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Preliminary Material / Stephen Loftus , Tania Gerzina , Joy Higgs , Megan Smith and Elaine Duffy -- Being a health professional educator / Stephen Loftus PhD and Tania Gerzina PhD -- Health professionals becoming university teachers / Megan Smith PhD and Joy Higgs PhD -- Being a university teacher / Tania Gerzina PhD and Kirsty Foster PhD -- The context of health professional education today / Gary D. Rogers MBBS, MGPPsych, PhD and Dawn Forman PhD MBA PG Dip Research PG Dip Executive Coaching MDCR TDCR -- Health Professional education programs / Olanrewaju Sorinola PhD Candidate , Tania Gerzina PhD and Jill Thistlethwaite PhD -- Looking after yourself / Edwina Adams BAppSc, MAppSc, PhD , Patricia Logan PhD , Doreen Rorrison PhD and Graham Munro MHSM, BHSc, CCP -- Community and workplace expectations of graduates in the health professions / David Prideaux T (Prim), BA (Hons), MEd, PhD , Iris Lindemann BSc, BNutDiet, MEd, APD and Anaise Cottrell LLB(Hons), GDLP -- Professional socialisation / Joy Higgs AM PhD -- Education in the Emerging Professions / Peter O’Meara BHA, MPP, PhD and Susan Furness Dip Hlth Sc Nursing, Dip Amb Para, Grad Dip Emerg Health, MHSc -- Providing clinical education / Megan Smith PhD and Tracy Levett-Jones RN PhD -- Thinking about curriculum / Stephen Loftus PhD and Anthony McKenzie BA, DipEd, MSc(Hons) -- Standards in health professional education / Joy Higgs AM PhD and Edwina Adams BAppSc, MAppSc, PhD -- The student experience / Marcia Devlin BA, DipEd, Grad Dip Appld. Psych, MEd, PhD and Helen Larkin BApp Sc (OT), MAppSc, Grad Dip Health Admin, Grad Cert Higher Ed -- The development of healthcare researchers / Chris Roberts MBChB MRCGP MMedSci PhD and Stephen Loftus PhD -- Indigenous issues in health professional education / Elaine Duffy RN, RM, DipAppSc(CHN),BAppSc(AdvNsg),MN, PhD, FRCNA and Wayne (Colin) Rigby Rigby RN, BSW, MHSc(PHC) -- Introducing interprofessional education / Hugh Barr MPhil., PhD and Julia Coyle MManipPhys., PhD -- Making the most of workplace learning / Maree Donna Simpson BPharm BSc (Hons) PhD and Narelle Patton BAppSc(Phty), MHSc, PhD Candidate -- Workplace learning in rural and remote areas / Maree Donna Simpson BPharm. BSc (Hons) PhD , Teresa Swirski PhD , Narelle Patton BAppSc(Phty), MHSc, PhD Candidate and Joy Higgs AM PhD -- Internationalisation and health professional education / Nigel Gribble MBA, B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) (Hons) and Alma Dender PhD Candidate, DipEd, B.Sc. (Occupational Therapy) -- Assessment in health professional education / Michelle Lincoln PhD and Sue McAllister PhD -- Blended learning in health professional education / Sandra West RN BSc (Macq) PhD (Macq) , Melinda J. Lewis BAppSc (MRA) MHlthScEd (Syd) and Mary-Helen Ward BA, MA(Hons), MPhil (Massey) -- Learning practical skills / Peter H. T. Cosman BA, MBBS, PhD, FRACS -- Teaching clinical reasoning / Megan Smith PhD , Stephen Loftus PhD and Tracy Levett-Jones PhD -- Understanding the place of assessment standards / Andrew Kilgour PhD candidate , Tania Gerzina PhD , Mike Keppell PhD and Janet Gerzina RT -- Indigenous issues – a practical example / Patricia McCabe McCabe BAppSc(SpPath), PhD and Belinda Kenny BAppSc(SpPath), PhD -- Professional development for medical educators / Claire Macrae BMSc (Hons), PGCE , Susie Schofield BSc (Hons), PGCE, MSc, PhD and Rola Ajjawi BAppSc (Physiotherapy) Hons, PhD -- Major Current themes in health professional education / Elaine Duffy RN, RM, DipAppSc(CHN),BAppSc(AdvNsg),MN, PhD, FRCNA and Megan Smith PhD -- Health Professional Education in the Future / Stephen Loftus PhD and Joy Higgs AM PhD -- Contributors / Stephen Loftus , Tania Gerzina , Joy Higgs , Megan Smith and Elaine Duffy.