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Empowering interactions : political cultures and the emergence of the state in Europe, 1300-1900 / / edited by Wim Blockmans, Andre Holenstein, and Jon Mathieu ; in collaboration with Daniel Schlappi
Empowering interactions : political cultures and the emergence of the state in Europe, 1300-1900 / / edited by Wim Blockmans, Andre Holenstein, and Jon Mathieu ; in collaboration with Daniel Schlappi
Pubbl/distr/stampa London : , : Routledge, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (373 p.)
Disciplina 306.2094/0903
Altri autori (Persone) BlockmansWim <1945->
Soggetto topico State, The - History
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-317-14421-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Contents; Contributors; Abstracts; Preface; Introduction: Empowering Interactions: Looking at Statebuilding from Below; Part I SOUTHERN EUROPE; 1 The Construction of Local Political Identity in Lake and River Communities in North-West Italy, Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries; 2 Models of Government 'from Below' in Fifteenth-Century Lombardy. The 'Capitoli di Dedizione' to Francesco Sforza, 1447-1450; 3 Local Conflicts and Political Authorities in the Papal State in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century
4 The Politics of Mercy: Village Petitions and a Noblewoman's Justice in the Roman Countryside in the Eighteenth Century 5 The Dynamics of Law Formation in Italian Legal Science during the Early Modern Period: the Function of Custom; Part II CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE; 6 Threats from Above on Request from Below: Dynamics of the Territorial Administration of Berne, 1420-1450; 7 Modes of Reading, Community Practice and the Constitution of Textual Authority in the Thurgau and Graubünden, 1520-1660
8 'God is high up, the Tsar is far away'. The Nature of Polity and Political Culture in Seventeenth-Century Russia. A Comparative View 9 Communication between Authorities and Subjects in Bohemia, Hungary and the Holy German Empire, 1650-1800: A Comparison of Three Case Studies; 10 Corporate Property, Collective Resources and Statebuilding in Older Swiss History; 11 Local Demand for Order and Government Intervention: Social Group Conflicts as State building Factors in Villages of the Rhine Palatinate, c.1760-1810
12 Joseph-Samuel Farinet and the 'Modern' State: Banditry, Patronage and Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Valais Part III NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE - AND BEYOND; 13 Political Topos or Community Principle? Res Publica as a Source of Legitimacy in the French Peasants' Revolts of the Late Middle Ages; 14 State building in Portugal during the Middle Ages: A Royal Endeavour in Partnership with the Local Powers?; 15 Informing the Council. Central Institutions and Local Knowledge in the Spanish Empire; 16 Peasants and Tax-farmers in Seventeenth-Century Sweden: Local Conflict and Institutional Change
17 State building with the Participation of the Estates? East Frisia between Territorial Legislation and Communalist Ritual,1611-1744Part IV HISTORIOGRAPHICAL AND CONCEPTUAL DEBATES; 18 Citizens and their Rulers; 19 Concepts and Approaches in Recent Scholarship on State building - A Critical Review; 20 No State building from Below! A Critical Commentary; 21 State building from Below - Towards a Balanced View; 22 The Impact of Communication Theory on the Analysis of the Early Modern State building Processes; 23 Empowering Interactions and Intertwining Jurisdictions; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910453983103321
London : , : Routledge, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Empowering interactions : political cultures and the emergence of the state in Europe, 1300-1900 / / edited by Wim Blockmans, Andre Holenstein, and Jon Mathieu ; in collaboration with Daniel Schlappi
Empowering interactions : political cultures and the emergence of the state in Europe, 1300-1900 / / edited by Wim Blockmans, Andre Holenstein, and Jon Mathieu ; in collaboration with Daniel Schlappi
Pubbl/distr/stampa London : , : Routledge, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (373 p.)
Disciplina 306.2094/0903
Altri autori (Persone) BlockmansWim <1945->
Soggetto topico State, The - History
ISBN 1-317-14421-X
Classificazione 15.70
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Contents; Contributors; Abstracts; Preface; Introduction: Empowering Interactions: Looking at Statebuilding from Below; Part I SOUTHERN EUROPE; 1 The Construction of Local Political Identity in Lake and River Communities in North-West Italy, Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries; 2 Models of Government 'from Below' in Fifteenth-Century Lombardy. The 'Capitoli di Dedizione' to Francesco Sforza, 1447-1450; 3 Local Conflicts and Political Authorities in the Papal State in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century
4 The Politics of Mercy: Village Petitions and a Noblewoman's Justice in the Roman Countryside in the Eighteenth Century 5 The Dynamics of Law Formation in Italian Legal Science during the Early Modern Period: the Function of Custom; Part II CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE; 6 Threats from Above on Request from Below: Dynamics of the Territorial Administration of Berne, 1420-1450; 7 Modes of Reading, Community Practice and the Constitution of Textual Authority in the Thurgau and Graubünden, 1520-1660
8 'God is high up, the Tsar is far away'. The Nature of Polity and Political Culture in Seventeenth-Century Russia. A Comparative View 9 Communication between Authorities and Subjects in Bohemia, Hungary and the Holy German Empire, 1650-1800: A Comparison of Three Case Studies; 10 Corporate Property, Collective Resources and Statebuilding in Older Swiss History; 11 Local Demand for Order and Government Intervention: Social Group Conflicts as State building Factors in Villages of the Rhine Palatinate, c.1760-1810
12 Joseph-Samuel Farinet and the 'Modern' State: Banditry, Patronage and Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Valais Part III NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE - AND BEYOND; 13 Political Topos or Community Principle? Res Publica as a Source of Legitimacy in the French Peasants' Revolts of the Late Middle Ages; 14 State building in Portugal during the Middle Ages: A Royal Endeavour in Partnership with the Local Powers?; 15 Informing the Council. Central Institutions and Local Knowledge in the Spanish Empire; 16 Peasants and Tax-farmers in Seventeenth-Century Sweden: Local Conflict and Institutional Change
17 State building with the Participation of the Estates? East Frisia between Territorial Legislation and Communalist Ritual,1611-1744Part IV HISTORIOGRAPHICAL AND CONCEPTUAL DEBATES; 18 Citizens and their Rulers; 19 Concepts and Approaches in Recent Scholarship on State building - A Critical Review; 20 No State building from Below! A Critical Commentary; 21 State building from Below - Towards a Balanced View; 22 The Impact of Communication Theory on the Analysis of the Early Modern State building Processes; 23 Empowering Interactions and Intertwining Jurisdictions; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910782812903321
London : , : Routledge, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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