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Diffusion and diffusional phase transformation in alloys : selected, peer-reviewed papers fom the 4th International Workshop "Diffusion and Diffusional Phase Transformations in Alloys", DIFTRANS-2007 : 16-21 July 2007, Sofoyivka (Uman'), Cherkasy region, Ukraine / / edited by D. Beke [and three others]
Diffusion and diffusional phase transformation in alloys : selected, peer-reviewed papers fom the 4th International Workshop "Diffusion and Diffusional Phase Transformations in Alloys", DIFTRANS-2007 : 16-21 July 2007, Sofoyivka (Uman'), Cherkasy region, Ukraine / / edited by D. Beke [and three others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Stafa-Zurich, Switzerland : , : Trans Tech Publications, , [2008]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (228 p.)
Disciplina 669/.9
Altri autori (Persone) BekeD. L (Dezs℗ʺo L.)
Collana Diffusion and defect forum
Soggetto topico Alloys
Phase transformations (Statistical physics)
Soggetto genere / forma Electronic books.
ISBN 3-03813-204-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Diffusion and Diffusional Phase Transformations in Alloys; Committees, Organizers; Preface; Table of Contents; Section 1 - Diffusion and Reactions; Silicide Formation Reactions in a-Si/Co Multilayered Samples; Lateral Diffusion Spreading of Two Competitive Intermetallic Phases over Free Surface ; Theoretical Analysis and Atomistic Modelling of Diffusion and Stability of Pure Element Hollow Nanospheres and Nanotubes; Effect of Substrate Temperature on the Different Diffuseness of Subsequent Interfaces in Binary Multilayers
Modeling of Diffusion Saturation of (α + β) Titanium Alloys by Nitrogen in the Rarefied Medium Suppression Criterion of the Phase Growth Based on Extremal Principles of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics ; Model of Lateral Growth Stage during Reactive Phase Formation; Coupling of Electromigration and Non-Equilibrium Vacancies in Reactive Phase Growth; Section 2 - Driven Systems; Mechano-Chemistry; Interdiffusion in Solid Solutions; Models of Mutual Solubility Increasing under the Pulse Loading ; Cluster Dynamics Simulation of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels under Irradiation
The Ageing of Beryllium Bronze in the Pulse Magnetic FieldThe Influence of Ti and Zr on the Diffusion of Isotope 63Ni in the Iron Surface Layer at Electric-Spark Alloying in Carbon Containing Environment; Effect of an Impulse Loading on Localization of Diffusing Atoms in Metals; Section 3 - General Problems of Diffusion; Atomic Mechanism of Carbon Diffusion in Cementite; Extended 'Five-Stream' Model for Diffusion of Implanted Dopants in Silicon during Ultra-Shallow Junction Formation in VLSI Circuits; Atomic-Migration-Controlled Processes in Intermetallics
Dependence of Diffusion Paths on Thermodynamic Factors in Ternary Systems Simulation of Pressure Effects on Self-Diffusion in BCC Metals; The Effect of Point Defects Interaction on Hydrogen Atom Diffusion in FCC- and BCC-Metals ; Section 4 - Structural & Phase Transformations; Numerical Simulation of Precipitates Evolution in Iron-Based Alloys; The Analysis of the Selective Oxidation of Multicomponent Alloy; Complex Phase Behavior of Systems with Negative Curvature Potentials
3D Monte Carlo Simulation of Phase Separation Kinetics in a Binary Metallic Alloy with Vacancy Mediated Diffusion: Effect of Initial Supersaturation Size-Induced Freezing Effect in Monte-Carlo Simulations of Phase Separation Kinetics in Nanoparticles ; Diffusion during Powder Metallurgy Synthesis of Titanium Alloys; Composition Fluctuations in the Ostwald Ripening; Kinetic and Thermodynamic Precipitation Parameters of the Pb-Sn Solid Solutions ; Section 5 - Surface and Grain Boundary Diffusion
Surface Diffusion in Coadsorbed Layers with Different Mobilities of Adsorbates: (Li +Dy) on Mo(112) and (Li+Sr) on W(112)
Record Nr. UNINA-9910462831703321
Stafa-Zurich, Switzerland : , : Trans Tech Publications, , [2008]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui
Diffusion and diffusional phase transformation in alloys : selected, peer-reviewed papers fom the 4th International Workshop "Diffusion and Diffusional Phase Transformations in Alloys", DIFTRANS-2007 : 16-21 July 2007, Sofoyivka (Uman'), Cherkasy region, Ukraine / / edited by D. Beke [and three others]
Diffusion and diffusional phase transformation in alloys : selected, peer-reviewed papers fom the 4th International Workshop "Diffusion and Diffusional Phase Transformations in Alloys", DIFTRANS-2007 : 16-21 July 2007, Sofoyivka (Uman'), Cherkasy region, Ukraine / / edited by D. Beke [and three others]
Pubbl/distr/stampa Stafa-Zurich, Switzerland : , : Trans Tech Publications, , [2008]
Descrizione fisica 1 online resource (228 p.)
Disciplina 669/.9
Altri autori (Persone) BekeD. L (Dezs℗ʺo L.)
Collana Diffusion and defect forum
Soggetto topico Alloys
Phase transformations (Statistical physics)
ISBN 3-03813-204-7
Formato Materiale a stampa
Livello bibliografico Monografia
Lingua di pubblicazione eng
Nota di contenuto Diffusion and Diffusional Phase Transformations in Alloys; Committees, Organizers; Preface; Table of Contents; Section 1 - Diffusion and Reactions; Silicide Formation Reactions in a-Si/Co Multilayered Samples; Lateral Diffusion Spreading of Two Competitive Intermetallic Phases over Free Surface ; Theoretical Analysis and Atomistic Modelling of Diffusion and Stability of Pure Element Hollow Nanospheres and Nanotubes; Effect of Substrate Temperature on the Different Diffuseness of Subsequent Interfaces in Binary Multilayers
Modeling of Diffusion Saturation of (α + β) Titanium Alloys by Nitrogen in the Rarefied Medium Suppression Criterion of the Phase Growth Based on Extremal Principles of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics ; Model of Lateral Growth Stage during Reactive Phase Formation; Coupling of Electromigration and Non-Equilibrium Vacancies in Reactive Phase Growth; Section 2 - Driven Systems; Mechano-Chemistry; Interdiffusion in Solid Solutions; Models of Mutual Solubility Increasing under the Pulse Loading ; Cluster Dynamics Simulation of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels under Irradiation
The Ageing of Beryllium Bronze in the Pulse Magnetic FieldThe Influence of Ti and Zr on the Diffusion of Isotope 63Ni in the Iron Surface Layer at Electric-Spark Alloying in Carbon Containing Environment; Effect of an Impulse Loading on Localization of Diffusing Atoms in Metals; Section 3 - General Problems of Diffusion; Atomic Mechanism of Carbon Diffusion in Cementite; Extended 'Five-Stream' Model for Diffusion of Implanted Dopants in Silicon during Ultra-Shallow Junction Formation in VLSI Circuits; Atomic-Migration-Controlled Processes in Intermetallics
Dependence of Diffusion Paths on Thermodynamic Factors in Ternary Systems Simulation of Pressure Effects on Self-Diffusion in BCC Metals; The Effect of Point Defects Interaction on Hydrogen Atom Diffusion in FCC- and BCC-Metals ; Section 4 - Structural & Phase Transformations; Numerical Simulation of Precipitates Evolution in Iron-Based Alloys; The Analysis of the Selective Oxidation of Multicomponent Alloy; Complex Phase Behavior of Systems with Negative Curvature Potentials
3D Monte Carlo Simulation of Phase Separation Kinetics in a Binary Metallic Alloy with Vacancy Mediated Diffusion: Effect of Initial Supersaturation Size-Induced Freezing Effect in Monte-Carlo Simulations of Phase Separation Kinetics in Nanoparticles ; Diffusion during Powder Metallurgy Synthesis of Titanium Alloys; Composition Fluctuations in the Ostwald Ripening; Kinetic and Thermodynamic Precipitation Parameters of the Pb-Sn Solid Solutions ; Section 5 - Surface and Grain Boundary Diffusion
Surface Diffusion in Coadsorbed Layers with Different Mobilities of Adsorbates: (Li +Dy) on Mo(112) and (Li+Sr) on W(112)
Record Nr. UNINA-9910786284603321
Stafa-Zurich, Switzerland : , : Trans Tech Publications, , [2008]
Materiale a stampa
Lo trovi qui: Univ. Federico II
Opac: Controlla la disponibilità qui