Nota di contenuto |
Intro -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Acronyms and Abbreviations -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- 1 Climate Change and Livelihood Security: An Integration of Trans-disciplinary Study -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Conceptual Evolution in Climate Change Studies -- 1.2.1 Linear Chronology of Climate Concept -- 1.2.2 Facilitative Footprints -- 1.3 Statement and Significance of the Problem -- 1.4 Measuring Livelihood Security: A Development Indicator -- 1.4.1 Economic and Social Indicators -- 1.4.2 Physical and Ecological Indicators -- 1.4.3 Indicators Focused on the Ecology-Equity Interface -- 1.4.4 Indicators Focused on the Ecology-Economics Interface -- 1.4.5 Indicators Focused on Ecology-Economics and Equity Interface -- 1.5 Organization of the Study -- 1.6 Concluding Remarks -- References -- 2 Drivers of Climate Change Research Pathways -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Drivers of Climate Change and Livelihood Framework -- 2.2.1 The State of Changing Global Climate -- 2.2.2 The Green House Gas Emissions and Changing Climate -- 2.2.3 Sustainable Livelihood in Changing Climate -- 2.2.4 Modeling Changing Climate and Livelihood Security -- 2.2.5 Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies in Climate Impacted Livelihoods -- 2.3 Research Questions -- 2.4 Aims and Objectives -- 2.5 Study Area -- 2.6 Data Base and Research Methodology -- 2.6.1 Data Bases -- 2.6.2 Methodology and Data Analysis -- 2.7 Limitations of the Study -- References -- 3 Study Area: A Geographical Profile and Livelihood Pattern -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Location and Extent -- 3.3 Physiography and Climate -- 3.4 Forests -- 3.4.1 Alpine Forests Dry Type -- 3.4.2 Moist Alpine Scrub Forests -- 3.4.3 Sub-alpine Forests -- 3.4.4 Himalayan Moist Temperate Forests -- 3.4.5 Wet-Temperate Forests -- 3.4.6 The Tropical Hill Forests -- 3.5 Water Resources -- 3.5.1 The River.
3.5.2 The Beas Basin -- 3.5.3 The Maharana Pratap Sagar or Pong Dam Reservoir -- 3.5.4 Major Rivulets -- 3.5.5 Khad and Reservoir -- 3.5.6 The Kuhl Irrigation -- 3.5.7 The Underground Water -- 3.5.8 The Water Harvesting -- 3.6 The Soils -- 3.6.1 The Soils of Lower Hill -- 3.6.2 The Soils of Middle Hill -- 3.6.3 The Soils of High Hill -- 3.6.4 The Mountainous Soil -- 3.6.5 The Soils of Dry Hill -- 3.7 Rocky-Mineral Resources -- 3.7.1 Slates -- 3.7.2 Limestone -- 3.7.3 Coal, Natural Gas, and Oil -- 3.7.4 Sand, Stone, and Bajri -- 3.7.5 Iron Ore -- 3.8 Sanctum Sanctorum -- 3.9 Socio-economic and Demographic Profile -- 3.9.1 Demography -- 3.9.2 The Economy -- 3.9.3 The Occupational Structure -- 3.10 Temporal Pattern of Land Use -- 3.10.1 Land Utilization -- 3.10.2 Operational Landholding Size -- 3.10.3 Agriculture-As a Principal Means of Livelihood -- 3.11 The Infrastructure Characteristics -- 3.11.1 Infrastructure -- 3.11.2 Road Density -- 3.11.3 Transportation Facility -- 3.11.4 Electricity Facility -- 3.11.5 Banking Infrastructure Facility -- 3.11.6 Cooperative Societies -- 3.11.7 Postal Facilities -- 3.12 Health Care Institutions (PHCs) -- 3.12.1 Health Care Institution and Demography -- 3.13 Social Empowerment and Infrastructure -- 3.13.1 Women in Work Participation -- 3.14 Concluding Remarks -- References -- 4 Kangra: Climate and Climate Change Scenario Modeling -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Causes of Variability in Climate -- 4.3 Climatic Zones -- 4.3.1 The Shivalik Hill Zone -- 4.3.2 The Mid Hill Zone -- 4.3.3 The High Hill Zone -- 4.4 Data Base Methodology -- 4.4.1 Baseline Data Requirement -- 4.4.2 Model Setup and Data -- 4.4.3 Satellite Data Mechanism -- 4.4.4 Methodology for Baseline -- 4.4.5 Methodology for Climate Change Scenario Modeling -- 4.5 Results and Discussion -- 4.5.1 The Observed Spatio-temporal Change in Temperature.
4.5.2 The Simulated Temperature Trend -- 4.5.3 The Observed Spatio-temporal Precipitation Trend -- 4.5.4 The Simulated Precipitation Trend and Pattern -- 4.6 The Overall Climate Change Simulations and Their Impacts -- 4.7 Concluding Remarks -- References -- 5 Dynamics of Livelihood Capitals Security -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Sustainable Development and Livelihoods: Recapitulation -- 5.2.1 Livelihoods: Static Versus Dynamic View -- 5.2.2 Sustainable Livelihood Drivers -- 5.3 Systematic Framework and Approach: Sustainable Livelihood Security Index (SLSI) -- 5.4 Database and Methodology -- 5.4.1 Data Base -- 5.4.2 Materials and Research Methods -- 5.4.3 Natural Capital Indicators -- 5.4.4 The Physical Capital -- 5.4.5 The Social Capital -- 5.4.6 The Financial Capital -- 5.4.7 The Human Capital -- 5.4.8 Data Analysis -- 5.5 Results and Discussion -- 5.5.1 The Individual and Socio-economic Factors -- 5.5.2 Analyzing Five Capital Pentagon Assets -- 5.6 Concluding Remarks -- References -- 6 Investigation of Livelihoods Asset Pentagon: The SLF Core -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Empirical Research Results: Five Capital Combined Assets (FCCA) Pentagon -- 6.3 Inter Correlation of Livelihood Capitals and Livelihood Security -- 6.3.1 The High Hill Region -- 6.3.2 The Mid-Hill Region -- 6.3.3 The Low Hill Region -- 6.4 Concluding Remarks -- References -- 7 Climate Dynamics and Livelihood Vulnerability Assessment -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Approach to Study Livelihood Vulnerability -- 7.3 Livelihood Vulnerability Indices Analysis -- 7.3.1 Livelihood Vulnerability Without Climate Change -- 7.3.2 Livelihood Vulnerability and Climate Change -- 7.4 Data Base and Methodology -- 7.4.1 Calculating the LVI: Composite Index Approach Without Climate Change -- 7.4.2 Calculating the CCLVI: With Impact Approach -- 7.5 Results and Discussion -- 7.5.1 Overall Findings.
7.5.2 Climate Change and Livelihood Vulnerability -- 7.6 Concluding Remarks -- References -- 8 Systems Approach in Sustainable Livelihood Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Data Base and Methodology -- 8.3 System Approach: Households and Livelihoods -- 8.3.1 Science of Adaptive Policy -- 8.4 Livelihoods and Coping Mechanism -- 8.4.1 People's Perception of Changing Climate -- 8.4.2 Spatial Livelihood Variation and Coping Mechanism -- 8.5 Integration of Policies with the Development Strategies -- 8.5.1 Poverty Eradication and Social Help Programs -- 8.5.2 Capacity Building: Gram Panchayats and Local Community Participation -- 8.5.3 Integration for Livelihood Support -- 8.5.4 Strategic Climate Change Knowledge Network Mission -- 8.6 Enhancement of Adaptive Capacity Through MGNREGA -- 8.7 Concluding Remarks -- References -- 9 Indian Climate Policy, Programs, and Initiatives -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 India's International Climate Diplomacy-A Policy Shift from Rio to Paris -- 9.2.1 India's Traditional Route to the Kyoto Protocol -- 9.2.2 Birth of BASIC and India's Stand in Copenhagen Accord -- 9.2.3 India's Approach from Cancún to Paris COP 21 -- 9.2.4 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development-17 -- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -- 9.3 India's Actions on Climate Change at Domestic Ground Through Policies, Programs, and Plans -- 9.3.1 National Environment Policy (2006) -- 9.3.2 Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change (2007) -- 9.3.3 The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), 2008 -- 9.3.4 State Action Plan on Climate Change (SCAP) -- 9.3.5 Five-Year Plans and Climate Change -- 9.3.6 National-Level Sectoral Policies -- 9.4 Constitutional Framework and Legal Actions on Environment Protection and Climate Change in India -- 9.4.1 Environmental Safeguard from Indian Constitution Outlook.
9.5 Ministries Related to Improving Climate and Reducing Emission Load -- 9.5.1 Environmental Laws, Acts, and Rules by Indian Judiciary System -- 9.6 Concluding Remarks -- References -- Appendix A Questionnaire -- Appendix B.