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Building blocks for effective macroprudential policies in Latin America [[electronic resource] ] : institutional considerations / / Luis I. Jácome, Erlend W. Nier, and Patrick Imam
Building blocks for effective macroprudential policies in Latin America [[electronic resource] ] : institutional considerations / / Luis I. Jácome, Erlend W. Nier, and Patrick Imam
Autore Jácome Luis Ignacio
Pubbl/distr/stampa Washington, D.C., : International Monetary Fund, c2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (43 p.)
Altri autori (Persone) NierErlend
Collana IMF working paper
Soggetto topico Financial crises - Latin America
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4755-1955-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Contents; I. Introduction; II. The Case for Macroprudential Policy in Latin America; Figures; 1. Systemic Banking Crises Worldwide; A. Latin America has Made Significant Strides to Preserve Financial Stability; Tables; 1. Bank Legislation and Financial Safety Nets; 2. Key Financial Soundness Indicators; B. Important Vulnerabilities Remain; 3. Capital Inflows; 4. Volatility of Commodity Prices; 5. Real Credit Growth and Banking Crises; C. Mapping Macro-financial Vulnerabilities and Macroprudential Policies; 2. Relative Importance of Top Banks in Eight Countries in Latin America
3. Macroprudential Policy Tools in Selected Latin American Countries III. The Existing Institutional Arrangements for Financial Stability; A. The Current State of Play; 4. Authority for Supervision of Banks, Insurances, and Securities; B. Characterizing Financial Stability Arrangements in Latin America; Boxes; 1. The New Financial Stability Committees in Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay; 5. Institutional Models for Financial Stability in Latin America; 2. Institutional Arrangement for Financial Stability in Brazil; IV. The Way Forward; A. The Pacific Model; B. The Atlantic Model
C. Articulating the Macroprudential Mandate D. Strengthening the Macroprudential Policy Process; Appendices; I. Central Bank and Banking Regulation Institution Mandates; II. Institution Responsible for Establishing Some Key Macroprudential Measures; 6. Banking Assets by Region, 2009; 7. Banking and Nonbanking System in Latin America, 2008; III. Characterizing the Latin American Banking System; 8. Share of Banking Assets Held in Subsidiaries or Branches of Global Foreign Banks; 9. Foreign Banks' Lending, 2008; 10. Deposits and Credits; 11. Deposit-to-Loan Ratios in Foreign-Owned Local Affiliate
12. Basel Core Principle Compliance 13. List of Compliance of Basel Core Principles for Western Hemisphere Countries; References
Record Nr. UNINA-9910461978403321
Jácome Luis Ignacio  
Washington, D.C., : International Monetary Fund, c2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Central bank involvement in banking crises in Latin America / / Luis Ignacio Jácome ; authorized for distribution by Peter Stella
Central bank involvement in banking crises in Latin America / / Luis Ignacio Jácome ; authorized for distribution by Peter Stella
Autore Jácome Luis Ignacio
Pubbl/distr/stampa [Washington, District of Columbia] : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2008
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (51 p.)
Disciplina 330.9800411
Altri autori (Persone) StellaPeter
Collana IMF Working Papers
IMF working paper
Soggetto topico Financial crises - Latin America
Monetary policy - Latin America
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-4623-6589-2
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; I. Introduction; II. Taking Stock of Banking Crises in Latin America; A. Defining Banking Crises; B. The Roots of the Crises; Figures; 1. Capital Flows and Banking Crises in Latin America; 2. Financial Reform and Banking Crises in Latin America; 3. Real Effective Exchange Rate and Banking Crises in Latin America; 4. Banking Crises and Real Credit Growth; C. Some Stylized Macroeconomic Facts Accompanying Banking Crises; Tables; 1. Banking Crises in Latin America and Relevant Macro-Financial Features; III. The Role of Central Banks in Banking Crises in Latin America
A. Intensive Use of Central Bank Money 2. Modalities of Monetization of Banking Crises; 5. Large Banking Crises in Latin America-Selected Episodes; B. The Role of the Institutional Framework; 6. Minor and Moderate Banking Crises in Latin America-Selected Episodes; 3. Institutional Framework behind Banking Crises in Latin America; Boxes; 1. Large ""Monetization"" of Banking Crises in Selected Countries; 2. Effective Episodes of Bank Restructuring and Resolution in Selected Countries; IV. Macroeconomic Repercussions; A. On Monetary Policy; 3. Banking Crises and Monetary Policy
7. Performance of the Money Multiplier in the Midst of Banking Crises in Latin America B. On Macroeconomic Stability; 4. Pair-Wise Correlations Between Selected Variables; 8. Banking Crises and Central Bank Money; 9. Central Bank Money in Banking Crises and Currency Depreciation; 10. Central Bank Money in Banking Crises and Fall in International Reserves; 5. Monetization of Banking Crises, Inflation, and Economic Growth; V. Lessons and Concluding Remarks; Appendix; I. Sample of Episodes of Banking Crises in Latin America from 1990 to 2006-Stylized Facts and Policy Response; References
Record Nr. UNINA-9910464000803321
Jácome Luis Ignacio  
[Washington, District of Columbia] : , : International Monetary Fund, , 2008
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui