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A case of conscience [[electronic resource] ] : whether it be lawful to admit Jews into a Christian common-wealth? / / Resolved by Mr John Dury: written to Samuel Hartlib, esquire
A case of conscience [[electronic resource] ] : whether it be lawful to admit Jews into a Christian common-wealth? / / Resolved by Mr John Dury: written to Samuel Hartlib, esquire
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed for Richard Wodenothe, in Leaden-Hall street, next to the Golden Heart, 1656
Descrizione fisica [2], 9, [1] p
Soggetto topico Jews
Jews - Great Britain - Social conditions
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996385041703316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
London, : Printed for Richard Wodenothe, in Leaden-Hall street, next to the Golden Heart, 1656
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
A case of conscience concerning ministers medling with state matters in or out of their sermons resolved more satisfactorily then heretofore [[electronic resource] ] : Wherein amongst other particulars, these matters are insisted upon, and cleared. 1 How all controversies and debates among Christians ought to be handled regularly, and conscionably to edification by those that meddle therewith. 2 What the proper employments are of Christian magistrates, and Gospel-Ministers, as their works are distinct, and should be concurrent for the publick good at all times. 3 What the way of Christianity is, whereby at this time our present distractions, and publick breaches may be healed : if magistrates and ministers neglect not the main duties of their respective callings. Where a ground is layed to satisfie the scruple of the Demurrer, and of the Grand Case of Conscience. / / Written by John Dury, minister of the Gospel, to give a friend satisfaction: and published at the desire of many. Octob. 3. Imprimatur, Joseph Caryl
A case of conscience concerning ministers medling with state matters in or out of their sermons resolved more satisfactorily then heretofore [[electronic resource] ] : Wherein amongst other particulars, these matters are insisted upon, and cleared. 1 How all controversies and debates among Christians ought to be handled regularly, and conscionably to edification by those that meddle therewith. 2 What the proper employments are of Christian magistrates, and Gospel-Ministers, as their works are distinct, and should be concurrent for the publick good at all times. 3 What the way of Christianity is, whereby at this time our present distractions, and publick breaches may be healed : if magistrates and ministers neglect not the main duties of their respective callings. Where a ground is layed to satisfie the scruple of the Demurrer, and of the Grand Case of Conscience. / / Written by John Dury, minister of the Gospel, to give a friend satisfaction: and published at the desire of many. Octob. 3. Imprimatur, Joseph Caryl
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed by Francis Neile for Richard Wodenothe at the Signe of the Star under Peters Church in Cornhill, 1650. [i.e. 1649]
Descrizione fisica [2], 85, 88-195, [5] p
Soggetto topico Church and state - England - 17th century
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996392397703316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
London, : Printed by Francis Neile for Richard Wodenothe at the Signe of the Star under Peters Church in Cornhill, 1650. [i.e. 1649]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
A case of conscience resolved [[electronic resource] ] : concerning ministers medling with state matters in their sermons: and how far they are obliged by the Covenant to interpose in the affairs of civil government. / / By J.D. Minister of the Gospell. March 15, imprimatur, Joseph Caryl
A case of conscience resolved [[electronic resource] ] : concerning ministers medling with state matters in their sermons: and how far they are obliged by the Covenant to interpose in the affairs of civil government. / / By J.D. Minister of the Gospell. March 15, imprimatur, Joseph Caryl
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed by R.L. for R.W. at the Star under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1649
Descrizione fisica [2], 30 p
Soggetto topico Preaching - England
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996392249903316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
London, : Printed by R.L. for R.W. at the Star under S. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1649
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
A case of conscience, whether it be lawful to admit Jews into a Christian common-wealth? Resolved by Mr John Dury: written to Samuel Hartlib, esquire [[electronic resource]]
A case of conscience, whether it be lawful to admit Jews into a Christian common-wealth? Resolved by Mr John Dury: written to Samuel Hartlib, esquire [[electronic resource]]
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : printed for Richard Wodenothe, in Leaden-Hall street, next to the Golden Heart, 1656
Descrizione fisica [2], 9, [1] p
Soggetto topico Jews - Great Britain - Legal status, laws, etc
Jews - Great Britain - Social conditions
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996384065103316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
London, : printed for Richard Wodenothe, in Leaden-Hall street, next to the Golden Heart, 1656
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Certaine considerations shewing the necessity of a correspondencie in spirituall matters betwixt all Protestant churches [[electronic resource] ] : an especiall meanes for effecting whereof and healing our present breaches would be a nationall synod / / by John Dury
Certaine considerations shewing the necessity of a correspondencie in spirituall matters betwixt all Protestant churches [[electronic resource] ] : an especiall meanes for effecting whereof and healing our present breaches would be a nationall synod / / by John Dury
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa [London], : Printed for Wil. Hope, 1642
Descrizione fisica [2], 12 p
Soggetto topico Christian union - England
Christian union
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996386403503316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
[London], : Printed for Wil. Hope, 1642
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Concordiæ inter evangelicos quærendæ consilia [[electronic resource] ] : quæ ab ecclesiæ in Transylvania evangelicæ pastoribus & scholæ Albæ Juliacensis Professoribus in synodo congregatis approbata fueruent an. M DC XXXIV. Et tunc ipsorum nomine Johanni Duræo transmissa, ad promovendam evangelicarum ecclesiarum unionem, cujus tum se præstabat sollicitatorem. nunc autem primùm publici juris fiunt ab eodem ad instaurandum pristinos in eadem concordia quærendâ conatus, & ad exploranda super hisce consiliis piè doctorum Judicia
Concordiæ inter evangelicos quærendæ consilia [[electronic resource] ] : quæ ab ecclesiæ in Transylvania evangelicæ pastoribus & scholæ Albæ Juliacensis Professoribus in synodo congregatis approbata fueruent an. M DC XXXIV. Et tunc ipsorum nomine Johanni Duræo transmissa, ad promovendam evangelicarum ecclesiarum unionem, cujus tum se præstabat sollicitatorem. nunc autem primùm publici juris fiunt ab eodem ad instaurandum pristinos in eadem concordia quærendâ conatus, & ad exploranda super hisce consiliis piè doctorum Judicia
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa [London, : s.n.], M DC LIV. [1654; i.e. 1655]
Descrizione fisica [44] p
Soggetto topico Church - Unity
Protestant churches
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione lat
Record Nr. UNISA-996392912603316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
[London, : s.n.], M DC LIV. [1654; i.e. 1655]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Conscience eased: or, the main scruple which hath hitherto stuck most with conscionable men, against the taking of the Engagement removed [[electronic resource] ] : Where amongst other things is shewed, first, how farre the oath of allegiance, and the nationall League and Covenant are obligations; either in their legall intents unalterable or at this time no more binding and alterable. Secondly. How farre in a free people the subordinate officers of the state, have a right to judge of the proceedings of a king in that state. Thirdly, how Zedekia'es case in breaking his oath to the king of Babylon, and our case in making use of our freedome from the oath of allegiance, and supremacie to the king of England doe differ. / / The author, John Dury
Conscience eased: or, the main scruple which hath hitherto stuck most with conscionable men, against the taking of the Engagement removed [[electronic resource] ] : Where amongst other things is shewed, first, how farre the oath of allegiance, and the nationall League and Covenant are obligations; either in their legall intents unalterable or at this time no more binding and alterable. Secondly. How farre in a free people the subordinate officers of the state, have a right to judge of the proceedings of a king in that state. Thirdly, how Zedekia'es case in breaking his oath to the king of Babylon, and our case in making use of our freedome from the oath of allegiance, and supremacie to the king of England doe differ. / / The author, John Dury
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed for T.H. in Russell-street, neere the Piazza of the Covent-Garden, 1651
Descrizione fisica [2], 37 [i.e. 38] p
Soggetto topico Loyalty oaths - England
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996391992903316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
London, : Printed for T.H. in Russell-street, neere the Piazza of the Covent-Garden, 1651
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Conscience eased: or, the main scruple which hath hitherto stuck most with conscionable men, against the taking of the Engagement, removed [[electronic resource] ] : Where amongst other things is shewed, first, how farre the oath of allegiance, and the nationall League and Covenant are obligations; either in their legall intents unalterable; or at this time no more binding and alterable. Secondly, how farre in a free people the subordinate officers of the state, have a right to judge of the proceedings of a thing in that state. Thirdly, how Zedekia'es case in breaking his oath to the king of Babylon, and our case in making use of our freedome from the oath of allegiance, and supremacie to the king of England doe differ. / / The author, John Drury
Conscience eased: or, the main scruple which hath hitherto stuck most with conscionable men, against the taking of the Engagement, removed [[electronic resource] ] : Where amongst other things is shewed, first, how farre the oath of allegiance, and the nationall League and Covenant are obligations; either in their legall intents unalterable; or at this time no more binding and alterable. Secondly, how farre in a free people the subordinate officers of the state, have a right to judge of the proceedings of a thing in that state. Thirdly, how Zedekia'es case in breaking his oath to the king of Babylon, and our case in making use of our freedome from the oath of allegiance, and supremacie to the king of England doe differ. / / The author, John Drury
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : printed for Tho. Heath, in Russell-street, neere the Piazzia of the Covent-Garden, 1651
Descrizione fisica [1+] p
Soggetto topico Oaths - England
Soggetto genere / forma Title pages17th cent.England
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996395504703316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
London, : printed for Tho. Heath, in Russell-street, neere the Piazzia of the Covent-Garden, 1651
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Considerations concerning the present engagement [[electronic resource] ] : whether it may lawfully be taken, yea or no? : written at the desire of a friend in London / / by John Dury
Considerations concerning the present engagement [[electronic resource] ] : whether it may lawfully be taken, yea or no? : written at the desire of a friend in London / / by John Dury
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Edizione [The third edition enlarged :]
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed by J.C. for Richard Wodenothe, 1650
Descrizione fisica 22 p
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996389681203316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
London, : Printed by J.C. for Richard Wodenothe, 1650
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Considerations concerning the present Engagement [[electronic resource] ] : whether it may lawfully be entered into; yea or no? / / Written at the desire of a friend, by J.D. November 27. 1649. Imprimatur, Joseph Caryl
Considerations concerning the present Engagement [[electronic resource] ] : whether it may lawfully be entered into; yea or no? / / Written at the desire of a friend, by J.D. November 27. 1649. Imprimatur, Joseph Caryl
Autore Dury John <1596-1680.>
Pubbl/distr/stampa London, : Printed by John Clowes for Richard Wodenoth, at the Starre under St. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1649
Descrizione fisica [2], 24 p
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNISA-996391939203316
Dury John <1596-1680.>  
London, : Printed by John Clowes for Richard Wodenoth, at the Starre under St. Peters Church in Cornhill, 1649
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui

Data di pubblicazione
