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Analytic aspects of quantum fields [[electronic resource] /] / A.A. Bytsenko ... [et al.]
Analytic aspects of quantum fields [[electronic resource] /] / A.A. Bytsenko ... [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa [River Edge] New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2003
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (370 p.)
Disciplina 530.143
Altri autori (Persone) BytsenkoAndrei A
Soggetto topico Quantum field theory
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-92820-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; Preface; 1 Survey of Path Integral Quantization and Regularization Techniques; 1.1 Path Integral and Regularization Techniques for Functional; 1.2 Schwinger-Like Regularizations and Heat-Kernel Expansion; 1.3 Logarithmic Terms in the Heat-Kernel Expansion; 1.4 One-Loop Renormalization Group Equations; 1.5 Static Spacetimes: Thermodynamic Effects; 1.5.1 Static and ultrastatic spacetimes; 1.5.2 Finite-temperature effects; 1.5.3 The free energy; 1.5.4 The thermodynamic potential; 1.5.5 Regularization of the vacuum energy; 1.5.6 A generalized vacuum energy formula
2 The Zeta-Function Regularization Method2.1 Survey of the Chapter, Notation and Conventions; 2.1.1 Feasibility of physical interpretation via Wick rotation; 2.2 Heat-Kernel Expansion and Coefficients; 2.2.1 The heat-kernel expansion on compact manifolds; 2.2.2 The self-adjoint extension; 2.2.3 Existence of the (differentiated) heat-kernel expansion; 2.2.4 The heat-kernel coefficients; 2.3 Local and Global Spectral Zeta Functions on Compact Manifolds; 2.3.1 Weyl's asymptotic formulae; 2.3.2 Spectral zeta functions; 2.4 Effective Action, Effective Lagrangian and Green Functions
2.4.1 Comparison with the point-splitting regularization procedure2.4.2 Green functions and zeta functions; 2.4.3 Differential calculus of the heat kernel and local zeta functions; 2.5 Noncompact Manifolds and Manifolds with a Boundary; 2.6 The Stress-Energy Tensor and Field-Fluctuation Regularization; 2.6.1 The stress-energy tensor; 2.6.2 Zeta-function regularization of the stress-energy tensor and the field fluctuation; 2.6.3 The regularized stress tensor and its properties; 2.6.4 On the physical interpretation; 3 Generalized Spectra and Spectral Functions on Non-commutative Spaces
3.1 Extended Chowla-Selberg Formulae and Arbitrary Spectral Forms3.2 Barnes and Related Zeta Functions; 3.2.1 The two-dimensional case; 3.2.2 The D-dimensional case; 3.3 Spectral Zeta Functions for Scalar and Vector Fields on a Spacetime with a Non-commutative Toroidal Part; 3.3.1 Poles of the zeta function; 3.3.2 Explicit analytic continuation of ζα s); 3.4 Applications to Quantum Field Theory in Non-commutative Space; 3.4.1 Finite-temperature partition function; 3.4.2 The spectral zeta function and the regularized vacuum energy; 3.4.3 The regularized vacuum energy
3.4.4 High-temperature expansion4 Spectral Functions of Laplace Operator on Locally Symmetric Spaces; 4.1 Locally Symmetric Spaces of Rank One; 4.2 The Spectral Zeta Function; 4.3 Asymptotics of the Heat Kernel; 4.4 Product of Einstein Manifolds; 4.4.1 The Kronecker sum of Laplace operators; 4.4.2 The Selberg zeta function. Factorization formula; 4.4.3 Meromorphic continuation; 4.5 Real Hyperbolic Manifolds; 4.5.1 Laplacian on forms; 4.5.2 Simple complex Lie group; 4.5.3 An example of functional determinant evaluation; 4.5.4 Scalar fields in spacetime with spatial section of the form Γ\H3
5 Spinor Fields
Record Nr. UNINA-9910454096703321
[River Edge] New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2003
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Analytic aspects of quantum fields [[electronic resource] /] / A.A. Bytsenko ... [et al.]
Analytic aspects of quantum fields [[electronic resource] /] / A.A. Bytsenko ... [et al.]
Pubbl/distr/stampa [River Edge] New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2003
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (370 p.)
Disciplina 530.143
Altri autori (Persone) BytsenkoAndrei A
Soggetto topico Quantum field theory
ISBN 1-281-92820-8
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Contents; Preface; 1 Survey of Path Integral Quantization and Regularization Techniques; 1.1 Path Integral and Regularization Techniques for Functional; 1.2 Schwinger-Like Regularizations and Heat-Kernel Expansion; 1.3 Logarithmic Terms in the Heat-Kernel Expansion; 1.4 One-Loop Renormalization Group Equations; 1.5 Static Spacetimes: Thermodynamic Effects; 1.5.1 Static and ultrastatic spacetimes; 1.5.2 Finite-temperature effects; 1.5.3 The free energy; 1.5.4 The thermodynamic potential; 1.5.5 Regularization of the vacuum energy; 1.5.6 A generalized vacuum energy formula
2 The Zeta-Function Regularization Method2.1 Survey of the Chapter, Notation and Conventions; 2.1.1 Feasibility of physical interpretation via Wick rotation; 2.2 Heat-Kernel Expansion and Coefficients; 2.2.1 The heat-kernel expansion on compact manifolds; 2.2.2 The self-adjoint extension; 2.2.3 Existence of the (differentiated) heat-kernel expansion; 2.2.4 The heat-kernel coefficients; 2.3 Local and Global Spectral Zeta Functions on Compact Manifolds; 2.3.1 Weyl's asymptotic formulae; 2.3.2 Spectral zeta functions; 2.4 Effective Action, Effective Lagrangian and Green Functions
2.4.1 Comparison with the point-splitting regularization procedure2.4.2 Green functions and zeta functions; 2.4.3 Differential calculus of the heat kernel and local zeta functions; 2.5 Noncompact Manifolds and Manifolds with a Boundary; 2.6 The Stress-Energy Tensor and Field-Fluctuation Regularization; 2.6.1 The stress-energy tensor; 2.6.2 Zeta-function regularization of the stress-energy tensor and the field fluctuation; 2.6.3 The regularized stress tensor and its properties; 2.6.4 On the physical interpretation; 3 Generalized Spectra and Spectral Functions on Non-commutative Spaces
3.1 Extended Chowla-Selberg Formulae and Arbitrary Spectral Forms3.2 Barnes and Related Zeta Functions; 3.2.1 The two-dimensional case; 3.2.2 The D-dimensional case; 3.3 Spectral Zeta Functions for Scalar and Vector Fields on a Spacetime with a Non-commutative Toroidal Part; 3.3.1 Poles of the zeta function; 3.3.2 Explicit analytic continuation of ζα s); 3.4 Applications to Quantum Field Theory in Non-commutative Space; 3.4.1 Finite-temperature partition function; 3.4.2 The spectral zeta function and the regularized vacuum energy; 3.4.3 The regularized vacuum energy
3.4.4 High-temperature expansion4 Spectral Functions of Laplace Operator on Locally Symmetric Spaces; 4.1 Locally Symmetric Spaces of Rank One; 4.2 The Spectral Zeta Function; 4.3 Asymptotics of the Heat Kernel; 4.4 Product of Einstein Manifolds; 4.4.1 The Kronecker sum of Laplace operators; 4.4.2 The Selberg zeta function. Factorization formula; 4.4.3 Meromorphic continuation; 4.5 Real Hyperbolic Manifolds; 4.5.1 Laplacian on forms; 4.5.2 Simple complex Lie group; 4.5.3 An example of functional determinant evaluation; 4.5.4 Scalar fields in spacetime with spatial section of the form Γ\H3
5 Spinor Fields
Record Nr. UNINA-9910782283803321
[River Edge] New Jersey, : World Scientific, c2003
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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Geometrical aspects of quantum fields [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of the 2000 Londrina workshop : State University of Londrina, Brazil, 17-22 April 2000 / / editors, Andrei A. Bytsenko, Antonio E. Gonçalves, Bruto M. Pimentel
Geometrical aspects of quantum fields [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of the 2000 Londrina workshop : State University of Londrina, Brazil, 17-22 April 2000 / / editors, Andrei A. Bytsenko, Antonio E. Gonçalves, Bruto M. Pimentel
Pubbl/distr/stampa Singapore ; ; River Edge, NJ, : World Scientific, c2001
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (213 p.)
Disciplina 530.143
Altri autori (Persone) BytsenkoAndrei A
GonçalvesAntónio E
PimentelBruto M
Soggetto topico Geometric quantization
Quantum field theory
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 1-281-95187-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface; Contents; Dynamic, Viscous, Self-Screening Hawking Atmosphere; 1 Introduction; 2 Einstein's equations; 3 Discussion on the solutions of the equations; 4 Concluding remarks; References; Gravitational Interaction of Higher Spin Massive Fields and String Theory; 1 Introduction; 2 Massive spin 2 field on specific manifolds; 3 Consistent equations in arbitrary gravitational background; 4 String theory in background of massive spin 2 field; References; Invariants of Chern-Simons Theory Associated with Hyperbolic Manifolds; 1 Introduction
2 The index theorem and the classical contribution to the partition function3 One-loop contribution and associated invariants; 4 Concluding remarks; References; Localization of Equivariant Cohomology - Introductory and Expository Remarks; 1 Introduction; 2 The equivariant cohomology space H(M,X,s); 3 The localization formula; 4 The class [eCTX]; 5 The Duistermaat-Heckman Formula; Appendix; References; The Extremal Limit of D-Dimensional Black Holes; References; On the Dimensional Reduced Theories; Fractal Statistics, Fractal Index and Fractons; Quantum Field Theory from First Principles
T-Duality of Axial and Vector Dyonic Integrable Models1 Introduction; 2 Gauged WZNW Construction of NA Toda Models; 3 The Bn(1) Torsionless NA Toda model; 4 The twisted NA Toda Models; 5 Zero Curvature; 6 Conclusions; References; Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Equation in Riemannian Space-Times; 1 Introduction; 2 DKP equation in Minkowski space-time; 3 Passage to Riemannian space-times; 4 The equivalence with KG and Proca equations; 5 Conclusions and comments; References; Weak Scale Compactification and Constraints on Non-Newtonian Gravity in Submillimeter Range; 1 Introduction
2 Corrections to Newtonian Gravity in the Theories with a Weak Unification Scale3 What Constraints are Known up to Date?; 4 Constraints from the Recent Measurement of the Casimir Force Between Gold Coated Lens and Disk; 5 Conclusions and Discussion; References; Finite Action, Holographic Conformal Anomaly and Quantum Brane-Worlds in D5 Gauged Supergravity; 1 Introduction; 2 Holografic Weyl anomaly for gauged supergravity with general dilaton potential; 3 Surface Counterterms and Finite Action; 4 Comparison with other counterterm schemes and holografic RG
5 Dilatonic brane-world inflation induced by quantum effects: Constant bulk potential6 Discussion; Appendix A Remarks on boundary values; References; Quantum Group SUQ(2) and Pairing in Nuclei; 1 Quasi-Spin operators and Seniority Scheme; 2 Nucleon Pairs with q-deformation; 3 RPA with q-deformed nucleon pairs and q-deformed Quasi-particle pairs; 4 Gap equation in qBCS and the Ground State Energy; 5 Acknowledgments; References; Some Topological Considerations about Defects on Nematic Liquid Crystals; 1 INTRODUCTION; 2 AXIAL DISCLINATIONS AND THE MICROSCOPIC NATURE OF THE LIQUID CRYSTALS
Record Nr. UNINA-9910454395603321
Singapore ; ; River Edge, NJ, : World Scientific, c2001
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Geometrical aspects of quantum fields [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of the 2000 Londrina workshop : State University of Londrina, Brazil, 17-22 April 2000 / / editors, Andrei A. Bytsenko, Antonio E. Gonçalves, Bruto M. Pimentel
Geometrical aspects of quantum fields [[electronic resource] ] : proceedings of the 2000 Londrina workshop : State University of Londrina, Brazil, 17-22 April 2000 / / editors, Andrei A. Bytsenko, Antonio E. Gonçalves, Bruto M. Pimentel
Pubbl/distr/stampa Singapore ; ; River Edge, NJ, : World Scientific, c2001
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (213 p.)
Disciplina 530.143
Altri autori (Persone) BytsenkoAndrei A
GonçalvesAntónio E
PimentelBruto M
Soggetto topico Geometric quantization
Quantum field theory
ISBN 1-281-95187-0
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Preface; Contents; Dynamic, Viscous, Self-Screening Hawking Atmosphere; 1 Introduction; 2 Einstein's equations; 3 Discussion on the solutions of the equations; 4 Concluding remarks; References; Gravitational Interaction of Higher Spin Massive Fields and String Theory; 1 Introduction; 2 Massive spin 2 field on specific manifolds; 3 Consistent equations in arbitrary gravitational background; 4 String theory in background of massive spin 2 field; References; Invariants of Chern-Simons Theory Associated with Hyperbolic Manifolds; 1 Introduction
2 The index theorem and the classical contribution to the partition function3 One-loop contribution and associated invariants; 4 Concluding remarks; References; Localization of Equivariant Cohomology - Introductory and Expository Remarks; 1 Introduction; 2 The equivariant cohomology space H(M,X,s); 3 The localization formula; 4 The class [eCTX]; 5 The Duistermaat-Heckman Formula; Appendix; References; The Extremal Limit of D-Dimensional Black Holes; References; On the Dimensional Reduced Theories; Fractal Statistics, Fractal Index and Fractons; Quantum Field Theory from First Principles
T-Duality of Axial and Vector Dyonic Integrable Models1 Introduction; 2 Gauged WZNW Construction of NA Toda Models; 3 The Bn(1) Torsionless NA Toda model; 4 The twisted NA Toda Models; 5 Zero Curvature; 6 Conclusions; References; Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Equation in Riemannian Space-Times; 1 Introduction; 2 DKP equation in Minkowski space-time; 3 Passage to Riemannian space-times; 4 The equivalence with KG and Proca equations; 5 Conclusions and comments; References; Weak Scale Compactification and Constraints on Non-Newtonian Gravity in Submillimeter Range; 1 Introduction
2 Corrections to Newtonian Gravity in the Theories with a Weak Unification Scale3 What Constraints are Known up to Date?; 4 Constraints from the Recent Measurement of the Casimir Force Between Gold Coated Lens and Disk; 5 Conclusions and Discussion; References; Finite Action, Holographic Conformal Anomaly and Quantum Brane-Worlds in D5 Gauged Supergravity; 1 Introduction; 2 Holografic Weyl anomaly for gauged supergravity with general dilaton potential; 3 Surface Counterterms and Finite Action; 4 Comparison with other counterterm schemes and holografic RG
5 Dilatonic brane-world inflation induced by quantum effects: Constant bulk potential6 Discussion; Appendix A Remarks on boundary values; References; Quantum Group SUQ(2) and Pairing in Nuclei; 1 Quasi-Spin operators and Seniority Scheme; 2 Nucleon Pairs with q-deformation; 3 RPA with q-deformed nucleon pairs and q-deformed Quasi-particle pairs; 4 Gap equation in qBCS and the Ground State Energy; 5 Acknowledgments; References; Some Topological Considerations about Defects on Nematic Liquid Crystals; 1 INTRODUCTION; 2 AXIAL DISCLINATIONS AND THE MICROSCOPIC NATURE OF THE LIQUID CRYSTALS
Record Nr. UNINA-9910782390303321
Singapore ; ; River Edge, NJ, : World Scientific, c2001
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
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