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Archaic and classical choral song [[electronic resource] ] : performance, politics and dissemination / / edited by Lucia Athanassaki, Ewen Bowie
Archaic and classical choral song [[electronic resource] ] : performance, politics and dissemination / / edited by Lucia Athanassaki, Ewen Bowie
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; New York, : De Gruyter, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (572 p.)
Disciplina 884/.0109
Altri autori (Persone) AthanassakiLucia <1957->
Collana Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes
Soggetto topico Greek poetry - History and criticism - Theory, etc
Greek language - Metrics and rhythmics
Greek language - Accents and accentuation
Drama - Chorus (Greek drama)
Greek drama (Tragedy) - History and criticism
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 3-11-048237-1
Classificazione FE 4231
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Foreword -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- Reflections of choral song in early hexameter poetry / Richardson, Nicholas -- Alcman's first Partheneion and the song the Sirens sang / Bowie, Ewen -- Cyberchorus: Pindar's Κηληδόνες and the aura of the artificial / Power, Timothy -- Enunciative fiction and poetic performance. Choral voices in Bacchylides' Epinicians / Calame, Claude -- Eros and praise in early Greek lyric / Rawles, Richard -- The parrhesia of young female choruses in Ancient Greece / Lardinois, André P.M.H. -- A second look at the poetics of re-enactment in Ode 13 of Bacchylides / Nagy, Gregory -- The Ceians and their choral lyric: Athenian, epichoric and pan-Hellenic perspectives / Fearn, David -- Song, politics, and cultural memory: Pindar's Pythian 7 and the Alcmaeonid temple of Apollo / Athanassaki, Lucia -- Epinician choregia: funding a Pindaric chorus / Currie, Bruno -- Pindar and the Aeginetan patrai: Pindar's intersecting audiences / Morrison, A. D. -- Olympians 1-3: A song cycle? / Clay, Jenny Strauss -- The dissemination of Pindar's non-epinician choral lyric / Hubbard, Thomas -- Choral self-awareness: on the introductory anapaests of Aeschylus' Supplices / Kavoulaki, Athena -- Epinician and tragic worlds: the case of Sophocles' Trachiniae / Swift, L. A. -- Alcman at the end of Aristophanes' Lysistrata: ritual interchorality / Bierl, Anton -- Alcman: from Laconia to Alexandria / Carey, Chris -- Bibliography -- List of Contributors -- Index of proper names and subjects -- Index locorum
Record Nr. UNINA-9910461433703321
Berlin ; ; New York, : De Gruyter, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Archaic and classical choral song [[electronic resource] ] : performance, politics and dissemination / / edited by Lucia Athanassaki, Ewen Bowie
Archaic and classical choral song [[electronic resource] ] : performance, politics and dissemination / / edited by Lucia Athanassaki, Ewen Bowie
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; New York, : De Gruyter, c2011
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (572 p.)
Disciplina 884/.0109
Altri autori (Persone) AthanassakiLucia <1957->
Collana Trends in classics. Supplementary volumes
Soggetto topico Greek poetry - History and criticism - Theory, etc
Greek language - Metrics and rhythmics
Greek language - Accents and accentuation
Drama - Chorus (Greek drama)
Greek drama (Tragedy) - History and criticism
Soggetto non controllato Archaic Greece
Song Performance
ISBN 3-11-048237-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Foreword -- Table of Contents -- Introduction -- Reflections of choral song in early hexameter poetry / Richardson, Nicholas -- Alcman's first Partheneion and the song the Sirens sang / Bowie, Ewen -- Cyberchorus: Pindar's Κηληδόνες and the aura of the artificial / Power, Timothy -- Enunciative fiction and poetic performance. Choral voices in Bacchylides' Epinicians / Calame, Claude -- Eros and praise in early Greek lyric / Rawles, Richard -- The parrhesia of young female choruses in Ancient Greece / Lardinois, André P.M.H. -- A second look at the poetics of re-enactment in Ode 13 of Bacchylides / Nagy, Gregory -- The Ceians and their choral lyric: Athenian, epichoric and pan-Hellenic perspectives / Fearn, David -- Song, politics, and cultural memory: Pindar's Pythian 7 and the Alcmaeonid temple of Apollo / Athanassaki, Lucia -- Epinician choregia: funding a Pindaric chorus / Currie, Bruno -- Pindar and the Aeginetan patrai: Pindar's intersecting audiences / Morrison, A. D. -- Olympians 1-3: A song cycle? / Clay, Jenny Strauss -- The dissemination of Pindar's non-epinician choral lyric / Hubbard, Thomas -- Choral self-awareness: on the introductory anapaests of Aeschylus' Supplices / Kavoulaki, Athena -- Epinician and tragic worlds: the case of Sophocles' Trachiniae / Swift, L. A. -- Alcman at the end of Aristophanes' Lysistrata: ritual interchorality / Bierl, Anton -- Alcman: from Laconia to Alexandria / Carey, Chris -- Bibliography -- List of Contributors -- Index of proper names and subjects -- Index locorum
Record Nr. UNINA-9910789640303321
Berlin ; ; New York, : De Gruyter, c2011
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Herodotus - narrator, scientist, historian / / edited by Ewen Bowie
Herodotus - narrator, scientist, historian / / edited by Ewen Bowie
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2018]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (viii, 348 pages)
Disciplina 224.506
Collana Trends in classics - supplementary volumes
Soggetto topico History, Ancient - Historiography
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 3-11-058210-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Frontmatter -- Preface -- Contents -- I. Narrator -- Ὁμηρικώτατος? Battle Narratives in Herodotus / Marincola, John -- Herodotus the story-teller / Bowie, Angus -- Justifying Violence in Herodotus' Histories 3.38: Nomos, King of All, and Pindaric Poetics / Kingsley, K. Scarlett -- Sophocles' Oedipus and Herodotus' Periander / Finglass, P. J. -- Time, Thy Pyramids: The Novella of Mycerinus (Herodotus 2.129-134) / Konstantakos, Ioannis M. -- Herodotus on queens and courtesans of Egypt / Nagy, Gregory -- II. Scientist -- Herodotus mapping out his genre: the interaction of myth and geography in the Libyan logos / Zali, Vasiliki -- Herodotus the geographer / Bichler, Reinhold -- Herodotus as a literary critic / Grintser, Nikolay P. -- Herodotus on Health and Disease / Demont, Paul -- III. Historian -- Causes in competition: Herodotus and Hippocratics / Pelling, Christopher -- ἱστορέειν and θωμάζειν: scientific terms and signs of unity in Herodotus' Histories / Nikolaidou-Arabatzi, Smaro -- Χρυσός, χρόνος, and κλέος: objects of gold, cognition, ambiguity, and authority in Herodotus' Lydian logos / Xanthou, Maria G. -- Truth and authority in Herodotus' narrative: false stories and true stories / Thomas, Rosalind -- List of Contributors -- Bibliography -- Index Locorum -- Index of names and subjects
Record Nr. UNINA-9910467300603321
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2018]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Herodotus - narrator, scientist, historian / / edited by Ewen Bowie
Herodotus - narrator, scientist, historian / / edited by Ewen Bowie
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2018]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (viii, 348 pages)
Disciplina 224.506
Collana Trends in classics - supplementary volumes
Soggetto topico History, Ancient - Historiography
Soggetto non controllato Herodotus
narrative technique
scientific enquiry
ISBN 3-11-058210-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Preface -- Contents -- I. Narrator -- Ὁμηρικώτατος? Battle Narratives in Herodotus / Marincola, John -- Herodotus the story-teller / Bowie, Angus -- Justifying Violence in Herodotus' Histories 3.38: Nomos, King of All, and Pindaric Poetics / Kingsley, K. Scarlett -- Sophocles' Oedipus and Herodotus' Periander / Finglass, P. J. -- Time, Thy Pyramids: The Novella of Mycerinus (Herodotus 2.129-134) / Konstantakos, Ioannis M. -- Herodotus on queens and courtesans of Egypt / Nagy, Gregory -- II. Scientist -- Herodotus mapping out his genre: the interaction of myth and geography in the Libyan logos / Zali, Vasiliki -- Herodotus the geographer / Bichler, Reinhold -- Herodotus as a literary critic / Grintser, Nikolay P. -- Herodotus on Health and Disease / Demont, Paul -- III. Historian -- Causes in competition: Herodotus and Hippocratics / Pelling, Christopher -- ἱστορέειν and θωμάζειν: scientific terms and signs of unity in Herodotus' Histories / Nikolaidou-Arabatzi, Smaro -- Χρυσός, χρόνος, and κλέος: objects of gold, cognition, ambiguity, and authority in Herodotus' Lydian logos / Xanthou, Maria G. -- Truth and authority in Herodotus' narrative: false stories and true stories / Thomas, Rosalind -- List of Contributors -- Bibliography -- Index Locorum -- Index of names and subjects
Record Nr. UNINA-9910796898303321
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2018]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Herodotus - narrator, scientist, historian / / edited by Ewen Bowie
Herodotus - narrator, scientist, historian / / edited by Ewen Bowie
Pubbl/distr/stampa Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2018]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (viii, 348 pages)
Disciplina 224.506
Collana Trends in classics - supplementary volumes
Soggetto topico History, Ancient - Historiography
Soggetto non controllato Herodotus
narrative technique
scientific enquiry
ISBN 3-11-058210-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Front matter -- Preface -- Contents -- I. Narrator -- Ὁμηρικώτατος? Battle Narratives in Herodotus / Marincola, John -- Herodotus the story-teller / Bowie, Angus -- Justifying Violence in Herodotus' Histories 3.38: Nomos, King of All, and Pindaric Poetics / Kingsley, K. Scarlett -- Sophocles' Oedipus and Herodotus' Periander / Finglass, P. J. -- Time, Thy Pyramids: The Novella of Mycerinus (Herodotus 2.129-134) / Konstantakos, Ioannis M. -- Herodotus on queens and courtesans of Egypt / Nagy, Gregory -- II. Scientist -- Herodotus mapping out his genre: the interaction of myth and geography in the Libyan logos / Zali, Vasiliki -- Herodotus the geographer / Bichler, Reinhold -- Herodotus as a literary critic / Grintser, Nikolay P. -- Herodotus on Health and Disease / Demont, Paul -- III. Historian -- Causes in competition: Herodotus and Hippocratics / Pelling, Christopher -- ἱστορέειν and θωμάζειν: scientific terms and signs of unity in Herodotus' Histories / Nikolaidou-Arabatzi, Smaro -- Χρυσός, χρόνος, and κλέος: objects of gold, cognition, ambiguity, and authority in Herodotus' Lydian logos / Xanthou, Maria G. -- Truth and authority in Herodotus' narrative: false stories and true stories / Thomas, Rosalind -- List of Contributors -- Bibliography -- Index Locorum -- Index of names and subjects
Record Nr. UNINA-9910815276003321
Berlin ; ; Boston : , : De Gruyter, , [2018]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Mixis : Le mélange des genres chez Lucien de Samosate / / Émeline Marquis, Alain Billault
Mixis : Le mélange des genres chez Lucien de Samosate / / Émeline Marquis, Alain Billault
Autore Béguin Daniel
Pubbl/distr/stampa Paris, : Demopolis, 2020
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (293 p.)
Altri autori (Persone) BillaultAlain
ní MheallaighKaren
Collana Quaero
Soggetto topico Classics
littérature grecque ancienne
genre littéraire
mélange des genres
Soggetto non controllato écriture
littérature grecque ancienne
genre littéraire
mélange des genres
ISBN 2-35457-153-4
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione fre
Nota di contenuto Le mélange des genres dans À celui qui a dit: "Tu es un Prométhée dans tes discours" / Alain Billault -- Lucien et l'astropoétique : le voyage à travers les genres / Karen ní Mheallaigh -- La transgénéricité des Histoires vraies : l'hybridation et la bigarrure comme modes de création, critique et connaissance / Michel Braint -- Faire parler les Enfers : la catabase de Ménippe et les Dialogues des morts de Lucien / Heinz-Günther Nesselrath -- Les deux Phalaris de Lucien : l'hybridité au service de la satire / Émeline Marquis -- Quel genre lui donner? : le mélange des voix, des tons et des types de discours dans L'Eunuque de Lucien / Marine Glénisson -- Le héros satirique et les effets de la mixis chez Lucien de Samosate / Alberto Camerotto -- La mise en scène de soi chez Lucien : de la fausse (auto) biographie à la véritable autofiction / Myriam Diarra -- Generic play in Lucian's Philopseudes / Ewen Bowie -- Effets de chœur dans la dramaturgie comique de Lucien / Anne-Maire Favreau-Linder -- Le mélange des genres chez Lucien : le cas de la rhétorique judiciaire / Isabelle Gassino -- Tailored for school : Lucian's Jupiter tragoedus and Jupiter confutatus / Philip Bosman -- Dialogue, discours, récit, danse : spectacle et paideia / Francesca Mestre -- Les dialogues de Lucien et la société du spectacle / Daniel Béguin.
Record Nr. UNINA-9910495693703321
Béguin Daniel  
Paris, : Demopolis, 2020
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui