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Central bank involvement in banking crises in Latin America / / Luis Ignacio Jácome ; authorized for distribution by Peter Stella
Central bank involvement in banking crises in Latin America / / Luis Ignacio Jácome ; authorized for distribution by Peter Stella
Autore Jácome Luis Ignacio
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Washington, District of Columbia] : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (51 p.)
Disciplina 330.9800411
Altri autori (Persone) StellaPeter
Collana IMF Working Papers
IMF working paper
Soggetto topico Financial crises - Latin America
Monetary policy - Latin America
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4623-6589-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; I. Introduction; II. Taking Stock of Banking Crises in Latin America; A. Defining Banking Crises; B. The Roots of the Crises; Figures; 1. Capital Flows and Banking Crises in Latin America; 2. Financial Reform and Banking Crises in Latin America; 3. Real Effective Exchange Rate and Banking Crises in Latin America; 4. Banking Crises and Real Credit Growth; C. Some Stylized Macroeconomic Facts Accompanying Banking Crises; Tables; 1. Banking Crises in Latin America and Relevant Macro-Financial Features; III. The Role of Central Banks in Banking Crises in Latin America
A. Intensive Use of Central Bank Money 2. Modalities of Monetization of Banking Crises; 5. Large Banking Crises in Latin America-Selected Episodes; B. The Role of the Institutional Framework; 6. Minor and Moderate Banking Crises in Latin America-Selected Episodes; 3. Institutional Framework behind Banking Crises in Latin America; Boxes; 1. Large ""Monetization"" of Banking Crises in Selected Countries; 2. Effective Episodes of Bank Restructuring and Resolution in Selected Countries; IV. Macroeconomic Repercussions; A. On Monetary Policy; 3. Banking Crises and Monetary Policy
7. Performance of the Money Multiplier in the Midst of Banking Crises in Latin America B. On Macroeconomic Stability; 4. Pair-Wise Correlations Between Selected Variables; 8. Banking Crises and Central Bank Money; 9. Central Bank Money in Banking Crises and Currency Depreciation; 10. Central Bank Money in Banking Crises and Fall in International Reserves; 5. Monetization of Banking Crises, Inflation, and Economic Growth; V. Lessons and Concluding Remarks; Appendix; I. Sample of Episodes of Banking Crises in Latin America from 1990 to 2006-Stylized Facts and Policy Response; References
Record Nr. UNINA-9910464000803321
Jácome Luis Ignacio  
[Washington, District of Columbia] : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Central Bank Involvement in Banking Crises in Latin America / / Luis Jácome
Central Bank Involvement in Banking Crises in Latin America / / Luis Jácome
Autore Jácome Luis
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (51 p.)
Disciplina 330.9800411
Collana IMF Working Papers
IMF working paper
Soggetto topico Financial crises - Latin America
Monetary policy - Latin America
Banks and Banking
Financial Risk Management
Money and Monetary Policy
Financial Crises
Depository Institutions
Micro Finance Institutions
Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: General
Financial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and Regulation
Economic & financial crises & disasters
Monetary economics
Banking crises
Monetary base
Financial crises
Bank resolution
Banks and banking
Money supply
Crisis management
ISBN 1-4623-6589-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; I. Introduction; II. Taking Stock of Banking Crises in Latin America; A. Defining Banking Crises; B. The Roots of the Crises; Figures; 1. Capital Flows and Banking Crises in Latin America; 2. Financial Reform and Banking Crises in Latin America; 3. Real Effective Exchange Rate and Banking Crises in Latin America; 4. Banking Crises and Real Credit Growth; C. Some Stylized Macroeconomic Facts Accompanying Banking Crises; Tables; 1. Banking Crises in Latin America and Relevant Macro-Financial Features; III. The Role of Central Banks in Banking Crises in Latin America
A. Intensive Use of Central Bank Money 2. Modalities of Monetization of Banking Crises; 5. Large Banking Crises in Latin America-Selected Episodes; B. The Role of the Institutional Framework; 6. Minor and Moderate Banking Crises in Latin America-Selected Episodes; 3. Institutional Framework behind Banking Crises in Latin America; Boxes; 1. Large ""Monetization"" of Banking Crises in Selected Countries; 2. Effective Episodes of Bank Restructuring and Resolution in Selected Countries; IV. Macroeconomic Repercussions; A. On Monetary Policy; 3. Banking Crises and Monetary Policy
7. Performance of the Money Multiplier in the Midst of Banking Crises in Latin America B. On Macroeconomic Stability; 4. Pair-Wise Correlations Between Selected Variables; 8. Banking Crises and Central Bank Money; 9. Central Bank Money in Banking Crises and Currency Depreciation; 10. Central Bank Money in Banking Crises and Fall in International Reserves; 5. Monetization of Banking Crises, Inflation, and Economic Growth; V. Lessons and Concluding Remarks; Appendix; I. Sample of Episodes of Banking Crises in Latin America from 1990 to 2006-Stylized Facts and Policy Response; References
Record Nr. UNINA-9910788237303321
Jácome Luis  
Washington, D.C. : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The global economic crisis in Latin America : impacts and responses / / edited by Michael Cohen
The global economic crisis in Latin America : impacts and responses / / edited by Michael Cohen
Pubbl/distr/stampa London ; ; New York : , : Routledge, , 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (233 p.)
Disciplina 330.9800411
Altri autori (Persone) CohenMichael A. <1944->
Collana Routledge studies in the modern world economy
Soggetto topico Financial crises - Latin America
Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-280-87347-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The Global Economic Crisis in Latin America: Impacts and responses; Copyright; Contents; List of figures; List of tables; Notes on contributors; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; PART I: Setting the global context; 2 How well has Latin America fared during the global financial crisis?; 3 The global economic crisis: what does it mean for the developing world?; PART II: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico; 4 Argentina and the 2008-2009 international economic crisis: unconventional resilience; 5 Brazilian economic policy and the 2008-2009 crisis
6 The Mexican economy and the international financial crisisPART III: Cross-cutting issues; 7 Global recession and the informal economy: evidence from Latin America and beyond; 8 The city in the global crisis: understanding impacts and strengthening the performance of stimulus packages; 9 Municipal finance and local state performance in the crisis: the experience of Brazil and Mexico; 10 A critical juncture: experimentation and recovery; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910452887803321
London ; ; New York : , : Routledge, , 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The global economic crisis in Latin America : impacts and responses / / edited by Michael Cohen
The global economic crisis in Latin America : impacts and responses / / edited by Michael Cohen
Pubbl/distr/stampa London ; ; New York : , : Routledge, , 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (233 p.)
Disciplina 330.9800411
Altri autori (Persone) CohenMichael A. <1944->
Collana Routledge studies in the modern world economy
Soggetto topico Financial crises - Latin America
Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009
ISBN 1-280-87347-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The Global Economic Crisis in Latin America: Impacts and responses; Copyright; Contents; List of figures; List of tables; Notes on contributors; Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; PART I: Setting the global context; 2 How well has Latin America fared during the global financial crisis?; 3 The global economic crisis: what does it mean for the developing world?; PART II: Argentina, Brazil and Mexico; 4 Argentina and the 2008-2009 international economic crisis: unconventional resilience; 5 Brazilian economic policy and the 2008-2009 crisis
6 The Mexican economy and the international financial crisisPART III: Cross-cutting issues; 7 Global recession and the informal economy: evidence from Latin America and beyond; 8 The city in the global crisis: understanding impacts and strengthening the performance of stimulus packages; 9 Municipal finance and local state performance in the crisis: the experience of Brazil and Mexico; 10 A critical juncture: experimentation and recovery; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910779248503321
London ; ; New York : , : Routledge, , 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui