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BERRU Predictive Modeling : Best Estimate Results with Reduced Uncertainties / / by Dan Gabriel Cacuci
BERRU Predictive Modeling : Best Estimate Results with Reduced Uncertainties / / by Dan Gabriel Cacuci
Autore Cacuci Dan Gabriel
Edizione [1st ed. 2019.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2019
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XIV, 451 p. 1 illus.)
Disciplina 620.00151
Soggetto topico Engineering mathematics
Computer simulation
Mathematical models
Quality control
Industrial safety
Engineering Mathematics
Simulation and Modeling
Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics
Quality Control, Reliability, Safety and Risk
ISBN 3-662-58395-X
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Basics of predictive best-estimate model calibration -- Predictive best-estimate model-validation, model-calibration and model-verification concerning open and chaotic systems -- Differences to traditional statostic evaluation methods -- Examples.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910337610403321
Cacuci Dan Gabriel  
Berlin, Heidelberg : , : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : , : Imprint : Springer, , 2019
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The nth-order comprehensive adjoint sensitivity analysis methodology . Volume II : overcoming the curse of dimensionality / / Dan Gabriel Cacuci and Ruixian Fang
The nth-order comprehensive adjoint sensitivity analysis methodology . Volume II : overcoming the curse of dimensionality / / Dan Gabriel Cacuci and Ruixian Fang
Autore Cacuci Dan Gabriel
Edizione [1st ed. 2023.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, , [2023]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (474 pages)
Disciplina 003.5
Soggetto topico Large scale systems
Linear systems
Sensitivity theory (Mathematics)
ISBN 9783031196355
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Chapter1. 1st-Order Sensitivity Analysis of the OECD/NEA PERP Reactor Physics Benchmark -- Chapter2. 2nd-Order Sensitivities of the PERP Benchmark to the Microscopic Total and Capture Cross Sections -- Chapter3. 2nd-Order Sensitivities of the PERP Benchmark to the Microscopic Scattering Cross Sections -- Chapter4. 2nd-Order Sensitivities of the PERP Benchmark to the Microscopic Fission Cross Sections -- Chapter5. 2nd-Order Sensitivities of the PERP Benchmark to the Average Number of Neutrons per Fission -- Chapter6. 2nd-Order Sensitivities of the PERP Benchmark to the Spontaneous Fission Source Parameters -- Chapter7. 2nd-Order Sensitivities of the PERP Benchmark to the Isotopic Number Densities -- Chapter8. 3rd-Order Sensitivities of the PERP Benchmark -- Chapter9. 4th-Order Sensitivities of the PERP Benchmark -- Chapter10. Overall Impact of 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-Order Sensitivities on the PERP Benchmark's Response Uncertainties.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910720077703321
Cacuci Dan Gabriel  
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, , [2023]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The nth-order comprehensive adjoint sensitivity analysis methodology . Volume III : overcoming the curse of dimensionality : nonlinear systems / / Dan Gabriel Cacuci
The nth-order comprehensive adjoint sensitivity analysis methodology . Volume III : overcoming the curse of dimensionality : nonlinear systems / / Dan Gabriel Cacuci
Autore Cacuci Dan Gabriel
Edizione [1st ed. 2023.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, , [2023]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (XII, 369 p. 148 illus., 20 illus. in color.)
Disciplina 003.5
Soggetto topico Large scale systems
Nonlinear systems
Sensitivity theory (Mathematics)
ISBN 3-031-22757-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Part A: Function-Valued Responses. Chapter 1: The First- and Second-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodologies for Nonlinear Systems with Function-Valued Responses -- Chapter 2: The Third-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology (C-ASAM-3) for Nonlinear Systems with Function-Valued Responses -- Chapter 3: The Fourth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology (C-ASAM-4) for Nonlinear Systems with Function-Valued Responses -- Chapter 4: The Nth-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology (C-ASAM-N) for Nonlinear Systems with Function-Valued Responses -- Part B: Scalar-Valued Responses -- Part B: Scalar-Valued Responses -- Chapter 5: The Fourth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology (C-ASAM-4) for Nonlinear Systems with Scalar-Valued Responses -- Chapter 6: The Nth-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology (C-ASAM-N) for Nonlinear Systems with Scalar-Valued Responses -- Chapter 7: Applications of C-ASAM to Uncertainty Analysis.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910698641303321
Cacuci Dan Gabriel  
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer Nature Switzerland AG, , [2023]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The nth-order comprehensive adjoint sensitivity analysis methodology . Volume 1 : overcoming the curse of dimensionality : linear systems / / Dan Gabriel Cacuci
The nth-order comprehensive adjoint sensitivity analysis methodology . Volume 1 : overcoming the curse of dimensionality : linear systems / / Dan Gabriel Cacuci
Autore Cacuci Dan Gabriel
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (373 pages)
Disciplina 629.8312
Soggetto topico Sensitivity theory (Mathematics)
Linear systems - Mathematical models
ISBN 9783030963644
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Motivation: Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality in Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, and Predict... -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Need for Computation of High-Order Response Sensitivities: An Illustrative Example -- 1.2.1 Sensitivity Analysis -- 1.2.2 Uncertainty Quantification: Moments of the Response Distribution -- 1.3 The Curse of Dimensionality in Sensitivity Analysis: Computation of High-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters -- 1.4 The Curse of Dimensionality in Uncertainty Quantification: Moments of the Response Distribution in Parameter Phase-Space -- 1.4.1 Expectation Value of a Response -- 1.4.2 Response-Parameter Covariances -- 1.4.3 Covariance of Two Responses -- 1.4.4 Triple Correlations Among Responses and Parameters -- 1.4.5 Quadruple Correlations Among Responses and Parameters -- 1.5 Chapter Summary -- Chapter 2: The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Forward/Adjoint Linear Sy... -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Mathematical Modeling of Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems -- 2.3 The First-Order Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems (1s... -- 2.4 The Second-Order Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems (2... -- 2.5 The Third-Order Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems (3r... -- 2.6 The Fourth-Order Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems (4... -- 2.7 The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Forward/Adjoint Linear Systems (... -- 2.7.1 The Pattern Underlying the nth-CASAM-L for n = 1, 2, 3, 4.
2.7.2 The Pattern Underlying the nth-CASAM-L: Arbitrarily High-Order n -- 2.7.3 Proving That the Framework for the nth-CASAM-L also Holds for the (n + 1)th-CASAM-L -- 2.8 The Fifth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Coupled Forward/Adjoint Linear Systems (5th-CAS... -- 2.9 Chapter Summary -- Chapter 3: Illustrative Applications of the nth-CASAM-L to Paradigm Physical Systems with Imprecisely Known Properties, Intern... -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Transmission of Particles Through Media -- 3.2.1 Point-Detector Response -- 3.2.2 Particle Leakage Response -- 3.2.3 Reaction Rate Response -- 3.2.4 Contribution-Response Flux -- 3.3 Application of the 1st-CASAM-L to Compute First-Order Response Sensitivities to Imprecisely Known Parameters -- 3.3.1 Point-Detector Response -- 3.3.2 Particle Leakage Response -- 3.3.3 Reaction Rate Response -- 3.3.4 Contribution-Response -- 3.4 Application of the 2nd-CASAM-L to Compute Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Imprecisely Known Parameters -- 3.4.1 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form 2ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αiμ(α), i = 1, , TP -- 3.4.2 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form 2ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αib2, i = 1, , TP -- 3.4.3 Summary of Main Features Underlying the Computation of the Second-Order Sensitivities 2ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αiαj, i, j = 1, , TP -- 3.5 Application of the 3rd-CASAM-L to Compute Third-Order Response Sensitivities to Imprecisely Known Parameters -- 3.5.1 Determination of the Third-Order Sensitivities of the Form 3ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αiμ(α)μ(α), i = 1, , TP -- 3.5.2 Determination of the Third-Order Sensitivities of the Form 3ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αib1b2, i = 1, , TP -- 3.6 Illustrative Application of the 4th-CASAM-L to a Paradigm Time-Evolution Model.
3.6.1 Applying the 1st-CASAM-L to Compute the first-Order Sensitivities to Model Parameters, Including Imprecisely Known Initi... -- 3.6.2 Applying the 2nd-CASAM-L to Compute the Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters, Including Imprecisely K... -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/σi, i = 1, , N -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/ni, i = 1, , N -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/ρin -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/td -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/β -- Independent Mutual Verification of Adjoint Sensitivity Functions -- Aggregating Model Parameters to Reduce the Number of Large-Scale Adjoint Computations for Determining the Second-Order... -- Illustrative Computation of Third- and Fourth-Order Sensitivities Using Aggregated Model Parameters -- 3.6.3 Applying the nth-CASAM-L to Compute Sensitivities of the Average Concentration Response to Model Parameters, Including I... -- First-Order Sensitivities -- Second-Order Sensitivities -- 3.7 Chapter Summary -- Chapter 4: Sensitivity Analysis of Neutron Transport Modeled by the Forward and Adjoint Linear Boltzmann Equations -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Paradigm Physical System: Neutron Transport in a Multiplying Medium with Source -- 4.3 Application of the 1st-CASAM-L to Determine the First-Order Sensitivities of R(φ,φ+ -- α) -- 4.4 Application of the 2nd-CASAM-L to Determine the Second-Order Sensitivities of R(φ,φ+ -- α) -- 4.4.1 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.2 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.3 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.4 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form.
4.4.5 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.6 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.7 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.5 Second-Order Sensitivity Analysis of the Schwinger and Roussopoulos Functionals -- 4.5.1 Application of the 1st-CASAM-L to Determine the First-Order Sensitivities of the Roussopoulos and Schwinger Functionals ... -- 4.5.2 Application of the 2nd-CASAM-L to Determine the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Schwinger and Roussopoulos Functionals... -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.6 Chapter Summary -- Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks -- References -- Index.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910585793103321
Cacuci Dan Gabriel  
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The nth-order comprehensive adjoint sensitivity analysis methodology . Volume 1 : overcoming the curse of dimensionality : linear systems / / Dan Gabriel Cacuci
The nth-order comprehensive adjoint sensitivity analysis methodology . Volume 1 : overcoming the curse of dimensionality : linear systems / / Dan Gabriel Cacuci
Autore Cacuci Dan Gabriel
Pubbl/distr/stampa Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2022]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (373 pages)
Disciplina 629.8312
Soggetto topico Sensitivity theory (Mathematics)
Linear systems - Mathematical models
ISBN 9783030963644
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Chapter 1: Motivation: Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality in Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification, and Predict... -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Need for Computation of High-Order Response Sensitivities: An Illustrative Example -- 1.2.1 Sensitivity Analysis -- 1.2.2 Uncertainty Quantification: Moments of the Response Distribution -- 1.3 The Curse of Dimensionality in Sensitivity Analysis: Computation of High-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters -- 1.4 The Curse of Dimensionality in Uncertainty Quantification: Moments of the Response Distribution in Parameter Phase-Space -- 1.4.1 Expectation Value of a Response -- 1.4.2 Response-Parameter Covariances -- 1.4.3 Covariance of Two Responses -- 1.4.4 Triple Correlations Among Responses and Parameters -- 1.4.5 Quadruple Correlations Among Responses and Parameters -- 1.5 Chapter Summary -- Chapter 2: The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Forward/Adjoint Linear Sy... -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Mathematical Modeling of Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems -- 2.3 The First-Order Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems (1s... -- 2.4 The Second-Order Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems (2... -- 2.5 The Third-Order Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems (3r... -- 2.6 The Fourth-Order Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Linear Forward and Adjoint Systems (4... -- 2.7 The nth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Forward/Adjoint Linear Systems (... -- 2.7.1 The Pattern Underlying the nth-CASAM-L for n = 1, 2, 3, 4.
2.7.2 The Pattern Underlying the nth-CASAM-L: Arbitrarily High-Order n -- 2.7.3 Proving That the Framework for the nth-CASAM-L also Holds for the (n + 1)th-CASAM-L -- 2.8 The Fifth-Order Comprehensive Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Coupled Forward/Adjoint Linear Systems (5th-CAS... -- 2.9 Chapter Summary -- Chapter 3: Illustrative Applications of the nth-CASAM-L to Paradigm Physical Systems with Imprecisely Known Properties, Intern... -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Transmission of Particles Through Media -- 3.2.1 Point-Detector Response -- 3.2.2 Particle Leakage Response -- 3.2.3 Reaction Rate Response -- 3.2.4 Contribution-Response Flux -- 3.3 Application of the 1st-CASAM-L to Compute First-Order Response Sensitivities to Imprecisely Known Parameters -- 3.3.1 Point-Detector Response -- 3.3.2 Particle Leakage Response -- 3.3.3 Reaction Rate Response -- 3.3.4 Contribution-Response -- 3.4 Application of the 2nd-CASAM-L to Compute Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Imprecisely Known Parameters -- 3.4.1 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form 2ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αiμ(α), i = 1, , TP -- 3.4.2 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form 2ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αib2, i = 1, , TP -- 3.4.3 Summary of Main Features Underlying the Computation of the Second-Order Sensitivities 2ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αiαj, i, j = 1, , TP -- 3.5 Application of the 3rd-CASAM-L to Compute Third-Order Response Sensitivities to Imprecisely Known Parameters -- 3.5.1 Determination of the Third-Order Sensitivities of the Form 3ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αiμ(α)μ(α), i = 1, , TP -- 3.5.2 Determination of the Third-Order Sensitivities of the Form 3ρ(φ,ψ -- α)/αib1b2, i = 1, , TP -- 3.6 Illustrative Application of the 4th-CASAM-L to a Paradigm Time-Evolution Model.
3.6.1 Applying the 1st-CASAM-L to Compute the first-Order Sensitivities to Model Parameters, Including Imprecisely Known Initi... -- 3.6.2 Applying the 2nd-CASAM-L to Compute the Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters, Including Imprecisely K... -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/σi, i = 1, , N -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/ni, i = 1, , N -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/ρin -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/td -- Second-Order Sensitivities Corresponding to R1(ρ -- α)/β -- Independent Mutual Verification of Adjoint Sensitivity Functions -- Aggregating Model Parameters to Reduce the Number of Large-Scale Adjoint Computations for Determining the Second-Order... -- Illustrative Computation of Third- and Fourth-Order Sensitivities Using Aggregated Model Parameters -- 3.6.3 Applying the nth-CASAM-L to Compute Sensitivities of the Average Concentration Response to Model Parameters, Including I... -- First-Order Sensitivities -- Second-Order Sensitivities -- 3.7 Chapter Summary -- Chapter 4: Sensitivity Analysis of Neutron Transport Modeled by the Forward and Adjoint Linear Boltzmann Equations -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Paradigm Physical System: Neutron Transport in a Multiplying Medium with Source -- 4.3 Application of the 1st-CASAM-L to Determine the First-Order Sensitivities of R(φ,φ+ -- α) -- 4.4 Application of the 2nd-CASAM-L to Determine the Second-Order Sensitivities of R(φ,φ+ -- α) -- 4.4.1 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.2 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.3 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.4 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form.
4.4.5 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.6 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.4.7 Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.5 Second-Order Sensitivity Analysis of the Schwinger and Roussopoulos Functionals -- 4.5.1 Application of the 1st-CASAM-L to Determine the First-Order Sensitivities of the Roussopoulos and Schwinger Functionals ... -- 4.5.2 Application of the 2nd-CASAM-L to Determine the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Schwinger and Roussopoulos Functionals... -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- Determination of the Second-Order Sensitivities of the Form -- 4.6 Chapter Summary -- Chapter 5: Concluding Remarks -- References -- Index.
Record Nr. UNISA-996483071503316
Cacuci Dan Gabriel  
Cham, Switzerland : , : Springer, , [2022]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. di Salerno
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Second-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology / / by Dan Gabriel Cacuci
The Second-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology / / by Dan Gabriel Cacuci
Autore Cacuci Dan Gabriel
Edizione [First edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boca Raton, FL : , : Chapman and Hall/CRC, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (327 pages)
Disciplina 003/.71
Collana Advances in Applied Mathematics
Soggetto topico Sensitivity theory (Mathematics)
Large scale systems
Nonlinear systems
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-351-64658-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto MOTIVATION FOR COMPUTING FIRST- AND SECOND-ORDER SENSITIVITIES OF SYSTEM RESPONSES TO THE SYSTEMS PARAMETERS -- The Fundamental Role of Response Sensitivities for Uncertainty Quantification -- The Fundamental Role of Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- Advantages and Disadvantages of Statistical and Deterministic Methods for Computing Response Sensitivities -- ILLUSTRATIVE APPLICATION OF THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) TO A LINEAR EVOLUTION PROBLEM -- Exact Computation of the 1st-Order Response Sensitivities -- Exact Computation of the 2nd-Order Response Sensitivities -- Computing the 2nd-Order Response Sensitivities Corresponding to the 1st-Order Sensitivities -- Discussion of the Essential Features of the 2nd-ASAM -- Illustrative Use of Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS -- Mathematical Modeling of a General Linear System -- The 1st-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (1st-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Linear Systems -- The 2nd-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (2nd-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Linear Systems -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A LINEAR HEAT CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION BENCHMARK PROBLEM -- Heat Transport Benchmark Problem: Mathematical Modeling -- Computation of First-Order Sensitivities Using the 2nd-ASAM -- Computation of first-order sensitivities of the heated rod temperature -- Computation of first-order sensitivities of the coolant temperature -- Verification of the "ANSYS/FLUENT Adjoint Solver" -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Sensitivities and Uncertainties for the Heat Transport Benchmark Problem -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A LINEAR PARTICLE DIFFUSION PROBLEM -- Paradigm Diffusion Problem Description -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the First-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters -- Role of Second-Order Response Sensitivities for Quantifying Non-Gaussian Features of the Response Uncertainty Distribution -- Illustrative Application of First-Order Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM FOR COMPUTING SENSITIVITIES OF DETECTOR RESPONSES TO UNCOLLIDED RADIATION TRANSPORT -- The Ray-Tracing Form of the Forward and Adjoint Boltzmann Transport Equation -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the First-Order Response Sensitivities to Variations in Model Parameters -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Variations in Model Parameters -- THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) FOR NONLINEAR SYSTEMS -- Mathematical Modeling of a General Nonlinear System -- The 1st-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (1st-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently the 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses -- The 2nd-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (2nd-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently the 2nd-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Nonlinear Systems -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A NONLINEAR HEAT CONDUCTION PROBLEM -- Mathematical Modeling of Heated Cylindrical Test Section -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM for Computing the 1st-Order Sensitivities -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM for Computing the 2nd-Order Sensitivities.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910468033803321
Cacuci Dan Gabriel  
Boca Raton, FL : , : Chapman and Hall/CRC, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Second-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology / / by Dan Gabriel Cacuci
The Second-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology / / by Dan Gabriel Cacuci
Autore Cacuci Dan Gabriel
Edizione [First edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boca Raton, FL : , : Chapman and Hall/CRC, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (327 pages)
Disciplina 003/.71
Collana Advances in Applied Mathematics
Soggetto topico Sensitivity theory (Mathematics)
Large scale systems
Nonlinear systems
ISBN 1-351-64658-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto MOTIVATION FOR COMPUTING FIRST- AND SECOND-ORDER SENSITIVITIES OF SYSTEM RESPONSES TO THE SYSTEMS PARAMETERS -- The Fundamental Role of Response Sensitivities for Uncertainty Quantification -- The Fundamental Role of Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- Advantages and Disadvantages of Statistical and Deterministic Methods for Computing Response Sensitivities -- ILLUSTRATIVE APPLICATION OF THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) TO A LINEAR EVOLUTION PROBLEM -- Exact Computation of the 1st-Order Response Sensitivities -- Exact Computation of the 2nd-Order Response Sensitivities -- Computing the 2nd-Order Response Sensitivities Corresponding to the 1st-Order Sensitivities -- Discussion of the Essential Features of the 2nd-ASAM -- Illustrative Use of Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS -- Mathematical Modeling of a General Linear System -- The 1st-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (1st-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Linear Systems -- The 2nd-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (2nd-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Linear Systems -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A LINEAR HEAT CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION BENCHMARK PROBLEM -- Heat Transport Benchmark Problem: Mathematical Modeling -- Computation of First-Order Sensitivities Using the 2nd-ASAM -- Computation of first-order sensitivities of the heated rod temperature -- Computation of first-order sensitivities of the coolant temperature -- Verification of the "ANSYS/FLUENT Adjoint Solver" -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Sensitivities and Uncertainties for the Heat Transport Benchmark Problem -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A LINEAR PARTICLE DIFFUSION PROBLEM -- Paradigm Diffusion Problem Description -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the First-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters -- Role of Second-Order Response Sensitivities for Quantifying Non-Gaussian Features of the Response Uncertainty Distribution -- Illustrative Application of First-Order Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM FOR COMPUTING SENSITIVITIES OF DETECTOR RESPONSES TO UNCOLLIDED RADIATION TRANSPORT -- The Ray-Tracing Form of the Forward and Adjoint Boltzmann Transport Equation -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the First-Order Response Sensitivities to Variations in Model Parameters -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Variations in Model Parameters -- THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) FOR NONLINEAR SYSTEMS -- Mathematical Modeling of a General Nonlinear System -- The 1st-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (1st-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently the 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses -- The 2nd-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (2nd-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently the 2nd-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Nonlinear Systems -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A NONLINEAR HEAT CONDUCTION PROBLEM -- Mathematical Modeling of Heated Cylindrical Test Section -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM for Computing the 1st-Order Sensitivities -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM for Computing the 2nd-Order Sensitivities.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910795446103321
Cacuci Dan Gabriel  
Boca Raton, FL : , : Chapman and Hall/CRC, , 2018
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
The Second-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology / / by Dan Gabriel Cacuci
The Second-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology / / by Dan Gabriel Cacuci
Autore Cacuci Dan Gabriel
Edizione [First edition.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Boca Raton, FL : , : Chapman and Hall/CRC, , 2018
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (327 pages)
Disciplina 003/.71
Collana Advances in Applied Mathematics
Soggetto topico Sensitivity theory (Mathematics)
Large scale systems
Nonlinear systems
ISBN 1-351-64658-3
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto MOTIVATION FOR COMPUTING FIRST- AND SECOND-ORDER SENSITIVITIES OF SYSTEM RESPONSES TO THE SYSTEMS PARAMETERS -- The Fundamental Role of Response Sensitivities for Uncertainty Quantification -- The Fundamental Role of Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- Advantages and Disadvantages of Statistical and Deterministic Methods for Computing Response Sensitivities -- ILLUSTRATIVE APPLICATION OF THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) TO A LINEAR EVOLUTION PROBLEM -- Exact Computation of the 1st-Order Response Sensitivities -- Exact Computation of the 2nd-Order Response Sensitivities -- Computing the 2nd-Order Response Sensitivities Corresponding to the 1st-Order Sensitivities -- Discussion of the Essential Features of the 2nd-ASAM -- Illustrative Use of Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) FOR LINEAR SYSTEMS -- Mathematical Modeling of a General Linear System -- The 1st-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (1st-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Linear Systems -- The 2nd-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (2nd-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Linear Systems -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A LINEAR HEAT CONDUCTION AND CONVECTION BENCHMARK PROBLEM -- Heat Transport Benchmark Problem: Mathematical Modeling -- Computation of First-Order Sensitivities Using the 2nd-ASAM -- Computation of first-order sensitivities of the heated rod temperature -- Computation of first-order sensitivities of the coolant temperature -- Verification of the "ANSYS/FLUENT Adjoint Solver" -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Sensitivities and Uncertainties for the Heat Transport Benchmark Problem -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A LINEAR PARTICLE DIFFUSION PROBLEM -- Paradigm Diffusion Problem Description -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the First-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters -- Applying the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Model Parameters -- Role of Second-Order Response Sensitivities for Quantifying Non-Gaussian Features of the Response Uncertainty Distribution -- Illustrative Application of First-Order Response Sensitivities for Predictive Modeling -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM FOR COMPUTING SENSITIVITIES OF DETECTOR RESPONSES TO UNCOLLIDED RADIATION TRANSPORT -- The Ray-Tracing Form of the Forward and Adjoint Boltzmann Transport Equation -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the First-Order Response Sensitivities to Variations in Model Parameters -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM to Compute the Second-Order Response Sensitivities to Variations in Model Parameters -- THE SECOND-ORDER ADJOINT SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY (2nd-ASAM) FOR NONLINEAR SYSTEMS -- Mathematical Modeling of a General Nonlinear System -- The 1st-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (1st-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently the 1st-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses -- The 2nd-Level Adjoint Sensitivity System (2nd-LASS) for Computing Exactly and Efficiently the 2nd-Order Sensitivities of Scalar-Valued Responses for Nonlinear Systems -- APPLICATION OF THE 2nd-ASAM TO A NONLINEAR HEAT CONDUCTION PROBLEM -- Mathematical Modeling of Heated Cylindrical Test Section -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM for Computing the 1st-Order Sensitivities -- Application of the 2nd-ASAM for Computing the 2nd-Order Sensitivities.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910799940103321
Cacuci Dan Gabriel  
Boca Raton, FL : , : Chapman and Hall/CRC, , 2018
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