Nota di contenuto |
Intro -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- 1 National Security: Theories, Actors, Issues -- Part I Theories -- 2 Understanding National Security: The Promises and Pitfalls of International Relations Theory -- The National Security Landscape: Changing Definitions, Themes and Processes -- Statehood, Securitisation and National Security -- National Interests -- Sovereignty and International Law -- Power, Influence and International Order -- Making National Security Policy in an Age of Globalisation and Shifting Power: Balancing Risk and Resilience -- Theories of International Relations and National Security Choices -- Realist Approaches -- Liberal Approaches -- Constructivist Approaches -- From Theory to Practice: Case Studies on Major National Security Issues -- The Global War on Terror -- Climate Change -- Shifts in Global Order: The Rise of China and the Relative Decline of the United States -- Conclusions -- 3 National Security and Public Policy: Exceptionalism Versus Accountability -- What Is Public Policy? -- A Brief History of Public Policy -- Public Policy in Liberal Democracies -- National Security and Public Policy in Liberal Democracy -- Methodological Challenges of National Security Evaluation -- Exceptionalized Policy-Making in Liberal Democracies -- Scrutiny, Accountability and Exceptionalism -- Exempting National Security from Public Policy Imperatives -- The Expanding Remit of National Security Policy -- National Security and the Shadow of Illiberalism -- Conclusions -- 4 Ethics and National Security: A Case for Reasons in Decision-Making -- Introduction -- The Problem: Ethics and National Security -- On Ethics, National Security and Liberal Democracies -- Ethics -- Nations and States16 -- Security -- An Open Question: Pluralism Versus Anything Goes33 -- A Dynamic Space.
Where To? A Guide for Ethical Decision Making in National Security -- Part II Actors -- 5 Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself: The National Security Policy of the United States -- Free Security -- What Are We Afraid Of? Issues and Debates in Twenty-First-Century U.S. National Security -- Traditional Threats: Peer Competitors -- Nontraditional Threats: Terrorism, Rogue, and Failed States -- Technological Threats: Nuclear, Cyber!, Killer Robots -- Nuclear Weapons States, 1988 and 2018 -- Imagined Threats: Unknown Unknowns -- Structure and Insecurity -- Conclusions -- 6 Chinese National Security: New Agendas and Emerging Challenges -- The End of the Cold War and Emerging Security Challenges -- National Security: Emerging Challenges -- Reconceptualizing Security: New Structures -- Conclusion -- 7 Russia's National Security Posture -- The Roots of Russian Conduct -- Understanding Russian National Security Policy -- Constructivist Approaches -- Neoliberal Approaches -- Realist Approaches -- Power and Weakness: Enablers and Constraints -- Military Power -- Information Operations and Hybrid Warfare Capabilities -- Energy: Encouraging Vulnerable Over-Dependencies -- Institutional Underdevelopment, Sub-regional Weakness, and Political Vulnerability -- Conclusions -- 8 Between Aspiration and Reality: Evolution of Japanese National Security Policy -- Background: Basic Elements of Japan's National Security Policy -- A Framework Challenged: Japan's Security Policy in Post-Cold War and Post-9/11 Years -- Japan Transformed? Changes Made Under the Second Abe Cabinet (December 2012-Present) -- Conclusion: A Glass Ceiling for Japan's National Security Policy -- 9 India's National Security Challenges and the State Response -- A Gradual Evolution in Indian National Security Policy -- India's Relationship with Pakistan -- Sino-Indian Tensions -- Left Wing Extremism.
State Responses to LWE -- Insurgency in the Northeast -- Indian Responses to Insurgencies in the Northeast -- Terrorism in Punjab -- Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir -- Conclusion -- 10 Turkey: The Security Policy of a 'Lonely' State -- Introduction: With a Neighbourhood like Turkey's, Who Needs Enemies? -- Turkey, Existentially: Who Are Turks and What Is Turkey?1 -- The Inter-War Years: Security Policy Foundations16 -- The Security Policy of the Pre-AKP Republic: The Cold War Years -- Turkish Security Policy, the End of the Cold War and the Rise of the AKP -- The Kurdish Issue, Again -- The KRG -- Conclusion: Turkey's Loneliness -- 11 Securing Iran in the Internet age -- Security in the Founding Moments of the Islamic Republic -- Key Events and Issues -- Iranian Regime Security and the Internet: A Double-Edged Sword -- Conclusions -- 12 Brazil: In Search of a Security Space -- Introduction -- From Independence to Globalization: The Pathway Toward Autonomy -- Re-democratization: From Great Power to Middle Power -- An Exhausted Democracy: Back to Pre-autonomy Days? -- Conclusion -- Part III Issues -- 13 Nuclear Weapons and National Security: From the Cold War to the "Second Nuclear Age" and Beyond -- The Evolution of Nuclear Politics: Between MAD and "Nuclear Abstinence" -- Nuclear Weapons and the Cold War: Toward MAD -- Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: An Imperfect Nuclear Abstinence? -- The Post-Cold War Nuclear Interregnum and the "Second Nuclear Age" -- Nuclear Postures of Major Powers -- United States -- Russia -- China -- Nuclear Flashpoints -- Nuclear Instability on the Korean Peninsula -- The South Asian Nuclear Triangle -- Testing Transatlantic Cohesion: Russian Adventurism in Ukraine and the Baltics -- Conclusions -- 14 Maritime Security: Problems and Prospects for National Security Policymakers -- Introduction.
Situating 'Maritime Security' -- Protecting National (Maritime) Security-The Navies -- Contemporary National Security Threats: The Maritime Sphere -- National Security and Non-Traditional Maritime Security Threats -- Safeguarding National Security: Addressing Non-Traditional Maritime Security Threats -- Defending National Security? the Rise of Non-State Actors -- Conclusion -- 15 Intelligence and National Security: The National Security Problematique -- Approaches to the Intelligence Cycle -- Direction -- Planning -- Collection and Collation -- Analysis and Processing -- Evaluation -- Dissemination -- Intelligence Gaps and Failures -- Politicisation of Intelligence -- Conclusion -- 16 Machine Learning, Mass Surveillance, and National Security: Data, Efficacy, and Meaningful Human Control -- Introduction -- Machine Learning for Mass Surveillance -- Facial Recognition / Smart Surveillance Cameras -- Voice Recognition -- Attack Prediction -- Financial Fraud -- Propaganda on Social Media -- Societal Implications of the Training Data -- The Source -- Dual Use -- Legitimacy -- Security -- Labeling -- Biases of the Past -- Disparate Impact -- The Effectiveness of ML for Mass Surveillance -- Not Enough Data -- Precision vs Recall -- Past vs. Future -- Meaningful Human Control over ML for Mass Surveillance -- Veto Power -- Explainability -- Moral Machines -- Conclusion -- 17 Information as an Evolving National Security Concern -- Introduction -- Terrorist Exploitation of Social Media -- Foreign Influence Operations -- Oligopologisation of Epistemic Power -- National Security and State Responsibility: What is at Stake? -- Index.