; F. Energy Sector Reforms; 4. Energy Sector Reforms; G. Reforms for Better Governance and Transparency; RISKS TO THE PROGRAM; A. Risks to Macroeconomic Outlook
5. Ukraine's Connectedness with RussiaB. Risks to Program Implementation; C. Strategy for Mitigating Program Risks and Uncertainties; PROGRAM MODALITIES AND CAPACITY TO REPAY; A. Access and Phasing; B. Exceptional Access Criteria; C. Capacity to Repay the Fund; D. Program Monitoring and Conditionality; 6. Proposed Stand-By Arrangement; STAFF APPRAISAL; TABLES; 1. Program Scenario-Selected Economic and Social Indicators, 2011-19; 2. Program Scenario-General Government Finances, 2011-19; 3. Program Scenario-Balance of Payments, 2011-19
4. Program Scenario-Gross External Financing Requirements, 2011-195. Program Scenario-Monetary Accounts, 2011-19; 6. Financial Soundness Indicators for the Banking Sector, 2009-13; 7. Indicators of Fund Credit, 2012-19; FIGURES; 1. Real Sector Indicators, 2009-14; 2. Inflation, Monetary, and Exchange Rate Developments, 2009-14; 3. External Sector Developments, 2008-14; 4. Debt and Rollover of Debt, 2008-13; 5. Financial Sector Indicators, 2009-14; 6. Economic Indicators during Past Emerging Market Currency Crises, 1990-2014; ANNEXES; I. Public Debt Sustainability Analysis
II. External Debt Sustainability AnalysisAPPENDIXES; Letter of Intent; ATTACHMENTS; I. Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies; II. Technical Memorandum of Understanding; CONTENTS; INTRODUCTION; BACKGROUND; TABLES; 1. Proposed SBA-Access and Phasing; 2. IMF Financial Arrangements and Fund Exposure, 1994-2021; 3. External Debt Structure, 2005-2013; THE NEW STAND-BY ARRANGEMENT-RISKS AND IMPACT ON FUND'S FINANCES; A. Risks to the Fund; FIGURES; 1. Debt Ratios for Recent Exceptional Access Arrangements; 2. Credit Outstanding in the GRA around Peak Borrowing
3. Peak Fund Exposure and Debt Service Ratios for Recent Exceptional Access CasesB. Impact on the Fund's Liquidity Position and Risk Exposure; 4. Capacity to Repay Indicators; 4. Exceptional Access Levels and Credit Concentration; 5. Impact on GRA Finances; ASSESSMENT
Record Nr. UNINA-9910458326303321
Washington, District of Columbia : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Ukraine : : Request for A Stand-By Arrangement
Ukraine : : Request for A Stand-By Arrangement
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2014
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (127 p.)
Disciplina 338.9477
Collana IMF Staff Country Reports
Soggetto topico Fiscal policy - Ukraine
Monetary policy - Ukraine
Foreign exchange - Ukraine
Banks and Banking
Exports and Imports
Foreign Exchange
Money and Monetary Policy
Public Finance
International Lending and Debt Problems
Debt Management
Sovereign Debt
Depository Institutions
Micro Finance Institutions
Trade Policy
International Trade Organizations
Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: General
International economics
Public finance & taxation
Foreign exchange
Monetary economics
External debt
Public debt
Debt service
Exchange rates
Debts, Public
Debts, External
Banks and banking
ISBN 1-4843-6658-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; CONTENTS; CONTEXT; BUILD UP OF IMBALANCES AND VULNERABILITIES BEFORE THE CRISIS; RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AND CHALLENGES; BOXES; 1. Ukraine's Dire Energy Finances; POLICY DISCUSSIONS; A. Program Objectives and Strategy; B. Macroeconomic Framework; C. Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy; 2. Balance Sheet Impact of Currency Depreciation; 3. Exchange Rate and Reserve Adequacy Assessment; D. Financial Sector Policy; E. Fiscal Policy; F. Energy Sector Reforms; 4. Energy Sector Reforms; G. Reforms for Better Governance and Transparency; RISKS TO THE PROGRAM; A. Risks to Macroeconomic Outlook
5. Ukraine's Connectedness with RussiaB. Risks to Program Implementation; C. Strategy for Mitigating Program Risks and Uncertainties; PROGRAM MODALITIES AND CAPACITY TO REPAY; A. Access and Phasing; B. Exceptional Access Criteria; C. Capacity to Repay the Fund; D. Program Monitoring and Conditionality; 6. Proposed Stand-By Arrangement; STAFF APPRAISAL; TABLES; 1. Program Scenario-Selected Economic and Social Indicators, 2011-19; 2. Program Scenario-General Government Finances, 2011-19; 3. Program Scenario-Balance of Payments, 2011-19
4. Program Scenario-Gross External Financing Requirements, 2011-195. Program Scenario-Monetary Accounts, 2011-19; 6. Financial Soundness Indicators for the Banking Sector, 2009-13; 7. Indicators of Fund Credit, 2012-19; FIGURES; 1. Real Sector Indicators, 2009-14; 2. Inflation, Monetary, and Exchange Rate Developments, 2009-14; 3. External Sector Developments, 2008-14; 4. Debt and Rollover of Debt, 2008-13; 5. Financial Sector Indicators, 2009-14; 6. Economic Indicators during Past Emerging Market Currency Crises, 1990-2014; ANNEXES; I. Public Debt Sustainability Analysis
II. External Debt Sustainability AnalysisAPPENDIXES; Letter of Intent; ATTACHMENTS; I. Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies; II. Technical Memorandum of Understanding; CONTENTS; INTRODUCTION; BACKGROUND; TABLES; 1. Proposed SBA-Access and Phasing; 2. IMF Financial Arrangements and Fund Exposure, 1994-2021; 3. External Debt Structure, 2005-2013; THE NEW STAND-BY ARRANGEMENT-RISKS AND IMPACT ON FUND'S FINANCES; A. Risks to the Fund; FIGURES; 1. Debt Ratios for Recent Exceptional Access Arrangements; 2. Credit Outstanding in the GRA around Peak Borrowing
3. Peak Fund Exposure and Debt Service Ratios for Recent Exceptional Access CasesB. Impact on the Fund's Liquidity Position and Risk Exposure; 4. Capacity to Repay Indicators; 4. Exceptional Access Levels and Credit Concentration; 5. Impact on GRA Finances; ASSESSMENT
Record Nr. UNINA-9910791196903321
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2014
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui