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Electromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces : asymptotic models / / Nicolas Pinel, Christophe Bourlier
Electromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces : asymptotic models / / Nicolas Pinel, Christophe Bourlier
Autore Pinel Nicolás
Pubbl/distr/stampa London ; ; Hoboken, New Jersey : , : ISTE : , : Wiley, , 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (162 p.)
Disciplina 515.35
Altri autori (Persone) BourlierChristophe
Collana Focus Series
Soggetto topico Boundary value problems
Electromagnetic waves - Scattering - Mathematical models
Surfaces (Physics) - Mathematical models
ISBN 1-118-57946-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Title Page; Contents; Preface; Introduction; CHAPTER 1. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE SCATTERING FROM RANDOM ROUGH SURFACES: BASICS; 1.1. Introduction; 1.2. Generalities; 1.2.1. Maxwell equations and boundary conditions; 1.2.2. Propagation of a plane wave (Helmholtz equation and plane wave); 1.2.3. Incident wave at an interface: polarization; 1.3. Random rough surfaces: statistical description and electromagneticroughness; 1.3.1. Statistical description of random rough surfaces; 1.3.2. Specific case of sea surfaces; 1.3.3. Electromagnetic roughness and Rayleigh roughness criterion
1.4. Scattering of electromagnetic waves from rough surfaces: basics1.4.1. Presentation of the problem (2D/3D); 1.4.2. Huygens' principle and extinction theorem; 1.4.3. Green functions (2D/3D); 1.4.4. Scattered powers and scattering coefficients; CHAPTER 2. DERIVATION OF THE SCATTERED FIELD UNDER ASYMPTOTIC MODELS; 2.1. Bibliography on existing models; 2.1.1. Introduction; 2.1.2. Rigorous models; 2.1.3. Asymptotic models; 2.1.4. General properties of scattering; 2.1.5. A few details on the KA and the GO; 2.2. Scattering in reflection and transmission under the KA with shadowing effect
2.2.1. KA in reflection and transmission with shadowing effect for 2D problems2.2.2. Extension of the KA model to 3D problems; 2.3. Scattering in reflection for 3D problems under various asymptotic models; 2.3.1. Context and specific notations; 2.3.2. The small perturbation model; 2.3.3. The Kirchhoff approximation-high-frequency regime; 2.3.4. The weighted curvature approximation; 2.3.5. The small slope approximation; 2.3.6. The local curvature approximation; 2.3.7. The resonant curvature approximation; 2.3.8. Validation of the different asymptotic numerical models for 2D problems
CHAPTER 3. DERIVATION OF THE NORMALIZED RADAR CROSS-SECTION UNDER ASYMPTOTIC MODELS3.1. Derivation of incoherent normalized radar cross-section under the GO for 2D problems; 3.1.1. Incoherent NRCS under the GO with shadowing effect for 2D problems; 3.1.2. Calculation of the bistatic shadowing functions in reflection and transmission; 3.2. General properties and energy conservation of the GO for 2D problems; 3.2.1. General properties of the GO for 2D problems; 3.2.2. Study of energy conservation under the GO for 2D problems
3.3. Scattering coefficients under the GO with shadowing effect for 3D problems3.4. Energy conservation of the GO model for 3D problems; 3.4.1. Case of a perfectly conducting lower medium; 3.4.2. Case of a lossless dielectric lower medium; 3.5. Scattering in reflection for 3D problems under various asymptotic models; 3.5.1. Expression of the NRCS under the SPM1; 3.5.2. Expression of the NRCS under the GO; 3.5.3. Expression of the NRCS under the SSA; 3.5.4. Validation and comparison of the different asymptotic analytical models for 2D problems
3.5.5. Comparison between numerical and analytical asymptotic models for 3D problems
Record Nr. UNINA-9910140187303321
Pinel Nicolás  
London ; ; Hoboken, New Jersey : , : ISTE : , : Wiley, , 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Electromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces : asymptotic models / / Nicolas Pinel, Christophe Bourlier
Electromagnetic wave scattering from random rough surfaces : asymptotic models / / Nicolas Pinel, Christophe Bourlier
Autore Pinel Nicolás
Pubbl/distr/stampa London ; ; Hoboken, New Jersey : , : ISTE : , : Wiley, , 2013
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (162 p.)
Disciplina 515.35
Altri autori (Persone) BourlierChristophe
Collana Focus Series
Soggetto topico Boundary value problems
Electromagnetic waves - Scattering - Mathematical models
Surfaces (Physics) - Mathematical models
ISBN 1-118-57946-1
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Cover; Title Page; Contents; Preface; Introduction; CHAPTER 1. ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE SCATTERING FROM RANDOM ROUGH SURFACES: BASICS; 1.1. Introduction; 1.2. Generalities; 1.2.1. Maxwell equations and boundary conditions; 1.2.2. Propagation of a plane wave (Helmholtz equation and plane wave); 1.2.3. Incident wave at an interface: polarization; 1.3. Random rough surfaces: statistical description and electromagneticroughness; 1.3.1. Statistical description of random rough surfaces; 1.3.2. Specific case of sea surfaces; 1.3.3. Electromagnetic roughness and Rayleigh roughness criterion
1.4. Scattering of electromagnetic waves from rough surfaces: basics1.4.1. Presentation of the problem (2D/3D); 1.4.2. Huygens' principle and extinction theorem; 1.4.3. Green functions (2D/3D); 1.4.4. Scattered powers and scattering coefficients; CHAPTER 2. DERIVATION OF THE SCATTERED FIELD UNDER ASYMPTOTIC MODELS; 2.1. Bibliography on existing models; 2.1.1. Introduction; 2.1.2. Rigorous models; 2.1.3. Asymptotic models; 2.1.4. General properties of scattering; 2.1.5. A few details on the KA and the GO; 2.2. Scattering in reflection and transmission under the KA with shadowing effect
2.2.1. KA in reflection and transmission with shadowing effect for 2D problems2.2.2. Extension of the KA model to 3D problems; 2.3. Scattering in reflection for 3D problems under various asymptotic models; 2.3.1. Context and specific notations; 2.3.2. The small perturbation model; 2.3.3. The Kirchhoff approximation-high-frequency regime; 2.3.4. The weighted curvature approximation; 2.3.5. The small slope approximation; 2.3.6. The local curvature approximation; 2.3.7. The resonant curvature approximation; 2.3.8. Validation of the different asymptotic numerical models for 2D problems
CHAPTER 3. DERIVATION OF THE NORMALIZED RADAR CROSS-SECTION UNDER ASYMPTOTIC MODELS3.1. Derivation of incoherent normalized radar cross-section under the GO for 2D problems; 3.1.1. Incoherent NRCS under the GO with shadowing effect for 2D problems; 3.1.2. Calculation of the bistatic shadowing functions in reflection and transmission; 3.2. General properties and energy conservation of the GO for 2D problems; 3.2.1. General properties of the GO for 2D problems; 3.2.2. Study of energy conservation under the GO for 2D problems
3.3. Scattering coefficients under the GO with shadowing effect for 3D problems3.4. Energy conservation of the GO model for 3D problems; 3.4.1. Case of a perfectly conducting lower medium; 3.4.2. Case of a lossless dielectric lower medium; 3.5. Scattering in reflection for 3D problems under various asymptotic models; 3.5.1. Expression of the NRCS under the SPM1; 3.5.2. Expression of the NRCS under the GO; 3.5.3. Expression of the NRCS under the SSA; 3.5.4. Validation and comparison of the different asymptotic analytical models for 2D problems
3.5.5. Comparison between numerical and analytical asymptotic models for 3D problems
Record Nr. UNINA-9910820286803321
Pinel Nicolás  
London ; ; Hoboken, New Jersey : , : ISTE : , : Wiley, , 2013
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui