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The dynamics of intertextuality in Plutarch / / edited by Thomas S. Schmidt, Maria Vamvouri, Rainer Hirsch-Luipold ; with the assistance of Didier Clerc
The dynamics of intertextuality in Plutarch / / edited by Thomas S. Schmidt, Maria Vamvouri, Rainer Hirsch-Luipold ; with the assistance of Didier Clerc
Pubbl/distr/stampa Leiden ; ; Boston : , : Brill, , [2020]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 888.0108
Collana Brill's Plutarch studies
ISBN 90-04-42786-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface -- List of Figures and Tables -- Abbreviations of Plutarch’s Works -- Introduction: Plutarch and the Academic Reader -- Maria Vamvouri -- Part 1 Defining Intertextuality in Plutarch -- 1 Intertextuality in Plutarch: What’s the Point? -- Christopher Pelling -- 2 Hearing Voices: φωνή and Intertextual Orality in Plutarch -- Alexei V. Zadorojnyi -- 3 Forms and Functions of Intratextuality in Plutarch’s Corpus -- Gennaro D’Ippolito -- Part 2 Intertextuality at Work -- 4 Voices from the Past: Quotations and Intertextuality in Plutarch’s The Oracles at Delphi -- Frederick E. Brenk -- 5 Homer as a Model for Plutarchan Advice on Good Governance -- José-Antonio Fernández-Delgado -- 6 Pericles and Athens: An Intertextual Reading of Plutarch and Thucydides -- Mark Beck -- 7 Plutarch’s and Xenophon’s Sparta: Intra- and Intertextual Relations in the Spartan Lives -- Olivier Gengler -- 8 The Mechanics of Intertextuality in Plutarch -- Timothy E. Duff -- 9 Shrieking Volumes: Plutarch’s Use of the Ath.Pol. as Intertextual Bridge between Athens and Rome -- Andrew Worley -- 10 How to Do Things with Hellenistic Historiography: Plutarch’s Intertextual Use(s) of Polybius -- Eran Almagor -- 11 “Let Us Make the Most of What They Offer Us”: Different Layers of Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum -- Geert Roskam -- 12 The Encounter between Roman Virtue and Platonism in Plutarch’s Cato the Elder -- Michael Nerdahl -- 13 Plutarch’s Theseus-Romulus and the Murder of Remus -- Brad Buszard -- Part 3 Intratextuality and the Plutarchan Corpus -- 14 Heroes Imitating Heroes: Ethical and Pragmatic Intratextuality in the Parallel Lives -- Susan Jacobs -- 15 Ejemplos de responsio gramatical en el Teseo-Rómulo de Plutarco -- Aurelio Pérez Jiménez -- 16 Reading Plutarch through Plutarch (?): De sera numinis vindicta and the Commentary on Hesiod’s Erga -- Stefano Amendola -- 17 Demetrius of Phalerum in Plutarch: A Multimodal Expression of Intertextuality and Intratextuality -- Delfim F. Leão -- 18 “As Each Came to Mind”: Intertextualizing Plutarch’s Mentality of Intricacy in the Table Talk and Questions -- Michiel Meeusen -- 19 Un ‘galateo’ intestestuale del simposio: le raccomandazioni di Plutarco personaggio dei Moralia -- Paola Volpe Cacciatore -- Part 4 Through the Lens of Interdiscursivity -- 20 Sympotic Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse disserendum -- Craig Cooper -- 21 Aesopic Wisdom in Plutarch -- Philip A. Stadter -- 22 Plutarch’s Proverbial Intertexts in the Lives -- Alessio Ruta -- 23 Who Is the Best Prophet? The ‘Manifold’ Character of a Quotation in Plutarch -- Elsa Giovanna Simonetti -- 24 Aspetti e funzioni dell’intertestualità nei De tuenda sanitate praecepta di Plutarco -- Fabio Tanga -- 25 Medical Allusions and Intertext of Physis in Plutarch’s Comp. Cim. et Luc . 2.7 -- Eleni Plati -- Part 5 Intergenericity: Plutarch’s Works at the Crossroads -- 26 Generic and Intertextual Enrichment: Plutarch’s Alexander 30 -- Chrysanthos S. Chrysanthou -- 27 Intertextuality Across Paired Lives: Plutarch’s Nicias-Crassus -- Lucy E. Fletcher -- 28 Plutarch’s Less Tragic Heroes: Drama and Epic in the Pelopidas -- Anna Lefteratou -- 29 From Inter-textuality to Inter-mediality: Plutarch’s Lyric Quotations from Greek Tragedy -- Argyri G. Karanasiou -- 30 Love in Many Dimensions: Hesiod and Empedocles in Plutarch’s Amatorius -- Katarzyna Jazdzewska -- 31 Las Vitae de Plutarco y el epigrama -- Francisca Pordomingo -- 32 Defining Rhetoric While Playing with Pre-texts: Some Aspects of Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Praecepta gerendae reipublicae 801C–D -- Theofanis Tsiampokalos -- Part 6 Beyond Text: Plutarch and Intermateriality -- 33 Plutarch’s Sparta: Intertextual and Experiential -- Philip Davies -- 34 ὕλη θεολογίας: Religious Lore as Inter‘text’ in Plutarch’s Moralia -- Rainer Hirsch-Luipold -- 35 The Power of Bones: An Intertextual and Intermaterial Reading of the Retrieval of Theseus’ Bones in Plutarch’s Life of Cimon -- Chandra Giroux -- 36 Plutarch’s Intertextual References to Tattoos and Brands -- Christina Harker -- Bibliography -- Index locorum -- General index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910794083503321
Leiden ; ; Boston : , : Brill, , [2020]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The dynamics of intertextuality in Plutarch / / edited by Thomas S. Schmidt, Maria Vamvouri, Rainer Hirsch-Luipold ; with the assistance of Didier Clerc
The dynamics of intertextuality in Plutarch / / edited by Thomas S. Schmidt, Maria Vamvouri, Rainer Hirsch-Luipold ; with the assistance of Didier Clerc
Pubbl/distr/stampa Leiden ; ; Boston : , : Brill, , [2020]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource
Disciplina 888.0108
Collana Brill's Plutarch studies
ISBN 90-04-42786-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface -- List of Figures and Tables -- Abbreviations of Plutarch’s Works -- Introduction: Plutarch and the Academic Reader -- Maria Vamvouri -- Part 1 Defining Intertextuality in Plutarch -- 1 Intertextuality in Plutarch: What’s the Point? -- Christopher Pelling -- 2 Hearing Voices: φωνή and Intertextual Orality in Plutarch -- Alexei V. Zadorojnyi -- 3 Forms and Functions of Intratextuality in Plutarch’s Corpus -- Gennaro D’Ippolito -- Part 2 Intertextuality at Work -- 4 Voices from the Past: Quotations and Intertextuality in Plutarch’s The Oracles at Delphi -- Frederick E. Brenk -- 5 Homer as a Model for Plutarchan Advice on Good Governance -- José-Antonio Fernández-Delgado -- 6 Pericles and Athens: An Intertextual Reading of Plutarch and Thucydides -- Mark Beck -- 7 Plutarch’s and Xenophon’s Sparta: Intra- and Intertextual Relations in the Spartan Lives -- Olivier Gengler -- 8 The Mechanics of Intertextuality in Plutarch -- Timothy E. Duff -- 9 Shrieking Volumes: Plutarch’s Use of the Ath.Pol. as Intertextual Bridge between Athens and Rome -- Andrew Worley -- 10 How to Do Things with Hellenistic Historiography: Plutarch’s Intertextual Use(s) of Polybius -- Eran Almagor -- 11 “Let Us Make the Most of What They Offer Us”: Different Layers of Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum -- Geert Roskam -- 12 The Encounter between Roman Virtue and Platonism in Plutarch’s Cato the Elder -- Michael Nerdahl -- 13 Plutarch’s Theseus-Romulus and the Murder of Remus -- Brad Buszard -- Part 3 Intratextuality and the Plutarchan Corpus -- 14 Heroes Imitating Heroes: Ethical and Pragmatic Intratextuality in the Parallel Lives -- Susan Jacobs -- 15 Ejemplos de responsio gramatical en el Teseo-Rómulo de Plutarco -- Aurelio Pérez Jiménez -- 16 Reading Plutarch through Plutarch (?): De sera numinis vindicta and the Commentary on Hesiod’s Erga -- Stefano Amendola -- 17 Demetrius of Phalerum in Plutarch: A Multimodal Expression of Intertextuality and Intratextuality -- Delfim F. Leão -- 18 “As Each Came to Mind”: Intertextualizing Plutarch’s Mentality of Intricacy in the Table Talk and Questions -- Michiel Meeusen -- 19 Un ‘galateo’ intestestuale del simposio: le raccomandazioni di Plutarco personaggio dei Moralia -- Paola Volpe Cacciatore -- Part 4 Through the Lens of Interdiscursivity -- 20 Sympotic Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse disserendum -- Craig Cooper -- 21 Aesopic Wisdom in Plutarch -- Philip A. Stadter -- 22 Plutarch’s Proverbial Intertexts in the Lives -- Alessio Ruta -- 23 Who Is the Best Prophet? The ‘Manifold’ Character of a Quotation in Plutarch -- Elsa Giovanna Simonetti -- 24 Aspetti e funzioni dell’intertestualità nei De tuenda sanitate praecepta di Plutarco -- Fabio Tanga -- 25 Medical Allusions and Intertext of Physis in Plutarch’s Comp. Cim. et Luc . 2.7 -- Eleni Plati -- Part 5 Intergenericity: Plutarch’s Works at the Crossroads -- 26 Generic and Intertextual Enrichment: Plutarch’s Alexander 30 -- Chrysanthos S. Chrysanthou -- 27 Intertextuality Across Paired Lives: Plutarch’s Nicias-Crassus -- Lucy E. Fletcher -- 28 Plutarch’s Less Tragic Heroes: Drama and Epic in the Pelopidas -- Anna Lefteratou -- 29 From Inter-textuality to Inter-mediality: Plutarch’s Lyric Quotations from Greek Tragedy -- Argyri G. Karanasiou -- 30 Love in Many Dimensions: Hesiod and Empedocles in Plutarch’s Amatorius -- Katarzyna Jazdzewska -- 31 Las Vitae de Plutarco y el epigrama -- Francisca Pordomingo -- 32 Defining Rhetoric While Playing with Pre-texts: Some Aspects of Intertextuality in Plutarch’s Praecepta gerendae reipublicae 801C–D -- Theofanis Tsiampokalos -- Part 6 Beyond Text: Plutarch and Intermateriality -- 33 Plutarch’s Sparta: Intertextual and Experiential -- Philip Davies -- 34 ὕλη θεολογίας: Religious Lore as Inter‘text’ in Plutarch’s Moralia -- Rainer Hirsch-Luipold -- 35 The Power of Bones: An Intertextual and Intermaterial Reading of the Retrieval of Theseus’ Bones in Plutarch’s Life of Cimon -- Chandra Giroux -- 36 Plutarch’s Intertextual References to Tattoos and Brands -- Christina Harker -- Bibliography -- Index locorum -- General index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910824515703321
Leiden ; ; Boston : , : Brill, , [2020]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and its times / / edited by Thomas Schmidt and Pascale Fleury
Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and its times / / edited by Thomas Schmidt and Pascale Fleury
Autore Fleury Pascale
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (298 p.)
Disciplina 880.9/001
Collana Phoenix Supplementary Volumes
Soggetto topico Second Sophistic movement
Greek literature - Rome - History and criticism
Rhetoric, Ancient
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4426-9036-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Table of Contents / Table des Matières -- Acknowledgments / Remerciements -- Introduction / Schmidt, Thomas / Fleury, Pascale -- Section I: Essence et présence de la Seconde Sophistique -- Narrative of Cultural Geography in Philostratus's Lives of the Sophists / Kemezis, Adam -- The Second Sophistic and Non-Elite Speakers / Henderson, Ian -- L'Héraclès d'Hérode: héroïsme et philosophie dans la sophistique de Philostrate / Côté, Dominique -- Section II: L'orateur et son image -- L'orateur oracle: une image sophistique / Fleury, Pascale -- Portrait d'un rhéteur: Aelius Aristide comme initié mystique et athlète dans les Discours sacrés / Downie, Janet -- Une écriture du visuel au temps de la Seconde Sophistique: Clément d'Alexandrie (Protreptique) et Philostrate (Images) / Pasquier, Anne -- Section III: Passé et identité grecque -- Sophistes, barbares et identité grecque: le cas de Dion Chrysostome / Schmidt, Thomas -- Reflets de l'hellenisme chez Athénée a travers l'emploi des termes 'Ελληνικóς et βάρβαρος / Mainguy, Marie-Hélène -- Pausanias le Périégète et la Seconde Sophistique / Auberger, Janick -- Section IV: Texte, tradition et performance -- Dance and Discourse in Plutarch's Table Talks 9.15 / Schlapbach, Karin -- Galen on Є́̕κδοσις / Gurd, Sean A. -- Section V: Héritage et influence de la Seconde Sophistique -- Were the Speeches of Aelius Aristides 'Rediscovered' in the 350s p.C.? / Vanderspoel, John -- Libanius's Monody for Daphne (Oration 60) and the Eleusinios Logos of Aelius Aristides / Johnson, Diane -- Thémistios et la Seconde Sophistique: le thème du tyran / Raschle, Christian R. -- Bibliography / Bibliographie -- Index Locorum -- Index of Proper Names / Index des noms propres -- Subject Index / Index thématique -- Phoenix Supplementary Volumes
Record Nr. UNINA-9910457252403321
Fleury Pascale  
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and its times / / edited by Thomas Schmidt and Pascale Fleury
Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and its times / / edited by Thomas Schmidt and Pascale Fleury
Autore Fleury Pascale
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (298 p.)
Disciplina 880.9/001
Collana Phoenix Supplementary Volumes
Soggetto topico Second Sophistic movement
Greek literature - Rome - History and criticism
Rhetoric, Ancient
Soggetto genere / forma Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4426-9036-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Table of Contents / Table des Matières -- Acknowledgments / Remerciements -- Introduction / Schmidt, Thomas / Fleury, Pascale -- Section I: Essence et présence de la Seconde Sophistique -- Narrative of Cultural Geography in Philostratus's Lives of the Sophists / Kemezis, Adam -- The Second Sophistic and Non-Elite Speakers / Henderson, Ian -- L'Héraclès d'Hérode: héroïsme et philosophie dans la sophistique de Philostrate / Côté, Dominique -- Section II: L'orateur et son image -- L'orateur oracle: une image sophistique / Fleury, Pascale -- Portrait d'un rhéteur: Aelius Aristide comme initié mystique et athlète dans les Discours sacrés / Downie, Janet -- Une écriture du visuel au temps de la Seconde Sophistique: Clément d'Alexandrie (Protreptique) et Philostrate (Images) / Pasquier, Anne -- Section III: Passé et identité grecque -- Sophistes, barbares et identité grecque: le cas de Dion Chrysostome / Schmidt, Thomas -- Reflets de l'hellenisme chez Athénée a travers l'emploi des termes 'Ελληνικóς et βάρβαρος / Mainguy, Marie-Hélène -- Pausanias le Périégète et la Seconde Sophistique / Auberger, Janick -- Section IV: Texte, tradition et performance -- Dance and Discourse in Plutarch's Table Talks 9.15 / Schlapbach, Karin -- Galen on Є́̕κδοσις / Gurd, Sean A. -- Section V: Héritage et influence de la Seconde Sophistique -- Were the Speeches of Aelius Aristides 'Rediscovered' in the 350s p.C.? / Vanderspoel, John -- Libanius's Monody for Daphne (Oration 60) and the Eleusinios Logos of Aelius Aristides / Johnson, Diane -- Thémistios et la Seconde Sophistique: le thème du tyran / Raschle, Christian R. -- Bibliography / Bibliographie -- Index Locorum -- Index of Proper Names / Index des noms propres -- Subject Index / Index thématique -- Phoenix Supplementary Volumes
Record Nr. UNINA-9910781775903321
Fleury Pascale  
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and its times / / edited by Thomas Schmidt and Pascale Fleury
Perceptions of the Second Sophistic and its times / / edited by Thomas Schmidt and Pascale Fleury
Autore Fleury Pascale
Pubbl/distr/stampa Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (298 p.)
Disciplina 880.9/001
Collana Phoenix Supplementary Volumes
Soggetto topico Second Sophistic movement
Greek literature - Rome - History and criticism
Rhetoric, Ancient
Soggetto genere / forma Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4426-9036-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Table of Contents / Table des Matières -- Acknowledgments / Remerciements -- Introduction / Schmidt, Thomas / Fleury, Pascale -- Section I: Essence et présence de la Seconde Sophistique -- Narrative of Cultural Geography in Philostratus's Lives of the Sophists / Kemezis, Adam -- The Second Sophistic and Non-Elite Speakers / Henderson, Ian -- L'Héraclès d'Hérode: héroïsme et philosophie dans la sophistique de Philostrate / Côté, Dominique -- Section II: L'orateur et son image -- L'orateur oracle: une image sophistique / Fleury, Pascale -- Portrait d'un rhéteur: Aelius Aristide comme initié mystique et athlète dans les Discours sacrés / Downie, Janet -- Une écriture du visuel au temps de la Seconde Sophistique: Clément d'Alexandrie (Protreptique) et Philostrate (Images) / Pasquier, Anne -- Section III: Passé et identité grecque -- Sophistes, barbares et identité grecque: le cas de Dion Chrysostome / Schmidt, Thomas -- Reflets de l'hellenisme chez Athénée a travers l'emploi des termes 'Ελληνικóς et βάρβαρος / Mainguy, Marie-Hélène -- Pausanias le Périégète et la Seconde Sophistique / Auberger, Janick -- Section IV: Texte, tradition et performance -- Dance and Discourse in Plutarch's Table Talks 9.15 / Schlapbach, Karin -- Galen on Є́̕κδοσις / Gurd, Sean A. -- Section V: Héritage et influence de la Seconde Sophistique -- Were the Speeches of Aelius Aristides 'Rediscovered' in the 350s p.C.? / Vanderspoel, John -- Libanius's Monody for Daphne (Oration 60) and the Eleusinios Logos of Aelius Aristides / Johnson, Diane -- Thémistios et la Seconde Sophistique: le thème du tyran / Raschle, Christian R. -- Bibliography / Bibliographie -- Index Locorum -- Index of Proper Names / Index des noms propres -- Subject Index / Index thématique -- Phoenix Supplementary Volumes
Record Nr. UNINA-9910819323803321
Fleury Pascale  
Toronto, [Ontario] ; ; Buffalo, [New York] ; ; London, [England] : , : University of Toronto Press, , 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui