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Addressing wicked problems through science education / / Marianne Achiam, Justin Dillon, Melissa Glackin, editors
Addressing wicked problems through science education / / Marianne Achiam, Justin Dillon, Melissa Glackin, editors
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (245 pages)
Disciplina 507.1
Collana Contributions from Science Education Research
Soggetto topico Science - Study and teaching - Social aspects
Ensenyament científic
Activitats extraescolars
Soggetto genere / forma Llibres electrònics
ISBN 3-030-74266-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Foreword -- Contents -- Editors and Contributors -- About the Editors -- Contributors -- Chapter 1: The Role of Out-of-School Science Education in Addressing Wicked Problems: An Introduction -- On Genealogy -- On Science, the Environment and the Public -- On Wicked Problems -- On Purpose -- On the Challenge to Science Educators and Their Institutions -- On Structure and Content -- On Process -- References -- Chapter 2: Co-Designing a Controversy-Based Educational Programme in a Science Centre -- Introduction -- Literature Review -- Controversial Issues and Wicked Problems -- Science Centres and Controversial Issues -- Collaborative Research -- Case Description: Co-Designing a Controversy-Based Educational Programme -- The Co-Design Process -- Data Collection and Analysis -- Analysis -- The Design Criteria Phase: Negotiating Our Understanding on Controversial Issues -- Creating a Common Language on Controversial Issues Through Visualisations -- A Raised Awareness on Controversy-Based Learning -- Idea-Generation Phase: Dealing with the Wickedness of Ebola -- The Magnified Complexity of Co-Design -- Concretization Phase: Landing a Final Controversy-Based Educational Design -- The Breakdown: Creating or Reflecting on Controversy-Based Learning -- Finalizing the Controversy-Based Design -- Discussion -- References -- Chapter 3: Addressing Health in Out-of-School Science Experiences -- The Science Centre as Setting for Out-of-School Health Education -- The PULSE Project -- Participatory Design as an Approach to Generate Participation -- Co-designing the PULSE Exhibition -- The Front-End Study -- Workshop 1: Design Game Set-up -- Workshop 2: Narrowing Down -- Workshop 3: Testing -- The PULSE-Plaza Exhibition -- Discussion -- Addressing Health -- Research Versus Practice Knowledge -- Summary -- References.
Chapter 4: Connecting Museum Visitors to Nature Through Dioramas -- Biodiversity Loss and the Role of Natural History Museums -- Biodiversity Loss as a Wicked Problem -- Halting Biodiversity Loss -- Nature Experiences to Facilitate Nature Connectedness -- Nature Experiences Through Natural History Dioramas: A Visitor Study -- Museum Visitors' Awareness of Biodiversity and Their Connection to Nature -- References -- Chapter 5: Family Interactions with Biodiversity in a Natural History Museum -- Introduction -- Defining ANT, Biodiversity Knowledge and Family Learning -- Museum für Naturkunde Berlin -- Theoretical Framework -- Wicked Problem: Biodiversity Loss -- Family Learning -- Methodology -- Setting -- Participants -- Data Collection -- Data Analysis -- Results -- Primary Actor -- Interessement and Enrolment -- Mobilisation -- Boundary Object -- Discussion -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 6: Real-World Problem: Connecting Socio-Scientific Contexts and Dioramas -- Introduction -- The Electricity Consumption Increases with Population and Economic Growth -- The Wicked Problem: Which Energy Is the Best Choice for Environmentally Sustainable Development? -- Coal-Burning Power -- Nuclear Power -- Natural Power -- Inquiry Learning: From Theory to Practice -- Pedagogy to Promote Inquiry -- Facilitating Inquiry in Museums -- Inquiry in Museums: The Benzene Ring Heuristic -- Study Process -- Dioramas in NMNS -- Life on Earth: Focus on the Animal Adaptation to the Environment -- The Natural Power Transformation Clues in the Dioramas -- The Education Program -- Teaching Trials -- College Student Teaching Trial -- Tenth Grade Student Teaching Trial -- The Fifth Grade Teaching Trial -- Discussion and Conclusion -- References.
