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Beyond Narrative : Exploring Narrative Liminality and Its Cultural Work / / ed. by Sebastian M. Herrmann, Katja Kanzler, Stefan Schubert
Beyond Narrative : Exploring Narrative Liminality and Its Cultural Work / / ed. by Sebastian M. Herrmann, Katja Kanzler, Stefan Schubert
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (270 p.)
Disciplina 801.95
Collana Edition Kulturwissenschaft
Soggetto topico LITERARY CRITICISM / American / General
Soggetto non controllato American Studies
Computer Games
Literary Studies
Popular Culture
ISBN 3-8394-6130-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Borderlands of Narrativity -- Numbers, Literature, Aesthetics -- The Data of Life and the Life of Data -- The Potentialities of Data -- Unnecessary Complications? -- Narrative Liminality, Ambient Operations, and the Database Western in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption Videogames -- Detecting Liminality -- "To Live Your Life Again, Turn to Page 1" -- Multimodality as a Limit of Narrative in Mark Z. Danielewski's The Familiar -- The Poetics and Politics of Staring -- "No Show Dissed Quite Like This One" -- Repetition, Rhythm, and Recital -- Home Front Autobiographies of the 'War on Terror' -- Form and/in Modernity -- Embodying Narrative, Staging Icons -- Narrating Authorship -- Endings and Sustainability -- Contributors
Record Nr. UNISA-996472044303316
Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Beyond Narrative : Exploring Narrative Liminality and Its Cultural Work / / ed. by Sebastian M. Herrmann, Katja Kanzler, Stefan Schubert
Beyond Narrative : Exploring Narrative Liminality and Its Cultural Work / / ed. by Sebastian M. Herrmann, Katja Kanzler, Stefan Schubert
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (270 p.)
Disciplina 801.95
Collana Edition Kulturwissenschaft
Soggetto topico LITERARY CRITICISM / American / General
Soggetto non controllato American Studies
Computer Games
Literary Studies
Popular Culture
ISBN 9783839461303
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Borderlands of Narrativity -- Numbers, Literature, Aesthetics -- The Data of Life and the Life of Data -- The Potentialities of Data -- Unnecessary Complications? -- Narrative Liminality, Ambient Operations, and the Database Western in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption Videogames -- Detecting Liminality -- "To Live Your Life Again, Turn to Page 1" -- Multimodality as a Limit of Narrative in Mark Z. Danielewski's The Familiar -- The Poetics and Politics of Staring -- "No Show Dissed Quite Like This One" -- Repetition, Rhythm, and Recital -- Home Front Autobiographies of the 'War on Terror' -- Form and/in Modernity -- Embodying Narrative, Staging Icons -- Narrating Authorship -- Endings and Sustainability -- Contributors
Record Nr. UNINA-9910831816203321
Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Ladies in Arms : Women, Guns, and Feminisms in Contemporary Popular Culture / / ed. by Teresa Hiergeist, Stefanie Schäfer
Ladies in Arms : Women, Guns, and Feminisms in Contemporary Popular Culture / / ed. by Teresa Hiergeist, Stefanie Schäfer
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2024]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (322 p.)
Collana Gender Studies
Soggetto topico SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gender Studies
Soggetto non controllato American Studies
Gender Studies
Gun Culture
Literary Studies
Popular Culture
Visual Art
ISBN 3-8394-6955-4
Formato Multimedia
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Ladies in Arms. An Introduction -- Section I: History Reloaded? Reinventing Military and Paramilitary Shooters -- The Difference between a Shooting and an Armed Woman -- Re-Arming an American Heroine -- Armed Resistance and Femininity -- The Limits of Empowerment -- Section II: Violent Societies: Civic Gun Cultures, Gender, and Politics -- ›Don't Retreat, Reload‹ -- Revenge is »Beautiful« -- »My Palm and My Trigger Finger Itch, Bitch« -- Section III: Firearm Fictions: Media, Genre, and the Making of the Armed Heroine -- »On Thursdays We Shoot« -- Cowgirling in Thuringia -- Violence and the Good Women of Bollywood -- Ladies and Arms -- Not Citizen-Soldiers but Vigilantes -- Section IV: Shooting to Kill (Patriarchy): Feminist Gunwomen -- What is a Painter without a Gun? -- Unpopular Feminism -- Armed Women as Fascinosum Tremendum -- Warrior of the Light -- Authors
Record Nr. UNISA-996588060203316
Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2024]
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Ladies in Arms : Women, Guns, and Feminisms in Contemporary Popular Culture / / ed. by Teresa Hiergeist, Stefanie Schäfer
Ladies in Arms : Women, Guns, and Feminisms in Contemporary Popular Culture / / ed. by Teresa Hiergeist, Stefanie Schäfer
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2024]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (322 p.)
Collana Gender Studies
Soggetto topico SOCIAL SCIENCE / Gender Studies
Soggetto non controllato American Studies
Gender Studies
Gun Culture
Literary Studies
Popular Culture
Visual Art
ISBN 3-8394-6955-4
Formato Multimedia
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Contents -- Ladies in Arms. An Introduction -- Section I: History Reloaded? Reinventing Military and Paramilitary Shooters -- The Difference between a Shooting and an Armed Woman -- Re-Arming an American Heroine -- Armed Resistance and Femininity -- The Limits of Empowerment -- Section II: Violent Societies: Civic Gun Cultures, Gender, and Politics -- ›Don't Retreat, Reload‹ -- Revenge is »Beautiful« -- »My Palm and My Trigger Finger Itch, Bitch« -- Section III: Firearm Fictions: Media, Genre, and the Making of the Armed Heroine -- »On Thursdays We Shoot« -- Cowgirling in Thuringia -- Violence and the Good Women of Bollywood -- Ladies and Arms -- Not Citizen-Soldiers but Vigilantes -- Section IV: Shooting to Kill (Patriarchy): Feminist Gunwomen -- What is a Painter without a Gun? -- Unpopular Feminism -- Armed Women as Fascinosum Tremendum -- Warrior of the Light -- Authors
Record Nr. UNINA-9910846985503321
Bielefeld : , : transcript Verlag, , [2024]
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Paragesellschaften : Imaginationen - Inszenierungen - Interaktionen in den Gegenwartskulturen / / hrsg. von Teresa Hiergeist, Agnes Bidmon, Simone Broders, Katharina Gerund
Paragesellschaften : Imaginationen - Inszenierungen - Interaktionen in den Gegenwartskulturen / / hrsg. von Teresa Hiergeist, Agnes Bidmon, Simone Broders, Katharina Gerund
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (VI, 281 p.)
Soggetto topico LITERARY CRITICISM / Modern / 20th Century
Soggetto non controllato Parasocietes
collective imaginary
contemporary culture
ISBN 3-11-070748-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione ger
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- ,Paragesellschaften'. Diskursive Verhandlungen sozialer Kohäsion -- Verdrängt, vernachlässigt und vergessen? Die classes populaires als neue/alte ,Paragesellschaft'? -- Gesprengte Ordnungen. Verhandlungen anarchistischer Gewalt in der französischen und spanischen Gegenwartsliteratur -- Fusion und Differenz. Zur Archäologie des Sozialen in Virginie Despentes' Vernon Subutex -- Militärische ,Para(llel)gesellschaft(en)'? Die Soldatenfrau als Vermittlerin und Grenzgängerin in der amerikanischen Populärkultur des 21. Jahrhunderts -- Zwischen peace line und green line: Belfast und Beirut im zeitgenössischen Film -- (An)Ästhetiken des Konsums. Inszenierungen von Warenwelt und (Super-)Marktgesellschaft bei Diamela Eltit und Annie Ernaux -- Roberto Savianos La paranza dei bambini. Die ,Paragesellschaft' der Kinder zwischen Pinocchio und Principe -- Von Außenseitern zu Helden: Die Darstellung phantastischer ,Paragesellschaften' am Beispiel von Marion Zimmer Bradleys Priesterinnen in Avalon und J.K. Rowlings Zauberern in England -- "Utopia Gone Mad": Feministische ,Paragesellschaften' in Naomi Aldermans The Power (2016) -- Parallel, divers, nachhaltig, anders: Wie Tales from the Town of Widows (2007) dazu beiträgt, Gesellschaft neu zu denken -- Neben, entlang, ent-gegen: Fluchtbewegungen, Stillsetzungen und Fortgänge pandemischer Versammlungsdynamiken von Theater und Protest -- Was kennzeichnet Aussteiger*innen? Ein (erneuter) Definitionsversuch -- Plädoyer für den Utopismus in dystopischen Zeiten
Record Nr. UNISA-996445848903316
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
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Revealing Tacit Knowledge : Embodiment and Explication / Frank Adloff, Katharina Gerund, David Kaldewey
Revealing Tacit Knowledge : Embodiment and Explication / Frank Adloff, Katharina Gerund, David Kaldewey
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Bielefeld, : transcript Verlag, 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (309 p.)
Disciplina 306.42
Collana Präsenz und implizites Wissen
Soggetto topico Social and Cultural Theory; Tacit Knowledge and Epistemology; Discourse; Metaphors and Embodiment; Culture; Body; Cultural Theory; Sociology of Culture; Cultural Studies
ISBN 3-8394-2516-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto 1 Content 5 Locations, Translations, and Presentifications of Tacit Knowledge 7 Tacit Knowledge: Shared and Embodied 21 Embodiment of Tacit Knowledge 41 The Background of Moods and Atmospheres 61 Tacit Knowledge in a Differentiated Society 87 Questions to Theodore R. Schatzki 113 First- and Second-Order Tacit Knowledge 121 Tacit Knowledge and Analytic Autoethnography 139 Racial Formation, Implicit Understanding, and Problems with Implicit Association Tests 169 For a Sociology of Flesh and Blood 185 Tacit Knowledge, Public Feeling, and the Pursuits of (Un-)Happiness 197 The End of Life and the Limits of Explication 223 Moving Images of Thought 245 Questions to Mark Johnson 299 List of Contributors 307
Record Nr. UNISA-996234842303316
Bielefeld, : transcript Verlag, 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui