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The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes / / edited by Andrés Folguera, Eduardo Contreras-Reyes, Nemesio Heredia, Alfonso Encinas, Sofía B. Iannelli, Verónica Oliveros, Federico M. Dávila, Gilda Collo, Laura Giambiagi, Andrei Maksymowicz, María Paula Iglesia Llanos, Martín Turienzo, Maximiliano Naipauer, Darío Orts, Vanesa D. Litvak, Orlando Alvarez, César Arriagada
The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes / / edited by Andrés Folguera, Eduardo Contreras-Reyes, Nemesio Heredia, Alfonso Encinas, Sofía B. Iannelli, Verónica Oliveros, Federico M. Dávila, Gilda Collo, Laura Giambiagi, Andrei Maksymowicz, María Paula Iglesia Llanos, Martín Turienzo, Maximiliano Naipauer, Darío Orts, Vanesa D. Litvak, Orlando Alvarez, César Arriagada
Edizione [1st ed. 2018.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (569 pages)
Disciplina 550
Collana Springer Earth System Sciences
Soggetto topico Geology
Physical geography
Earth System Sciences
ISBN 3-319-67774-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface.- 1.Crustal structure and tectonics of the Chilean continental margin from wide-angle seismic studies: a review -- 2. Crustal and thermal structure along the Chilean subduction margin from gravity data and their relation to short and long term segmentation: a review -- 3. The Peru-Chile margin revisited with global gravity field derivatives -- 4.The Pre-Andean phases of construction of the Southern Andes basement -- 5. The geometry of the subduction margin from paleomagnetic data: a review -- 6. The early stages of the volcanic arc in the Southern Andes -- 7. The early orogeny stages in the Southern Central and Patagonian Andes -- 8.The Mesozoic to Cenozoic structure and tectonic evolution of the Southern Patagonian Andes.-9. Andean and foreland Cenozoic sources during mountain growth evolution -- 10. The Cenozoic structure and tectonic evolution of the Southern Central Andes -- 11. The Cenozoic structure and tectonic evolution of the Northern Patagonian Andes -- 12. The origin of the Neogene transgressions during the Andean development -- 13. Landscape and tectonics of the Central Chilean Andes -- 14. Landscape and tectonics of the Northern Chilean Andes -- 15. The Neogene volcanic arc from the southern Altiplano to the Southern Central Andes.-16. Dynamic subsidence and uplift associated with the Pampean flat subduction zone -- 17.Thermal structure associated with the Pampean flat subduction zone -- 18. Architecture and evolution of the volcanic arc in the last 5 Ma along the Southern Central and Patagonian Andes -- 19.The late segmentation of the Southern Andes as a function of ocean bathymetry.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910299372303321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Growth of the Southern Andes / / edited by Andrés Folguera, Maximiliano Naipauer, Lucía Sagripanti, Matías C. Ghiglione, Darío L. Orts, Laura Giambiagi
Growth of the Southern Andes / / edited by Andrés Folguera, Maximiliano Naipauer, Lucía Sagripanti, Matías C. Ghiglione, Darío L. Orts, Laura Giambiagi
Edizione [1st ed. 2016.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2016
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (281 p.)
Disciplina 558
Collana Springer Earth System Sciences
Soggetto topico Geomorphology
ISBN 3-319-23060-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface An introduction to the Southern Andes (33-50ºS): Book structure -- Chapter 1 Density and thermal structure of the Southern Andes and adjacent foreland from 32 to 55ºS using earth gravity field models -- Chapter 2 Changes in source areas at Neuquén Basin: Mesozoic evolution and tectonic setting based on U-Pb ages on zircons -- Chapter 3 Cenozoic orogenic evolution of the Southern Central Andes (32-36°S) -- Chapter 4 The transitional zone between the Southern Central and Northern Patagonian Andes (36-39ºS) -- Chapter 5 Progression of the deformation in the Southern Central Andes -- Chapter 6 Tectonic evolution of the Northern Patagonian Andes (40ºS) -- Chapter 7 Cenozoic deformational processes in the North Patagonian Andes between 40º and 43ºS -- Chapter 8 The North Patagonian orogen: Meso-Cenozoic evolution from the Andes to the foreland area -- Chapter 9 Growth of the Southern Patagonian Andes (46 -53°S) and their relation to subduction processes -- Chapter 10 Orogenic growth of the Fueguian Andes (52-56°) and their relation to tectonics of the Scotia Arc.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910254106703321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2016
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Opening and Closure of the Neuquén Basin in the Southern Andes / / edited by Diego Kietzmann, Andrés Folguera
Opening and Closure of the Neuquén Basin in the Southern Andes / / edited by Diego Kietzmann, Andrés Folguera
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XX, 513 p. 177 illus., 165 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 551.44
Collana Springer Earth System Sciences
Soggetto topico Physical geography
Physical Geography
Hydrology/Water Resources
ISBN 3-030-29680-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The Neuquén Basin: Stratigraphy, subsidence controls and basin closure -- Heterogeneities and syn-rift evolution of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Precuyano Cycle -- Structure of the Precuyo synrift in the Valenciana depocenter -- Structure of the Precuyo synrift in the Cara Cura-Sierra de Reyes depocenter -- Early Jurassic magmatism -- High-resolution sequence stratigraphy and main controls of the Middle Jurassic Cuyo Group -- Depositional environments and hyperpycnal shelfal sedimentation in the Late Jurassic Lotena Formation -- Environmental controls and facies architecture of a Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) carbonate episode (La Manga Formation) -- The Cuyo and lower Mendoza cycles in the Aconcagua fold and thrust belt -- The extensional control of the Late Jurassic units -- Morphostructural configuration and sedimentary evolution of the Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous Vaca Muerta –Quintuco system -- Magnetostratigraphy of the Early Jurassic – Early Cretaceous in the Neuquén Basin -- Orbital controls and high-resolution cyclostratigraphy of Late Jurassic – Early Cretaceous in the Neuquén Basin (Lower Callovian – Early Barremian) -- Sedimentary evolution of the continental Late Cretaceous Neuquén Group -- The Cretaceous contractional stage and the first synorogenic basin in the Neuquén Basin -- The origin of the Malargüe Basin -- The Late Cretaceous-Paleocene extension -- The Paleocene to early Oligocene lull -- Causes and extent of the Oligocene extension -- The Late Cretaceous to Oligocene magmatism -- The Miocene orogenesis related to the subduction of the Payenia hot spot -- The Miocene magmatism in the Malargüe fold and thrust belt -- The structure of the Malargüe fold and thrust belt -- Thermochronological constraints on the exhumation of the Malargüe fold and thrust belt -- Structure and thermochronological constraints on the exhumation of the Chos Malal fold and thrust belt -- The structure and exhumation of the Agrio fold and thrust belt -- The Quaternary deformation in the Neuquén Basin and the impact of the Payenia hot spot.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910373887103321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui