Nota di contenuto |
a Introduction: Law's autonomy / Stu Woolman & Michael Bishop -- The South African constitution as the last great modernist project / Stu Woolman -- Constitutional supremacy and appellate jurisdiction in South Africa / Frank Michelman -- On the reach of the constitution and the nature of constitutional jurisdiction: a reply to Frank Michelman / Kate O'Regan -- The principle of democracy in South African constitutional law / Theunis Roux -- Writing the law democratically: a reply to Theunis Roux / Danie Brand -- True in theory, true in practice: why direct application still matters / Stu Woolman -- Summarising Proust: a reply to Stu Woolman / Iain Currie -- Limitations: shared constitutional interpretation, an appropriate normative framework and hard choices / Stu Woolman & Henk Botha -- Sharing interpretation: a reply to Stu Woolman & Henk Botha / Johan van der Walt -- The widening gyre of dignity / Stu Woolman -- The soul of dignity: a reply to Stu Woolman / Laurie Ackermann -- Towards a substantive right to equality / Cathi Albertyn & Beth Goldblatt -- A cautionary note regarding substantive equality: a reply to Cathi Albertyn and Beth Goldblatt / Karthy Govender -- The 'arbitrary deprivation' vortex: constitutional property law after FNB / Theunis Roux -- Against regulatory taking: in defence of the two-stage inquiry: a reply to Theunis Roux / Frank Michelman -- Socio-economic rights: revisiting the reasonableness review/minimum core debate / Sandra Liebenberg -- On 'dialogue', 'translation' and 'voice': a reply to Sandra Liebenberg / Marius Pieterse.
Contents on disc: The rule of law / Frank Michelman (chapter 11) -- Democracy / Theunis Roux (chapter 10) -- Application / Stu Woolman (chapter 31) -- Limitations / Stu Woolman & Henk Botha (chapter 34) -- Dignity / Stu Woolman (chapter 36) -- Equality / Cathi Albertyn & Beth Goldblatt (chapter 35) -- Property / Theunis Roux (chapter 46) -- The interpretation of socio-economic rights / Sandra Liebenberg (chapter 33).