Chapter 7: Who Benefits from the Natural Gas in Israel? Using a Public Debate to Teach All Components of Education for Sustainable Development -- Prologue -- Introduction -- Context: The Natural Gas Debate -- Science for Citizenship -- Argumentation and SSI -- The Local Wicked Problem of Exporting Natural Gas from Israel -- The Learning Unit -- The LU Design -- Research Goal -- The Teachers' Case Study: Methodology, Participants, and Data Collection -- Data Collection and Analysis -- The Pre- and Post-SSI Questionnaire -- The Decision-Making Exercise in Groups -- Findings -- Seven Strategies of Reasoning -- Unsolved Dilemma Reasoning -- Trade-Off Compromise Reasoning -- Gainful Decision Reasoning -- Minimizing Losses or Risks Reasoning -- Social Justice or Ethical Reasoning -- Narrow Subject-Focused Reasoning -- Action and Priority Reasoning -- Individual Changes from Pre- to Post-arguments -- The Argument Domains -- The Decision-Making Exercise -- Summary -- The Learning Process of the Natural Gas Export Policy Wicked Problem -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 8: Climate Garden 2085: An Art-Science Experiment Promoting Different Ways of Knowing About Climate Change -- Introduction: Public Perceptions of Climate Space and Time -- Why Art? Different Kinds of Knowing -- Modes and Logics of Art-Science Collaborations -- Under What Logics Has Art-Science Been Undertaken? -- What Kind of Knowledge Is Produced by Engaging with Art-Science? -- Social Learning -- Description of Activities: Garden and Workshops -- Public Programming -- Tree (Art) Walk -- Gessner Prints -- How Many Food Miles in a Snack Box? -- 'No Thanks, I've Got a Bag': Plastic Bag Upcycling - Craft Activity for All Ages -- Solar-Wind Lights: Tinkering Activity for Children -- Help! I'm a Stressed-out Plant! -- Forecasting the Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Crops.
Public Experiment 'Results' -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 9: Using a Wicked Problem for Inquiry-Based Fieldwork in High School Geology: Addressing Climate Change and Mass Extinction Events -- ELICIT: Setting the Scene for the Reader -- ENGAGE: Using Fieldwork to Learn About the Potential of a Wicked Problem -- EXPLORE: An Inquiry for High School Pupils -- ELICIT and ENGAGE: High School Pupils' Classroom Preparation Prior to Fieldwork -- EXPLORE: High School Pupils Conduct Fieldwork at Stevns Klint -- EXPLAIN: High School Pupils Interpret the Geology at Stevns Klint -- EXTEND: High School Pupils Apply the Learning Outcome from Fieldwork to Address a Wicked Problem -- FORMATIVE FEEDBACK: Continuous Evaluation Informing High School Pupils About Their Progress -- EXPLAIN: Readers' Clarifications -- Why Use Wicked Problems to Organize Inquiry and Learn Geological Research Methods -- EXTEND: Readers' Applications -- Linking Historical Science to Solving Challenges to Society -- The Use of the 6F Model for Inquiry Teaching -- FEEDBACK: Readers' Conclusions -- Reflections on How to Use Wicked Problems in Own Teaching -- Discussion and Concluding Comments -- References -- Chapter 10: Connecting with People, Places and Histories Through Archaeology: Youths' Development of Sustain'abilities' -- A Word About Archaeology and Informal STEM Education -- Case 1: "It's Like Another Planet" - Archaeology in the Classroom and in the Field -- Description of the Programme -- Description of the Activity -- The Role of Student Questions -- A Unique Learning Opportunity -- Struggles Students Experienced -- Getting Out of the Classroom: The Excavation -- Visiting the Museum -- Case 2. "What I Dug Up in My Community Is Here!" Public Recognition Through Photography and Community-Based Archaeology -- Description of the Project.
From Dwelling in Place to Public Recognition -- Connecting History and the Past with the Present -- Development of Shared Experiences -- Youth Voice -- Implications for Teachers -- Discussion -- Implications for Out-of-School Science Education -- References -- Chapter 11: School Sliding Doors: Out-of-School Activities and Young People's Engagement with Climate Change -- Here and Now -- Concrete Impacts -- Citizenship -- Conclusions -- References -- Chapter 12: Wicked Problems and Out-of-School Science Education: Implications for Practice and Research -- Science Alone Cannot Provide the Answer -- A Multitude of Voices -- The Importance of Time -- Place-Based Perspectives -- And so... -- Messages for Education Professionals -- Implications for Researchers -- References.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910495242603321
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2021]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Bad education : debunking myths in education / / edited by Philip Adey and Justin Dillon
Bad education : debunking myths in education / / edited by Philip Adey and Justin Dillon
Pubbl/distr/stampa Maidenhead, Berkshire ; ; New York, : Open University Press, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xxv, 297 pages)
Disciplina 371
Soggetto topico Education - Research
Charter schools
Education - Aims and objectives
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 0-335-24602-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Bad Education : Debunking myths in education; Contents; Notes on contributors; Foreword; Introduction; Part 1: School organization; 1 Are there 'good' schools and 'bad' schools?; 2 Is vocational education for the less able?; 3 Grouping pupils by ability in schools; 4 Class size: is small better?; 5 Supporting learning?: How effective are teaching assistants?; Part 2: Teaching methods; 6 Traditional versus progressive education; 7 Synthetic phonics: the route to reading?; 8 Is informal education better than formal education?; 9 The social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL)
10 Computers good, calculators bad?Part 3: Learners; 11 Left-brain, right-brain, brain games and beanbags: neuromyths in education; 12 From fixed IQ to multiple intelligences; 13 Learning styles: unreliable, invalid and impractical and yet still widely used; 14 'TV is bad for children' - less emotion, more science please!; 15 Playing with emotions: why emotional literacy trumps emotional intelligence; 16 The dyslexia debate; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910462842303321
Maidenhead, Berkshire ; ; New York, : Open University Press, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Bad education : debunking myths in education / / edited by Philip Adey and Justin Dillon
Bad education : debunking myths in education / / edited by Philip Adey and Justin Dillon
Pubbl/distr/stampa Maidenhead, Berkshire ; ; New York, : Open University Press, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xxv, 297 pages)
Disciplina 371
Soggetto topico Education - Research
Charter schools
Education - Aims and objectives
ISBN 1-283-96129-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Bad Education : Debunking myths in education; Contents; Notes on contributors; Foreword; Introduction; Part 1: School organization; 1 Are there 'good' schools and 'bad' schools?; 2 Is vocational education for the less able?; 3 Grouping pupils by ability in schools; 4 Class size: is small better?; 5 Supporting learning?: How effective are teaching assistants?; Part 2: Teaching methods; 6 Traditional versus progressive education; 7 Synthetic phonics: the route to reading?; 8 Is informal education better than formal education?; 9 The social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL)
10 Computers good, calculators bad?Part 3: Learners; 11 Left-brain, right-brain, brain games and beanbags: neuromyths in education; 12 From fixed IQ to multiple intelligences; 13 Learning styles: unreliable, invalid and impractical and yet still widely used; 14 'TV is bad for children' - less emotion, more science please!; 15 Playing with emotions: why emotional literacy trumps emotional intelligence; 16 The dyslexia debate; Index
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786071203321
Maidenhead, Berkshire ; ; New York, : Open University Press, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Becoming a teacher [[electronic resource] ] : issues in secondary education / / edited by Justin Dillon and Meg Maguire
Becoming a teacher [[electronic resource] ] : issues in secondary education / / edited by Justin Dillon and Meg Maguire
Edizione [4th ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Maidenhead [England], : Open University, 2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (418 p.)
Disciplina 371.1
Altri autori (Persone) DillonJustin
MaguireMeg <1949->
Soggetto topico High school teaching - Great Britain
High school teaching - Social aspects - Great Britain
Classroom management - Great Britain
Curriculum planning - Great Britain
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-283-269
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto pt. 1. First thoughts -- pt. 2. Policy, society and schooling -- pt. 3. Teaching and learning -- pt. 4. Across the curriculum.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910461810303321
Maidenhead [England], : Open University, 2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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The Future in Learning Science: What’s in it for the Learner? / / edited by Deborah Corrigan, Cathy Buntting, Justin Dillon, Alister Jones, Richard Gunstone
The Future in Learning Science: What’s in it for the Learner? / / edited by Deborah Corrigan, Cathy Buntting, Justin Dillon, Alister Jones, Richard Gunstone
Edizione [1st ed. 2015.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2015
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (306 p.)
Disciplina 370
Soggetto topico Science education
Science Education
Learning & Instruction
ISBN 3-319-16543-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto The Future in Learning Science: Themes, Issues and Big Ideas. Cathy Buntting, Richard Gunstone, Deborah Corrigan, Justin Dillon and Alister Jones -- Learning for a Better World: Futures in Science Education, Michael Reiss -- Connoisseurs of Science: A Next Goal for Science Education? Peter Fensham -- When Science Changes: The Impact of ICTs on Preparing Students for Science Outside of School , Marie-Claire Shanahan -- Forms of learning in senior secondary science as represented through an integrated curriculum, May Cheng -- Pursuing different forms of science learning through innovative curriculum implementation, Greg Lancaster, Debra Panizzon and Deborah Corrigan -- Reconceptualising the Learning and Teaching of Scientific Concepts, Colette Murphy -- Making Science beyond the Classroom Accessible to Students, Léonie Rennie -- Children Learning Science in and for a Participatory Culture, Bronwen Cowie and Elaine Khoo -- The Elephant in the Room: Emotional Literacy/Intelligence, Science Education, and Gender, Brian Matthews -- Initiatives to Prepare New Science Teachers for Promoting Student Engagement, Shirley Simon and Paul Davies -- Futures Thinking in the Future of Science Education, Cathy Buntting and Alister Jones -- Revealing Questions: What are Learners Asking About? Amy Seakins -- The Potential of Digital Technology for Science Learning and Teaching—The Learners’ Perspective, Neil Selwyn and Rebecca Cooper -- Facilitating Change in Science Teachers’ Perceptions about Learning and Teaching, John Loughran and Kathy Smith.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910483488903321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2015
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Good practice in science teaching [[electronic resource] ] : what research has to say / / edited by Jonathan Osborn and Justin Dillon
Good practice in science teaching [[electronic resource] ] : what research has to say / / edited by Jonathan Osborn and Justin Dillon
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Maidenhead ; ; New York, : Open University Press, c2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (367 p.)
Disciplina 507.1
Altri autori (Persone) OsborneJonathan
Soggetto topico Science - Study and teaching - Research
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-283-33802-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front cover; Half title page; Title page; Copyright page; Contents; List of figures; List of tables; Contributors; Introduction: Research matters? - Jonathan Osborne and Justin Dillon; 1 Science teachers, science teaching: Issues and challenges - Justin Dillon and Alex Manning; 2 How science works: What is the nature of scientific reasoning and what do we know about students' understanding? - Jonathan Osborne and Justin Dillon; 3 Science for citizenship - Jonathan Osborne; 4 Thinking about learning: Learning in science - Jill Hohenstein and Alex Manning
5 Science teaching and Cognitive Acceleration - Philip Adey and Natasha Serret6 Practical work - Robin Millar; 7 The role of language in the learning and teaching of science - Maria Evagorou and Jonathan Osborne; 8 Technology-mediated learning - Mary Webb; 9 Formative assessment in science - Paul Black and Christine Harrison; 10 Summative assessment: Gold or glitter? - Julian Swain; 11 Students' attitudes to science - Shirley Simon and Jonathan Osborne; 12 Supporting science learning in out-of-school contexts - Heather King and Melissa Glackin
13 Supporting the development of effective science teachers - John K. GilbertBibliography; Index; Back cover
Record Nr. UNINA-9910459310603321
Maidenhead ; ; New York, : Open University Press, c2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Good practice in science teaching [[electronic resource] ] : what research has to say / / edited by Jonathan Osborn and Justin Dillon
Good practice in science teaching [[electronic resource] ] : what research has to say / / edited by Jonathan Osborn and Justin Dillon
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Maidenhead ; ; New York, : Open University Press, c2010
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (367 p.)
Disciplina 507.1
Altri autori (Persone) OsborneJonathan
Soggetto topico Science - Study and teaching - Research
ISBN 1-283-33802-5
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front cover; Half title page; Title page; Copyright page; Contents; List of figures; List of tables; Contributors; Introduction: Research matters? - Jonathan Osborne and Justin Dillon; 1 Science teachers, science teaching: Issues and challenges - Justin Dillon and Alex Manning; 2 How science works: What is the nature of scientific reasoning and what do we know about students' understanding? - Jonathan Osborne and Justin Dillon; 3 Science for citizenship - Jonathan Osborne; 4 Thinking about learning: Learning in science - Jill Hohenstein and Alex Manning
5 Science teaching and Cognitive Acceleration - Philip Adey and Natasha Serret6 Practical work - Robin Millar; 7 The role of language in the learning and teaching of science - Maria Evagorou and Jonathan Osborne; 8 Technology-mediated learning - Mary Webb; 9 Formative assessment in science - Paul Black and Christine Harrison; 10 Summative assessment: Gold or glitter? - Julian Swain; 11 Students' attitudes to science - Shirley Simon and Jonathan Osborne; 12 Supporting science learning in out-of-school contexts - Heather King and Melissa Glackin
13 Supporting the development of effective science teachers - John K. GilbertBibliography; Index; Back cover
Record Nr. UNINA-9910785063703321
Maidenhead ; ; New York, : Open University Press, c2010
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Science education research and practice in Europe [[electronic resource] ] : retrospective and prospective / / edited by Doris Jorde, Justin Dillon
Science education research and practice in Europe [[electronic resource] ] : retrospective and prospective / / edited by Doris Jorde, Justin Dillon
Edizione [1st ed. 2012.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Rotterdam, : Sense Publishers, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (393 p.)
Disciplina 370
Altri autori (Persone) JordeDoris
Collana Cultural Perspectives in Science Education
Cultural perspectives in science education
Soggetto topico Science - Study and teaching - Europe
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 94-6091-900-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preliminary Material / Doris Jorde and Justin Dillon -- Science Education Research and Practice in Europe: Retrospective and Prospective / Doris Jorde and Justin Dillon -- The Model of Educational Reconstruction – A Framework for Improving Teaching and Learning Science / Reinders Duit , Harald Gropengießer , Ulrich Kattmann , Michael Komorek and Ilka Parchmann -- Transcending Science: Scientific Literacy and Bildung for the 21st Century / Per-Olof Wickman , Caroline Liberg and Leif Östman -- How Research on Students’ Processes of Concept Formation can Inform Curriculum Development / Claudia V. Aufschnaiter and Christian Rogge -- Studies of the Development of Students’ Understandings of Ecological Phenomena / Gustav Helldén -- Video Analysis as a tool for Understanding Science Instruction / Hans E. Fischer and Knut Neumann -- The Nature of Video Studies in Science Education / Andrée Tiberghien and Gérard Sensevy -- Teaching Activities and Language use in Science Classrooms / Marianne Ødegaard and Kirsti Klette -- Results and Perspectives from the ROSE Project / Svein Sjøberg and Camilla Schreiner -- The Cultural Context of Science Education / Cathrine Hasse and Anne B. Sinding -- Argumentation in Science Education Research: Perspectives from Europe / Sibel Erduran and Maria Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre -- Classroom Discourse and Science Learning: Issues of Engagement, Quality and Outcome / Asma Almahrouqi and Phil Scott -- School Health Education Nowadays: Challenges and Trends / Graça S. Carvalho and Dominique Berger -- Science Education Research in Turkey: A Content Analysis of Selected Features of Published Papers / Mustafa Sozbilir , Hulya Kutu and M. Diyaddin Yasar -- Improving Science Education Through European Models of Sustainable Teacher Professional Development / Matthias Stadler and Doris Jorde.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910453557303321
Rotterdam, : Sense Publishers, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Science education research and practice in Europe [[electronic resource] ] : retrospective and prospective / / edited by Doris Jorde, Justin Dillon
Science education research and practice in Europe [[electronic resource] ] : retrospective and prospective / / edited by Doris Jorde, Justin Dillon
Edizione [1st ed. 2012.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Rotterdam, : Sense Publishers, 2012
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (393 p.)
Disciplina 370
Altri autori (Persone) JordeDoris
Collana Cultural Perspectives in Science Education
Cultural perspectives in science education
Soggetto topico Science - Study and teaching - Europe
ISBN 94-6091-900-6
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preliminary Material / Doris Jorde and Justin Dillon -- Science Education Research and Practice in Europe: Retrospective and Prospective / Doris Jorde and Justin Dillon -- The Model of Educational Reconstruction – A Framework for Improving Teaching and Learning Science / Reinders Duit , Harald Gropengießer , Ulrich Kattmann , Michael Komorek and Ilka Parchmann -- Transcending Science: Scientific Literacy and Bildung for the 21st Century / Per-Olof Wickman , Caroline Liberg and Leif Östman -- How Research on Students’ Processes of Concept Formation can Inform Curriculum Development / Claudia V. Aufschnaiter and Christian Rogge -- Studies of the Development of Students’ Understandings of Ecological Phenomena / Gustav Helldén -- Video Analysis as a tool for Understanding Science Instruction / Hans E. Fischer and Knut Neumann -- The Nature of Video Studies in Science Education / Andrée Tiberghien and Gérard Sensevy -- Teaching Activities and Language use in Science Classrooms / Marianne Ødegaard and Kirsti Klette -- Results and Perspectives from the ROSE Project / Svein Sjøberg and Camilla Schreiner -- The Cultural Context of Science Education / Cathrine Hasse and Anne B. Sinding -- Argumentation in Science Education Research: Perspectives from Europe / Sibel Erduran and Maria Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre -- Classroom Discourse and Science Learning: Issues of Engagement, Quality and Outcome / Asma Almahrouqi and Phil Scott -- School Health Education Nowadays: Challenges and Trends / Graça S. Carvalho and Dominique Berger -- Science Education Research in Turkey: A Content Analysis of Selected Features of Published Papers / Mustafa Sozbilir , Hulya Kutu and M. Diyaddin Yasar -- Improving Science Education Through European Models of Sustainable Teacher Professional Development / Matthias Stadler and Doris Jorde.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910790806203321
Rotterdam, : Sense Publishers, 2012
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Science Teacher Education for Responsible Citizenship : Towards a Pedagogy for Relevance through Socioscientific Issues / / edited by Maria Evagorou, Jan Alexis Nielsen, Justin Dillon
Science Teacher Education for Responsible Citizenship : Towards a Pedagogy for Relevance through Socioscientific Issues / / edited by Maria Evagorou, Jan Alexis Nielsen, Justin Dillon
Edizione [1st ed. 2020.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (xv, 199 pages) : illustrations
Disciplina 303.483
Collana Contemporary Trends and Issues in Science Education
Soggetto topico Science - Study and teaching
Study skills
Science Education
Teaching and Teacher Education
Study and Learning Skills
ISBN 3-030-40229-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter 1. Introduction: Socio-scientific issues as promoting responsible citizenship and the relevance of science (Maria Evagorou and Justin Dillon) -- Chapter 2. Teachers and Socioscientific Issues – An Overview of Recent Empirical Research (Jan Alexis Nielsen) -- Chapter 3. Pre-service secondary science teachers' beliefs about teaching socio-scientific issues (Jessica S. C. Leung, Ka Lok Wong, and Kennedy K. H. Chan) -- Chapter 4. Socio-scientific inquiry-based learning: possibilities and challenges for teacher education (Ruth Amos, Marie-Christine Knippels and Ralph Levinson) -- Chapter 5. Critical and Active Public Engagement in Addressing Socioscientific Problems Through Science Teacher Education (Larry Bencze, Sarah El Halwany and Majd Zouda) -- Chapter 6. Supporting Teachers in the Design and Enactment of Socio-Scientific Issue Based Teaching in the USA (Patricia J. Friedrichsen, Troy D. Sadler and Laura Zangori) -- Chapter 7. Gamification of SSI’s as a Science Pedagogy: Toward a Critical Rationality in Teaching Science (James P. Davis and Alberto Bellocchi) -- Chapter 8. Science teachers as proponents of socio-scientific inquiry-based learning: From professional development to classroom enactment (Rachel Cohen, Eran Zafrani and Anat Yarden) -- Chapter 9. Getting ready to work with socio-scientific issues in the classroom: a study with Argentine teachers (Melina Furman, Inés Taylor, Mariana Luzuriaga and María Eugenia Podestá) -- Chapter 10. Introducing SSI in primary pre-service teacher education: scientific practices to learn the ‘big ideas’ of science (Anna Garrido Espeja and Digna Couso) -- Chapter 11. Re-thinking the Integration of Socioscientific Issues in Teacher Education (Ronicka Mudaly) -- Chapter 12. New Perspectives for Addressing Socioscientific Issues in Teacher Education (Jan Alexis Nielsen, Maria Evagorou and Justin Dillon).
Record Nr. UNINA-9910410017603321
Cham : , : Springer International Publishing : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui