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E-learning and the science of instruction : proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning / / Ruth C. Clark, Richard E. Mayer
E-learning and the science of instruction : proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning / / Ruth C. Clark, Richard E. Mayer
Autore Clark Ruth Colvin
Edizione [Fourth edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken : , : Wiley, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (519 pages)
Disciplina 658.3/12402854678
Collana THEi Wiley ebooks
Soggetto topico Business education - Computer-assisted instruction
ISBN 1-119-15868-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Machine generated contents note: Acknowledgments Introduction 1. E-Learning: Promise and Pitfalls Chapter Summary What Is e-Learning? Is e-Learning Better? The Promise of e-Learning The Pitfalls of e-Learning e-Learning Architectures What is Effective e-Coruseware? Learning in e-Learning What to Look for in e-Learning 2. How Do People Learning from E-Courses? Chapter Summary How Do People Learn? Managing Limited Cognitive Resources During Learning How e-Lessons Affect Human Learning? What to Look for in e-Learning 3. Evidence-based Practice Chapter Summary What is Evidence-based Practice? Three Approaches to Research on Instructional Effectiveness What to Look for in Experimental Comparisons How to Interpret Research Statistics How Can You Identify Relevant Research? Boundary Conditions in Experimental Comparisons Practical Versus Theoretical Research What to Look for in e-Learning 4. Applying the Multimedia Principle: Use Words and Graphics rather than Words Alone Chapter Summary Do Visuals Make a Difference? Multimedia Principle: Include Both Words and Graphics Some Ways to Use Graphics to Promote Learning Psychological Reasons for the Multimedia Principle Evidence for Using Words and Pictures The Multimedia Principle Works Best for Novices Should You Change Static Illustrations into Animations? What to Look for in e-Learning 5. Applying the Contiguity Principle: Align Words to Corrresponding Graphics Chapter Summary Principle 1: Place Printed Words Near Corresponding Graphics Psychological Reasons for Principle 1 Evidence for Principle 1 Principle 2: Synchronize Spoken Words with Corresponding Graphics Psychological Reasons for Principle 2 Evidence for Principle 2 What to Look for in e-Learning 6. Applying the Modality Principle: Present Words as Audio Narration Rather than On-screen Text Chapter Summary Modality Principle: Present Words as Speech Rather than On-screen Text Limitations to the Modality Principle Psychological Reasons for the Modality Principle Evidence for Using Spoken Rather than Printed Text When the Modality Principle Applies What to Look for in e-Learning 7. Applying the Redundancy Principle: Explain Visuals with Words in Audio OR Text but Not Both Chapter Summary Principle 1: Do Not Add On-screen Text to Narrated Graphics Psychological Reasons for the Redundancy Principle Evidence for Omitting Redundant On-screen Text Principle 2: Consider Adding On-screen Text to Narration in Special Situations Psychological Reasons for Exceptions to the Redundancy Principle Evidence for Including Redundant On-screen Text What to Look for in e-Learning 8. Applying the Coherence Principle: Adding Extra Material Can Hurt Learning Chapter Summary Principle 1: Avoid e-Lessons with Extraneous Words Multimedia Principle: Include Both Words and Graphics Psychological Reasons to Avoid Extraneous Words in e-Learning Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Words Added for Interest Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Words Added to Expand on Key Ideas Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Words Added for Technical Depth Principle 2: Avoid e-Lessons with Extraneous Graphics Psychological Reasons to Avoid Extraneous Graphics in e-Learning Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Graphics Added for Interest Evidence for Using Simpler Visuals Can Interesting Graphics Ever Be Helpful? Principle 3: Avoid e-Lessons with Extraneous Audio Psychological Reasons to Avoid Extraneous Audio in e-Learning Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Audio What to Look for in e-Learning 9. Applying the Personalization and Embodiment Principles: Use Conversational Style, Polite Wording, Human Voice, and Virtual Coaches Chapter Summary Personalization Principle: Use Conversational Rather than Formal Style, Polite Wording Rather than Direct Wording and Human Voice Rather than Machine Voice Psychological Reasons for the Personalization Principle Promote Personalization through Conversational Style Promote Personalization through Polite Speech Promote Personalization through Voice Quality Embodiment Principle: Use Effect On-screen Coaches to Promote Learning Implications for e-Learning What to Look for in e-Learning 10. Applying the Segmenting and Pretraining Principles: Managing Complexity by Breaking a Lesson into Parts Chapter Summary Segmenting Principle: Break a Continuous Lesson into Bite-size Segments Psychological Reasons for the Segmenting Principle Evidence for Breaking a Continuous Lesson into Bite-Size Segments Pretraining Principle: Ensure that Learners Know the Names and Characteristics of Key Concepts Psychological Reasons for the Pretraining Principle Evidence for Providing Pretraining in Key Concepts What to Look for in E-Learning 11. Engagement in E-Learning Chapter Summary What Is Engagement? When Behavioral Engagement Impedes Learning Engagement that Leads to Generative Processing A New View of Engagement What to Look for in E-Learning 12. Leveraging Examples in E-Learning Chapter Summary What Are Worked Examples? The Psychology of Worked Examples Evidence for Benefits of Worked Examples Principles to Optimize Benefits of Worked Examples Principle 1: Provide Worked Examples in Lieu of Problem Assignments when the Essential Load of the Lesson is High Principle 2: Fade from Worked Examples to Problems Principle 3: Promote Self-Explanations Principle 4: Include Instructional Explanations of Worked Examples in Some Situations Principle 5: Apply Multimedia Principles to Examples Principle 6: Support Learning Transfer Design Guidelines for Far Transfer Worked Examples What to Look for in E-Learning 13. Does Practice Make Perfect? Chapter Summary What is Practice in E-Learning? Is Practice a Good Investment? Principle 1: Add Sufficient Practice Interaction to E-Learning to Achieve the Objective Principle 2: Mirror the Job Principle 3: Provide Effective Feedback Principle 4: Distribute and Mix Practice among Learning Events Principle 5: Apply Multimedia Principles What to Look for in e-Learning 14. Learning Together Virtually Chapter Summary What is Collaborative Learning? What is Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)? Principle 1: Consider Collaborative Assignments for Challenging Tasks Principle 2: Optimize Group Size, Composition, and Interdependence Principle 3: Match Synchronous and Asynchronous Assignments to the Collaborative Goal Principle 4: Use Collaborative Tool Features that Optimize Team Processes and Products Principle 5: Maximize Social Presence in Online Collaborative Environments Principle 6: Use Structured Collaboration Processes to Optimize Team Outcomes What to Look for in e-Learning 15. Who's In Control? Guidelines for E-Learning Navigation Chapter Summary Learner Control Versus Program Control Do Learners Make Good Instructional Decisions? Principle 1: Give Experienced Learners Control Principle 2: Make Important Instructional Events the Default Principle 3: Consider Alternative Forms of Learner Control Principle 4: Give Pacing Control to All Learners Principle 5: Offer Navigational Support in Hypermedia Environments The Bottom Line What to Look for in E-Learning 16. E-Learning to Build Thinking Skills Chapter Summary What are Thinking Skills? Can Thinking Skills be Trained? Principle 1: Focus on Explicit Teaching of Job-Relevant Thinking Skills Principle 2: Design Lessons around Authentic Work Tasks or Problems Evidence for Problem-Focused Instruction Principle 3: Define Job-Specific Thinking Processes What to Look for in E-Learning 17. Learning with Computer Games Chapter Summary Do Games Have a Place in the Serious Business of Training? Which Features Improve a Game's Effectiveness? Does Game Playing Improve Cognitive Skills? Are Games More Effective than Conventional Media? What to Look for in E-Learning 18.
Applying the Guidelines Chapter Summary Applying Evidence-based Guidelines to E-Courses E-Learning Guidelines Checklist Review of Sample 1: Excel for Small Business Review of Sample 2: Synchronous Excel Lesson Review of Sample 3: Automotive Troubleshooting Simulation Reflections on Past Predictions Beyond 2016 in Multimedia Research In Conclusion References Glossary List of Tables and Figures Name Index Subject Index About the Authors Wiley Publication Guide.
Altri titoli varianti e-learning and the science of instruction
E-Learning and the science of instruction
e-Learning and the science of instruction
Record Nr. UNINA-9910136418703321
Clark Ruth Colvin  
Hoboken : , : Wiley, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
E-learning and the science of instruction : proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning / / Ruth C. Clark, Richard E. Mayer
E-learning and the science of instruction : proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning / / Ruth C. Clark, Richard E. Mayer
Autore Clark Ruth Colvin
Edizione [Fourth edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Hoboken : , : Wiley, , [2016]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (519 pages)
Disciplina 658.3/12402854678
Collana THEi Wiley ebooks
Soggetto topico Business education - Computer-assisted instruction
ISBN 1-119-15868-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Machine generated contents note: Acknowledgments Introduction 1. E-Learning: Promise and Pitfalls Chapter Summary What Is e-Learning? Is e-Learning Better? The Promise of e-Learning The Pitfalls of e-Learning e-Learning Architectures What is Effective e-Coruseware? Learning in e-Learning What to Look for in e-Learning 2. How Do People Learning from E-Courses? Chapter Summary How Do People Learn? Managing Limited Cognitive Resources During Learning How e-Lessons Affect Human Learning? What to Look for in e-Learning 3. Evidence-based Practice Chapter Summary What is Evidence-based Practice? Three Approaches to Research on Instructional Effectiveness What to Look for in Experimental Comparisons How to Interpret Research Statistics How Can You Identify Relevant Research? Boundary Conditions in Experimental Comparisons Practical Versus Theoretical Research What to Look for in e-Learning 4. Applying the Multimedia Principle: Use Words and Graphics rather than Words Alone Chapter Summary Do Visuals Make a Difference? Multimedia Principle: Include Both Words and Graphics Some Ways to Use Graphics to Promote Learning Psychological Reasons for the Multimedia Principle Evidence for Using Words and Pictures The Multimedia Principle Works Best for Novices Should You Change Static Illustrations into Animations? What to Look for in e-Learning 5. Applying the Contiguity Principle: Align Words to Corrresponding Graphics Chapter Summary Principle 1: Place Printed Words Near Corresponding Graphics Psychological Reasons for Principle 1 Evidence for Principle 1 Principle 2: Synchronize Spoken Words with Corresponding Graphics Psychological Reasons for Principle 2 Evidence for Principle 2 What to Look for in e-Learning 6. Applying the Modality Principle: Present Words as Audio Narration Rather than On-screen Text Chapter Summary Modality Principle: Present Words as Speech Rather than On-screen Text Limitations to the Modality Principle Psychological Reasons for the Modality Principle Evidence for Using Spoken Rather than Printed Text When the Modality Principle Applies What to Look for in e-Learning 7. Applying the Redundancy Principle: Explain Visuals with Words in Audio OR Text but Not Both Chapter Summary Principle 1: Do Not Add On-screen Text to Narrated Graphics Psychological Reasons for the Redundancy Principle Evidence for Omitting Redundant On-screen Text Principle 2: Consider Adding On-screen Text to Narration in Special Situations Psychological Reasons for Exceptions to the Redundancy Principle Evidence for Including Redundant On-screen Text What to Look for in e-Learning 8. Applying the Coherence Principle: Adding Extra Material Can Hurt Learning Chapter Summary Principle 1: Avoid e-Lessons with Extraneous Words Multimedia Principle: Include Both Words and Graphics Psychological Reasons to Avoid Extraneous Words in e-Learning Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Words Added for Interest Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Words Added to Expand on Key Ideas Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Words Added for Technical Depth Principle 2: Avoid e-Lessons with Extraneous Graphics Psychological Reasons to Avoid Extraneous Graphics in e-Learning Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Graphics Added for Interest Evidence for Using Simpler Visuals Can Interesting Graphics Ever Be Helpful? Principle 3: Avoid e-Lessons with Extraneous Audio Psychological Reasons to Avoid Extraneous Audio in e-Learning Evidence for Omitting Extraneous Audio What to Look for in e-Learning 9. Applying the Personalization and Embodiment Principles: Use Conversational Style, Polite Wording, Human Voice, and Virtual Coaches Chapter Summary Personalization Principle: Use Conversational Rather than Formal Style, Polite Wording Rather than Direct Wording and Human Voice Rather than Machine Voice Psychological Reasons for the Personalization Principle Promote Personalization through Conversational Style Promote Personalization through Polite Speech Promote Personalization through Voice Quality Embodiment Principle: Use Effect On-screen Coaches to Promote Learning Implications for e-Learning What to Look for in e-Learning 10. Applying the Segmenting and Pretraining Principles: Managing Complexity by Breaking a Lesson into Parts Chapter Summary Segmenting Principle: Break a Continuous Lesson into Bite-size Segments Psychological Reasons for the Segmenting Principle Evidence for Breaking a Continuous Lesson into Bite-Size Segments Pretraining Principle: Ensure that Learners Know the Names and Characteristics of Key Concepts Psychological Reasons for the Pretraining Principle Evidence for Providing Pretraining in Key Concepts What to Look for in E-Learning 11. Engagement in E-Learning Chapter Summary What Is Engagement? When Behavioral Engagement Impedes Learning Engagement that Leads to Generative Processing A New View of Engagement What to Look for in E-Learning 12. Leveraging Examples in E-Learning Chapter Summary What Are Worked Examples? The Psychology of Worked Examples Evidence for Benefits of Worked Examples Principles to Optimize Benefits of Worked Examples Principle 1: Provide Worked Examples in Lieu of Problem Assignments when the Essential Load of the Lesson is High Principle 2: Fade from Worked Examples to Problems Principle 3: Promote Self-Explanations Principle 4: Include Instructional Explanations of Worked Examples in Some Situations Principle 5: Apply Multimedia Principles to Examples Principle 6: Support Learning Transfer Design Guidelines for Far Transfer Worked Examples What to Look for in E-Learning 13. Does Practice Make Perfect? Chapter Summary What is Practice in E-Learning? Is Practice a Good Investment? Principle 1: Add Sufficient Practice Interaction to E-Learning to Achieve the Objective Principle 2: Mirror the Job Principle 3: Provide Effective Feedback Principle 4: Distribute and Mix Practice among Learning Events Principle 5: Apply Multimedia Principles What to Look for in e-Learning 14. Learning Together Virtually Chapter Summary What is Collaborative Learning? What is Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)? Principle 1: Consider Collaborative Assignments for Challenging Tasks Principle 2: Optimize Group Size, Composition, and Interdependence Principle 3: Match Synchronous and Asynchronous Assignments to the Collaborative Goal Principle 4: Use Collaborative Tool Features that Optimize Team Processes and Products Principle 5: Maximize Social Presence in Online Collaborative Environments Principle 6: Use Structured Collaboration Processes to Optimize Team Outcomes What to Look for in e-Learning 15. Who's In Control? Guidelines for E-Learning Navigation Chapter Summary Learner Control Versus Program Control Do Learners Make Good Instructional Decisions? Principle 1: Give Experienced Learners Control Principle 2: Make Important Instructional Events the Default Principle 3: Consider Alternative Forms of Learner Control Principle 4: Give Pacing Control to All Learners Principle 5: Offer Navigational Support in Hypermedia Environments The Bottom Line What to Look for in E-Learning 16. E-Learning to Build Thinking Skills Chapter Summary What are Thinking Skills? Can Thinking Skills be Trained? Principle 1: Focus on Explicit Teaching of Job-Relevant Thinking Skills Principle 2: Design Lessons around Authentic Work Tasks or Problems Evidence for Problem-Focused Instruction Principle 3: Define Job-Specific Thinking Processes What to Look for in E-Learning 17. Learning with Computer Games Chapter Summary Do Games Have a Place in the Serious Business of Training? Which Features Improve a Game's Effectiveness? Does Game Playing Improve Cognitive Skills? Are Games More Effective than Conventional Media? What to Look for in E-Learning 18.
Applying the Guidelines Chapter Summary Applying Evidence-based Guidelines to E-Courses E-Learning Guidelines Checklist Review of Sample 1: Excel for Small Business Review of Sample 2: Synchronous Excel Lesson Review of Sample 3: Automotive Troubleshooting Simulation Reflections on Past Predictions Beyond 2016 in Multimedia Research In Conclusion References Glossary List of Tables and Figures Name Index Subject Index About the Authors Wiley Publication Guide.
Altri titoli varianti e-learning and the science of instruction
E-Learning and the science of instruction
e-Learning and the science of instruction
Record Nr. UNINA-9910825061903321
Clark Ruth Colvin  
Hoboken : , : Wiley, , [2016]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Evidence-based training methods : a guide for training professionals / / Ruth Colvin Clark
Evidence-based training methods : a guide for training professionals / / Ruth Colvin Clark
Autore Clark Ruth Colvin
Edizione [Third edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Alexandria, Virginia : , : Association for Talent Development, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1 volume) : illustrations
Disciplina 371.3
Soggetto topico Instructional systems - Design
Learning, Psychology of
ISBN 1-949036-58-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface: Why Evidence-Based Training Methods, Third Edition? -- Part 1: Evidence-Based Practice and Learning -- Chapter 1: Training Fads and Fables -- Chapter 2: What Is Evidence-Based Practice? -- Chapter 3: How People Learn -- Chapter 4: Active Learning -- Part 2: Evidence-Based Use of Graphics, Text, and Audio -- Chapter 5: Visualize Your Content -- Chapter 6: Learning From Animations -- Chapter 7: Explaining Visuals -- Chapter 8: Make Learning Personable -- Chapter 9: When Less Is More -- Part 3: Evidence-Based Use of Examples and Practice -- Chapter 10: Accelerate Expertise With Examples -- Chapter 11: Does Practice Make Perfect? -- Chapter 12: Feedback to Optimize Learning and Motivation -- Part 4: Evidence-Based Lessons and Games -- Chapter 13: Give Effective Explanations -- Chapter 14: Teaching Procedures -- Chapter 15: Teaching Critical Thinking With Problem Scenarios -- Chapter 16: Digital Games for Workforce Learning -- Part 5: Evidence-Based Principles of Instruction -- Chapter 17: Evidence-Based Methods Aligned to Training Development -- Appendix: A Synopsis of Evidence-Based Instructional Methods -- References -- About the Author -- Index -- Back Cover.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910793932003321
Clark Ruth Colvin  
Alexandria, Virginia : , : Association for Talent Development, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Evidence-based training methods : a guide for training professionals / / Ruth Colvin Clark
Evidence-based training methods : a guide for training professionals / / Ruth Colvin Clark
Autore Clark Ruth Colvin
Edizione [Third edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Alexandria, Virginia : , : Association for Talent Development, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (1 volume) : illustrations
Disciplina 371.3
Soggetto topico Instructional systems - Design
Learning, Psychology of
ISBN 1-949036-58-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright -- Contents -- Preface: Why Evidence-Based Training Methods, Third Edition? -- Part 1: Evidence-Based Practice and Learning -- Chapter 1: Training Fads and Fables -- Chapter 2: What Is Evidence-Based Practice? -- Chapter 3: How People Learn -- Chapter 4: Active Learning -- Part 2: Evidence-Based Use of Graphics, Text, and Audio -- Chapter 5: Visualize Your Content -- Chapter 6: Learning From Animations -- Chapter 7: Explaining Visuals -- Chapter 8: Make Learning Personable -- Chapter 9: When Less Is More -- Part 3: Evidence-Based Use of Examples and Practice -- Chapter 10: Accelerate Expertise With Examples -- Chapter 11: Does Practice Make Perfect? -- Chapter 12: Feedback to Optimize Learning and Motivation -- Part 4: Evidence-Based Lessons and Games -- Chapter 13: Give Effective Explanations -- Chapter 14: Teaching Procedures -- Chapter 15: Teaching Critical Thinking With Problem Scenarios -- Chapter 16: Digital Games for Workforce Learning -- Part 5: Evidence-Based Principles of Instruction -- Chapter 17: Evidence-Based Methods Aligned to Training Development -- Appendix: A Synopsis of Evidence-Based Instructional Methods -- References -- About the Author -- Index -- Back Cover.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910810423403321
Clark Ruth Colvin  
Alexandria, Virginia : , : Association for Talent Development, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Graphics for learning [[electronic resource] ] : proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials / / Ruth Colvin Clark, Chopeta Lyons
Graphics for learning [[electronic resource] ] : proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials / / Ruth Colvin Clark, Chopeta Lyons
Autore Clark Ruth Colvin
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa San Francisco, : Pfeiffer, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (422 p.)
Disciplina 371.33/5
Altri autori (Persone) LyonsChopeta C
Collana Pfeiffer essential resources for training and HR professionals
Soggetto topico Visual aids
Visual education
Business education - Audio-visual aids
Learning, Psychology of
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 0-470-88092-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto section 1. The foundation -- section 2. How to use visuals to support psychological learning processes -- section 3. How to visualize lesson content -- section 4. How to plan and communicate your visuals.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910459468303321
Clark Ruth Colvin  
San Francisco, : Pfeiffer, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Graphics for learning [[electronic resource] ] : proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials / / Ruth Colvin Clark, Chopeta Lyons
Graphics for learning [[electronic resource] ] : proven guidelines for planning, designing, and evaluating visuals in training materials / / Ruth Colvin Clark, Chopeta Lyons
Autore Clark Ruth Colvin
Edizione [2nd ed.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa San Francisco, : Pfeiffer, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (422 p.)
Disciplina 371.33/5
Altri autori (Persone) LyonsChopeta C
Collana Pfeiffer essential resources for training and HR professionals
Soggetto topico Visual aids
Visual education
Business education - Audio-visual aids
Learning, Psychology of
ISBN 0-470-88092-9
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto section 1. The foundation -- section 2. How to use visuals to support psychological learning processes -- section 3. How to visualize lesson content -- section 4. How to plan and communicate your visuals.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910785315803321
Clark Ruth Colvin  
San Francisco, : Pfeiffer, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Scenario-based e-learning [[electronic resource] ] : evidence-based guidelines for online workforce learning / / Ruth Colvin Clark
Scenario-based e-learning [[electronic resource] ] : evidence-based guidelines for online workforce learning / / Ruth Colvin Clark
Autore Clark Ruth Colvin
Pubbl/distr/stampa San Francisco, Calif., : Pfeiffer, 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (248 p.)
Disciplina 658.312404
Soggetto topico Employees - Training of - Computer-assisted instruction
Problem-based learning
Instructional systems - Design
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-118-41645-7
Classificazione EDU039000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910453010903321
Clark Ruth Colvin  
San Francisco, Calif., : Pfeiffer, 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Scenario-based e-learning [[electronic resource] ] : evidence-based guidelines for online workforce learning / / Ruth Colvin Clark
Scenario-based e-learning [[electronic resource] ] : evidence-based guidelines for online workforce learning / / Ruth Colvin Clark
Autore Clark Ruth Colvin
Pubbl/distr/stampa San Francisco, Calif., : Pfeiffer, 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (248 p.)
Disciplina 658.312404
Soggetto topico Employees - Training of - Computer-assisted instruction
Problem-based learning
Instructional systems - Design
ISBN 1-118-41645-7
Classificazione EDU039000
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Record Nr. UNINA-9910779305003321
Clark Ruth Colvin  
San Francisco, Calif., : Pfeiffer, 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui