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Proceedings of the International Meeting New Trends in Mathematical Physics [[electronic resource] ] : in honor of the Salvatore Rionero 70th birthday : Naples, Italy, 24-25 January 2003 / / editors, Paolo Fergola ... [et al.]
Proceedings of the International Meeting New Trends in Mathematical Physics [[electronic resource] ] : in honor of the Salvatore Rionero 70th birthday : Naples, Italy, 24-25 January 2003 / / editors, Paolo Fergola ... [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hackensack, N.J., : World Scientific, c2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (274 p.)
Disciplina 530.15
Altri autori (Persone) FergolaPaolo, Prof
Soggetto topico Mathematical physics
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-89837-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface; Conference Committee; CONTENTS; A Time Dependent Inverse Problem in Photon Transport A. Belleni-Morante; Torsionless Conformal Killing Tensors and Cofactor Pair Systems S. Benenti; Sulle Distorsioni del Tipo Volterra Applicate a un Cilindro Iperelastico Cavo Omogeneo Trasversalmente Isotropo G. Caricato; Heat and Mass Transport in Non-Isothermal Partially Saturated Oil-Wax Solutions A . Fasano and M. Primicerio; New Applications of a Versatile Liapunov Functional J. N. Flavin; Remarks on the Propagation of Light in the Universe D. Galletto and B. Barberis
Thermodynamic Limit for Spin Glasses S. GraffiRigid Motions in Celestial Mechanics. Keplerian Motions G. Grioli; Stability Switches on Four Types of Characteristic Equation with Discrete Delay Z. Ma and J. Li; On the Best Value of the Critical Stability Number in the Anisotropic Magnetohydrodynamic Benard Problem M. Maiellaro; A BGK-Type Model for a Gas Mixture with Reversible Reactions R. Monaco and M. Pandolfi Bianchi; Stabilizing Effects in Fluid Dynamics Problems G. Mulone; An Alternative Kinematics for Multilattices M. Pitteri
On Contact Powers and Null Lagrangian Fluxes P. Podio Guidugli and G. Vergara CaffarelliModels of Cellular Populations with Different States of Activity M. Primicerio and F. Talamucci; Flows of a Fluid with Pressure Dependant Viscosities Between Rotating Parrallel Plates K. R. Rajagopal and K. Kannan; Control Aspects in Gas Dynamics P. Renno; A Functional Framework for Applied Continuum Mechanics G. Romano and M. Diaco; Global Existence, Stability and Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Binary Mixtures of Euler Fluids T. Ruggeri
Exchange of Stabilities in Porous Media and Penetrative Convection Effects B. StraughanEffects of Adaptation on Competition among Species D. Lacitignola and C. Tebaldi; Wasserstein Metric and Large-Time Asymptotics of Nonlinear Diffusion Equations J. A . Carrillo and G. Toscani; Opening Talks; Acknowledgements
Record Nr. UNINA-9910451344103321
Hackensack, N.J., : World Scientific, c2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Proceedings of the International Meeting New Trends in Mathematical Physics [[electronic resource] ] : in honor of the Salvatore Rionero 70th birthday : Naples, Italy, 24-25 January 2003 / / editors, Paolo Fergola ... [et al.]
Proceedings of the International Meeting New Trends in Mathematical Physics [[electronic resource] ] : in honor of the Salvatore Rionero 70th birthday : Naples, Italy, 24-25 January 2003 / / editors, Paolo Fergola ... [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hackensack, N.J., : World Scientific, c2004
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (274 p.)
Disciplina 530.15
Altri autori (Persone) FergolaPaolo, Prof
Soggetto topico Mathematical physics
ISBN 1-281-89837-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface; Conference Committee; CONTENTS; A Time Dependent Inverse Problem in Photon Transport A. Belleni-Morante; Torsionless Conformal Killing Tensors and Cofactor Pair Systems S. Benenti; Sulle Distorsioni del Tipo Volterra Applicate a un Cilindro Iperelastico Cavo Omogeneo Trasversalmente Isotropo G. Caricato; Heat and Mass Transport in Non-Isothermal Partially Saturated Oil-Wax Solutions A . Fasano and M. Primicerio; New Applications of a Versatile Liapunov Functional J. N. Flavin; Remarks on the Propagation of Light in the Universe D. Galletto and B. Barberis
Thermodynamic Limit for Spin Glasses S. GraffiRigid Motions in Celestial Mechanics. Keplerian Motions G. Grioli; Stability Switches on Four Types of Characteristic Equation with Discrete Delay Z. Ma and J. Li; On the Best Value of the Critical Stability Number in the Anisotropic Magnetohydrodynamic Benard Problem M. Maiellaro; A BGK-Type Model for a Gas Mixture with Reversible Reactions R. Monaco and M. Pandolfi Bianchi; Stabilizing Effects in Fluid Dynamics Problems G. Mulone; An Alternative Kinematics for Multilattices M. Pitteri
On Contact Powers and Null Lagrangian Fluxes P. Podio Guidugli and G. Vergara CaffarelliModels of Cellular Populations with Different States of Activity M. Primicerio and F. Talamucci; Flows of a Fluid with Pressure Dependant Viscosities Between Rotating Parrallel Plates K. R. Rajagopal and K. Kannan; Control Aspects in Gas Dynamics P. Renno; A Functional Framework for Applied Continuum Mechanics G. Romano and M. Diaco; Global Existence, Stability and Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Binary Mixtures of Euler Fluids T. Ruggeri
Exchange of Stabilities in Porous Media and Penetrative Convection Effects B. StraughanEffects of Adaptation on Competition among Species D. Lacitignola and C. Tebaldi; Wasserstein Metric and Large-Time Asymptotics of Nonlinear Diffusion Equations J. A . Carrillo and G. Toscani; Opening Talks; Acknowledgements
Record Nr. UNINA-9910783912303321
Hackensack, N.J., : World Scientific, c2004
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui