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China's business reforms : institutional challenges in a globalized economy / / edited by Russell Smyth ... [et al.]
China's business reforms : institutional challenges in a globalized economy / / edited by Russell Smyth ... [et al.]
Autore Smyth Russell
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa London ; ; New York, : RoutledgeCurzon, 2005
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (254 p.)
Disciplina 330.951
Altri autori (Persone) SmythRussell
Collana Routledge Contemporary China Series
Soggetto topico Industrial policy - China
ISBN 9786610231638
Classificazione BUS000000BUS069000HIS008000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Book Cover -- Half-Title -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Figures -- Tables -- Contributors -- 1. Institutional challenges for China's business reforms in a globalized economy -- 2. Industrial restructuring and corporate governance in China's large-scale state-owned enterprises -- 3. Regional comparative analysis of China's banking system -- 4. Solving agency problems in a cross-border environment -- 5. Foreign banks-market entry and foreign investment -- 6. Accounting for intangible assets and the relevance of financial statements in developed and emerging capital markets: Australia and China -- 7. Changing structure of Chinese enterprises and human resource management practices in China -- 8. The management of human resources in Shanghai -- 9. Employee perceptions of social protection reform in Shanghai: diversity across ownership forms and occupations -- 10. Pension reform in China: imperatives, constraints and outcomes -- 11. Globalization and occupational health and safety regulation in China -- 12. China's entry to the WTO -- 13. Raw entrepreneurship and the rise of the new private sector in western China -- Bibliography -- Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910348236003321
Smyth Russell  
London ; ; New York, : RoutledgeCurzon, 2005
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Migration and social protection in China [[electronic resource] /] / editors, Ingrid Nielsen & Russell Smyth
Migration and social protection in China [[electronic resource] /] / editors, Ingrid Nielsen & Russell Smyth
Pubbl/distr/stampa New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (276 p.)
Disciplina 304.80951
Altri autori (Persone) NielsenIngrid
Collana Series on contemporary China
Soggetto topico Migrant labor - Insurance - China
Social security - China
Migration, Internal - China
Rural-urban migration - China
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 981-279-050-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto CONTENTS; SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION; Chapter 1 The Rhetoric and the Reality of Social Protection for China's Migrant Workers Ingrid Nielsen and Russell Smyth; 1. Introduction; 2. Social Protection and Social Justice; 3. Migrant Participation in Social Protection Schemes; 4. The Role of the Household, State and Market in Providing Social Protection; 5. Conclusion; References; SECTION 2: SOCIAL PROTECTION AND SOCIAL JUSTICE; Chapter 2 Reincorporating the Mingong: Dilemmas of Citizen Status David Kelly; 1. Introduction; 2. The Hierarchical Rent-Sharing Model3
3. Hierarchical Rent-Sharing and the Mingong4. Rural Migrant Workers and Citizen Movements5; 4.1 Mingong huang: the dearth of migrant workers; 5. Conclusion; References; Chapter 3 Righting Wrongs: The Language of Policy Reform and China's Migrant Workers Gloria Davies and Scott Grant; 1. Introduction; 2. Responsible Governance in Aid of Stability; 3. Making the Case for Protecting Migrant Workers' Rights; 4. Have Wrongs Been Righted?; References; SECTION 3: MIGRANT PARTICIPATION IN SOCIAL PROTECTION SCHEMES
Chapter 4 The Design of a Social Security System for Rural Migrant Workers in China Dewen Wang1. Introduction; 2. Data; 3. Social Security Coverage and Characteristics of Rural Migrant Workers; 4. Why participation Rates in Social Security Schemes among Rural Migrant Workers are so Low; 5. Reform Progress and Outlook for a Social Security System for Rural Migrant Workers; 6. Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 Correct Ideas and Social Security Reform in China: The Case of Shanghai's Township Insurance Gloria Davies, Ingrid Nielsen and Russell Smyth; 1. Introduction
2. Social Justice as a Correct Idea3. Promoting Town Insurance as Social Justice; 4. Citizens' Concerns over Social Security; 5. Has Shanghai's Township Insurance Been Successful in Extending Coverage?; 6. Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 6 Why Do Migrant Workers Not Participate in Urban Social Security Schemes? The Case of the Construction and Service Sectors in Tianjin Bingqin Li; 1. Introduction; 2. Literature on Social Welfare/Insurance Participation Around the World; 3. Studies of Social Insurance Participation in China; 4. The Analytical Framework; 5. Research Methods
6. A Brief Policy Review of Recent Social Insurance Changes in Tianjin7. Research Findings and Discussions of the Results; 8. Urban Risks and Reliance on Informal Protection; 8.1. Unemployment; 8.2. Health problems; 8.3. Old age; 9. Awareness and Understanding of the Urban Social Insurance System; 10. Direct Answers to the Question: "Why do you not want to Participate in the Social Insurance Scheme?"; 11. Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 7 What Determines the Welfare and Social Security Entitlements of Rural Migrants in Chinese Cities? Fei Guo and Wenshu Gao; 1. Introduction
2. Data and Research Settings
Record Nr. UNINA-9910455532603321
New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Migration and social protection in China [[electronic resource] /] / editors, Ingrid Nielsen & Russell Smyth
Migration and social protection in China [[electronic resource] /] / editors, Ingrid Nielsen & Russell Smyth
Pubbl/distr/stampa New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (276 p.)
Disciplina 304.80951
Altri autori (Persone) NielsenIngrid
Collana Series on contemporary China
Soggetto topico Migrant labor - Insurance - China
Social security - China
Migration, Internal - China
Rural-urban migration - China
ISBN 981-279-050-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto CONTENTS; SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION; Chapter 1 The Rhetoric and the Reality of Social Protection for China's Migrant Workers Ingrid Nielsen and Russell Smyth; 1. Introduction; 2. Social Protection and Social Justice; 3. Migrant Participation in Social Protection Schemes; 4. The Role of the Household, State and Market in Providing Social Protection; 5. Conclusion; References; SECTION 2: SOCIAL PROTECTION AND SOCIAL JUSTICE; Chapter 2 Reincorporating the Mingong: Dilemmas of Citizen Status David Kelly; 1. Introduction; 2. The Hierarchical Rent-Sharing Model3
3. Hierarchical Rent-Sharing and the Mingong4. Rural Migrant Workers and Citizen Movements5; 4.1 Mingong huang: the dearth of migrant workers; 5. Conclusion; References; Chapter 3 Righting Wrongs: The Language of Policy Reform and China's Migrant Workers Gloria Davies and Scott Grant; 1. Introduction; 2. Responsible Governance in Aid of Stability; 3. Making the Case for Protecting Migrant Workers' Rights; 4. Have Wrongs Been Righted?; References; SECTION 3: MIGRANT PARTICIPATION IN SOCIAL PROTECTION SCHEMES
Chapter 4 The Design of a Social Security System for Rural Migrant Workers in China Dewen Wang1. Introduction; 2. Data; 3. Social Security Coverage and Characteristics of Rural Migrant Workers; 4. Why participation Rates in Social Security Schemes among Rural Migrant Workers are so Low; 5. Reform Progress and Outlook for a Social Security System for Rural Migrant Workers; 6. Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 Correct Ideas and Social Security Reform in China: The Case of Shanghai's Township Insurance Gloria Davies, Ingrid Nielsen and Russell Smyth; 1. Introduction
2. Social Justice as a Correct Idea3. Promoting Town Insurance as Social Justice; 4. Citizens' Concerns over Social Security; 5. Has Shanghai's Township Insurance Been Successful in Extending Coverage?; 6. Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 6 Why Do Migrant Workers Not Participate in Urban Social Security Schemes? The Case of the Construction and Service Sectors in Tianjin Bingqin Li; 1. Introduction; 2. Literature on Social Welfare/Insurance Participation Around the World; 3. Studies of Social Insurance Participation in China; 4. The Analytical Framework; 5. Research Methods
6. A Brief Policy Review of Recent Social Insurance Changes in Tianjin7. Research Findings and Discussions of the Results; 8. Urban Risks and Reliance on Informal Protection; 8.1. Unemployment; 8.2. Health problems; 8.3. Old age; 9. Awareness and Understanding of the Urban Social Insurance System; 10. Direct Answers to the Question: "Why do you not want to Participate in the Social Insurance Scheme?"; 11. Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; Chapter 7 What Determines the Welfare and Social Security Entitlements of Rural Migrants in Chinese Cities? Fei Guo and Wenshu Gao; 1. Introduction
2. Data and Research Settings
Record Nr. UNINA-9910778077503321
New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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