Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology / edited by Paul Astrom ; 45
Excavations 1897-1971 / by Paul Astrom, D. M. Bailey and Vassos Karageorghis 1976 134 p., 83 p. di tav. ; 1
The wells / by Paul Astrom Jonsered . -Paul Astrom , 1998 149 p. . -ill ; 10
Trial trenches at dromolaxia-Vyzakia adjacent to areas 6 and 8 / by Paul astrom ; with contributions by Karin Nys ... [et al.] Jonsered . -Paul Astrom , 2001 68 p. . -ill. , 30 cm ; 11
The Cape Kiti Survey : an underwater archaeological survey / by Olaf T Engviv and Paul Astrom 1975 24 p., 46 fig. ; 2
Excavations 1972 / Paul Astrom, Gunnel Hult and margareta Strandberg Olofsson ; with contribution by Jan Ekman, Barbro Frizell ... [et al.] 1975 200 p. . -ill ; 3
Excavations in area 8 in 1974 and 1975 / Gunnel Hult. The 1977 underwater report / by Dan McCaslin ; with contribution by Erik Tholander 1978 157 p., 308 fig ; 4
Excavations in area 22, 1971-1973 and 1975-1978 / Ulla Obrink ; with contribution by Andreas Demetropoulos ... [et al.] 1979 144 p. . -ill ; 5
A sherd deposit in area 22 / by Ulla Obrink 1979 85 p. . -ill ; 6
Excavation in area 8 in 1977 / by Gunnel Hult 1981 89 p. . -ill ; 7
Excavation 1971-79 / by Paul Astrom, Elisabeth Astrom ... [et al.] 1983 253 p. . -ill ; 8
Trenches 1972-1987 with an index for volumes 1-9b / by Paul Astrom ; in collaboration with Kathryn Eriksson ... [et al.] 1989 142 p. . -ill ; 9