Nota di contenuto |
Frontmatter -- Table of Contents -- I Introduction: Entangled Literary Theory -- Introduction -- The Migration of Concepts -- Translation of Theories – Theories of Translation -- Migrants of Theory -- Spaces of Theory -- A Case Study of a Migrating Term: Intertextuality -- II Formations of Literary Theory: Schools and Institutions, Concepts and Methods -- II.1 Institutions of Interdisciplinary Research from the 1910s until the 1930s -- Journal and Society of Aesthetics and the General Science of Art -- Institute of the History of the Arts -- The Institute for the Comparative History of the Literatures and Languages of the West and East (ILIaZV) -- The State Academy of Art Studies in Moscow (RAKhN/GAKhN) -- II.2 Formalism in Russia, Poland, Bohemia, and Germany -- Formalism in Germany -- Herbartian Aesthetics in Bohemia -- The Four Faces of Russian Formalism -- Formalism in Poland -- Jurij Striedter’s Reading of Russian Formalism -- The North American Reception of Russian Formalism -- II.3 Phenomenology in German-speaking Areas, Russia, Czechoslovakia, and Poland -- Phenomenology in German-Speaking Areas and in Russia -- Phenomenology in Czechoslovakia (Jan Patočka, Přemysl Blažíček) -- Phenomenology in Poland -- II.4 Hermeneutics -- Hermeneutics in Russia -- Hermeneutics in the Czech Context (F. X. Šalda, Václav Černý, and Dimitrij Tschižewskij [Dmytro Chyzhevsky]) -- Poetics and Hermeneutics -- II.5 Psychoanalysis and Literature and the Psychology of Art -- The Psychologisation of the Central and Eastern European Humanities: Mechanisms and Consequences of the Psychological Turn -- Psychoanalysis and Literature and the Psychology of Art (C. G. Jung’s Archaic Images and the Russian Jungians) -- Psychoanalysis and Literature in Poland -- ‘Aesthetic Reaction’ and ‘Verbal Reaction’: Reader-response Criticism from Vygotskii to Voloshinov -- II.6 Sociological and Marxist Theory -- Realism and Modernism, Aesthetics and Politics: Lukács, Brecht, Adorno -- Sociological and Marxist Literary Theory in Colonial Context -- Marxism in Poland -- II.7 Walter Benjamin and the Frankfurt School -- Siegfried Kracauer and Walter Benjamin. Precursors of the Frankfurt School in Transference with the Slavic Body of Thought -- Tragic Realism: On Karel Kosík’s Insights into Kafka -- II.8 Bakhtin, Bakhtin Circles and the (Re)Discovery of Bakhtin in the West -- Bakhtin Circles -- Bakhtin’s Philosophy of Literature and its Relation to Literary Theory, Literature and Culture -- The (Re)discovery of Bakhtin in Anglophone Criticism -- II.9 Structuralism and Semiotics -- Transfer as the Key: Understanding the Intellectual History of the Relationship between Formalism and Structuralism from the Perspective of the Prague Linguistic Circle -- Approaches to an Anthropologically- Oriented Theory of Literature and Culture in the Czech Avant-Garde and the Aesthetics of Prague Structuralism -- Semiotics of Drama and Theatre: The Prague School Model -- Structuralism and Semiotics in Poland -- Russian Structuralism and Semiotics in Literary Criticism and its Reception -- III Beyond Literary Theory -- Semantic Paleontology and Its Impact -- Postcolonial Studies: Processes of Appropriation and Axiological Controversies -- From Literary Theory to Cultural Studies -- Russian Theory in Africa: From Marxism to the Bakhtinian Postcolony -- Translation Studies (From Theories of Literary Translation to a Paradigm of Modernity) -- The Eastern European Origins of the Contemporary Activist Humanities: The Tragic Template of Socialist Kantianism at the Turn of the Twentieth Century -- IV Some Key Terms -- Alienation/Defamiliarisation/Estrangement (ostranenie) -- Carnival, Carnivalism and Bakhtin’s Culture of Laughter -- Function -- Hybridity -- Indeterminacy and Concretization -- Literary Evolution -- Montage -- Novoe zrenie / Neues Sehen / New Vision -- Theatricality -- Contributors -- Index of Names