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Damping Optimization in Simplified and Realistic Disc Brakes / / by Jan-Hendrik Wehner, Dominic Jekel, Rubens Sampaio, Peter Hagedorn
Damping Optimization in Simplified and Realistic Disc Brakes / / by Jan-Hendrik Wehner, Dominic Jekel, Rubens Sampaio, Peter Hagedorn
Autore Wehner Jan-Hendrik
Edizione [1st ed. 2018.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (50 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 620.37
Collana SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
Soggetto topico Vibration
Dynamical systems
Mathematical optimization
Automotive engineering
Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control
Automotive Engineering
ISBN 3-319-62713-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction -- Theoretical background -- Optimization of a minimal model of disc brake -- Optimization of finite element models of disc brakes -- Conclusion -- References.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910299873903321
Wehner Jan-Hendrik  
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Modeling and convexity / / Eduardo Souza de Cursi, Rubens Sampaio
Modeling and convexity / / Eduardo Souza de Cursi, Rubens Sampaio
Autore Cursi Eduardo Souza de
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, England ; ; Hoboken, New Jersey : , : ISTE : , : Wiley, , 2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (517 p.)
Disciplina 620.001/51
Collana ISTE
Soggetto topico Engineering mathematics
Machinery - Mathematical models
Convex sets
ISBN 1-118-62243-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; PART 1. MOTIVATION: EXAMPLES AND APPLICATIONS; Chapter 1. Curvilinear Continuous Media; 1.1. One-dimensional curvilinear media; 1.1.1. Ideally flexible string; The essential difficulty; Unilateral contact; 1.1.2. The ""elastica"" problem: buckling of an inextensible beam; 1.2. Supple membranes; 1.2.1. Curvilinear coordinates and charts; 1.2.2. Metric tensor; 1.2.3. Internal efforts and constitutive law; 1.2.4. Exterior efforts; 1.2.5. Infinitesimal deformations; 1.2.6. Principle of minimum energy
Chapter 2. Unilateral System Dynamics2.1. Dynamics of ideally flexible strings; 2.1.1. Propagation of discontinuities; 2.1.2. Evolution; 2.1.3. Vibrations; Harmonic response; Small oscillations; 2.2. Contact dynamics; 2.2.1. Evolution of a material point; 2.2.2. Evolution of deformable and non-deformable solids; 2.2.3. Granular modeling of the movement of a crowd; Chapter 3. A Simplified Model of Fusion/Solidification; 3.1. A simplified model of phase transition; Chapter 4. Minimization of a Non-Convex Function; 4.1. Probabilities, convexity and global optimization
Chapter 5. Simple Models of Plasticity5.1. Ideal elastoplasticity; PART 2. THEORETICAL ELEMENTS; Chapter 6. Elements of Set Theory; 6.1. Elementary notions and operations on sets; 6.2. The axiom of choice; 6.3. Zorn's lemma; Chapter 7. Real Hilbert Spaces; 7.1. Scalar product and norm; 7.2. Bases and dimensions; 7.3. Open sets and closed sets; 7.4. Sequences; 7.4.1. Dense sequences and dense sets; 7.5. Linear functionals; 7.5.1. Sequences and continuity; 7.6. Complete space; 7.6.1. The Cauchy sequence; 7.6.2. Completion of a space; 7.6.3. Baire's theorem: a property of complete spaces
7.7. Orthogonal projection onto a vector subspace7.8. Riesz's representation theory; 7.9. Weak topology; 7.10. Separable spaces: Hilbert bases and series; Chapter 8. Convex Sets; 8.1. Hyperplanes; 8.2. Convex sets; 8.3. Convex hulls; 8.4. Orthogonal projection on a convex set; 8.5. Separation theorems; 8.6. Convex cone; Chapter 9. Functionals on a Hilbert Space; 9.1. Basic notions; 9.2. Convex functionals; 9.3. Semi-continuous functionals; 9.4. Affine functionals; 9.5. Convexification and LSC regularization; 9.6. Conjugate functionals; 9.7. Subdifferentiability; Chapter 10. Optimization
10.1. The optimization problem10.2. Basic notions; 10.2.1. Minimizing sequences; 10.2.2. Indicator function; 10.2.3. Coerciveness; 10.3. Fundamental results; 10.3.1. Approximation; Exterior penalty approximation; Interior penalty approximation; Approximation by regularization; Duality approximation; Chapter 11. Variational Problems; 11.1. Fundamental notions; 11.1.1.Proximal elements; 11.1.2. Operators and monotony; Monotony; Semi-continuous operators and hemi-continuous operators; Maximal monotone operators's fixed point theorem
Record Nr. UNINA-9910141636203321
Cursi Eduardo Souza de  
London, England ; ; Hoboken, New Jersey : , : ISTE : , : Wiley, , 2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Modeling and convexity / / Eduardo Souza de Cursi, Rubens Sampaio
Modeling and convexity / / Eduardo Souza de Cursi, Rubens Sampaio
Autore Cursi Eduardo Souza de
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, England ; ; Hoboken, New Jersey : , : ISTE : , : Wiley, , 2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (517 p.)
Disciplina 620.001/51
Collana ISTE
Soggetto topico Engineering mathematics
Machinery - Mathematical models
Convex sets
ISBN 1-118-62243-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; PART 1. MOTIVATION: EXAMPLES AND APPLICATIONS; Chapter 1. Curvilinear Continuous Media; 1.1. One-dimensional curvilinear media; 1.1.1. Ideally flexible string; The essential difficulty; Unilateral contact; 1.1.2. The ""elastica"" problem: buckling of an inextensible beam; 1.2. Supple membranes; 1.2.1. Curvilinear coordinates and charts; 1.2.2. Metric tensor; 1.2.3. Internal efforts and constitutive law; 1.2.4. Exterior efforts; 1.2.5. Infinitesimal deformations; 1.2.6. Principle of minimum energy
Chapter 2. Unilateral System Dynamics2.1. Dynamics of ideally flexible strings; 2.1.1. Propagation of discontinuities; 2.1.2. Evolution; 2.1.3. Vibrations; Harmonic response; Small oscillations; 2.2. Contact dynamics; 2.2.1. Evolution of a material point; 2.2.2. Evolution of deformable and non-deformable solids; 2.2.3. Granular modeling of the movement of a crowd; Chapter 3. A Simplified Model of Fusion/Solidification; 3.1. A simplified model of phase transition; Chapter 4. Minimization of a Non-Convex Function; 4.1. Probabilities, convexity and global optimization
Chapter 5. Simple Models of Plasticity5.1. Ideal elastoplasticity; PART 2. THEORETICAL ELEMENTS; Chapter 6. Elements of Set Theory; 6.1. Elementary notions and operations on sets; 6.2. The axiom of choice; 6.3. Zorn's lemma; Chapter 7. Real Hilbert Spaces; 7.1. Scalar product and norm; 7.2. Bases and dimensions; 7.3. Open sets and closed sets; 7.4. Sequences; 7.4.1. Dense sequences and dense sets; 7.5. Linear functionals; 7.5.1. Sequences and continuity; 7.6. Complete space; 7.6.1. The Cauchy sequence; 7.6.2. Completion of a space; 7.6.3. Baire's theorem: a property of complete spaces
7.7. Orthogonal projection onto a vector subspace7.8. Riesz's representation theory; 7.9. Weak topology; 7.10. Separable spaces: Hilbert bases and series; Chapter 8. Convex Sets; 8.1. Hyperplanes; 8.2. Convex sets; 8.3. Convex hulls; 8.4. Orthogonal projection on a convex set; 8.5. Separation theorems; 8.6. Convex cone; Chapter 9. Functionals on a Hilbert Space; 9.1. Basic notions; 9.2. Convex functionals; 9.3. Semi-continuous functionals; 9.4. Affine functionals; 9.5. Convexification and LSC regularization; 9.6. Conjugate functionals; 9.7. Subdifferentiability; Chapter 10. Optimization
10.1. The optimization problem10.2. Basic notions; 10.2.1. Minimizing sequences; 10.2.2. Indicator function; 10.2.3. Coerciveness; 10.3. Fundamental results; 10.3.1. Approximation; Exterior penalty approximation; Interior penalty approximation; Approximation by regularization; Duality approximation; Chapter 11. Variational Problems; 11.1. Fundamental notions; 11.1.1.Proximal elements; 11.1.2. Operators and monotony; Monotony; Semi-continuous operators and hemi-continuous operators; Maximal monotone operators's fixed point theorem
Record Nr. UNINA-9910829925803321
Cursi Eduardo Souza de  
London, England ; ; Hoboken, New Jersey : , : ISTE : , : Wiley, , 2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui