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Atlas of hematopathology [[electronic resource] ] : morphology, immunophenotype, cytogenetics, and molecular approaches / / Faramarz Naeim ... [et al.]
Atlas of hematopathology [[electronic resource] ] : morphology, immunophenotype, cytogenetics, and molecular approaches / / Faramarz Naeim ... [et al.]
Autore Naeim Faramarz
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Academic Press, 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (756 p.)
Disciplina 616.1507
Collana Elsevier science & technology books
Soggetto topico Blood - Pathophysiology
Blood - Diseases - Diagnosis
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-283-92391-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; Atlas of Hematopathology; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1 Structure and Function of Hematopoietic Tissues; Bone Marrow Examination; Morphologic Characteristics of Bone Marrow Cells; Granulocytic Series; Erythroid Precursors; Platelet Precursors; Lymphoid Lineage; Other Bone Marrow Cells; Blood Smear Examination; Red Blood Cell Morphology; Leukocyte Morphology; Platelet Morphology; Structure and Function of the Spleen; The White Pulp; The Marginal Zone; The Red Pulp; Structure and Function of the Lymph Nodes; Follicular Structures; The Paracortex; The Medulla
Vascular and Lymphatic StructuresExtramedullary Hematopoiesis; Additional Resources; 2 Principles of Immunophenotyping; Human Cell Differentiation Molecules; B-Cell-Associated CD Molecules; CD10; CD19; CD20; CD21; CD22; CD23; CD24; CD35; CD77; CD79; CD138; CD5; CD103; Other B-Cell-Associated Markers; T-Cell-Associated CD Molecules; CD1; CD2; CD3; CD4; CD5; CD7; CD8; CD45RA and CD45RO; T-Cell Receptor Molecules; Other T Cell-Associated Markers; CD MOLECULES Associated with Large Granular Lymphocytes; CD16; CD56; CD57; Other NK-Associated Markers; Granulocytic/Monocytic-Associated CD Molecules
CD13CD14; CD15; CD33; CD64; CD68; Other Myeloid-Associated CD Molecules; Dendritic Cell-Associated CD Molecules; CD21; CD35; CD123; CD207; Other Dendritic Cell-Associated Markers; Erythroid-Associated CD Molecules; CD71; CD235; CD238; CD240; CD242; Other Erythroid-Associated Markers; Megakaryocyte/Platelet-Associated CD Molecules; CD36; CD42; CD41 and CD61; CD110; Other Megakaryocyte/Platelet-Associated Markers; Precursor-Associated CD Molecules; CD34; CD38; CD90; CD99; CD117; CD123; Other Precursor-Associated Markers; Other Markers Routinely Used in Hematopathology; CD11; CD30; CD43; CD55
CD59Ki-67; Immunoglobin Transcription Factors; Principles of Flow Cytometry; Gating; Compensation; Data Analysis; Quality Control and Quality Assurance; Principles of Immunohistochemistry; Additional Resources; 3 Principles of Cytogenetics; Introduction; Cell Preparation; Banding Techniques; Analysis; Balanced Rearrangements; Chromosomal Aneuploidy; Loss of Heterozygosity; Conclusions; Additional Resources; 4 Principles of Molecular Techniques; Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization; Polymerase Chain Reaction and Related Techniques; Basic Technique; Primer Design; Quality Control
Product AnalysisReverse Transcriptase PCR; Real-Time PCR; Related Amplification Techniques; Blotting Techniques; Southern Blot; Northern Blot; Dot Blot; Microarray Techniques; DNA Sequencing; Chemical Methods; Sequence Detection and Analysis; Limitations of Sequencing; Next-Generation Sequencing; Additional Resources; 5 Morphology of Abnormal Bone Marrow; Gelatinous Transformation; Bone Marrow Necrosis; Amyloidosis; Granulomas; Bone Marrow Metastasis; Bone and Stromal Changes; Bone Changes; Conditions Associated with Osteopenia; Conditions Associated with Osteosclerosis
Previous Biopsy Site (Repair)
Record Nr. UNINA-9910463081303321
Naeim Faramarz  
London, : Academic Press, 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Atlas of hematopathology [[electronic resource] ] : morphology, immunophenotype, cytogenetics, and molecular approaches / / Faramarz Naeim ... [et al.]
Atlas of hematopathology [[electronic resource] ] : morphology, immunophenotype, cytogenetics, and molecular approaches / / Faramarz Naeim ... [et al.]
Autore Naeim Faramarz
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Academic Press, 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (756 p.)
Disciplina 616.1507
Altri autori (Persone) NaeimFaramarz
Collana Elsevier science & technology books
Soggetto topico Blood - Pathophysiology
Blood - Diseases - Diagnosis
ISBN 1-283-92391-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front Cover; Atlas of Hematopathology; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1 Structure and Function of Hematopoietic Tissues; Bone Marrow Examination; Morphologic Characteristics of Bone Marrow Cells; Granulocytic Series; Erythroid Precursors; Platelet Precursors; Lymphoid Lineage; Other Bone Marrow Cells; Blood Smear Examination; Red Blood Cell Morphology; Leukocyte Morphology; Platelet Morphology; Structure and Function of the Spleen; The White Pulp; The Marginal Zone; The Red Pulp; Structure and Function of the Lymph Nodes; Follicular Structures; The Paracortex; The Medulla
Vascular and Lymphatic StructuresExtramedullary Hematopoiesis; Additional Resources; 2 Principles of Immunophenotyping; Human Cell Differentiation Molecules; B-Cell-Associated CD Molecules; CD10; CD19; CD20; CD21; CD22; CD23; CD24; CD35; CD77; CD79; CD138; CD5; CD103; Other B-Cell-Associated Markers; T-Cell-Associated CD Molecules; CD1; CD2; CD3; CD4; CD5; CD7; CD8; CD45RA and CD45RO; T-Cell Receptor Molecules; Other T Cell-Associated Markers; CD MOLECULES Associated with Large Granular Lymphocytes; CD16; CD56; CD57; Other NK-Associated Markers; Granulocytic/Monocytic-Associated CD Molecules
CD13CD14; CD15; CD33; CD64; CD68; Other Myeloid-Associated CD Molecules; Dendritic Cell-Associated CD Molecules; CD21; CD35; CD123; CD207; Other Dendritic Cell-Associated Markers; Erythroid-Associated CD Molecules; CD71; CD235; CD238; CD240; CD242; Other Erythroid-Associated Markers; Megakaryocyte/Platelet-Associated CD Molecules; CD36; CD42; CD41 and CD61; CD110; Other Megakaryocyte/Platelet-Associated Markers; Precursor-Associated CD Molecules; CD34; CD38; CD90; CD99; CD117; CD123; Other Precursor-Associated Markers; Other Markers Routinely Used in Hematopathology; CD11; CD30; CD43; CD55
CD59Ki-67; Immunoglobin Transcription Factors; Principles of Flow Cytometry; Gating; Compensation; Data Analysis; Quality Control and Quality Assurance; Principles of Immunohistochemistry; Additional Resources; 3 Principles of Cytogenetics; Introduction; Cell Preparation; Banding Techniques; Analysis; Balanced Rearrangements; Chromosomal Aneuploidy; Loss of Heterozygosity; Conclusions; Additional Resources; 4 Principles of Molecular Techniques; Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization; Polymerase Chain Reaction and Related Techniques; Basic Technique; Primer Design; Quality Control
Product AnalysisReverse Transcriptase PCR; Real-Time PCR; Related Amplification Techniques; Blotting Techniques; Southern Blot; Northern Blot; Dot Blot; Microarray Techniques; DNA Sequencing; Chemical Methods; Sequence Detection and Analysis; Limitations of Sequencing; Next-Generation Sequencing; Additional Resources; 5 Morphology of Abnormal Bone Marrow; Gelatinous Transformation; Bone Marrow Necrosis; Amyloidosis; Granulomas; Bone Marrow Metastasis; Bone and Stromal Changes; Bone Changes; Conditions Associated with Osteopenia; Conditions Associated with Osteosclerosis
Previous Biopsy Site (Repair)
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786465503321
Naeim Faramarz  
London, : Academic Press, 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui