The 1986 civil war in South Yemen : A preliminary assessment / Manfred W. Wenner ; pp. 268-293
Arab nationalism and the Gulf / Riad N. El-Rayyes ; pp.67-94
Arab socio-political impact on Gulf life-styles / Levon Melikian ; pp.112-128
The arabisation of the Gulf / Michael G. Morony ; pp. 3-28
The changing pattern of political relations between the Arab Gulf and the arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire / Robert G. Landen ; pp.41-64
The demographic challenge in the Arab Gulf / J.S. Birks ; pp.131-152
Gulf aid and investment in the arab world / R.S. Porter ; pp. 189-209
The Gulf Cooperation Council's security role / Ursula Braun ; pp. 252-267
The Gulf in international affairs : Independence and after / Fred Halliday ; pp.95-112
International migration : Arabisation and localisation in the Gulf labour market / Ian J. Seccombe ; pp.153-188
The islamisation of the Arab Gulf / F. Omar ; pp. 29-40
Migrant workers' remittances in the Arab world : Scale, significance and prediction / C.A. Sinclair ; PP. 214-229
Perceived threats and perceived loyalties / Ghassan Salamé ; pp. 233-251
pp. 268-293
pp. 3-28
pp. 189-209
pp. 252-267
pp. 29-40
PP. 214-229
pp. 233-251