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Class theory and history : capitalism and communism in the USSR / / Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff
Class theory and history : capitalism and communism in the USSR / / Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff
Autore Resnick Stephen A.
Pubbl/distr/stampa London : , : Routledge, , 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (766 p.)
Disciplina 305.5/0947
Altri autori (Persone) WolffRichard D
Soggetto topico Social classes - Soviet Union
Communism - Soviet Union
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 0-415-93318-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; Part 1: Communism; Chapter 1: A General Class Theory; The Classical Tradition; Our Basic Terms; Utopia and Communism: A Brief Digression; A Concrete Communism; Communist Class Structures: Centralization versus Decentralization; Culture, Politics, and Economics of Communism; Appendix: How Societies Differ-A Methodological Problem; Notes; Chapter 2: The Many Forms of Communism; Class and Property; Class and Markets; Class and Power; Classless Communism and Proletarian Dictatorship; Socialism and Communism; Notes
Part 2: State CapitalismChapter 3: A Class Theory of State Capitalism; Capitalisms and Exploitation; Justifying the Label "Capitalist"; Value Analysis for State Capitalism: A Technical Digression; Capitalisms, Communisms, and Socialisms; Notes; Chapter 4: Debates over State Capitalism; Conflicting Concepts; Power as the Theoretical Key; Weaknesses of Power Theories; Notes; Part 3: The Rise and Fall of the USSR; Chapter 5: Class Structures and Tensions before 1917; The Fundamentals: Feudal, Ancient, Capitalist, and Communist; The Complexities; The Contradictions and the Revolution; Notes
Chapter 6: Revolution, War Communism, and the AftermathChanging the State and Class Structures; Organizing the New Class Structures; A Class and Value Analysis of War Communism; Class Contradictions after War Communism; Notes; Chapter 7: Revolution, Class, and the Soviet Household; Bolshevik Class Blindness; New Economic Policy/Old Household Policy; Notes; Chapter 8: The New Economic Policies of the 1920s; Relations between Agriculture and Industry: An Overview; The NEP in Class and Value Terms; A History of NEP Contradictions; Adjusting State Industrial Capitalism
Revolution and NEP as a Transition to State CapitalismNotes; Chapter 9: The Transformations of the 1930s; New Complexities and Contradictions; Communism in Agriculture; State Capitalism and Industry; The Industrial Workers; Stalinism and Class; Appendix A: The Value Equation for Collective Farms; Appendix B: The Value Crisis of Collective Farms; Notes; Chapter 10: Class Contradictions and the Collapse; Class Structures after World War Two; Postwar Culture; Postwar Politics; Postwar Economy; State, Enterprise, and Household Transitions; The Collapse
Appendix A: The Value Equation for Military ExpendituresAppendix B: The Value Equation for International Terms of Trade; Notes; References; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910453435503321
Resnick Stephen A.  
London : , : Routledge, , 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Class theory and history : capitalism and communism in the USSR / / Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff
Class theory and history : capitalism and communism in the USSR / / Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff
Autore Resnick Stephen A.
Pubbl/distr/stampa London : , : Routledge, , 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (766 p.)
Disciplina 305.5/0947
Altri autori (Persone) WolffRichard D
Soggetto topico Social classes - Soviet Union
Communism - Soviet Union
ISBN 1-136-70440-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; Part 1: Communism; Chapter 1: A General Class Theory; The Classical Tradition; Our Basic Terms; Utopia and Communism: A Brief Digression; A Concrete Communism; Communist Class Structures: Centralization versus Decentralization; Culture, Politics, and Economics of Communism; Appendix: How Societies Differ-A Methodological Problem; Notes; Chapter 2: The Many Forms of Communism; Class and Property; Class and Markets; Class and Power; Classless Communism and Proletarian Dictatorship; Socialism and Communism; Notes
Part 2: State CapitalismChapter 3: A Class Theory of State Capitalism; Capitalisms and Exploitation; Justifying the Label "Capitalist"; Value Analysis for State Capitalism: A Technical Digression; Capitalisms, Communisms, and Socialisms; Notes; Chapter 4: Debates over State Capitalism; Conflicting Concepts; Power as the Theoretical Key; Weaknesses of Power Theories; Notes; Part 3: The Rise and Fall of the USSR; Chapter 5: Class Structures and Tensions before 1917; The Fundamentals: Feudal, Ancient, Capitalist, and Communist; The Complexities; The Contradictions and the Revolution; Notes
Chapter 6: Revolution, War Communism, and the AftermathChanging the State and Class Structures; Organizing the New Class Structures; A Class and Value Analysis of War Communism; Class Contradictions after War Communism; Notes; Chapter 7: Revolution, Class, and the Soviet Household; Bolshevik Class Blindness; New Economic Policy/Old Household Policy; Notes; Chapter 8: The New Economic Policies of the 1920s; Relations between Agriculture and Industry: An Overview; The NEP in Class and Value Terms; A History of NEP Contradictions; Adjusting State Industrial Capitalism
Revolution and NEP as a Transition to State CapitalismNotes; Chapter 9: The Transformations of the 1930s; New Complexities and Contradictions; Communism in Agriculture; State Capitalism and Industry; The Industrial Workers; Stalinism and Class; Appendix A: The Value Equation for Collective Farms; Appendix B: The Value Crisis of Collective Farms; Notes; Chapter 10: Class Contradictions and the Collapse; Class Structures after World War Two; Postwar Culture; Postwar Politics; Postwar Economy; State, Enterprise, and Household Transitions; The Collapse
Appendix A: The Value Equation for Military ExpendituresAppendix B: The Value Equation for International Terms of Trade; Notes; References; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910790990403321
Resnick Stephen A.  
London : , : Routledge, , 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui