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L' intelligence économique du Futur 1
L' intelligence économique du Futur 1
Autore Clerc Philippe
Pubbl/distr/stampa London : , : ISTE Editions Ltd., , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (229 pages)
Altri autori (Persone) DouHenri
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-78406-449-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Nota di contenuto Cover -- Table des matières -- Avant-propos -- Introduction -- Chapitre 1. Pour une nouvelle intelligenceéconomique et stratégique -- Chapitre 2. Géopolitique et intelligence stratégique -- Chapitre 3. Les écoles d'intelligence économiquedans le monde : fondements, influenceet perspectives -- Chapitre 4. Intelligence économique,vecteur de coopération internationale -- Chapitre 5. Intelligence économique régionale -- Chapitre 6. L'influence -- Chapitre 7. Sphère d'influence -- Chapitre 8. Intelligence organisationnelle -- Chapitre 9. Du renseignement militaireà l'intelligence économique -- Conclusion -- Index -- Sommaire deL'intelligence économique du futur 2.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910511413603321
Clerc Philippe  
London : , : ISTE Editions Ltd., , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Space Law in the European Context : National Architecture, Legislation and Policy in France
Space Law in the European Context : National Architecture, Legislation and Policy in France
Autore Clerc Philippe
Edizione [1st ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Portland : , : Eleven International Publishing, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (640 pages)
Disciplina 349.497
Collana Essential Air and Space Law
Soggetto topico Space law - France
Aeronautics - Law and legislation - France
Law and legislation - France
86.95 air and space law
Government policy
Aeronautics - Law and legislation
Space law
ISBN 94-6274-876-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface -- Foreword -- Table of Contents -- List of Acronyms -- Acknowledgment -- Introduction -- Part I The CNES Act from 1961 to Today -- The Earliest Steps of the French National Space Policy and CNES -- 1 Statute and Mission -- 1.1 Overall Original Mission under the 1961 Constitutive Act -- 1.2 Expanded Mission Between 1961 and 2008 (FSOA) -- 1.2.1 Responsibility in Launcher Systems' Development -- 1.2.2 Building a Competitive Space Industry: CNES' Industrial Policy -- Creation of a National Space Industry in the 1960s -- Structural Adjustment Under New Framework of European and International Cooperation from the 1970s -- Adaptation to the Operational and Commercial Use of Space by the End of 1970s and Privatization Process from 1990s to Nowadays -- Abstract on CNES' Industrial Policy -- 1.2.3 Development and Management of Ground Facilities for Satellite and Launch Operations (Toulouse Space and Guiana Space Centres) -- 1.2.4 Shareholdings and Subsidiaries to Develop, Produce, and Market New Space Services -- 1.2.5 Public Interest Joint Organizations to Support Space-Related Research (GIP) -- 1.2.6 Participation, Along with the French Government, in the European Space Policy and Programs Governance (ESA and EU) -- 1.2.7 Responsibility in Defence' Space Segment Programs -- 1.2.8 Recurrent Space Operations -- 1.2.9 CNES as a Service Provider -- 1.3 Synthesis of Chapter 1 on CNES' Statute and Mission before the Advent of FSOA -- 2 Governance and Management -- 2.1 CNES' Administrative Authorities of Supervision - Space Policy Overall Organization and Functioning -- 2.1.1 CNES' Supervisory or Line Ministers (ministères de tutelle) -- Overall Organization of the Government Supervision on Scientific and Technical Research and Space Policies -- Supervision on Space Policy and CNES.
2.1.2 Interministerial Committees on Space Policy -- The Space Research Committee and the Space Council (1959-1976) -- Committee on Space Applications (1976-1979) -- The Space Committee (1989-1992) -- The CoSpace (from 2013) -- 2.2 CNES' Board of Directors and Executive Governance -- 2.2.1 Board of Directors' Competences -- 2.2.2 Committees Associated with the Board of Directors -- The Board of Directors' Audit Committee -- The Committee for Scientific Program (CPS) -- Other Former Programs Committees -- 2.2.3 CNES' Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Director-General and Deputy Director-General -- Distribution of Powers Between the President and the Director-General since 1962 -- The Current Powers of CNES' President, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) -- 2.2.4 State Economic, Budgetary, and Financial Control: The General Controller -- 2.2.5 Public and Private Accountancy Rules: the Accounting Officer - the Statutory Auditors -- 2.2.6 Procurement Regulations: The Internal Procurement Commission -- 2.2.7 CNES' Staff Status -- 2.2.8 Synthesis on the Evolution of CNES' Governance Supervision -- 3 Resources and Associated Supervision and Audit -- 3.1 CNES' Budget Appropriation -- 3.2 Auditing Bodies (ex-post control) -- 3.2.1 The National Court of Auditors (Cour des Comptes) -- 3.2.2 The High Council for the Evaluation of the Research and the Higher Education (HCERES) -- 3.2.3 Other Specific High Level Assessment Missions or Appraisal Reports -- 4 Mission's Conditions of Implementation: Space Research and Development Programs -- 4.1 French National Program and International Cooperation -- 4.1.1 National Requirements -- General Regime for CNES' Program Authorization -- Specific Regime of Authorization on Space Operations and Space-Based Data (FSOA). Other Prior Authorizations: National Security, Frequency Spectrum, Network and Services and Competition Law Compliance -- 4.1.2 CNES' International Cooperation Mechanisms -- Traditional Building Blocks of CNES' International Space Cooperation -- Other Forms of Arrangement -- Common Features on International Cooperation Instruments -- 4.1.3 Implementation with Industry and Other Space Stakeholders -- CNES as Public Procurement Actor -- CNES' Partnership Policy -- CNES' Subsidiaries and Holdings -- 4.2 CNES' Contribution to European Programs -- 4.3 Interactions Issues between CNES' Missions -- 4.3.1 The Issue of Potential Conflicts of Interests as Raised During FSOA's Law-Making Up Process -- 4.3.2 Focus on Mission Entrusted to the CNES and Its President -- 4.3.3 Impact on CNES' Staff Regime Regarding FSOA Officers -- FSOA Basic Controllers (FSOA Art. 28) -- Commissioned Officers (FSOA Art. 7) -- Sworn Officers (FSOA Art. 10) -- 4.3.4 CNES' Traditional Activities as Technical Center and Space Operator Dealings with FSOA Delegated Activities -- CNES Activities as Space Program Agency -- CNES' Service Providing -- 4.3.5 CNES' Stock Participations and Partnerships with Private Companies -- 4.3.6 Conclusion -- Part II The French Space Operations Act -- 5 Rational for Space Law-Making in France -- 5.1 The 1990s Telecommunication Liberalization Momentum Expanded to Satellites Information Services -- 5.1.1 Privatization of Telecommunication Satellites Services -- 5.1.2 Privatization of Earth Observation Satellites Services -- 5.2 Privatization of Launch Base and Launcher Services -- 5.2.1 Agreements Between USA and Former USSR Countries Opening the Launch Services Market.
5.2.2 Agreements between the United States and China on the Commercialization of Launch Services -- 5.2.3 CommonFeatures of Bilateral Agreements on Launch Services Negotiated by the United States with China, Ukraine, and Russia -- 5.2.4 Rules of the Road Discussions between the United States and Europe -- 5.2.5 Cooperation between Europe and Russia for the Commercialization of Soyuz Launch Services -- 6 The Development Stages of Legislation on Space Operations, from the First Studies in 1999 to its Entry into Force in December 2010 -- 6.1 Study Report 'The Legal Framework for Space Activities' from the Department of the Ministry in Charge of Space between 1999 and 2003 -- 6.2 Referral to the Council of State by the Prime Minister in July 2004 -- 6.3 The Study 'For a Legal Policy for Space Activities' Conducted by the Council of State between 2004 and 2006 -- 6.4 Development of the Bill by the Ministries between February and April 2007 -- 6.4.1 Addition of a Declaratory Regime for Operators of Space-Based Data -- 6.4.2 Explicit Exclusion of CNES from the Scope of the Law -- 6.4.3 Definition of the Regime of Investigation, Criminal Sanctions, and the Ascertainment of Offences -- 6.4.4 New Special Prerogatives for the State and CNES to Manage Emergencies -- 6.5 Legislative Scrutiny of the Law between July 2007 and May 2008 -- 6.5.1 First Reading at the Senate on 16 January 2008 -- Implementation of a Licensing System Constituting Approval of Procedures and Systems -- Consultation with the Operator for Emergency Measures -- Restatement of the Powers of the President of CNES for Emergency Measures -- Referral to a Single Article on CNES Competences under FSOA -- Suppression of the Referral to an Overall Implementing Decree for the Law. Recognition of the "Temporary Presence Exception" with Regard to Patent Infringement Seizure Actions -- 6.5.2 First Reading at the National Assembly on 9 April 2008 -- Introduction of an Orbital Control Phase for Space Objects -- Redrafting of the Definition of End of the Launch Phase -- Simplification of the Authorization Procedure for Operations -- Relaxing of Insurance Obligations -- Consolidation of the Liability Regime for Damage Caused to Third Parties -- Limitation on Recourse Action by the State (in Art. 14) -- Creation of a 'License Constituting Authorization' -- Strengthening CNES' Technical Compliance Mission as a Legal Entity -- 6.5.3 Final Reading at the Senate on 22 May 2008 and Promulgation -- 6.5.4 Finalization of Legislation on the State Guarantee in the Finance Act, following Validation by the European Union -- The State Guarantee under the European Commission's prior Opinion of 23 October 2007 -- Singularity of the State Guarantee System for Space Damage -- Analysis of Compatibility -- The State Guarantee under Article 119 of the Finance Act of 30 December 2008 -- 6.5.5 Other Legislative Supplements Relating to the SOA: Amendment of the Insurance Code in 2011 -- 6.6 Development of the Regulatory Mechanism: Implementing Decrees between 2008 and June 2009 -- 6.6.1 The Authorisation Decree of 2009 (D-A) -- Administrative and Financial Authorization Criteria -- The Concept of Technical Event -- A New Procedure for Pre-Certification of Procedures and Systems -- Various Clarifications Brought on some FSOA's Items -- Adjustments to the Obligation for the Operator to Take Out a Financial Guarantee or Insurance under Article 6 of the SOA. Determination of the Date of Entry into Force of the Act.
Altri titoli varianti Space Law in the European Context
Record Nr. UNINA-9910838260103321
Clerc Philippe  
Portland : , : Eleven International Publishing, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui