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Automata, Languages and Programming [[electronic resource] ] : 15th International Colloquium, Tampere, Finland, July 11-15, 1988. Proceedings / / edited by Timo Lepistö, Arto Salomaa
Automata, Languages and Programming [[electronic resource] ] : 15th International Colloquium, Tampere, Finland, July 11-15, 1988. Proceedings / / edited by Timo Lepistö, Arto Salomaa
Edizione [1st ed. 1988.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 1988
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIV, 746 p.)
Disciplina 004.0151
Collana Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Soggetto topico Computers
Software engineering
Computer programming
Programming languages (Electronic computers)
Theory of Computation
Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems
Mathematics, general
Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity
Programming Techniques
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters
ISBN 3-540-39291-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Communication complexity of PRAMs -- Average case complexity analysis of the RETE multi-pattern match algorithm -- Problems easy for tree-decomposable graphs extended abstract -- Serializability in distributed systems with handshaking -- Algorithms for planar geometric models -- Nonuniform learnability -- Zeta functions of recognizable languages -- Dynamic programming on graphs with bounded treewidth -- Efficient simulations of simple models of parallel computation by time-bounded ATM's and space-bounded TM's -- Optimal slope selection -- Approximation of a trace, asynchronous automata and the ordering of events in a distributed system -- New techniques for proving the decidability of equivalence problems -- Transitive orientations, möbius functions, and complete semi-thue systems for free partially commutative monoids -- The complexity of matrix transposition on one-tape off-line turing machines with output tape -- Geometric structures in computational geometry -- Arrangements of curves in the plane — topology, combinatorics, and algorithms -- Reset sequences for finite automata with application to design of parts orienters -- Random allocations and probabilistic languages -- Systolic architectures, systems and computations -- New developments in structural complexity theory -- Operational semantics of OBJ-3 -- Do we really need to balance patricia tries? -- Contractions in comparing concurrency semantics -- A complexity theory of efficient parallel algorithms -- On the learnability of DNF formulae -- Efficient algorithms on context-free graph languages -- Efficient analysis of graph properties on context-free graph languages -- A polynomial-time algorithm for subgraph isomorphism of two-connected series-parallel graphs -- Constructive Hopf's theorem: Or how to untangle closed planar curves -- Maximal dense intervals of grammar forms -- Computations, residuals, and the power of indeterminacy -- Nested annealing: A provable improvement to simulated annealing -- Nonlinear pattern matching in trees -- Invertibility of linear finite automata over a ring -- Moving discs between polygons -- Optimal circuits and transitive automorphism groups -- A Kleene-presburgerian approach to linear production systems -- On minimum flow and transitive reduction -- La Reconnaissance Des Facteurs D'un Langage Fini Dans Un Texte En Temps Lineaire - Resume - -- Regular languages defined with generalized quantifiers -- A dynamic data structure for planar graph embedding -- Separating polynomial-time turing and truth-table reductions by tally sets -- Assertional verification of a timer based protocol -- Type inference with partial types -- Some behavioural aspects of net theory -- The equivalence of dgsm replications on Q-rational languages is decidable -- Pfaffian orientations, 0/1 permanents, and even cycles in directed graphs -- On restricting the access to an NP-oracle -- On ? 1?tt p -sparseness and nondeterministic complexity classes -- Semantics for logic programs without occur check -- Outer narrowing for equational theories based on constructors.
Record Nr. UNISA-996465714803316
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 1988
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Developments in Language Theory [[electronic resource] ] : 5th International Conference, DLT 2001, Vienna, Austria, July 16-21, 2001. Revised Papers / / edited by Werner Kuich, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Developments in Language Theory [[electronic resource] ] : 5th International Conference, DLT 2001, Vienna, Austria, July 16-21, 2001. Revised Papers / / edited by Werner Kuich, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Edizione [1st ed. 2002.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2002
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (IX, 389 p.)
Disciplina 511.3
Collana Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Soggetto topico Programming languages (Electronic computers)
Mathematical logic
Computer logic
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters
Mathematical Logic and Foundations
Theory of Computation
Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages
Computation by Abstract Devices
Logics and Meanings of Programs
ISBN 3-540-46011-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Invited Presentations -- Automata: From Uncertainty to Quantum -- Elementary Theory of Ordinals with Addition and Left Translation by ? -- The Equational Theory of Fixed Points with Applications to Generalized Language Theory -- Second-Order Logic over Strings: Regular and Non-regular Fragments -- Decision Questions on Integer Matrices -- Some Petri Net Languages and Codes -- Words, Permutations, and Representations of Numbers -- Proof Complexity of Pigeonhole Principles -- Words and Patterns -- A Short Introduction to Infinite Automata -- Contributions -- The Power of One-Letter Rational Languages -- The Entropy of Lukasiewicz-Languages -- Collapsing Words vs. Synchronizing Words -- A Note on Synchronized Automata and Road Coloring Problem -- Shuffle Quotient and Decompositions -- The Growing Context-Sensitive Languages Are the Acyclic Context-Sensitive Languages -- Recognizable Sets of N-Free Pomsets Are Monadically Axiomatizable -- Automata on Series-Parallel Biposets -- Hierarchies of String Languages Generated by Deterministic Tree Transducers -- Partially-Ordered Two-Way Automata: A New Characterization of DA -- Level 5/2 of the Straubing-Thérien Hierarchy for Two-Letter Alphabets -- On the Power of Randomized Pushdown Automata -- The Root of a Language and Its Complexity -- Valuated and Valence Grammars: An Algebraic View -- Context-Free Valence Grammars - Revisited -- An Undecidability Result Concerning Periodic Morphisms -- A Universal Turing Machine with 3 States and 9 Symbols -- Minimal Covers of Formal Languages -- Some Regular Languages That Are Church-Rosser Congruential -- On the Relationship between the McNaughton Families of Languages and the Chomsky Hierarchy -- Forbidden Factors and Fragment Assembly -- Parallel Communicating Grammar Systems with Incomplete Information Communication -- Eliminating Communication by Parallel Rewriting -- String Rewriting Sequential P-Systems and Regulated Rewriting.
Record Nr. UNISA-996465377803316
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2002
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Developments in Language Theory : 5th International Conference, DLT 2001, Vienna, Austria, July 16-21, 2001. Revised Papers / / edited by Werner Kuich, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Developments in Language Theory : 5th International Conference, DLT 2001, Vienna, Austria, July 16-21, 2001. Revised Papers / / edited by Werner Kuich, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Edizione [1st ed. 2002.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2002
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (IX, 389 p.)
Disciplina 511.3
Collana Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Soggetto topico Programming languages (Electronic computers)
Logic, Symbolic and mathematical
Computer logic
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters
Mathematical Logic and Foundations
Theory of Computation
Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages
Computation by Abstract Devices
Logics and Meanings of Programs
ISBN 3-540-46011-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Invited Presentations -- Automata: From Uncertainty to Quantum -- Elementary Theory of Ordinals with Addition and Left Translation by ? -- The Equational Theory of Fixed Points with Applications to Generalized Language Theory -- Second-Order Logic over Strings: Regular and Non-regular Fragments -- Decision Questions on Integer Matrices -- Some Petri Net Languages and Codes -- Words, Permutations, and Representations of Numbers -- Proof Complexity of Pigeonhole Principles -- Words and Patterns -- A Short Introduction to Infinite Automata -- Contributions -- The Power of One-Letter Rational Languages -- The Entropy of Lukasiewicz-Languages -- Collapsing Words vs. Synchronizing Words -- A Note on Synchronized Automata and Road Coloring Problem -- Shuffle Quotient and Decompositions -- The Growing Context-Sensitive Languages Are the Acyclic Context-Sensitive Languages -- Recognizable Sets of N-Free Pomsets Are Monadically Axiomatizable -- Automata on Series-Parallel Biposets -- Hierarchies of String Languages Generated by Deterministic Tree Transducers -- Partially-Ordered Two-Way Automata: A New Characterization of DA -- Level 5/2 of the Straubing-Thérien Hierarchy for Two-Letter Alphabets -- On the Power of Randomized Pushdown Automata -- The Root of a Language and Its Complexity -- Valuated and Valence Grammars: An Algebraic View -- Context-Free Valence Grammars - Revisited -- An Undecidability Result Concerning Periodic Morphisms -- A Universal Turing Machine with 3 States and 9 Symbols -- Minimal Covers of Formal Languages -- Some Regular Languages That Are Church-Rosser Congruential -- On the Relationship between the McNaughton Families of Languages and the Chomsky Hierarchy -- Forbidden Factors and Fragment Assembly -- Parallel Communicating Grammar Systems with Incomplete Information Communication -- Eliminating Communication by Parallel Rewriting -- String Rewriting Sequential P-Systems and Regulated Rewriting.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910143912003321
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2002
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Enjoying Natural Computing [[electronic resource] ] : Essays Dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday / / edited by Carmen Graciani, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Enjoying Natural Computing [[electronic resource] ] : Essays Dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday / / edited by Carmen Graciani, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Edizione [1st ed. 2018.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (X, 331 p. 67 illus.)
Disciplina 004.65
Collana Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Soggetto topico Computer science
Computer engineering
Computer networks
Software engineering
Theory of Computation
Computer Engineering and Networks
Software Engineering
ISBN 3-030-00265-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chocolate P Automata -- Solving the N-Queens Puzzle by Using Few Membranes -- Model of Antibiotic Resistance Evolution Dynamics Through P Systems with Active Membranes and Communication Rules -- Small Spiking Neural P Systems with Structural Plasticity -- Approximating Polygons for Space-Filling Curves Generated with P Systems -- A Logical Representation of P Colonies: An Introduction -- The Fair Proportion is a Shapley Value on Phylogenetic Networks Too -- Deterministic Parsing with P Colony Automata -- ACORD: Ant Colony Optimization and BNF Grammar Rule Derivation -- Membrane Computing as a Modeling Tool: Looking Back and Forward from Seville -- Identifiable Kernel P Systems -- Other Buds in Membrane Computing -- The Java Environment for Nature-Inspired Approaches (JENA): A Workbench for Bio-Computing and Bio-Modeling Enthusiasts -- WEBRSIM: A Web-Based Reaction Systems Simulator -- Open Problems in Membrane Computing and How Not to Solve Them -- A Note on the Entropy of -- An Introduction to cP Systems -- A Look at the Descriptional Complexity of SNQ P Systems -- Design Patterns for Efficient Solutions to NP-Complete Problems in Membrane Computing -- Spiking Neural P Systems: Theoretical Results and Applications -- Aggregating Parallel Multi-set Rewriting Systems -- On Languages Generated by Context-Free Matrix Insertion-Deletion Systems with Exo-Operations -- A Simulation Workflow for Membrane Computing: from MeCoSim to PMCGPU Through P-Lingua -- An Implementation of Elementary Arithmetic with Virus Machine -- A Kernel-Based Membrane Clustering Algorithm. .
Record Nr. UNISA-996466284003316
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Enjoying Natural Computing : Essays Dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday / / edited by Carmen Graciani, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Enjoying Natural Computing : Essays Dedicated to Mario de Jesús Pérez-Jiménez on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday / / edited by Carmen Graciani, Agustín Riscos-Núñez, Gheorghe Păun, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Edizione [1st ed. 2018.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (X, 331 p. 67 illus.)
Disciplina 004.65
Collana Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Soggetto topico Computer science
Computer engineering
Computer networks
Software engineering
Theory of Computation
Computer Engineering and Networks
Software Engineering
ISBN 3-030-00265-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chocolate P Automata -- Solving the N-Queens Puzzle by Using Few Membranes -- Model of Antibiotic Resistance Evolution Dynamics Through P Systems with Active Membranes and Communication Rules -- Small Spiking Neural P Systems with Structural Plasticity -- Approximating Polygons for Space-Filling Curves Generated with P Systems -- A Logical Representation of P Colonies: An Introduction -- The Fair Proportion is a Shapley Value on Phylogenetic Networks Too -- Deterministic Parsing with P Colony Automata -- ACORD: Ant Colony Optimization and BNF Grammar Rule Derivation -- Membrane Computing as a Modeling Tool: Looking Back and Forward from Seville -- Identifiable Kernel P Systems -- Other Buds in Membrane Computing -- The Java Environment for Nature-Inspired Approaches (JENA): A Workbench for Bio-Computing and Bio-Modeling Enthusiasts -- WEBRSIM: A Web-Based Reaction Systems Simulator -- Open Problems in Membrane Computing and How Not to Solve Them -- A Note on the Entropy of -- An Introduction to cP Systems -- A Look at the Descriptional Complexity of SNQ P Systems -- Design Patterns for Efficient Solutions to NP-Complete Problems in Membrane Computing -- Spiking Neural P Systems: Theoretical Results and Applications -- Aggregating Parallel Multi-set Rewriting Systems -- On Languages Generated by Context-Free Matrix Insertion-Deletion Systems with Exo-Operations -- A Simulation Workflow for Membrane Computing: from MeCoSim to PMCGPU Through P-Lingua -- An Implementation of Elementary Arithmetic with Virus Machine -- A Kernel-Based Membrane Clustering Algorithm. .
Record Nr. UNINA-9910349392703321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
A half-century of automata theory [[electronic resource] ] : celebration and inspiration / / editors, A. Salomaa, D. Wood, S. Yu
A half-century of automata theory [[electronic resource] ] : celebration and inspiration / / editors, A. Salomaa, D. Wood, S. Yu
Pubbl/distr/stampa River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2001
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (164 p.)
Disciplina 511.3
Altri autori (Persone) SalomaaArto
WoodDerick <1940->
Soggetto topico Machine theory
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-95168-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto CONTENTS ; Preface ; Hazard Algebras (Extended Abstract) ; 1 Introduction ; 2 Transients ; 3 Change-Counting Algebra ; 4 Counting Changes to a Threshold ; 5 Circuit Simulations ; 6 Extensions of Boolean Functions ; 7 Complexity Issues ; 8 Conclusions ; References
Undecidability and Incompleteness Results in Automata Theory 1 Introduction ; 2 Basic Concepts and II2-Completeness; 3 Undecidability and Incompleteness Results ; 4 Representation Independent Incompleteness Results ; 5 Incomplete Languages ; 6 Minimal Automata and Incompleteness ; 7 Succinctness Results
8 Conclusion References ; Automata Theory: Its Past and Future ; 1 Introduction ; 2 Beginnings of Automata Theory ; 3 External Changes Impacting Future Directions ; 4 Conclusions ; References ; Forty Years of Formal Power Series in Automata Theory ; 1 Introduction
2 Continuous monoids and semirings 3 Automata and the Theorem of Kleene ; 4 Algebraic systems and pushdown automata ; 5 Principal cones of algebraic power series ; 6 Decidability questions ; References ; Playing Infinite Games in Finite Time ; 1 Infinite games ; 2 The score function
3 Theoretical results about scoring 4 When to end the play ; 5 Finding playable games ; 6 A specific suggestion ; References ; Gene Assembly in Ciliates: Computing by Folding and Recombination ; Introduction. ; 1 Preliminaries. ; 2 DNA molecules: structure and notation.
3 Gene assembly in ciliates.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910450501403321
River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2001
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
A half-century of automata theory [[electronic resource] ] : celebration and inspiration / / editors, A. Salomaa, D. Wood, S. Yu
A half-century of automata theory [[electronic resource] ] : celebration and inspiration / / editors, A. Salomaa, D. Wood, S. Yu
Pubbl/distr/stampa River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2001
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (164 p.)
Disciplina 511.3
Altri autori (Persone) SalomaaArto
WoodDerick <1940->
Soggetto topico Machine theory
ISBN 1-281-95168-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto CONTENTS ; Preface ; Hazard Algebras (Extended Abstract) ; 1 Introduction ; 2 Transients ; 3 Change-Counting Algebra ; 4 Counting Changes to a Threshold ; 5 Circuit Simulations ; 6 Extensions of Boolean Functions ; 7 Complexity Issues ; 8 Conclusions ; References
Undecidability and Incompleteness Results in Automata Theory 1 Introduction ; 2 Basic Concepts and II2-Completeness; 3 Undecidability and Incompleteness Results ; 4 Representation Independent Incompleteness Results ; 5 Incomplete Languages ; 6 Minimal Automata and Incompleteness ; 7 Succinctness Results
8 Conclusion References ; Automata Theory: Its Past and Future ; 1 Introduction ; 2 Beginnings of Automata Theory ; 3 External Changes Impacting Future Directions ; 4 Conclusions ; References ; Forty Years of Formal Power Series in Automata Theory ; 1 Introduction
2 Continuous monoids and semirings 3 Automata and the Theorem of Kleene ; 4 Algebraic systems and pushdown automata ; 5 Principal cones of algebraic power series ; 6 Decidability questions ; References ; Playing Infinite Games in Finite Time ; 1 Infinite games ; 2 The score function
3 Theoretical results about scoring 4 When to end the play ; 5 Finding playable games ; 6 A specific suggestion ; References ; Gene Assembly in Ciliates: Computing by Folding and Recombination ; Introduction. ; 1 Preliminaries. ; 2 DNA molecules: structure and notation.
3 Gene assembly in ciliates.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910783144503321
River Edge, N.J., : World Scientific, c2001
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of Formal Languages [[electronic resource] ] : Volume 3 Beyond Words / / edited by Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Handbook of Formal Languages [[electronic resource] ] : Volume 3 Beyond Words / / edited by Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Edizione [1st ed. 1997.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 1997
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XX, 625 p.)
Disciplina 005.131
Soggetto topico Mathematical logic
Computer graphics
Programming languages (Electronic computers)
Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages
Computer Graphics
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters
ISBN 3-642-59126-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto of Volume 3 -- 1. Tree Languages -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Trees and terms -- 3. Algebraic preliminaries -- 4. Term rewriting systems -- 5. Finite tree recognizers -- 6. Regular tree grammars -- 7. Tree language operations and closure properties of Rec -- 8. Local tree languages -- 9. A Kleene theorem for tree languages -- 10. Regular tree systems -- 11. Algebraic characterizations of recognizability -- 12. Monadic second-order logic and regular tree languages -- 13. Families of special regular tree languages -- 14. The yield-function and context-free languages -- 15. Context-free tree grammars and pushdown tree recognizers -- 16. Tree transformations and tree transducers -- 17. Composition and decomposition of tree transformations -- 18. Tree transducers with regular look-ahead -- 19. Generalized syntax directed translations -- 20. Surface tree languages -- 21. The hierarchies of surface tree languages and transformational languages -- 22. Some further topics -- References -- 2. Tree-Adjoining Grammars -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Tree-adjoining grammars -- 3. Lexicalized grammars -- 4. ‘Lexicalization’ of CFGs -- 5. Closure of TAGs under lexicalization -- 6. Summary of lexicalization -- 7. Embedded push-down automaton (EPDA) -- 8. Linguistic relevance -- 9. Some variants of TAGs -- 10. Parsing lexicalized tree-adjoining grammars (LTAG) -- 11 Summary -- References -- 3. Context-Free Graph Grammars -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Node and edge replacement -- 3. Hyperedge replacement grammars -- 4. Node replacement grammars -- 5. Monadic second order logic -- 6. Graph grammars generating strings and trees -- 7. Tree grammars generating graphs -- References -- 4. Two-Dimensional Languages -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Preliminaries -- 3. Regular expressions -- 4. Automata -- 5. Grammars -- 6. Logic formulas -- 7. Tiling systems -- 8. Equivalence theorems -- 9. Properties of recognizable languages -- 10. Recognizable functions -- 11. Beyond finite state recognizability -- References -- 5. Basics of Term Rewriting -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Terms -- 3. Church—Rosser properties -- 4. Orderings -- 5. Completion -- 6. Rewriting modulo a relation -- 7. Sundries -- References and further reading -- 6. ?-Languages -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Topology for languages and ?-languages -- 3. The Chomsky hierarchy of ?-languages -- 4. Languages and ?-languages -- 5. Wagner’s hierarchy -- References -- 7. Languages, Automata, and Logic -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Models and formulas -- 3. Automata and MSO-logic on finite words and trees -- 4. First-order definability -- 5. Automata and MSO-logic on infinite words -- 6. Automata and MSO-logic on infinite trees -- References -- 8. Partial Commutation and Traces -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Free partially commutative monoids -- 3. Combinatorial properties -- 4. Recognizable trace languages -- 5. Rational trace languages -- 6. Dependence graphs and logic -- 7. Asynchronous automata -- 8. Infinite traces -- References -- 9. Visual Models of Plant Development -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Developmental models of plant architecture -- 3. Formal description of branching structures -- 4. Fundamentals of modeling using L-systems -- 5. Random factors in development -- 6. Life, death, and reproduction -- 7. Development controlled by endogenous mechanisms -- 8. Development controlled by exogenous mechanisms -- 9. Conclusions -- 10. Acknowledgements -- References -- 10. Digital Images and Formal Languages -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Black and white images and finite automata -- 3. Grayscale images and WFA -- 4. Weighted finite transducers -- 5. Examples of WFT -- References.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910480822803321
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 1997
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Handbook of Formal Languages [[electronic resource] ] : Volume 3 Beyond Words / / edited by Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Handbook of Formal Languages [[electronic resource] ] : Volume 3 Beyond Words / / edited by Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa
Edizione [1st ed. 1997.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 1997
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XX, 625 p.)
Disciplina 005.131
Soggetto topico Mathematical logic
Computer graphics
Programming languages (Electronic computers)
Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages
Computer Graphics
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters
ISBN 3-642-59126-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto of Volume 3 -- 1. Tree Languages -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Trees and terms -- 3. Algebraic preliminaries -- 4. Term rewriting systems -- 5. Finite tree recognizers -- 6. Regular tree grammars -- 7. Tree language operations and closure properties of Rec -- 8. Local tree languages -- 9. A Kleene theorem for tree languages -- 10. Regular tree systems -- 11. Algebraic characterizations of recognizability -- 12. Monadic second-order logic and regular tree languages -- 13. Families of special regular tree languages -- 14. The yield-function and context-free languages -- 15. Context-free tree grammars and pushdown tree recognizers -- 16. Tree transformations and tree transducers -- 17. Composition and decomposition of tree transformations -- 18. Tree transducers with regular look-ahead -- 19. Generalized syntax directed translations -- 20. Surface tree languages -- 21. The hierarchies of surface tree languages and transformational languages -- 22. Some further topics -- References -- 2. Tree-Adjoining Grammars -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Tree-adjoining grammars -- 3. Lexicalized grammars -- 4. ‘Lexicalization’ of CFGs -- 5. Closure of TAGs under lexicalization -- 6. Summary of lexicalization -- 7. Embedded push-down automaton (EPDA) -- 8. Linguistic relevance -- 9. Some variants of TAGs -- 10. Parsing lexicalized tree-adjoining grammars (LTAG) -- 11 Summary -- References -- 3. Context-Free Graph Grammars -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Node and edge replacement -- 3. Hyperedge replacement grammars -- 4. Node replacement grammars -- 5. Monadic second order logic -- 6. Graph grammars generating strings and trees -- 7. Tree grammars generating graphs -- References -- 4. Two-Dimensional Languages -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Preliminaries -- 3. Regular expressions -- 4. Automata -- 5. Grammars -- 6. Logic formulas -- 7. Tiling systems -- 8. Equivalence theorems -- 9. Properties of recognizable languages -- 10. Recognizable functions -- 11. Beyond finite state recognizability -- References -- 5. Basics of Term Rewriting -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Terms -- 3. Church—Rosser properties -- 4. Orderings -- 5. Completion -- 6. Rewriting modulo a relation -- 7. Sundries -- References and further reading -- 6. ?-Languages -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Topology for languages and ?-languages -- 3. The Chomsky hierarchy of ?-languages -- 4. Languages and ?-languages -- 5. Wagner’s hierarchy -- References -- 7. Languages, Automata, and Logic -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Models and formulas -- 3. Automata and MSO-logic on finite words and trees -- 4. First-order definability -- 5. Automata and MSO-logic on infinite words -- 6. Automata and MSO-logic on infinite trees -- References -- 8. Partial Commutation and Traces -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Free partially commutative monoids -- 3. Combinatorial properties -- 4. Recognizable trace languages -- 5. Rational trace languages -- 6. Dependence graphs and logic -- 7. Asynchronous automata -- 8. Infinite traces -- References -- 9. Visual Models of Plant Development -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Developmental models of plant architecture -- 3. Formal description of branching structures -- 4. Fundamentals of modeling using L-systems -- 5. Random factors in development -- 6. Life, death, and reproduction -- 7. Development controlled by endogenous mechanisms -- 8. Development controlled by exogenous mechanisms -- 9. Conclusions -- 10. Acknowledgements -- References -- 10. Digital Images and Formal Languages -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Black and white images and finite automata -- 3. Grayscale images and WFA -- 4. Weighted finite transducers -- 5. Examples of WFT -- References.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910789212003321
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 1997
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Membrane Computing [[electronic resource] ] : 19th International Conference, CMC 2018, Dresden, Germany, September 4–7, 2018, Revised Selected Papers / / edited by Thomas Hinze, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, Claudio Zandron
Membrane Computing [[electronic resource] ] : 19th International Conference, CMC 2018, Dresden, Germany, September 4–7, 2018, Revised Selected Papers / / edited by Thomas Hinze, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salomaa, Claudio Zandron
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XVI, 275 p. 167 illus., 21 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 511.3
Collana Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues
Soggetto topico Computer science
Software engineering
Computer engineering
Computer networks
Artificial intelligence
Electronic data processing—Management
Theory of Computation
Software Engineering
Computer Engineering and Networks
Artificial Intelligence
IT Operations
ISBN 3-030-12797-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Invited Papers -- Impacts of Membrane Computing on Theoretical Computer Science -- Time and Space Complexity of P Systems - And Why They Matter -- A Brute-Force Solution to the 27-Queens Puzzle Using a Distributed Computation -- Regular Papers. -Tissue P Systems with Point Mutation Rules -- Adaptive P Systems -- Chain Code P System Generating a Variant of the Peano Space-filling Curve -- APCol Systems with Agent Creation -- APCol Systems with Verifier Agents -- A Semantic Investigation of Spiking Neural P Systems -- Towards Automated Analysis of Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reactions in a Petri Dish by Membrane Computing using Optic Flow -- Testing Identifiable Kernel P Systems using an X-machine Approach -- Actor-like cP Systems -- Solving QSAT in Sublinear Depth -- Design of specific P systems simulators on GPUs -- Construction of Stable and Lightweight Technical Structures Inspired by Ossification of Bones using Osteogenetic P Systems -- On Small Universality of Spiking Neural P Systems with Multiple Channels -- Modeling Plant Development with M Systems -- An Improved Quicksort Algorithm Based on Tissue-Like P Systems with Promoters.
Record Nr. UNISA-996466346103316
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
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