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The rare and most vvonderful thinges which Edward Webbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome travailes [[electronic resource] ] : in the citties of Ierusalem, Dammasko, Bethelem [sic] and Galely: and in the Landes of Iewrie, Egipt, Gtecia [sic], Russia, and in the Land of Prester Iohn. : Wherein is set foorth his extreame slauerie sustained many yeres togither, in the Gallies & wars of the great Turk against the landes of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugall with the manner of his releasement, and comming into Englande in May last
The rare and most vvonderful thinges which Edward Webbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome travailes [[electronic resource] ] : in the citties of Ierusalem, Dammasko, Bethelem [sic] and Galely: and in the Landes of Iewrie, Egipt, Gtecia [sic], Russia, and in the Land of Prester Iohn. : Wherein is set foorth his extreame slauerie sustained many yeres togither, in the Gallies & wars of the great Turk against the landes of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugall with the manner of his releasement, and comming into Englande in May last
Autore Webbe Edward <b. 1553 or 4.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed by Ralph Blower, for Thomas Pauier, and are to be solde at his shop in [Cornhill?...], [1600]
Descrizione fisica [20] p
Soggetto topico Voyages and travels
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996389850403316
Webbe Edward <b. 1553 or 4.>  
London, : Printed by Ralph Blower, for Thomas Pauier, and are to be solde at his shop in [Cornhill?...], [1600]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The rare and most vvonderfull things vvhich Edvv. VVebbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome trauailes [[electronic resource] ] : in the cities of Ierusalem, Damasko, Bethlehem and Galely and in the landes of Iewrie, Egypt, Gracia, Russia, and Prester Iohn, vvherein is set forth his extreame slauery sustained many yeeres together in the gallies and warres of the great Turke, against the lands of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugale
The rare and most vvonderfull things vvhich Edvv. VVebbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome trauailes [[electronic resource] ] : in the cities of Ierusalem, Damasko, Bethlehem and Galely and in the landes of Iewrie, Egypt, Gracia, Russia, and Prester Iohn, vvherein is set forth his extreame slauery sustained many yeeres together in the gallies and warres of the great Turke, against the lands of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugale
Autore Webbe Edward <b. 1553 or 4.>
Edizione [Newly enlarged and corrected by the author.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed [by J. Wolfe] for William Wright, 1590
Descrizione fisica [16] leaves : ill
Soggetto topico Voyages and travels
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996390195903316
Webbe Edward <b. 1553 or 4.>  
London, : Printed [by J. Wolfe] for William Wright, 1590
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The rare and most vvonderfull things which Edvvard VVebbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome trauailes, in the cities of Ierusalem, Damasko, Bethlem and Galely: and in the lands of Iewrie, Egypt, Grecia, Russia, and Prester Iohn [[electronic resource] ] : VVherein is set forth his extreame slauerie sustained many yeares together in the gallies and vvarres of the great Turke, against the lands of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugale, vvith the manner of his releasement and comming into England in May last
The rare and most vvonderfull things which Edvvard VVebbe an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome trauailes, in the cities of Ierusalem, Damasko, Bethlem and Galely: and in the lands of Iewrie, Egypt, Grecia, Russia, and Prester Iohn [[electronic resource] ] : VVherein is set forth his extreame slauerie sustained many yeares together in the gallies and vvarres of the great Turke, against the lands of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugale, vvith the manner of his releasement and comming into England in May last
Autore Webbe Edward <b. 1553 or 4.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed by A. I[effes] for VVilliam Barley, dvvelling in Gratious streete neere leaden hall, [1592?]
Descrizione fisica [30] p. : ill
Soggetto topico Russia - Description and travel
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996390518903316
Webbe Edward <b. 1553 or 4.>  
London, : Printed by A. I[effes] for VVilliam Barley, dvvelling in Gratious streete neere leaden hall, [1592?]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui