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Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of Their Ice Cover / / by Matti Leppäranta
Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of Their Ice Cover / / by Matti Leppäranta
Autore Leppäranta Matti
Edizione [2nd ed. 2023.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2023
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (365 pages)
Disciplina 551.482
Collana Springer Praxis Books
Soggetto topico Physical geography
Environmental monitoring
Biotic communities
Freshwater ecology
Marine ecology
Earth System Sciences
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Sciences
Freshwater and Marine Ecology
ISBN 3-031-25605-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Introduction -- Freezing of lakes -- Structure and properties of lake ice -- Thermodynamics of Seasonal lake ice -- Mechanics of lake ice -- Proglacial lakes -- Lake Water Body in the Ice Season -- Ice-Covered Lakes Environment -- Lake ice Climatology -- Future of frozen lakes -- Annex: Ice Properties and Useful Formulae -- References -- Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910734898403321
Leppäranta Matti  
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2023
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of their Ice Cover / / by Matti Leppäranta
Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of their Ice Cover / / by Matti Leppäranta
Autore Leppäranta Matti
Edizione [1st ed. 2015.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (309 p.)
Disciplina 551.5/248
Collana Springer Earth System Sciences
Soggetto topico Physical geography
Environmental monitoring
Biotic communities
Environmental geology
Aquatic ecology
Earth System Sciences
Monitoring/Environmental Analysis
Geoecology/Natural Processes
Freshwater & Marine Ecology
ISBN 3-642-29081-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction; 2 Freezing of Lakes; 2.1 Lake Types and Characteristics; 2.1.1 Classification and Geometry of Lakes; 2.1.2 Physical Properties of Lake Waters; 2.2 Weather and Climate; 2.2.1 General Regional Climate; 2.2.2 Air Pressure; 2.2.3 Precipitation; 2.2.4 Air Temperature, Humidity and Wind; 2.2.5 Radiation Balance; 2.3 Water Budget of Lakes; 2.3.1 General Form; 2.3.2 Inflow and Outflow; 2.3.3 Lake--Atmosphere Water Fluxes; 2.3.4 Budgets of Impurities; 2.4 Ice-Covered Lakes; 2.4.1 Zonation of Freezing Lakes; 2.4.2 Seasonal Lake Ice Zone; 2.4.3 Lakes with Perennial Ice
2.5 Lake Ice Climatology3 Structure and Properties of Lake Ice; 3.1 Ice Ih: The Solid Phase of Water on Earth; 3.1.1 Ice Crystal Structure; 3.1.2 Ice Nucleation; 3.1.3 Ice Formation in Lakes; 3.1.4 Physical Properties of Lake Ice; 3.2 Lake Ice Types and Stratigraphy; 3.2.1 Ice Structure Analysis; 3.2.2 Lake Ice Stratigraphy; 3.2.3 Snow Cover; 3.2.4 Case Study; 3.3 Impurities in Lake Ice Cover; 3.4 Light Transfer Through Ice Cover; 3.4.1 Solar Radiation; 3.4.2 Radiance and Irradiance; 3.4.3 Light Transfer in Ice-Covered Lakes; 3.5 Ice Mass Balance; 4 Thermodynamics of Seasonal Lake Ice
4.1 Heat Budget of Lakes4.1.1 Total Heat Budget; 4.1.2 Solar Radiation; 4.1.3 Terrestrial Radiation; 4.1.4 Turbulent Heat Exchange with the Atmosphere; 4.1.5 Linearized Heat Flux; 4.2 Ice Growth and Melting; 4.2.1 Thermodynamic Principles; 4.2.2 Congelation Ice Growth; 4.2.3 Superimposed Ice Growth; 4.2.4 Frazil Ice Growth; 4.2.5 Ice Melting; 4.3 Analytic Models; 4.3.1 Basic Principles; 4.3.2 Congelation Ice; Atmospheric Surface Layer as a Buffer; Influence of Snow Cover on Congelation Ice Growth; Heat Flux from the Lake Body; 4.3.3 Snow-Ice; 4.3.4 Frazil Ice
4.3.5 Melting4.3.6 Multi-year Ice; 4.4 Numerical Models; 4.4.1 Structure of Models; 4.4.2 Quasi-steady Models; 4.4.3 Time-Dependent Models; 5 Mechanics of Lake Ice; 5.1 Rheology; 5.1.1 Stress; 5.1.2 Strain and Rotation; 5.1.3 Rheological Models; 5.2 Ice Cover as a Plate on Water Foundation; 5.2.1 Elastic Lake Ice Cover; 5.2.2 Viscous Behaviour of Lake Ice; 5.2.3 Thermal Cracking and Expansion; 5.2.4 Displacements in the Ice Cover; 5.3 Bearing Capacity of Ice; 5.4 Ice Forces; 5.4.1 Ice Load Problems; 5.4.2 Estimation of Ice Loads; 5.5 Drift Ice in Large Lakes; 5.5.1 Drift Ice Material
5.5.2 Equations of Drift Ice Mechanics5.5.3 Static Ice Cover; 5.5.4 Models of Drift Ice Dynamics; 5.5.5 Ice Thickness and Compactness Profiles; 5.5.6 Numerical Modelling; 6 Proglacial Lakes; 6.1 Ice Sheets and Glaciers; 6.2 Epiglacial Lakes; 6.2.1 Occurrence of Epiglacial Lakes; 6.2.2 Physics of Epiglacial Lakes; 6.3 Supraglacial Lakes; 6.3.1 Occurrence of Supraglacial Lakes; 6.3.2 Structure of Supraglacial Lakes; 6.3.3 Thermodynamics of Supraglacial Lakes; 6.3.4 Case Study; 6.4 Subglacial Lakes; 6.4.1 Formation and Diversity; 6.4.2 Lake Vostok; 7 Lake Water Body in the Ice Season
7.1 Ice Formation
Record Nr. UNINA-9910299431603321
Leppäranta Matti  
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui