Human Dignity of the Vulnerable in the Age of Rights : Interdisciplinary Perspectives / / edited by Aniceto Masferrer, Emilio García-Sánchez |
Edizione | [1st ed. 2016.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2016 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (346 p.) |
Disciplina | 340 |
Collana | Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice |
Soggetto topico |
Law Ethics Anthropology Private international law Conflict of laws Aesthetics Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law |
ISBN | 3-319-32693-7 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Preface and Acknowledgements -- 1. Vulnerability and Human Dignity in the Age of Rights; Aniceto Masferrer and Emilio García-Sánchez -- PART I: Human Dignity of the Vulnerable: Ethical and Anthropological Perspectives -- 2. Vulnerability as a Part of Human Nature; Alfredo Marcos -- 3. Ethics of Vulnerability; Adela Cortina and Jesús Conill -- 4. Vulnerable: To be between life and death; Aquilino Cayuela -- 5. The Vulnerability of Life in the Philosophy of Hans Jonas; Paolo Becchi and oberto Franzini Tibaldeo -- PART II: Human Dignity of the Vulnerable: Biomedical and Sociological Perspectives -- 6. Biotechnologies inside the self: new challenges in clinical ontology; Luis Echarte -- 7. Paradoxes of authenticity: a neuroscientific approach to personal identity; Luis Echarte -- 8. Vulnerability at the end of life: A medical perspective; Joaquim Bosch and oan Vidal -- 9. Cosmetic Vulnerability. The new face of human fragility; Emilio García-Sánchez -- PART III: Human Dignity of the Vulnerable in the Age of Rights: Historical, Legal Philosophical and Political Perspectives -- 10. Taking Human Dignity more Humanely A Historical Contribution to the Ethical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy; Aniceto Masferrer -- 11. Is vulnerability the foundation of human rights?; Roberto Andorno -- 12. The final fragility of the human being and the ‘right’ to die: biojuridical considerations; Claudio Sartea -- 13. Taking Vulnerability Seriously: What Does It Change for Bioethics and Politics?; Corine Pelluchon -- 14. The principle of respect for human vulnerability and assisted reproductive technologies; Vicente Bellver. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910255194403321 |
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2016 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
La Universidad [[electronic resource] ] : Lo que ha sido, lo que es y lo que debiera ser |
Autore | Alfredo Obarrio Moreno Juan |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Primento Digital Publishing, 2015 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (155 p.) |
Altri autori (Persone) | MasferrerAniceto |
ISBN | 84-942651-6-4 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | spa |
Nota di contenuto |
Advertencia; Breve Curriculum de los autores; 1. Introducción; 2. El saber en la Edad Media; 2.1 El saber en la universidad medieval; 2.2 El estudio del Derecho; 2.3 Hugo de San Víctor (1096-1141): Didascalicon de studio legandi; 2.4 Santo Tomás de Aquino: De magistro; 3. Los studia humanitatis: el saber en el humanismo renacentista; 3.1 El humanismo y los studia humanitatis; 3.2 Humanismo pedagógico de Juan Luis Vives; 3.2.1 Juan Luis Vives: humanista; 3.2.2 El sentido de la educación en Juan Luis Vives; 3.2.3 El saber en su obra «De disciplinis»; Finalidad de la obra La corrupción de las Artes3.2.3.3 La metodología docente; Cualidades que debe atesorar un docente; 4. Los caminos del saber en el ámbito universitario: siglos XVIII-XIX; 4.1 El espíritu de la Ilustración y su influencia en la Universidad; 4.2 Kant: su idea de la Ilustración y el conflicto de la Universidades; 4.2.1 Respuesta a la pregunta: Qué es la Ilustración?; 4.2.2 El conflicto de las Facultades; 4.3 Wilhelm von Humboldt: visión y reforma de la Universidad alemana; 4.3.1 Ciencia y formación de la personalidad; 4.3.2 Principios rectores; 4.3.3 Estado y Universidad 5. Visión y misión de la universidad en el siglo XX5.1 La razón de ser de la Universidad en el siglo XX; 5.2 Pensar la Universidad; 5.2.1 El saber como vocación; 5.2.2 La visión de la Universidad en Unamuno: De la enseñanza superior en España; 5.2.3 Misión de la Universidad en José Ortega y Gasset; 5.2.4 Karl Jaspers: La idea de la Universidad (1945); Introducción; La Ciencia como medio para alcanzar la verdad; Tareas de la Universidad; Comunicación; La Universidad como institución; El cosmos de las ciencias 5.2.5 Los supuestos de la existencia de la Universidad5.2.5.1 Las personas; El Estado; 5.2.6 Allan Bloom: El cierre de la mente moderna; La crítica al relativismo cultural de Occidente; Los estudiantes; La Universidad; 6. El saber en la universidad del siglo XXI: el Plan Bolonia; 6.1 Introducción: la Universidad en busca de su ethos; 6.2 El Plan Bolonia o el viaje al centro de la nada; 6.3 Añoranza por las viejas titulaciones de la universidad tradicional; 6.4 El porqué de la lección magistral en la Universidad del siglo XXI. 6.5 La Universidad del conocimiento7. Referencias |
Altri titoli varianti | La Universidad |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910157724503321 |
Alfredo Obarrio Moreno Juan
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Primento Digital Publishing, 2015 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||
The Western Codification of Criminal Law : A Revision of the Myth of its Predominant French Influence / / edited by Aniceto Masferrer |
Edizione | [1st ed. 2018.] |
Pubbl/distr/stampa | Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018 |
Descrizione fisica | 1 online resource (427 pages) |
Disciplina | 345.0072 |
Collana | Studies in the History of Law and Justice |
Soggetto topico |
Criminal law
Criminology Law - History Private international law Conflict of laws International law Comparative law Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law Legal History Private International Law, International and Foreign Law, Comparative Law |
ISBN | 3-319-71912-2 |
Formato | Materiale a stampa ![]() |
Livello bibliografico | Monografia |
Lingua di pubblicazione | eng |
Nota di contenuto | Part I -- Tradition and Foreign Influences in the 19th century Codification of Criminal Law by Aniceto Masferrer -- Part II -- The Influence of the Napoleonic Penal Code on the Development of Criminal Law in Germany by Karl Härter -- Ignoring France? Possible French Influences on the Development of Austrian Penal Law in the 19th century by Martin Paul Schennach -- The influence of the French Penal Code of 1810 on the Belgian Penal Code of 1867 by Yves Cartuyvels -- The Influence of the French Penal Code of 1810 over the ‘General Part’ of the Portuguese Penal Code of 1852 by Frederico de Lacerda da Costa Pinto -- An Autonomous Path for the Italian Penal Code of 1889 by Stefano Vinci -- The Roots of Italian Penal Codification by Michele Pifferi -- The Myth of French Influence over Spanish Codification by Aniceto Masferrer -- The Influence exerted by the 1819 Criminal Code of the Two Sicilies upon nineteenth-century Spanish Criminal Law Codification and its Projection in Latin America by Emilia Iñesta-Pastor -- Part III -- The ‘Code Pénal’ in the Itinerary of the Criminal Codification in America and Europe by Diego Nunes -- Codifying the Criminal Law in Argentina by Alejandro Agüero -- From Free Will to Social Defense (or from Cesare Beccaria to Cesare Lombroso) by Jorge Núñez -- The 1830 Criminal Code of the Brazilian Empire and its Originality by Ignacio María Poveda Velasco -- The Mexican Codification of Criminal Law by Oscar Cruz Barney -- Part IV -- European and US Influences on the 19th century Prison Reform by Isabel Ramos Vázquez. |
Record Nr. | UNINA-9910300050203321 |
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018 | ||
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Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II | ||