Nota di contenuto |
Contents; Acknowledgment; Introduction; 1. Who Were the Populists?; 2. Race or Reason?; 3. Neither Revolution Nor Reform; 4. The Populist Mentality; 5. Fusion and Confusion; 6. What Happened to the Populists?; 7. The Progressive Alternative; 8. The Movement for Disfranchisement; 9. The Negro and Disfranchisement; 10. Politics in the Convention; 11. Progressivism Finds a Formula; 12. The Election of 1906; 13. The Comer Administration; 14. The Crocheted Design; Appendices; I. Negro Percent of Total Male Voting Age Population, Alabama, 1900
II. Pearson Product Moment Coefficients of Correlation Among Political and Social Indicators, All 66 Alabama CountiesII. Pearson Product Moment Coefficients of Correlation Among Political and Social Indicators, 30 Alabama Counties Outside the Black Belt with No Significant Urban Population; II. Some Political and Ecological Correlations; III. The Pattern of Populism: The Alabama House of Representatives, 1894; IV. The Results of Elections of April 23, 1901 Calling the Constitutional Convention, and of November 11, 1901 Ratifying the New Constitution
V. Home Counties of Convention Delegates of 1901 Indicating Membership in Political PatternVI. Method; VII. The Percent of Agreement of Each Delegate with the Majority of Each Group and with the Majority of the Convention on 133 Roll Calls; VIII. The Proportion of Voting Delegates of Each Group Who Voted Yes on Each of the 133 Roll Calls; Notes on Sources; Index